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Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. 16 April 1436. [Husee].


Jurors: William Tonour ; John Wydecombe ; John Fulbroke ; Richard Orchard ; John Person of Bradeford; William Poleyn ; Robert Crosse ; Richard Smyth of Knolle; John Myddelham ; Thomas Weston ; William Jurdon ; and Hugh Kene .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of any other in demesne or in service, but John Fytelton , his grandfather, viz., father of John, father of John named in the writ, whose heir he was, was lately seised of the following burgages, etc., in demesne as of fee. These burgages, etc., by a charter shown to the jurors, he gave to Roger Aubyn, lately parson of Goathurst , and John Baylyf of Dunster, both now deceased, and William Hastyng and William Dodesham , both still living, to them and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this enfeoffment, all of the grantees were seised of this in demesne as of fee, continuing in this estate for the whole of Roger and John Baylyf’s lifetimes, and William and William are still thus seised by right of survivorship.
Bridgwater, 6 burgages, annual value [with the 2 further burgages in Bridgwater specified below] 40s., held [with those same further burgages specified below] of the duke of York and William, Lord la Zouche, in free burgage.
Newnham, 6 messuages and 2 carucates of land, annual value 100s., held of John Bluet , service unknown.
North Petherton, 9 acres of land, annual value 6s. 8d., held of Agnes Bluet as of her manor of North Petherton, service unknown.
John Fytelton , father of the John Fytelton named in the writ, was lately seised of the following manor, etc., in demesne as of fee, which he granted, by a charter shown to the jurors, to William Poulet , of Beere, Thomas Michell and John Wyllyng, lately vicar of Stogursey , and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this all of the latter were seised in demesne as of fee. Afterwards, John Fytelton the father, by a deed, shown to the jurors, released all his right and claim to William, Thomas and John and their heirs. Afterwards, Thomas Michell likewise, by a deed, shown to the jurors, released all his right and claim to William Poulet and John Wyllyng and their heirs, who were then seised. John Wyllyng did likewise to William Poulet , by a deed, shown to the jurors. William Poulet , who was then alone seised, by a charter shown to the jurors, gave the manor, etc., to Hugh Cary , William Gosse , Richard Broun , Richard Aller and Stephen Grove and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this enfeoffment, these grantees were seised in demesne as of fee. Afterwards, William Poulet , by a deed shown to the jurors, gave up all his right and claim in the manor, etc., to Hugh, William, Richard, Richard and Stephen and their heirs. Afterwards, Hugh, William Gosse and Richard Broun , by a deed of theirs, shown to the jurors, remised and released all their right and claim to Richard Aller and Stephen and their heirs. Afterwards, Richard Aller and Stephen did likewise in the same way to William Poulet of Beere to have for his lifetime, remainder wholly to John Denebaud , Hugh Cary , William Gosse , William Gascoyn and Richard Broun , all now deceased, and William Poulet of Melcombe, William Dodesham , William Hastyng , Nicholas, parson of the church of Stocklinch and William Clyve , all still living, and their heirs and assigns. By virtue of this grant, William Poulet of Beere was seised in demesne as of free tenement and died thus seised. After his death, William Poulet of Melcombe, William Dodesham , William Hastyng , Nicholas, and William Clyve entered, by virtue of the remainder, and were and remain seised.
Goathurst, the manor, with the advowson of the church, and 2 messuages, 2 tofts, 200 a. land, 12 a. meadow, and 3 1/2 a. wood within it. The manor of Goathurst and lands and tenements within it, annual value 20 marks, are held of James, Lord Audley , as of his manor of Nether Stowey, service unknown.
Bridgwater, 2 burgages [see above].
Estlyddon, Westlyddon, Boterwille, Stogursey, Hyde in the parish of West Monkton (Monketon Abbatis), and Radlet, 4 messuages, 200 a. land, and 12 a. meadow. Those lands and tenements in Stogursey, annual value 10s., are held of Robert, Lord Poynings as of his manor of Stogursey, service unknown. Those lands and tenements in Estlyddon, Westlyddon and Boterwill, annual value 16s., are held of the prior of Barlinch , service unknown. The messuage(s), land and tenements in Hyde, annual value 20s., are held of the abbot of Athelney , service unknown. The land and tenements in Radlet, annual value 10s., are held of John Coker , service unknown.

He died on 19 October last. John Burnell is his kin and next heir, viz., son of Alice, sister of John, father of John, father of the said John, and is aged 40 years and more.

[Foot:] delivered to Chancery on 18 May 1436.

TNA reference

C 139/74/22 mm.1–2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Bridgwater, Bridgwater
burgages40s.6 (6 x burgages)£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
land2 carucates (2 x carucate) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
North Petherton
land6s. 8d.9 acres (9 x acre)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Total: 6s. 8d. (=80d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
tofts2 (2 x tofts) -
land200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow12 a. (12 x acre) -
wood3 1/2 a. (3.5 x acre) -
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
burgages2 (2 x burgages) -
Total: (=0d.)
Estlyddon, Westlyddon, Boterwille, Stogursey, Hyde, Radlet, Stogursey, Estlyddon, Westlyddon and Boterwill
messuages4 (4 x messuages) -
land200 a. (200 x acre) -
meadow12 a. (12 x acre) -
Value10s., 16s., 20s., 10s.£2 16s. (=672d.)
Total: £2 16s. (=672d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Selby(Writ Clerk)


  • William Tonour
  • John Wydecombe
  • John Fulbroke
  • Richard Orchard
  • John Person of Bradeford
  • William Poleyn
  • Robert Crosse
  • Richard Smyth of Knolle
  • John Myddelham
  • Thomas Weston
  • William Jurdon
  • Hugh Kene


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