Full text


Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford. 1 October 1436. [Whityngton].


Jurors: John Comyn ; Richard Bawmon ; Henry Castell ; John Apperley ; Thomas Knyrch ; John Colyer ; Thomas Reynald ; John Tommys ; Richard Tommes ; Richard Serche ; John Hardewike ; and Thomas Hannys .


He did not hold any lands or tenements of the king in chief or of any other in demesne or in service.

He died on 2 September 1436. Isabel, his daughter and next heir, is aged 14 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/81/36 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Pershore. 15 January 1437. [Harrewell].


Jurors: John Dalamare ; Guy Spencer ; Nicholas Grove ; Thomas Kynton ; John Aston ; John Toky of Kington; John Mounselowe ; Thomas Symkyns ; William Farnewelle ; John Lechemere ; John Downe ; and John Payn .

He did not hold any lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service, but he held the following of others in demesne as of fee.
Pendock, 1/2 manor, annual value 33s. 4d., held of Richard, earl of Warwick as 1/2 knight’s fee.
Pendock, a messuage and a carucate of land called ‘Morecourt’, annual value 13s. 4d., and 4s. annual rent, payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally, held of the prior of Great Malvern , service unknown.
Pendock, two parts of five parts of a parts of messuage and a virgate of land called ‘Wavepolles’, annual value 5s., held of Guy Spencer , service unknown.
Berrow, a messuage and a carucate of land called ‘Ryplace’, annual value 20s., held of John Specheley , service unknown.
Eldersfield, 4 messuages, 40 a. land and 4 a. meadow, annual value 4s., and 12d. annual rent, payable as above, held of Giles Brugge and John Dalamare , service unknown.
Birtsmorton, a toft and a parcel of land, called ‘Longdych’ and ‘Shortdych’, annual value 20d., held of Richard, earl of Warwick , service unknown.
Droitwich, a tenement and salt-house of 7 leads of salt water, annual value 7s., not held of the king , but of whom held or by what service unknown.

He died on 1 September last. Isabel, his daughter and next heir, is aged 13 years and 21 weeks and more.

TNA reference

C 139/81/36 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Newent. 22 October 1436. [Brounyng].


Jurors: John de Aune ; Thomas Hoke ; Henry Castell ; John Wynter ; John Boure ; Richard Brugge ; Richard Colwall ; Thomas Aillewey ; Thomas Colwall ; John Flewelyne ; Richard Flewelyne ; and John Mile .

He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Over Lee, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 5 a. land, each acre worth 6d. yearly, held of the king in chief as 1/10 knight’s fee.
Hasfield, 4 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 8 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of John Pauncefot, knight , service unknown.
Hasfield, a tenement called ‘Underhilles’, worth nothing yearly, 13 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly, 7 a. pasture, each acre worth 20d. yearly, and 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly, held of the prior of Little Malvern , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 633, except that Isabel is stated to be aged 13 years and 10 weeks.

TNA reference

C 139/81/36 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Cirencester. 30 September 1437. [Langle].


Jurors: John Rede ; Thomas Goldwell ; Humphrey ?Draper [ms torn]; William Horneby ; John Puttes ; Thomas Copenore ; John Bysserugge ; Walter Archer ; Robert Dyer ; John Doughton ; Henry Sutton ; and Thomas Phylyppes .


Osbert Dabetot was formerly seised of the manor of Culverdine and various lands, tenements, rents, services, meadows, pastures, mills, woods and other appurtenances in Apperley, Deerhurst, Walton Cardiff , Evington, Trenley, Leigh, Staverton, Down Hatherley, Sandhurst, Gloucester and Rudford in demesne as of fee, which, among other things, as fully appears in a charter of his dated at Apperley on 20 June 1328, explained to the jurors, he gave to Robert de Apperleye and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, by the name of all his lands and tenements, rents and services, from tenants free and neif, and meadows, pastures, mills, woods, groves, hays and ditches in the above places. By virtue of this grant, Robert and Margaret were seised in demesne as of fee tail. They had issue, Nicholas, and they afterwards died seised. After their deaths, Nicholas entered as their son and heir, by virtue of the said entail. Nicholas afterwards had issue of himself (de se), Elizabeth, and died. Elizabeth had issue, Edmund, her elder son, who died without issue, and Edward, named in the writ, her younger son. Elizabeth died, and Edward afterwards had issue of himself (de se), Isabel, still living. Edward was seised in demesne as of fee tail of the manor of Culverdine by virtue of the said entail until he was disseised by Thomas Beaumont, knight , and others. He afterwards re-entered into the manor and into Thomas Beaumont ’s possession of it, afterwards coming afresh into the manor to make his claim. By this sort of removal and entry into the lands of the manor he continued his claim to the manor for the rest of his life.

Culverdine, the manor, annual value 4 marks, not held of the king , but of whom held unknown.
He did not hold the lands and tenements in Deerhurst, Apperley, Walton Cardiff, Evington, Leigh, Staverton and Sandhurst, specified in the above charter, on the day he died because Edmund Brugge his elder brother enfeoffed certain people, whose names are unknown, with these in fee simple, and they re-enfeoffed Edmund and Blanche then his wife and their heirs. Edmund subsequently died without issue, and afterwards Blanche occupied the lands and tenements and took the profits for the whole of Edward’s life, and she still occupies them and takes the profits. He also held other further lands and tenements by virtue of the above entail than specified in the earlier inquisition.
Trenley, 30 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 6 tofts, worth nothing yearly; a capital messuage called ‘Apperley Place in Cosse’, worth 20s. yearly; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; and 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly, not held of the king , but of whom held unknown.
He held the following in demesne as of fee simple, viz., to him and his heirs.
Cheltenham and Charlton Kings (Chorleton), 5 messuages, in Cheltenham, and 2 carucates land, 30 a. meadow, and 100 a. pasture in Charlton Kings , annual value 20s. not held of the king , but of whom held unknown.
Since the time of Edward’s death various people took and still take the profits from the following: Roger Foster and John White from the above lands and tenements in Trenley, except from the capital messuage; Thomas Beaumont, knight , from the manor of Culverdine; and Roger Foster from the lands and tenements in Cheltenham and Charlton Kings , by virtue of a demise made by Edward to Roger. Nicholas Stanshawe is betrothed and married to Alice, lately wife of Edward, without the king’s licence. Alice was a king’s widow (vidua Regis) because Edward, lately her husband, held various lands and tenements in Leigh and elsewhere of the king in chief, by knight service, which were taken into the king’s hand after Edward’s death because of the minority of Isabel his daughter and heir, as fully appears in the earlier inquisition by William Brounyng, lately king ’s escheator, from which Alice is entitled to dower. From the time of his death to the time of her marriage to Nicholas, Alice took the profits from the capital messuage in Trenley, which profits Nicholas took after the marriage.

He died on 1 September 1436. Isabel, his daughter and next heir, is aged 14 years 6 weeks and 6 days.

TNA reference

C 139/81/36 mm.7–8



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Over Lee
messuageworth nothinga (1 x messuage) -
land6d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)2s. 6d. (=30d.)
Total: 2s. 6d. (=30d.)
messuagesworth nothing4 (4 x messuages) -
land4d. (per unit)8 a. (8 x acre)2s. 8d. (=32d.)
Total: £1 9s. 2d. (=350d.)
tenementworth nothinga (1 x tenement) -
arable6d. (per unit)13 a. (13 x acre)6s. 6d. (=78d.)
pasture20d. (per unit)7 a. (7 x acre)11s. 8d. (=140d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)8s. 4d. (=100d.)
Total: £1 9s. 2d. (=350d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John de Aune
  • Thomas Hoke
  • Henry Castell
  • John Wynter
  • John Boure
  • Richard Brugge
  • Richard Colwall
  • Thomas Aillewey
  • Thomas Colwall
  • John Flewelyne
  • Richard Flewelyne
  • John Mile


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