Full text


Inquisition Head

VILL OF BRISTOL. Inquisition [indented]. Bristol. 3 July 1437. [Forster].


Jurors: Robert Draper ; Walter Foxcombe ; Nicholas Stone ; John Thomas ; William Worcestre ; John Gussch ; Roger Clyve ; William Knolles ; Thomas Clyve ; Roger Nete ; William Brydde ; John White , ‘barbour’; and John Stephenes , ‘wolman’.


She did not hold lands or tenements of the king in chief or of any other in demesne or in service in the town, suburbs or county of Bristol.

She died on 10 April last. Thomas Brook, knight , her son by Thomas Brook, knight , deceased, lately her husband, is her next heir, and is aged 45 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/84/62 mm.1–2

Writ Head

710 Writ. ‡ 12 July 1437. [ Frank ].

The first writ diem clausit extremum was lost by accident, as sworn before the king in Chancery. This writ is a re-issue.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented].n273 Cirencester. 30 July 1437. [Langle].


Jurors: John Veell ; Richard Erdeley ; John Tame ; Thomas Mascall ; William Horneby ; John Puttes ; Thomas Copenore ; Richard Inglesham ; Thomas Strange ; Thomas Suell ; John Bisserugge ; and Richard Smith of Westbury.

Edmund Pyne , Edward Swyft and Walter Sander were lately seised of the following manor in demesne as of fee, which, among other things, by a charter of theirs dated at Bristol on 26 May 1388, they granted to Thomas Brook, knight , and Joan his wife and the heirs of Joan’s body by Robert Chedder , lately her husband, remainder to the right heirs of Robert, as fully contained in the said charter, which was shown to the jurors. By virtue of this grant, Thomas and Joan were seised, Thomas in demesne as of free tenement and Joan in demesne as of fee tail. Thomas died and, afterwards, Joan died seised in this estate.
Down Hatherley, the manor, annual value £10, held of the earl of Warwick , service unknown.
Ralph Persevall and Edmund Pyne were lately seised of the following messuages, etc., and 1/2 manor in demesne as of fee, which, by the name of 2 messuages, 2 carucates and a virgate of land, 46 a. meadow, 20 a. wood and 20 a. pasture in Cote by Aust, Elberton, Rangeworthy and Iron Acton and 1/2 manor of Aust, among other things, by a charter of theirs dated on 31 May 1389, they granted to Thomas Brook, knight and Joan his wife, etc., [as above].
Rangeworthy, a messuage, a carucate of land, 10 a. meadow and 20 a. wood, annual value 20s., held of the countess of Stafford , service unknown.
Iron Acton, 3 virgates of land, 12 a. meadow and 10 a. pasture, annual value 10s., held of Robert Poynes , service unknown.
Cote by Aust, 3 virgates of land, 20 a. meadow and 10 a. pasture, annual value 13s. 4d., held of the said Robert Poynes , service unknown.
Elberton, a messuage, a virgate of land and 2 a. meadow, annual value 6s. 8d., held of Maurice Berkeley of Uley , service unknown.
Aust, 1/2 manor, annual value £10, held of the bishop of Worcester , service unknown.
Date of death as 709. Joan had issue of her body by Robert Chedder , viz., Richard Chedder and Thomas Chedder . On the day of her death Richard Chedder her son was her next heir, aged 50 years and more, but he died without heirs of his body on 8 June following. The manor, messuages, etc., and 1/2 manor now belong by right to Thomas Chedder , aged 40 years and more, as brother and heir of Richard Chedder , by virtue of the said grants.
TNA reference

C 139/84/62 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Axminster. 25 June 1437. [Gille].


Jurors: Edmund Pyne ; John Orchard ; Nicholas Boys ; John Frye ; Robert Payn ; John Conlegh ; Henry Whytyng ; Thomas Waltham ; John Knoll, junior ; John Gona ; Roger Grogghe ; and William atte Hylle .

She did not hold lands or tenements in chief or of any other in demesne or in service.
Date of death and heir as 709, except the age of her heir, Thomas Brook, knight , said to be 40 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/84/62 mm.5–6

Writ Head

712 Writ. ‡ 24 April 1437. [Kirkeby].

Addressed to the escheator of Dorset and Somerset .

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition [indented]. Dorchester. 14 June 1437. [Hody].


Jurors: John Druer ; John Walkelayn ; John Teneham ; William Vyncent ; William atte Nassh ; John Parrok ; Thomas Lambroke ; Thomas Combe ; Thomas Clerk ; John Ekeford ; Geoffrey Lovibound ; and Geoffrey Peny .

She did not hold lands or tenements in chief or of any other in demesne or in service. She was lately seised of the manors of Cotleigh and Mangerton and of 13 messuages, 6 carucates and 51⁄2 a. of land, 80 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture, 100 a. wood, 30s. rent and rent of 1lb pepper, 1lb cumin and a pair of spurs in Mangerton, North or South Poorton (Pourton), Bowood, East Melplash, Loscombe, Hooke (Hokebere), Mappowder, Lyme Regis and Colwey in demesne as of fee, which, long with other manors, lands and tenements, by a charter of hers, shown to the jurors, dated at Weycroft on 1 October 1421, she granted to William Taverner and John Frampton and their heirs and assigns, to hold of the chief lords of the fees by due services. The charter referred to her manor of Cotleigh and all other lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, knights’ fees and advowsons which she had in Dorset, or which she had or ever held jointly with Thomas, lately her husband, in fee simple or fee tail during his lifetime, or which she had or held in Dorset in fee simple or fee tail on the day of the charter, all of those manors, lands, etc., [as above] which belonged to Robert Chedder , lately her husband, there or in other counties, places and vills specified in the charter, which she held in fee tail or for life of the inheritance of Richard Chedder , Robert’s son and heir, excepted. By virtue of this grant, William and John were seised in demesne as of fee and of the rent as of fee and right, exceptions excepted. William and John are still living and after the grant permitted Joan to have and occupy the manors, etc., and take the rent for life at their will. She had no other estate than this.
Cotleigh, the manor, annual value 8 marks, held of the bishop of Salisbury as of his manor of Chardstock, service unknown.
Mangerton, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of Eleanor, Lady Mautravers , as of her manor of Wootton Fitzpaine by knight service.
Mangerton, North or South Poorton (Pourton), Bowood, East Melplash, Loscombe, Hooke (Hokebere), 3 messuages, 4 carucates of land, 50 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture and 40 a. wood, annual value 10 marks, held of the bishop of Salisbury as of his manor of Langdon, service unknown.
Mappowder, a messuage, 2 carucates of land, 30 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture and 60 a. wood, annual value 40s., held of the abbot of Glastonbury , service unknown.
Lyme Regis, 7 messuages and 4 1/2 a. land, annual value 20s., held of the king in free burgage as all the town is held.
Colwey, 2 messuages, annual value 13s. 4d., held of Thomas Carmenowe, esquire , service unknown.
Date of death as 709. On the day of her death Richard Chedder her son was her next heir, aged 50 years and more, but he died on 8 June following. Thomas Chedder , aged 40 years and more, is son of Joan and brother and next heir of Richard.
TNA reference

C 139/84/62 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Bridgwater. 15 June 1437. [Hody].


Jurors: Hugh Kene ; Robert Geffray ; John Welweton ; John Gulden ; William Lumbard ; Stephen Houpere ; Ralph Manston ; John Rodberd ; John Blakaler ; John Bathe, senior ; John Broune ; and John Langeford .


She was lately seised of the following manors, advowsons, etc., in demesne as of fee, which she granted to William Taverner and John Frampton by a charter, etc., as 712. The charter described them as her manor of West Bagborough with the advowson of the church and all other manors, lands, etc., in Somerset, etc.

West Bagborough, the manor, with advowson of the church, annual value 10 marks, held of the heir(s) of John Lutterell, knight , service unknown.
Compton Durville, the manor, except for 4 a. land within it, annual value 60s., held of John Hody , service unknown. The said 4 a., annual value 2s., viz., each acre worth 6d. yearly, held of the king in chief by knight service.
Brook Ilchester, the manor, annual value 100s., held of the king in free burgage as all the town of Ilchester is held.
Lufton, the manor, and advowson of the church, annual value 10 marks, held of the bishop of Salisbury , service unknown.
Barreys Goseford, Odcombe Montagu and West Coker, 2 carucates of land, and 20s. rent, annual value 40s., held of Richard, duke of York , as of his manor of Odcombe, service unknown.
Quantock Durborough, a carucate of land, 30 a. meadow, 20 a. wood and 40 a. pasture, annual value 40s., held of John Hull , a minor in the king’s wardship, service unknown.
Chard, Hertham, Lovehill, ‘Aysshilleyate’, Redemede, Oakenhead, Cleave (Clyve), 29 messuages, 5 tofts, 2 carucates and 80 a. land, 60 a. meadow, 120 a. pasture and 20s. rent, annual value 60s., held of the bishop of Bath and Wells as of his manor of Chard, service unknown.
Hornesbowe, a toft, 300 a. land, 60 a. meadow and 100 a. pasture, annual value 60s., held of John Speeke, knight , as of his manor of Fordington, service unknown.
Crimbleford Knap, 6 a. meadow, annual value 3s. 4d., held of William Paulet, knight , service unknown.
John Chidiok was lately seised of the following manor, etc., in demesne as of fee, which, on 4 May 1403, he demised without charter to Thomas Brook and Joan then his wife for their lives, for an annual rent of £10 in lawful English money to him and his heirs and assigns, payable at the four principal times of the year equally. By virtue of this demise, Thomas and Joan were seised in demesne as of free tenement. Afterwards, Thomas died and Joan held by right of survivorship. John Chidiok later died and after his death the said annual rent and the reversion of the manor, etc., descended to John Chidiok, knight , as his son and heir. The latter is still living. Joan afterwards died seised of the manor, etc., in this lifetime estate. She did not have any other estate, and nor had she at any time before. The said manor, etc., now belongs by right to John Chidiok, knight , aged 32 years and more.
Kingston by Yeovil, the manor, held of the king in chief as 1/10 knight’s fee. There is a manorial site, worth nothing yearly; a chamber and a grange, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth 12d. yearly; 1/2 watermill, worth 10s. yearly; a 12 a. close of pasture, worth 12s. 4d. yearly; 303 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 57 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 9 a. wood, worth nothing yearly beyond enclosure; 3 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 73s. 4d. assize rent from free tenants, payable at the four principal dates of the year equally; £10 6d. rent from tenants-at-will, payable as above; and perquisites of court worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Kingston by Yeovil, a messuage and 60 a. land, annual value 13s. 4d., held of William Carent, esquire , service unknown.
Kingston by Yeovil, 12 a. meadow, annual value nil beyond the rent the chief lord takes from it, held of William Boneville and Maurice Berkeley , knights, as of their manor of Sock Dennis, service unknown.
Yeovil, a messuage and a garden, annual value 3s. 4d., held of the abbess of Sheen , service unknown.
William Chedder of Bristol, senior , Roger Seward , his brother [sic], and William Draper, clerk , were lately seised of the following manor, etc., in demesne as of fee, which, by a charter of theirs dated on 1 September 1382, they granted to Robert Chedder of Bristol, senior , Joan then his wife and Robert their son and the heirs of Robert the son’s body, successive remainders to Robert senior and Joan and the heirs of their bodies, and the right heirs of Robert senior . The charter, which was shown to the jurors, described the manor, etc., as their manor of Aldwick, Somerset, and all their lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions whatsoever in the following vills, townships and hamlets [below]. By virtue of this grant, Robert senior and Joan were seised in demesne as of free tenement, and Robert the son in demesne as of fee tail. Robert the son afterwards died thus seised without an heir of his body, and Robert senior and Joan had issue, Richard and William Chedder, now deceased without heirs of their bodies, and Thomas Chedder , who is still living. Afterwards, Robert senior died thus seised and, later, so did Joan. By virtue of the grant, the manor, etc., belong by right to Thomas as son and heir of Robert senior and Joan.
Aldwick, the manor, annual value £4 6s. 8d., held of the abbot of St Mary Graces next to the Tower of London , service unknown.
Blagdon, Wrington, Bourne, Rickford, Lye, Broadfield, Butcombe, Langford and Churchill, 12 messuages, a mill, 4 carucates of land, 20 a. meadow, 116 a. pasture and 17 a. wood, annual value 66s. 8d., held of the abbot of Glastonbury , service unknown.
William Chedder , Roger Seward and William Draper were lately seised of the following messuages, etc., in demesne as of fee, which they granted, without charter, to Robert Chedder, senior , and Joan his wife and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this grant, Robert and Joan were seised in demesne as of fee. Robert senior died thus seised. So, afterwards, did Joan, except for a messuage in Taunton, which, by a charter of hers, shown to the jurors, she granted to John Bysshup and Alice his wife for their lives. After her death, the remaining messuages, etc., descended to Richard Chedder as her son and heir and, after his death, to Thomas, who is still living, as his brother and heir, because Richard died without an heir of his body.
North Curry, Hankridge, West Monkton (Monketon), 10 messuages, 2 carucates of land and 20 a. meadow, annual value 110s., held of the cathedral church of St Andrew ’s, Wells, service unknown.
Taunton, 12 messuages, 17 a. land and 14 a. pasture, annual value 100s., held of the bishop of Winchester , service unknown.
Chapel or Stone Allerton (Alwerton), Badgworth, Compton Dando, Christon, Uphill and Winford, 12 messuages, 2 carucates and 25 a. land, 10 a. meadow and 24 a. wood, together with the advowsons of the churches of Christon, Uphill and Winford, annual value £8 13s. 4d., held of the heir of Lord le Despenser, service unknown.
John Stanys and John Woderove , both of Bristol, were lately seised of the following manor, etc., in demesne as of fee, which, by an indented charter of theirs dated at Bristol on 10 May 1382, they granted to Robert Chedder of Bristol, senior and Joan then his wife and Robert their son and the heirs male of Robert the son’s body, with successive remainders to the following and the heirs male of their bodies: William Chedder, junior , brother of Robert the son, Richard Chedder , brother of William, Robert Chedder of Bristol, senior , Thomas Selsy , son of Lucy Selsy , John Selsy , brother of Thomas, Nicholas Selsy , brother of Thomas, Edmund Selsy , brother of Thomas, and, finally, to the right heirs of Robert Chedder of Bristol, senior , as fully contained in the indented charter. The charter, which was shown to the jurors, described the manor, etc., as all their manor of Norton Beauchamp, Somerset, 1/4 manor of Worle and all their lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in the vills, townships and hamlets of Norton Beauchamp, etc., [below]. By virtue of this grant, Robert senior and Joan were seised in demesne as of free tenement, and Robert the son in demesne as of fee tail. Robert senior afterwards died, as did Robert the son and William his brother, without heirs male of their bodies, long before Joan’s death. Afterwards, Joan died thus seised and, subsequently, so did Richard Chedder , without a male heir, or any other heir, of his body. After his death the manor, etc., remained and belonged to Thomas Chedder , who is still living, as brother and heir of Richard Chedder , and it still belongs to him.
Norton Beauchamp, the manor, annual value 20 marks, held of the heir(s) of Robert Corbet, chevalier , service unknown.
Worle, 1/4 manor, annual value 4 marks, held of others than the king, who are of full age, service unknown.
Norton Beauchamp, Worle, Kewstoke, Woodspring, Rolstone, Bower Henton, Churchill and Newton, 30 a. land, 60 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture, 24 a. wood and 36s. 4d. rent, annual value 66s. 8d., held of others than the king, who are of full age, service unknown.
She held the following manors, etc., for life by grant of William Chedder, senior , Roger Seward and William Draper, clerk , to Robert Chedder, senior , Joan his wife, Richard their son and the heirs male of Robert’s body, with successive remainders to the following and the heirs male of their bodies: Thomas, son of Lucy Selsy , John Selsy , brother of Thomas, Edmund Selsy , brother of Thomas, Nicholas Selsy , brother of Thomas, Robert Seward , son of Roger Seward , and, finally, to the right heirs of Robert Chedder , as fully appears in one part of the fine levied on the octave of St John the Baptist 1380, shown to the jurors [CP 25/1/200/30, no. 25]. By virtue of this fine, Robert Chedder, senior , was seised in demesne as of fee tail and Joan and Richard in demesne as of free tenement. Robert had issue, the said Richard, now deceased without an heir of his body, and Thomas Chedder , who is still living. Afterwards, Robert and Joan died thus seised. By virtue of the fine, the manors, etc., now belong by right to Thomas Chedder as brother and heir of Richard Chedder .
Ubley, the manor, held of the king as of his honour of Wallingford by fealty only. There is a capital messuage with other buildings, curtilages and gardens attached to it, worth nothing yearly; a park in which various animals (animalia) are depastured, worth 3s. 4d. beyond the sustenance of the said beasts, cost of the enclosure and the stipend of the parker; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 1 1/2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth nothing beyond the cost of enclosure; and £6 assize rent from tenants-at-will, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Hinton Blewett and Ston Easton, the manors, together with the advowson of the church of Hinton Blewett, annual value £6, held of the heir of Lord le Spencer, service unknown.
Chilcompton, the manor, annual value £8, held of the bishop of Salisbury , service unknown.
High Littleton, the manor, and
a virgate of land and 12 a. meadow in Wellow, Peglinch, Hassage, Woodborough, Shascombe and Cameley, annual value 100s.,
held of others than the king, who are of full age, service unknown.
Midsomer Norton, 1/2 manor, annual value £10 6s. 8d., held of one other than the king, who is of full age, service unknown.
Chewton Mendip, 3/4 bailiwick of the bedellary of the hundred, annual value 5s., held of William Boneville, knight , service unknown.
She held the following manor, etc., to her and the heirs of her body by Robert Chedder , lately her husband, remainder to the right heirs of Robert, by grant of Ralph Percevall and Edmund Pyne to Thomas Brook [sic] and Joan, then his wife, as fully appears in their charter dated on 31 May 1389, shown to the jurors. By virtue of this grant, Joan was seised in demesne as of fee tail and she had issue by Robert, lately her husband, viz., Richard, Robert and William Chedder, now deceased without heirs of their bodies, and Thomas Chedder , who is still living. By virtue of the grant, the manor, etc., now belong by right to Thomas as son and heir of Joan’s body by Robert Chedder .
Thorn Falcon, the manor and advowson of the church, annual value £8, held of the cathedral church of St Andrew’s, Wells, service unknown.
Tarnock, 1/2 manor, annual value £7, held of the heir(s) of Thomas Pomeray , service unknown.
Winsford, 1/2 manor, annual value 100s., held of Thomas, earl of Devon , service unknown.
Edmund Pyne , Edward Swift and Walter Sander were lately seised of the following manors, etc., in demesne as of fee, which, by a charter of theirs dated at Bristol on 26 May 1388, they granted to Thomas Brook, knight , and Joan his wife and the heirs of Joan’s body by Robert Chedder , lately her husband, remainder to the right heirs of Robert, as fully contained in the said charter, which was shown to the jurors. The charter also granted them the manor of Down Hatherley, Gloucestershire. By virtue of this grant, Thomas and Joan were seised, Thomas in demesne as of free tenement, in which estate he died seised, and Joan in demesne as of fee tail, in which estate she afterwards died seised. She had issue by Robert Chedder , viz., Richard, Robert and William Chedder, now deceased without heirs of their bodies, and Thomas Chedder , who is still living, aged 40 years and more. By virtue of the grant, the manor, etc., now belong by right to Thomas.
Avill by Dunster, the manor, held of James Luttrell , a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight service. There is a site with curtilage, gardens and other buildings belonging to it, worth nothing yearly; 170 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 21 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth nothing beyond the cost of enclosure; and £10 assize rent from tenants-at-will, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Alstone, the manor, held of the heir of Fulk Fitz Waryn, a minor in the king’s wardship, by service of rendering 1d. at Michaelmas . There is a capital messuage with curtilage and garden; a windmill, worth 10s. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 160 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; and £12 assize rent from tenants-at-will, payable at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas equally.
Lympsham, the manor, annual value £8, held of the abbot of Glastonbury , service unknown.
Cheddar, the manor called ‘Cheddres Maner’, and advowson of the chantry of the Blessed Mary in the church of St Andrew’s, Cheddar, annual value £10 3s. 4d., held of the bishop of Bath and Wells , service unknown.
Huntspill, 20 a. land, annual value 3s. 4d., and 70s. rent, held of William Haryngton, chevalier .
Axbridge and Cocklake, 15 messuages, 40 a. pasture and 40s. rent, annual value 100s., held of the bishop of Bath and Wells , service unknown.
Clewer and Wedmore, 17 messuages, 5 carucates of land, 60 a. meadow and 80 a. pasture, annual value 53s. 4d., held of the heir(s) of Lord le Spencer, service unknown.
Nye and Sandford, 15 messuages, 4 carucates of land, 40 a. meadow and 4 a. wood, annual value £8, held of the bishop of Bath and Wells , service unknown.
Maxmill, Winscombe, Winterhead, Barton, Woodborough, Compton Bishop, Draycott, Bourton, Rolstone and Rowberrow, 13 messuages, a mill, 3 carucates of land, 30 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture and 103s. 4d. rent, annual value 100s., held of the bishop of Bath and Wells , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 712.
TNA reference

C 139/84/62 mm.7, 9



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Kirkeby(Writ Clerk)


  • Edmund Pyne
  • John Orchard
  • Nicholas Boys
  • John Frye
  • Robert Payn
  • John Conlegh
  • Henry Whytyng
  • Thomas Waltham
  • John Knoll, junior
  • John Gona
  • Roger Grogghe
  • William atte Hylle


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