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Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln, the castle. 16 April 1437. [Langholm].


Jurors: Thomas Allotson of Wainfleet; Alan Prykesse of Thorpe St Peter (Thorp); William Meweson of Candlesby; John at Hall of Wainfleet; John Grenne of Kyrkeby; Thomas at Halle of Candlesby; William Bleseby of Bleasby; John Bate of Digby; Simon Asseby of Boothby Pagnell; Thomas Herryson of Tydd St Mary (Tydde); Richard Castour of Great Ponton; John Skeldynghop of Dunston; Thomas Seynell of Pointon; and Henry Bardenay of Billingborough.


He did not hold lands or tenements of the king or of any other.

He died on 27 January 1437. His heirs are [1.] Agnes, wife of Thomas Claxton , aged 30; [2.] Elizabeth, wife of William Bedford , aged 28; [3.] Isabel, aged 27; [4.] Joan aged 25. Agnes, Elizabeth, Isabel and Joan are the daughters of Elizabeth, deceased, late wife of William Elmeden, knight . [5.] William Ryther , aged 30, son of Maud, deceased, late wife of William Ryther, knight ; [6.] Joan, wife of Thomas Lambert, knight , aged 48; [7.] Margaret, wife of John Constable, knight , aged 47; and [8.] Agnes, wife of Thomas Haggerston aged 46. Elizabeth, late wife of William Elmeden, knight , Maud, late wife of William Ryther, knight , Joan, wife of Thomas Lambert, knight , Margaret, wife of John Constable, knight , and Agnes, wife of Thomas Haggerston were the daughters of Thomas de Umframvill, knight , brother of Robert, named in the writ.

TNA reference

C 139/83/57 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Pontefract. 5 May 1437. [Thwaytes].


Jurors: William Everyngham ; William Flemmyng ; William Wheteley ; William Midilton ; Richard Hamerton ; Thomas Wentworth ; William Clapham ; Nicholas Clapham ; Nicholas Wrotley ; Robert Boteler ; John Roberd ; and Bernard Ward .

He was seised of the following for life by grant of Walter Tailbois, knight , who then held the manor, by an indented charter, one part of which, with Robert’s seal, was shown to the jurors.
Pallathorpe, £4 annual rent from the manor, payable at Martinmas and Pentecost equally, with a clause of distraint in the same manor for non-payment.
Date of death and heirs as 696.
TNA reference

C 139/83/57 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne, the castle. 15 April 1437. [Rodes].


Jurors: William Hardyng ; John Heron ; William Heron ; Robert Elryngton ; Thomas Reyde ; William Buticom ; John Reyde ; Richard Cuttour ; Thomas Lyghton ; Robert Newton ; Robert Fenwyk ; Robert Langwath ; and John Elyson .

He held the following castle and manor to him and the heirs male of his body by a fine levied three weeks from Easter 1378 [CP 25/1/181/14, no. 3], between Gilbert Umfravile, earl of Angus , querent , and John de Haburgh, clerk , and John de Pykeworth, clerk, deforciants . By this fine the earl recognised that the castle and manor belonged by right to John and John, as that which they had by his grant. They granted him the castle and manor to him and the heirs of his body, to hold of the king and his heirs by due service, successive remainders to the following and the heirs male of their bodies, to hold as above: Robert de Umfravile, chevalier , the late earl’s brother; Thomas Umfravile , Robert’s brother; Thomas Umfravile , son of Joan, daughter of Adam de Rodom ; Robert Umfravile , son of the same Joan; with a final remainder to the late earl’s right heirs. By virtue of this fine the late earl was seised of the castle and manor in demesne as of fee tail and he died thus seised without heir of his body. After his death, and because Robert de Umfravile, chevalier , his brother, died before the earl, without an heir male of his body, Thomas Umfravile was seised of the castle and manor by virtue of the remainder. He died thus seised without heir male of his body. After his death, Thomas Umfravile , son of Joan, daughter of Adam de Rodom , was seised by virtue of the remainder. He had issue, Gilbert, and died thus seised. Afterwards, Gilbert was seised as his son and heir male and by virtue of the fine. Gilbert died thus seised without an heir male of his body, and after his death Robert Umfravile , son of Joan, who is the Robert Umfravile named in the writ, was seised by virtue of the remainder. He died thus seised without heir male of his body. After his death by virtue of the fine the castle and manor should remain to Walter Tailboys , aged 40 years and more, kin and heir of the late earl, viz., son of Walter Tailboys , son of Eleanor, daughter of Elizabeth, sister of the late earl. Harbottle, the castle, and Otterburn, the manor, held of the king as 1/4 knight’s fee.
The castle is worth nothing yearly
In the manor, there is a manorial site, with a hall, 3 chambers, a chapel, 3 stables, a cook-house and a buttery in a tower, worth nothing yearly; 200 messuages and 200 tofts, worth nothing yearly because they cannot be demised at farm because of the war which existed between the kingdom of England and the Scots at the time of his death, which is still continuing; 20 cottages, worth nothing yearly because of the war, as above; 1,000 a. arable, likewise worth nothing yearly because it cannot be demised to farm because of the war; 300 a. wood, worth nothing yearly, as above; 2,000 a. meadow, worth nothing yearly because of the war, as above; various pastures, viz., Redeshed, containing 200 a., Lumsdon Law, containing 500 a., Ramshope, containing 500 a., Spithope, containing 1,000 a., Cottonshope, containing 2,000 a., Akensyd, containing 300 a., Burdhope, containing 2,000 a., Thillez, containing 2000 a., Kellyburn, containing 5,000 a., Earlside, containing 3,000 a., two pastures lying together called Chattlehope and Bateinghope, containing 5,000 a., three pastures called Ridlees, Wilkwood and Wharmore, containing 6,000 a., Dudlees, containing 100 a., all in the march of Scotland, which cannot be demised at farm because of the war, as above, worth nothing yearly; 119s. 8 1/2d., 9lb pepper and 9lb cumin, in peacetime, from various free tenants holding tenements from the lord of the manor in the march of England near Scotland, payable at the two feasts of St Cuthbert equally, but rendering nothing since his death because of the war, as above, except their aid with their lord in custody of the valley of Redesdale, where the said castle and manor are located, against wolves and thieves; advowson of the church of Elsdon, truly worth 20 marks yearly in peacetime; advowson of the abbey of nuns of Holystone, which can pay out £10 yearly during in peacetime; and various liberties and all lands and tenements within the bounds of the manor, known as within the liberty of Redesdale, viz.: 2 yearly views of frankpledge, held after Easter and after Michaelmas; a court held every 3 weeks; a twice-yearly court called ‘Forstercourt’; cognizance of pleas of the crown and all other pleas occurring within the liberty, to be pleaded before the justices of the lord of the manor, with the profits of the same; return and execution of all royal writs by the lord’s bailiffs; chattels of fugitives and felons and damages, year and waste of the lands of the same; custody of prisoners and delivery of the same at the lord’s will; execution of everything belonging to the office of sheriff and the crown by the lord’s own ministers; ‘wayf’, ‘infangthefe’ and ‘outfangthefe'; free chase; amends for breaches of the assize of bread and ale within the liberty; a weekly market at Harbottle on Tuesdays and a yearly fair there at the Nativity of Mary; a weekly market at Elsdon on Sundays and a yearly fair there at the Assumption; gallows, tumbrel, pillory and toll in the same markets and fairs; with no sheriff or other royal bailiff to enter the liberty to execute any office, except in default of the lord’s bailiffs; the king’s justices in eyre in Northumberland to deliver to the bailiff of the liberty all articles of the crown belonging to the liberty to be pleaded before the justices of the lord of the liberty, with the profits of the same, all these liberties and franchises having been allowed to the lord of the liberty in the time of ‪ Edward I and ‪ Edward III , by title of prescription [PQW, pp. 593–4, 600], worth 20s. yearly in peacetime, but now nothing because of the war, as above.
Date of death and heirs as 696.
TNA reference

C 139/83/57 mm.5–6



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  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)



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