Full text


Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester. 18 September 1438. [Berkeley].


Jurors: John Delamare ; John Lemeryk ; John de Anne ; John atte Fenne ; Richard Garon ; John Holford ; Henry Castell ; Thomas Henbergh ; Thomas Hoke ; Nicholas Kynyet ; John Dowene ; and John Spilman .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, or any other, in demesne or service.

He died on 31 January last. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Deuereux, esquire , is his daughter and next heir. She is aged 22 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 1–2

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Luton. 20 March 1438. [Whappelade].


Jurors: John Petyver ; John Sylam ; John Totegoos ; William Wyngate ; William Shetefeld ; Richard Wodeward ; Richard Lyncoln ; Edmund Acle ; Simon Potter ; John Worthyng ; Roger London ; and John Lucy .

A fine was levied at Westminster three weeks after Easter 1417, before Richard Norton and his associates, justices, and afterwards recorded on the octave of Hilary 1418, before the same justices and others [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 67], between Geoffrey Harley, esquire , Richard Hulle, esquire , and John Monyton, querents , and John Merbury, esquire , and Agnes then his wife, deforciants, regarding, among other things, 1/4 watermill in Luton and Greathampstead. John Merbury and Agnes recognised the 1/4 to be the right of Geoffrey, as that held by Geoffrey, Richard, and John Monyton by grant of John Merbury and Agnes. Geoffrey, Richard, and John then granted the 1/4 to John Merbury and Agnes, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Agnes. The fine was shown to the jurors. John and Agnes were thus seised of the 1/4 in demesne as of fee tail. They peacefully continued in this estate for all of Agnes’ life, and she died jointly seised with John of this estate and no other, without an heir by John. John survived her, and afterwards died seised in fee tail after the possibility of issue had passed. After his death, the 1/4 should remain to Walter Deuereux, esquire , kin and heir of Agnes as the son of Walter son of Agnes. He is aged 26 years and more.
Luton and Greathampstead, 1/4 watermill, annual value 3s. 4d. above repair, held of William Mildereth , service unknown.

He died on 3 February last. Elizabeth, wife of Walter Deuereux, esquire , his daughter and next heir, is aged 26 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 3–4

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Hitchin. 20 March 1438. [Kyrkeby].


Jurors: William ...ldrowe [ms torn] ; Richard Huckull ; Thomas Welles ; John Holdernes ; Richard Dereman ; John Cobbe ; John Carpenter ; William Redhed ; John Lowdy ; John Avncell ; John Colyn ; and John Kyng .

Findings as 64, regarding the following.
East Hyde, the manor, held of William Mildereth of London, as of his manor of Luton, service unknown. There are various ruinous buildings on the manorial site, worth nothing yearly above repair; 20 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 40 a. timber wood, worth nothing yearly beyond enclosure; 4 messuages and 4 bovates, each messuage with a bovate worth 6s. yearly; and 3/4 watermill, worth 13s. 4d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as 64
TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 5–6

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Ludlow. 12 March 1438. [Fox].


Jurors: John Parys ; Robert Moyll ; John Borewey ; John Dodmore ; John Hatton ; John Hesyer ; Thomas Parys ; John Colewall ; Nicholas Dysshewall ; Richard Hetton ; John Bedeston ; and Walter Barbour .

Findings as 64, regarding the following.
Bitterley and Bletchley, a knight’s fee and 1/4 knight’s fee, that extend at £7 10s. yearly when they fall; and
Ludlow, advowson of the church, worth nothing unless in prayers, but is taxed at £20.
They are not held of the king , but of whom and by what service, unknown.
Date of death and heir as 64
TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 7–8

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Nottingham. 9 March 1438. [Babyngton].


Jurors: Ralph Outhorp ; John Byngham ; John Chaumberleyn ; John Spencer ; William Draper ; William Legat ; William Aleyn ; Robert Ballard ; John Bower ; William Stapulford ; Roger Pare ; and Simon Granger .

Findings as 64, regarding the following.
Arnold, the manor, held of Margaret who was wife of Thomas Rempston, chevalier , service unknown. There are various buildings within the manorial site, greatly ruinous and worth nothing yearly above repair; 30 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 4s. free rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas; and 1lb cumin from one free tenant, taken at Martinmas.
Treswell, the manor, held of the king as of his honour of Tickhill, service unknown. The manorial site contains 1/2 a. land, worth nothing yearly above enclosure: there are no buildings there. There are 30 a. demesne land, each acre worth 5d. yearly; 9 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 40s. free rent from various free tenants, payable at Pentecost and Martinmas equally.
Date of death and heir as 64
TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 9–10

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. The castle at Lincoln . 9 March 1438. [Stanlowe].


Jurors: Robert Hannsard ; John Chesterfeld ; William West ; William Derby ; John Pyper ; John Hokthorn ; Robert Wiseman ; Richard Gamull ; William Assheby ; Roger None ; John Baille ; Richard Draper ; and John Stanes .

Findings as 64, regarding the following.
Market Rasen, the manor and vill, held of Lewis Cornewaill , as of his manor of Thonock, by fealty and service of 20d. yearly at Pentecost for all services. There is a certain hall and chamber within the manorial site, which site, hall, and chamber are worth nothing yearly. There are 30 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; a weekly market on Tuesdays, the toll worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 12 messuages and 12 bovates, each messuage with a bovate worth 6s. yearly; and a court baron every three weeks, worth nothing yearly above the fee of the court steward.
Date of death and heir as 64
TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 11–12

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Leominster. 10 March 1438. [Wyggemore].


Jurors: Walter Haklette ; Thomas Downton ; Edward Halle ; Hugh Monyton ; John Vyntener ; Thomas Lyghtfote ; Thomas Brugge ; John de Eye ; John Wike ; Thomas Monyton ; John Halle ; and John Hogekyns .

Findings as 64, regarding the following. Royal licence was obtained and shown to the jurors [CPR 1416–22, p. 88].
Weobley, the castle and manor, held of the king in chief, as a knight’s fee. There are various buildings within the site of the castle and manor, worth nothing yearly above repair because greatly in need of repair. There are also 336 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 42 a. meadow, each acre worth 14d. yearly; a pasture called ‘le Cowheye’, worth 8s. yearly above enclosure; a park, its herbage worth ?9s. yearly [ms faded], above supporting the beasts; a close called ‘le Conynger’, its herbage worth 6s. yearly above enclosure; 2 watermills, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 12 a. underwood, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; £12 free rent from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas; 100s. free rent from various outsider free tenants there, and 1lb cumin rent, payable at Michaelmas and Lady Day equally; a weekly market held on Thursdays, the toll worth 30s. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth ?100s. yearly [ms faded].
Date of death and heir as 64
TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 13–14

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Leicester. 15 March 1438. [ Holt ].


Jurors: John Kent ; Ralph Sheep ; Robert Barnvylle ; William Swynfen ; John Brugge ; John Haryngton ; Robert Halle ; Robert Holme ; John Ludlowe ; John Dyotson ; William Franke ; and William Page .

Findings as 64, regarding the following. n039
Cotesbach, the manor, held of the king in chief as a knight’s fee. There are 6 a. land on the manorial site, worth nothing yearly above enclosure. There are 60 a. demesne land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; various parcels of meadow containing 6 a. in total, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 15 messuages and 15 bovates, each messuage with a bovate worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 9d. free rent, and 3lb pepper from various free tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
The advowson is appurtenant to the manor, and worth nothing yearly above prayers, but is taxed at 100s. yearly.
Newbold Verdon, the manor, held of the king in chief as 1/2 knight’s fee. There is the manorial site with various buildings that are greatly ruinous, worth nothing yearly as greatly in need of repair. There is a park, its herbage worth 3s. 4d. yearly above enclosure; 80 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 15 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 12 messuages and 12 bovates, each messuage with a bovate worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 4 cottages, worth nothing yearly above repair; 100s. free rent from various free tenants, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; 5lb pepper from various free tenants, payable at Michaelmas; and a watermill, worth nothing yearly as almost ruined.
Hemington, the manor, held of John de Bello Monte , lord of Folkingham , service unknown. There is the manorial site, with a hall, 3 chambers, a barn, ‘shipon’, and ‘shepcote’, worth nothing yearly above repair. There are 60 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 6 messuages and 6 bovates, each messuage with a bovate worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 4 cottages, each worth 6d. yearly; 48s. 10 1/2d. free rent from various free tenants, payable at Pentecost, Michaelmas, and Candlemas equally; and a ferry on the Trent, worth 8s. yearly.
Branston, the manor, held of the bishop of Lincoln , service unknown. There is the manorial site, with various buildings, greatly ruinous, worth nothing yearly above repair. There are 30 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 12 messuages and 12 virgates of land, each messuage with a virgate worth 5s. yearly; 3 cottages, each worth 5d. yearly; 4d. free rent from one free tenant, payable on the feasts of St Botulph, Michaelmas, and St Mary the Virgin, equally; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the court steward’s fee.
Advowson of the church is worth nothing yearly above prayers, but taxed at 10 marks yearly.
Skeffington, 60s. rent, view of frankpledge, and advowson of the church. The view of frankpledge is parcel of the manor of Newbold Verdon and worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee.
The advowson is worth nothing yearly unless in prayers, but taxed at 8 marks yearly.
Grace Dieu , advowson of the priory, worth nothing above prayers, but taxed at 20s..
Market Bosworth, advowson of 1/4 church, worth nothing yearly above prayers, but taxed at £20 yearly.
Date of death and heir as 64.
TNA reference

C 139/87/43 mm. 15–16



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John Delamare
  • John Lemeryk
  • John de Anne
  • John atte Fenne
  • Richard Garon
  • John Holford
  • Henry Castell
  • Thomas Henbergh
  • Thomas Hoke
  • Nicholas Kynyet
  • John Dowene
  • John Spilman


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