Full text


Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln, the castle. 14 October 1437. [Langholm].


Jurors: Thomas Staunton of Kirkby Underwood or Kirkby La Thorpe (Kirkeby); John Hardeby of Evedon; William Hoberd of Donington; Richard Whitebrede and William Styberd of Gosberton; John Danyell of Quadring; William Magelyn of Wigtoft; John Leeke of Grantham; Richard Barnby of Great Gonerby; Richard Castour of Little Ponton; Thomas Seyvell of Poynton; and Richard Colby of Grantham.

She held the following in dower by assignment of ‪ Henry IV [CPR 1408–13, p. 86 (Hough)].
Hough, the priory, the reversion of which belongs to the Carthusian priory and convent of Mountgrace by grant of Henry V. There is the priory site, worth nothing yearly; 30s. rent from free tenants, payable at the times of the year usual there; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly.
West Ravendale, the priory. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 21 a. arable, demised this year to various persons, worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly, mown when she was alive; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 5s. 3d. service rent, payable at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and the feast of St Botulph equally; pensions payable yearly at the feast of St Gregory , viz., 20s. from the rector of Waltham , 13s. 4d. from the rector of Beelsby , 6s. 8d. from the rector of Barnoldby Le Bec , 6s. 8d. from the rector of Hatcliffe , 6s. 8d. from the rector of Brigsley , and 2s. from the rector of Beesby ; 4 ruinous tofts with 4 bovates of land belonging to them, each worth 40d. yearly; and perquisites of the annual court, worth nothing yearly.
She died on 9 July last, without heirs.
TNA reference

C 139/82/48 mm.1–2

Writ Head

664 Writ. ‡ 11 July 1437. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Suffolk and Norfolk .

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 21 October 1437. [Roppeley].


Jurors: John Fox ; John Bruse ; William Ede ; William Holme ; Robert Goodwyn ; Peter Cressewell ; Thomas Eston ; Maurice Lovell ; Thomas Cuchowe ; Thomas Brandeston ; John Story ; and Robert Dunche .

She held the following in dower for life by endowment of ‪ Henry IV [CPR 1408–13, p. 86; CPR 1401–5, p. 234].
Creeting St Mary , the alien priory, true annual value beyond reprises and charges 20 marks, held of the king in chief by knight service.
Bosmere and Claydon, the hundreds, with view of frankpledge and all profits whatsoever, annual value beyond its charges and the steward’s costs £10, held of the king in chief by knight service.
Date of death as 663. Next heir unknown.
TNA reference

C 139/82/48 mm.3, 5

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Downham Market. 7 November 1437. [Roppeley].


Jurors: Richard Carleton ; Richard Scarlet ; Thomas Saunder ; William Smyth ; John Ropere ; William Willymond ; Henry Broun ; Thomas Smyth ; John Lacy ; Thomas Canon ; Robert Marys ; William Austyn ; and John Roolf .

She held the following in dower for life by endowment of ‪ Henry IV [CPR 1408–13, p. 87].
Sporle, the alien priory, with all lands, tenements, rents, services, pensions, parts and possessions whatsoever belonging to it, annual value beyond charges [for these see below] 18 marks 4s. 11 1/2d., of whom held and by what service unknown. There is a messuage, worth nothing yearly, containing a hall, 2 chambers, a large grange, a stable, a granary, a pig-sty and a cook-house, which are run-down and ruinous, and which expenses of 20 marks would not at present be sufficient to repair; 6s. 8d. assize rent, payable at Midsummer and Michaelmas equally; 78 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; the tithe of sheaves from the vill and church of Sporle, worth 21 marks yearly; the lesser tithe of the same vill and offerings of parishioners, worth 41s. yearly; and the following pensions payable yearly at Michaelmas, viz., 13s. 4d. from the rectory and church of South Acre, 13s. 4d. from the rectory and church of Downham Market, 20s. from the rectory and church of Hunstanston, 6s. 8d. from the rectory and church of Mileham, and 16s. from the rectory and church of East Winch. The priory is charged with the following charges, which are incumbent upon it and its possessions: 11s. 8 1/2d. payable yearly to the archdeacon of Norwich ; 13 marks annual pension payable to the vicar of Sporle for having the cure of the parishioners’ souls, for ministering the sacrament and sacramentals and performing divine services in the church; annual repairs to the chancel of Sporle church, costing 6s. 8d. yearly by common reckoning; and £3 19s. 4d. for the tithe of the priory whenever the clergy grant a tenth to the king.
Docking, the alien priory, with all rights and possessions, annual value beyond divine services and other pious works used and accustomed of old, 20 marks. Of whom it is held and by what service is unknown.
Date of death and heir as 664.
TNA reference

C 139/82/48 mm.3–4

Writ Head

666 Writ. ‡ 11 July 1437. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire .

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Shelford. 16 November 1437. [Hyklyng].


Jurors: Thomas Muston ; Henry Smyth ; Henry Culle ; Roger Colvile ; Thomas at the Yate ; Hugh Hemfrey ; John Colyngham ; John Taillour ; Robert Savage ; John Wright ; William Marsch ; and John Jebbe .


She did not hold any lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief or of any other. Henry II, king of England , duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou , by his letters patent, shown to the jurors, granted the manor of Shelford and Stoke Bardolf, among other things, to Thomas Bardolf and his heirs from the body of Rose, daughter of Ralph Hanselyn , by the name of all lands which were of the inheritance of Ralph Hanselyn grandfather of Rose, viz., those lands which escheated to the king by judgement of his court. By virtue of this grant, Thomas Bardolf was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail and of right and he took the profits. He married Rose and they had issue, Doun, to whom the manor descended after Thomas died seised of it. The manor then descended successively to William, son and heir of Doun, to his son and heir William, to his son and heir Hugh, to his son and heir Thomas, to William, son of Hugh, brother and heir of Thomas, who died without an heir of his body, to William’s son and heir Thomas, to his son and heir John, to his son and heir William, and to his son and heir Thomas, lately Lord Bardolf . From the latter the right descended, by form of the grant, to Anne, now wife of Reynold Cobham, knight , and Joan, now wife of William Philip, knight , daughters and heirs of Thomas. Thomas was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail until it was taken into ‪ Henry IV ’s hands by a judgement against him in the parliament at Westminster begun in 7 ‪ Henry IV and finished in 8 ‪ Henry IV [1406] [Rot. Parl. iii, p. 604]. By his letters patent dated on 10 August 1405 [CPR 1405–8, p. 46] ‪ Henry IV granted the manor, among other things, to Joan by the name of his dear consort, Joan, queen of England , for life, as part deduction of the 10,000 marks yearly conceded by him to her for life in dower, together with knights’ fees, advowsons and other benefices whatsoever belonging to it. Afterwards, ‪ Henry IV , being moved by conscience and in consideration of the said right and title, by his letters patent [CPR 1408–13, pp. 95–6], shown to the jurors, granted William Clifford, knight , then husband of the said Anne, and Anne, and William Philip and Joan, the remainder of the manor with knights’ fees, etc., among other things, to them and the heirs of the bodies of Anne and Joan, wholly and in the same way that Thomas held it before the judgement against him, reversion to ‪ Henry IV and his heirs. This notwithstanding the said judgement, the fact that ‪ Henry II ’s grant did not mention the manor specifically by name, and that the said grant was made before the time of legal memory and the statute of de donis and could not be tried by jury at common law or by inquisition. Afterwards, the said late queen, by her indented letters patent, shown to the jurors, recited both the grant of the manor to her and the grant to William and Anne, and William and Joan, as well as demising to them the manor with knights’ fees, etc., for the whole of her life, in return for rendering to her and her assigns £35 yearly during that period, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally, as fully apparent in the same indented letters patent. By virtue of this demise, they were seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail, continuing in this estate for the whole of William Clifford ’s life, after which William Philip and Joan, and Anne and Reynold her current husband, continued in the same estate for the whole of the late queen’s life. The said late queen had nothing in the said manor on the day she died except the said £35 rent, none of which was in arrears at that time.

Shelford and Stoke Bardolf, the manor, annual value £30.

She died on 10 July last. The duke of Brittany, her son and next heir, is aged 50 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/82/48 mm.6

Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE. Inquisition. Derby. 20 November 1437. [Hyklyng].


Jurors: John Sawer ; William Geret ; John de Wilne ; William Jankynson ; Robert Jankynson ; John Perkyns ; John Thomlynson ; William del Hay ; Richard Bate ; John Spencer ; William Smalley ; and John Blowhorne .


She did not hold any lands, tenements, rents or services in demesne or in service of the king in chief or of any other.

Date of death and heir as 666.
TNA reference

C 139/82/48 mm.6–7

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Chichester. 10 November 1437. [Otteworth].


Jurors: John Safford ; John Renne ; Thomas Hethfeld ; John Fakham ; John Hunte ; Stephen Walssh ; Thomas Leveslegh ; John Draper ; John Ray ; John Fordere ; William Grynte ; and Thomas Motard .

She held the following in dower for life by grant of ‪ Henry IV , remainder to Reynold Cobham and Anne his wife, lately wife of William Clifford , and William Philip and Joan, and the heirs of the bodies of Anne and Joan, reversion to ‪ Henry IV and his heirs, as 666.
Birling, the manor, annual value 20 marks.
She held the following for life, reversion to the current king and his heirs.
Lyminster, the alien priory, annual value £20.
She died seised of the following. North Mundham, 114s. 2d. annual rent called ‘lucerna’.
She died on 8 July last.
TNA reference

C 139/82/48 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition virtute officii [indented]. Buckingham. 10 July 1437. [Hanham].


Jurors: Robert Power ; William Symeon ; John Veysy ; Thomas Wodeward ; Edmund Tomelyns ; Thomas Haukyns ; William Eyr ; William Skynner ; Nicholas Baron ; Nicholas Chapell ; John Tayllour of Wolverton; and William Dun .

She held the following in dower for life.
Hoggeston, the manor, annual value 40s.
Great Horwood and Little Horwood, the manor, annual value 40s.
Date of death as 668.
TNA reference

E 149/159/7 m.1



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuageworth nothinga (1 x messuage) -
halla (1 x hall) -
chambers2 (2 x chambers) -
grangea (1 x grange) -
stablea (1 x stable) -
granarya (1 x granary) -
pig-sty, cook-housea (1 x pig-sty cook-house) -
assize rent6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
arable6d. (per unit)78 a. (78 x acre)£1 19s. (=468d.)
tithe of sheaves21 marks£14 (=3360d.)
lesser tithe, offerings of parishioners41s.£2 1s. (=492d.)
13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
20s.£1 (=240d.)
6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
16s.16s. (=192d.)
Value18 marks 4s. 11 1/2d.£12 4s. 11.5d. (=2939.5d.)
Total: £34 11.5d. (=8171.5d.)
services20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuageworth nothinga (1 x messuage) -
halla (1 x hall) -
chambers2 (2 x chambers) -
grangea (1 x grange) -
stablea (1 x stable) -
granarya (1 x granary) -
pig-sty, cook-housea (1 x pig-sty cook-house) -
assize rent6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
arable6d. (per unit)78 a. (78 x acre)£1 19s. (=468d.)
tithe of sheaves21 marks£14 (=3360d.)
lesser tithe, offerings of parishioners41s.£2 1s. (=492d.)
13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
20s.£1 (=240d.)
6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
16s.16s. (=192d.)
Total: £34 11.5d. (=8171.5d.)



  • Roppeley(Escheator)


  • Richard Carleton
  • Richard Scarlet
  • Thomas Saunder
  • William Smyth
  • John Ropere
  • William Willymond
  • Henry Broun
  • Thomas Smyth
  • John Lacy
  • Thomas Canon
  • Robert Marys
  • William Austyn
  • John Roolf


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