Full text


Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 25 October 1436. [Willoughby].


Jurors: John Chambre, esquire ; Thomas Watford, esquire ; Thomas Gerveys, esquire ; Thomas Osberne, esquire ; John Lovet ; William Lovet ; John Dorset ; Thomas Stokton ; Thomas Gonwyn ; John Harecourt ; John Grauntewell ; and John Aylmer .

He demised the site of the manor of Welford to farm to John Scarburgh for life, together with the demesne lands, meadows and pastures of the manor, for an annual rent of £9 6s. 8d., payable at Candlemas and the feast of St Peter in Chains equally. He died seised of this rent and the reversion of the site and demesne lands, etc., viz., of the rent as a free tenement and of the reversion as of fee and right. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Welford, the remaining parts of the manor, which manor is held of Katherine, duchess of Norfolk , as of her lordship of Thirsk as 1 1/2 knights’ fees. There is 36s. 8d. assize rent from free tenants, payable as above; 20 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 22 virgates of land, each worth 6s. yearly; 16 crofts, each containing 1/2 a., and each worth 8d. yearly; 4 cottages, each worth 2s. yearly; a watermill called ‘Twynham’, worth 40s. yearly; a common oven, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and a weekly market, held on Fridays, worth 12d. yearly.

He died on 9 September last, without an heir of his body. Leonard Hastynges , his brother and next heir, is aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/83/58 mm.1–2

Writ Head

700 Writ. ‡ 22 September 1436. [Sturgeon].

Addressed to the escheator of Leicestershire and Warwickshire .

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Leicester. 20 October 1436. [Bateman].


Jurors: Roger Gaylerd ; John Hubberd ; Thomas atte Welle ; William Walter of Newton Harcourt ; William Nicoll of Braunstone; Thomas Warner ; Simon Warner of Kirby Muxloe; Geoffrey Page ; William othe Hill; Lawrence Repyngton ; John Newton and Richard Litton of Great Glen; John Hoglescote ; John Clerk of Wistow; Henry Pratt ; Richard Darman ; and William Chapleyn of Fleckney.

He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Newton Harcourt, the manor, held of the king in socage, viz., for a pair of gilt spurs yearly, payable at Easter . There is a site with houses built on it, which are totally in decay, worth 3s. yearly; a dovecot, similarly in decay, worth 12d. yearly; a close called ‘le Halleyerde’, worth 2s. yearly; 6 virgates of demesne land, each worth 6s. yearly; 12 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 12 virgates of land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each worth 6s. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 4 crofts, each containing 1/2 a., and each worth 6d. yearly; 26s. 5d. assize rent from free tenants, payable at Candlemas and Michaelmas equally; 1lb pepper, payable at Christmas; view of frankpledge, worth 12d. yearly; and a court baron, worth 12d. yearly.
Wistow, the manor, extending into Fleckney, Bruntingthorpe and Great Glen, held of Reynold Grey, Lord Ruthin, knight , in socage, viz., for 43s. 4d. yearly, payable at Candlemas and the feast of St Peter in Chains equally. There are the following in Wistow – a manorial site without buildings, worth 4d. yearly, a close called ‘le Hallecloos’, worth 6d. yearly, advowson of the church of St Wistan of Wistow, valued at £10, 7 virgates of demesne land, each worth 4s. yearly, 11 virgates of land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each worth 4s. yearly, 14 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly, 12 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly, a close called ‘le Thirne’, worth 12d. yearly beyond enclosure, 16 tofts, each containing a rood, and each worth 3d. yearly, a windmill, worth 10s. yearly, and 4s. assize rent from lands of William Rolfe , payable at Candlemas and the feast of St Peter in Chains equally; the following in Fleckney – 16 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly, 20 virgates of land, each worth 4s. yearly, 12 crofts, each containing a rood, and each worth 4d. yearly, and 11s. 10d. assize rent from free tenants, payable at Candlemas and Pentecost equally; the following in Bruntingthorpe – 2 messuages, each worth 40d. yearly, 2 virgates of land, each worth 6s. 8d., and the advowson of the church of St Nicholas , valued at 10 marks; and the following in Great Glen – a messuage and 2 virgates of land, worth 20s. yearly, 2 cottages, each worth 3s. yearly, view of frankpledge, worth 16d. yearly, and a court baron, worth 12d. yearly.
Appleby and Ravenstone, a messuage and 2 virgates of land in Appleby, worth 20s. yearly, and the site of a mill in Ravenstone, worth 6d. yearly, held of the same Reynold in socage, viz., for 18d. yearly, payable at Candlemas and Easter equally.
Braunstone, 8 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly, 14 virgates of land, each worth 4s., 12 a. meadow, each worth 20d. yearly, a small close called ‘le Parrok’, worth nothing yearly without doing waste, a wood called ‘Braunston Wode’, likewise worth nothing yearly without doing waste, and 2 crofts, each containing 1/2 a. land, and each worth 6d. yearly, held of Thomas Ardyngton in socage, viz., for 1lb pepper yearly, payable at Christmas.
Kirby Muxloe, 3 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly, 10 virgates of land, each worth 4s. yearly, 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly, 3 cottages, each worth 16d. yearly, a croft called ‘Whet Croft’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, a small parcel of wood called ‘le Golete’, worth 6d. yearly, and 6s. assize rent from lands and tenements of John Marell , payable at Michaelmas and Pentecost equally, held of William Vylers, esquire , service unknown.
Leicester and Bromkinsthorpe, 3 crofts in Leicester, each containing 1/2 a. land, and each worth 8d. yearly, and 4 a. land in Bromkinsthorpe, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of the abbot of Leicester , service unknown.
Ashby Parva, 8 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly, 13 virgates of land, each worth 4s. yearly, 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly, 5s. 5 3/4d. assize rent from free tenants, payable at Candlemas and Pentecost equally, and 4 tofts, each containing a rood, and each worth 4d. yearly, held of the same Reynold by service of 6d. yearly, payable at Easter.
Date of death and heir as 699.
TNA reference

C 139/83/58 mm.3, 5

Writ Head

701 [Writ: see 700 .]

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Southam. 22 October 1436. [Bateman].


Jurors: Thomas Hore of Elmdon; Thomas Shukburgh ; Thomas Suell of Chapel Ascote; John Bawdewyn of Shuckburgh; William Wryde of Ladbroke; John Juddon ; John Wythges of Long Itchington; John Garry of Ashow; John Parre of Southam; Richard Fyoll ; John Swayn of Dassett; and Ralph Perkyns .

He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Drakenage, the manor, held of Ellen who was the wife of Edmund Ferrers, knight , and George Longvyle as of their manor of Whitacre by fealty and 6d. yearly, payable at Easter . There is a site with houses built on it, worth 2s. yearly; a carucate of land, containing 80 a., worth 40s. yearly; and 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly.
Burton Hastings, 6 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 9 virgates of land, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 2 cottages, each worth 2s. yearly; and a watermill, worth 20s. yearly;
Caldecote, advowson of the church of SS Theobald and Chad, valued at 100s.,
held of Reynold Grey, Lord Ruthin, knight , by fealty and 12d. yearly payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Date of death and heir as 699.
TNA reference

C 139/83/58 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Malton. 16 October 1436. [Langton].


Jurors: Thomas de la Ryver ; Walter Gower ; William Houlthorp ; Edmund Hastynges ; John Wyuell ; Roger Selowe ; John Bernard ; John Walker ; Robert Malton ; John Colton ; Robert Haryngton ; and John Barneby .

He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Allerston, the manor, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster as of his lordship of Pickering by fealty and free service of 12d. yearly, payable at Candlemas and Pentecost equally. There is a site with houses built on it, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth 40d. yearly; 10 virgates of demesne land, each worth 6s. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 20 virgates of land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each worth 6s. yearly; a watermill, worth 10s. yearly; a fulling-mill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 4s. assize rent from free tenants, payable as above.
Sledmere, the manor, held of Katherine, duchess of Norfolk , service unknown. There is an almost wasted site, worth nothing yearly; 6 virgates of demesne land, each worth 5s. yearly; 4 a. meadow, each worth 20d. yearly; 8 messuages, each worth 2s. yearly; and 10 virgates of land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each worth 4s. yearly.
Beverley, a capital messuage called ‘Wodhall’, worth 6s. yearly; 4 several closes, each worth 13s. 4d. yearly; and a 10 a. wood called ‘Wodhallwode’, worth nothing beyond enclosure and other reprises without doing waste, held of the archbishop of York as of his archbishopric, service unknown.
Lund, 6 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly, and 10 virgates of land, each worth 5s. yearly, held of the archbishop of York as of his archbishopric, service unknown.
Sutton on Hull, the manor, in Holderness, held of the archbishop of York as of his archbishopric, service unknown. There is a site, worth nothing yearly because without buildings; 6 virgates of demesne land, each worth 10s. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each worth 20d. yearly; 6 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 16 virgates of land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each worth 10s. yearly; and a windmill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Bewick, the manor, in Aldbrough, held of Anne, countess of Stafford , as of her manor of Burstwick by suit of court every 3 weeks. There is a site with houses built on it, worth nothing yearly; 40 a. land, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 3s. yearly; a messuage in Aldbrough, worth 3s. yearly; 2 virgates of land, each worth 10s. yearly; and a windmill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Farmanby in Pickering Lythe, the manor, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster as of his lordship of Pickering by fealty and 6d. yearly, payable at Easter . There is a manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 8 virgates of demesne land, each worth 5s. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 6 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 10 virgates of land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each worth 5s. yearly; and a watermill, worth 10s. yearly.
Ellerburn, 4 messuages, each worth 3s. yearly; 5 virgates of land, each worth 5s. yearly; and a 10 a. wood called ‘Scouthethwayt’, worth nothing beyond enclosure without doing waste, held of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster as of his lordship of Pickering by free service of... [ms rubbed], payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Date of death and heir as 699.
TNA reference

C 139/83/58 mm.6–7



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Newton Harcourt
site, houses3s.a (1 x site houses)3s. (=36d.)
dovecot12d.a (1 x dovecot)1s. (=12d.)
close2s.a (1 x close)2s. (=24d.)
demesne land6s. (per unit)6 (6 x virgate)£1 16s. (=432d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)12 (12 x messuages)£1 16s. (=432d.)
land6s. (per unit)12 (12 x virgate)£3 12s. (=864d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
crofts6d. (per unit)4 (4 x crofts)2s. (=24d.)
1/2 a. (0.5 x acre) -
assize rent from free tenants26s. 5d.£1 6s. 5d. (=317d.)
pepper1 (1 x lb) -
frankpledge12d.1s. (=12d.)
court baron12d.a (1 x court baron)1s. (=12d.)
Total: £10 13s. 9d. (=2565d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land2 (2 x virgate) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
site4d.a (1 x site)4d. (=4d.)
close6d.a (1 x close)6d. (=6d.)
demesne land4s. (per unit)7 (7 x virgate)£1 8s. (=336d.)
land4s. (per unit)11 (11 x virgate)£2 4s. (=528d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)14 a. (14 x acre)£1 3s. 4d. (=280d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)12 (12 x messuages)£1 16s. (=432d.)
close12d.1s. (=12d.)
tofts3d. (per unit)16 (16 x tofts)4s. (=48d.)
a rood (0.25 x acre) -
windmill10s.a (1 x windmill)10s. (=120d.)
assize rent4s.4s. (=48d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)16 (16 x messuages)£2 8s. (=576d.)
land4s. (per unit)20 (20 x virgate)£4 (=960d.)
crofts4d. (per unit)12 (12 x crofts)4s. (=48d.)
a rood (0.25 x acre) -
assize rent11s. 10d.11s. 10d. (=142d.)
messuages40d. (per unit)2 (2 x messuages)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
land6s. 8d.2 (2 x virgate)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
20s.£1 (=240d.)
cottages3s. (per unit)2 (2 x cottages)6s. (=72d.)
frankpledge16d.1s. 4d. (=16d.)
court baron12d.a (1 x court baron)1s. (=12d.)
Total: £16 16s. 8d. (=4040d.)
Value£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Appleby, Ravenstone, Ravenstone
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land2 (2 x virgate) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
20s.£1 (=240d.)
site, mill6d.a (1 x site mill)6d. (=6d.)
Total: £1 6d. (=246d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)8 (8 x messuages)£1 4s. (=288d.)
land4s.14 (14 x virgate)4s. (=48d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
small closeworth nothinga (1 x small close) -
woodworth nothinga (1 x wood) -
crofts6d. (per unit)2 (2 x crofts)1s. (=12d.)
land 1/2 a. (0.5 x acre) -
Total: £2 9s. (=588d.)
Kirby Muxloe
messuages3s. (per unit)3 (3 x messuages)9s. (=108d.)
land4s. (per unit)10 (10 x virgate)£2 (=480d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)8 a. (8 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
cottages16d. (per unit)3 (3 x cottages)4s. (=48d.)
croft6s. 8d.a (1 x croft)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
wood6d.6d. (=6d.)
assize rent6s.6s. (=72d.)
Total: £3 19s. 6d. (=954d.)
Leicester, Bromkinsthorpe, Leicester, Bromkinsthorpe
crofts8d. (per unit)3 (3 x crofts)2s. (=24d.)
land 1/2 a. (0.5 x acre) -
land4d. (per unit)4 a. (4 x acre)1s. 4d. (=16d.)
Total: 3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Ashby Parva
messuages3s. (per unit)8 (8 x messuages)£1 4s. (=288d.)
virgates4s. (per unit)13 (13 x virgate)£2 12s. (=624d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)6 a. (6 x acre)6s. (=72d.)
assize rent5s. 5 3/4d.5s. 5.75d. (=65.75d.)
tofts4d. (per unit)4 (4 x tofts)1s. 4d. (=16d.)
a rood (0.25 x acre) -
Total: £4 8s. 9.75d. (=1065.75d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Newton Harcourt
site, houses3s.a (1 x site houses)3s. (=36d.)
dovecot12d.a (1 x dovecot)1s. (=12d.)
close2s.a (1 x close)2s. (=24d.)
demesne land6s. (per unit)6 (6 x virgate)£1 16s. (=432d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)12 (12 x messuages)£1 16s. (=432d.)
land6s. (per unit)12 (12 x virgate)£3 12s. (=864d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
crofts6d. (per unit)4 (4 x crofts)2s. (=24d.)
1/2 a. (0.5 x acre) -
assize rent from free tenants26s. 5d.£1 6s. 5d. (=317d.)
pepper1 (1 x lb) -
frankpledge12d.1s. (=12d.)
court baron12d.a (1 x court baron)1s. (=12d.)
Total: £10 13s. 9d. (=2565d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land2 (2 x virgate) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
site4d.a (1 x site)4d. (=4d.)
close6d.a (1 x close)6d. (=6d.)
demesne land4s. (per unit)7 (7 x virgate)£1 8s. (=336d.)
land4s. (per unit)11 (11 x virgate)£2 4s. (=528d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)14 a. (14 x acre)£1 3s. 4d. (=280d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)12 (12 x messuages)£1 16s. (=432d.)
close12d.1s. (=12d.)
tofts3d. (per unit)16 (16 x tofts)4s. (=48d.)
a rood (0.25 x acre) -
windmill10s.a (1 x windmill)10s. (=120d.)
assize rent4s.4s. (=48d.)
messuages3s. (per unit)16 (16 x messuages)£2 8s. (=576d.)
land4s. (per unit)20 (20 x virgate)£4 (=960d.)
crofts4d. (per unit)12 (12 x crofts)4s. (=48d.)
a rood (0.25 x acre) -
assize rent11s. 10d.11s. 10d. (=142d.)
messuages40d. (per unit)2 (2 x messuages)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
land6s. 8d.2 (2 x virgate)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
20s.£1 (=240d.)
cottages3s. (per unit)2 (2 x cottages)6s. (=72d.)
frankpledge16d.1s. 4d. (=16d.)
court baron12d.a (1 x court baron)1s. (=12d.)
Total: £16 16s. 8d. (=4040d.)



  • Sturgeon(Writ Clerk)


  • Roger Gaylerd
  • John Hubberd
  • Thomas atte Welle
  • William Walter
  • William Nicoll of Braunstone
  • Thomas Warner
  • Simon Warner of Kirby Muxloe
  • Geoffrey Page
  • William othe Hill
  • Lawrence Repyngton
  • John Newton
  • Richard Litton
  • John Hoglescote
  • John Clerk of Wistow
  • Henry Pratt
  • Richard Darman
  • William Chapleyn of Fleckney


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