Full text


Writ Head

346 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Stopyndon].

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 13 May 1435. [Brews].


Jurors: William Ede ; John Bradwey ; William Fysk ; John Wrighte ; Edmund Capell ; William Baldry ; John Nunne ; John Baldry ; Thomas Eston ; Roger Lobbe ; Robert Apiltweite ; and Edmund Boyhoo .


He held 1/2 manor of Stratford St Andrew with Maud lately his wife, still living, from her inheritance. He also held with Maud the other moiety of the manor, with advowson of the church there, by grant of John Arundell and Margaret his wife, to Thomas and Maud, and to the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to John and Margaret, and to the heirs of Margaret. The grant was made by a fine levied in 1417, shown to the jurors [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 69].

Stratford St Andrew, the manor with advowson of the church there, held of the prior of St Mary’s, Thetford, as 1/2 knight’s fee and by rent of 20s. yearly for all service. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 90 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 35s. 4d. rent, payable yearly at Easter and Michaelmas equally.

He died on 18 November last. Alice, countess of Suffolk , is his daughter and next heir, and aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.1–2

Writ Head

347 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Stopyndon].

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Caxton. 7 November 1435. [Burgoyn].


Jurors: John Wodeuarde ; John Smyht of Eltisley; Simon Lauenam ; John Chenyn ; Geoffrey Norman ; William Radford, junior ; John Norys ; John Creke ; Robert Selby ; William Cutelawe ; William Baron ; and John Canoun .

He held a moiety of the following with Maud lately his wife, still living, from her inheritance. He also held the other moiety with Maud, by grant of John Arundell and Margaret his wife as 346 [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 69].
Bourn, 120 a. land, worth 40s. yearly, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 3 a. meadow, worth 3s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 3s. rent, held of Warin Ingryth of his manor in Bourn called ‘Rykesbymanoir’ by fealty for all service.
Date of death and heir as 346.
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.3–4

Writ Head

348 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Shelford].

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Horncastle. 4 February 1435. [Seynt Paule].


Jurors: Thomas Whitecroft and William Croft of Burgh le Marsh; William Fichet of Skendleby; John Wilkynson of Bratoft; Stephen Imme of Partney; William Pleson of Burgh le Marsh; John Tutte of Winthorpe; John Baudy of Partney; John Warde of Skendleby; Adam Thorp of Thorpe; Thomas Rysyll of Ashby by Partney; and John Vertiman of Steeping.

He held the following in right of Maud his wife, still living, one of the daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh, knight .
Skendleby, a moiety of 1/3 manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. In the moiety, there are 4 tofts, each worth 12d. yearly; 30 a. land and pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 10 a. meadow and pasture, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 60s. rent, payable yearly at Michaelmas only; and 4 1/2 a. wood, worth nothing yearly above enclosure of the same.
Partney, a moiety of 1/18 of the profits of the Saturday market, and a moiety of 1/18 of the profits of the tolls at the fairs (nundinarum) held on the vigils and feasts of St Mary Magdalene, and the Assumption and Nativity of Mary, worth 9d. yearly; and 5s. rent from free tenants, taken yearly at Michaelmas, the feast of St Andrew the Apostle, Easter, and the feast of St Botulph equally, held of Lord Beaumont by knight service.

Date of death and heir as 346. Alice is also daughter and next heir of Thomas and Maud.

[Foot:] returned to Chancery on 1 March.

TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.5–6

Writ Head

349 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Stopyndon].

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Grandpont. 13 April 1435. [Catermayns].


Jurors: William Fitz Waryn ; John Medford ; William Latton ; Andrew Baron ; Richard Kene ; William Ricardes ; John Absolon ; Thomas Absolon ; William Newman ; William Samon ; Richard Bacon ; and John Sexteyn .

He held the following jointly with John Golafre , John Cotesmore , John Hampden , and Thomas Haseley , still living, by grant of William Fitz Waryn, esquire , Thomas Estbury , Thomas Somerton , and Thomas Coventre , to Thomas Chaucer , John Golafre , John Cotesmore , John Hampden , and Thomas Haseley , and Robert James and Richard Wyot , now deceased, and to their heirs. The grant was made by charter dated on 27 September 1425, shown to the jurors. Royal licence was not obtained.
Buckland, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service, quantity unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 400 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 100s. rent, payable yearly at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Buckland, 200 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly. They are not held of the king, but of whom, and by what service, is unknown.
He held the following jointly with Maud lately his wife, still living, by grant of Alice, countess of Suffolk , in pure widow-right, to Thomas and Maud, and to their heirs and assigns. The grant was made by her charter, in which she is described as Alice, countess of Salisbury . The charter, dated on 26 November 1430, was shown to the jurors.
Hatford, the manor by Buckland. It is not held of the king, but of whom, and by what service, is unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 60s. rent, payable yearly at the feasts above equally.
He also held
an annuity of 20 marks fee-farm from the vill of Wallingford
for life by grant of ‪ Henry IV .
Date of death and heir as 346.
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.7–8

Writ Head

350 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Stopyndon].

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford (Chem...). [Iwardeby].

[Inquisition: only the left-hand edge of the ms, running complete from head to foot, remains.]


Jurors: John Mason ; Richard Squyer ; John Dyer ...


... a moiety... of the same Maud, and the other moiety... and Margaret his wife by a certain... shown in evidence, to Thomas... should die, then after... and the heirs of Margaret... d. yearly at Michaelmas... [in] the manor, 100 a. demesne land that... of wood, worth nothing yearly as sold... equally.n140 ... knight, deceased, a messuage and a [carucate of land]... certain messuage and land were lately assigned... Burgherssh in the said county according to.... And the carucate of land is worth... service unknown.

[Date of death and heir as 346.]
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.9–10

Writ Head

351 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Shelford].

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Aylesbury. 20 June 1435. [Burton].


Jurors: Henry Porter ; William Bryzthwell ; John Goold ; John Houchons ; John Caldecote ; Richard Touresey ; John Pepyr ; William Hether ; William Tempell ; John Thomas ; Richard Puksted ; and Matthew Colet .

He held the following in his demesne as of fee, jointly with Maud lately his wife, John Hampden , Thomas Bracton , William Borde , Thomas Ramsey , William Rasshe , and John Seynesbury, clerk , still living, by grant of Henry Somerton , Richard Wyot , Henry Aston , John Warfeld , and Geoffrey Prentys, clerk . The grant was made by charter to Thomas Chaucer and Maud, John Hampden , William Borde , Thomas Ramsey , William Rasshe , and John Seynesbury, clerk , and William Hervy , now deceased, and to their heirs.n141 The charter is dated on 1 August 1431 and was shown to the jurors.
Hambleden, 100 a. land, 6 a. meadow, 100 a. wood, and 10s. rent. Each acre of 100 a. arable is worth 2d. yearly, and no more because the land is stony, and 20 a. wood is worth nothing yearly, because the wood is timber. They are held of Lord Scrope, service unknown
.n142 He held the following in his demesne as of fee.
Brill, the manor, held of the king in chief as a knight’s fee. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; a windmill, worth 10s. yearly; 180 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly and no more as forested; 26 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 400 a. wood, worth nothing yearly as timber; 100s. assize rent from free tenants, payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee.
Beachendon, the manor, held of the honour of Wallingford, service unknown. There is the site, worth 8d. yearly; a dovecot, worth nothing yearly as ruinous; 210 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; an enclosed, several pasture, worth 20d. yearly in total; 2s. assize rent from free tenants, payable at the said feasts; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee.
Date of death and heir as 346.
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.11–12

Writ Head

352 Writ. Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Stopyndon].

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 14 April 1435. [Boneham].


Jurors: John Hayes ; Edward atte Rithe ; William Astill ; Stephen Jeweler ; William Halstede ; Richard Baker ; Richard Osebarn ; Thomas atte Lode ; Henry atte Rede ; John Sendale ; Philip Erether ; and William Morys .

He held one moiety of the following with Maud lately his wife, still living, from the inheritance of Maud, and the other moiety as jointly enfeoffed with Maud, by grant of John Arundell and Margaret his wife as 346 [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 69].
East Worldham, the manor, and custody of the forest of Woolmer and Alice Holt belonging to the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service, quantity unknown. In the manor, there is a park with beasts, worth nothing yearly above supporting them; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 36s. 8d. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally. Custody of the forest is worth nothing yearly.
He held the following jointly enfeoffed with Maud his wife, John Hampden , Thomas Bretton , William Borde , Thomas Ramsey , William Rasshe , and John Seynesbury, clerk , still living, by grant of Henry Somerton , Richard Wyot , Henry Aston , John Warfeld , and Geoffrey Prentys, clerk , to Thomas and Maud, John Hampden , Thomas Bretton , William Borde , Thomas Ramsey , William Rasshe , and John Seynesbury , and William Hervy , now deceased, and to their heirs. The grant was made by charter dated on 1 August 1431, shown to the jurors.
West Worldham, the manor. It is not held of the king but of whom, and by what service, is unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 80 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because not seasonable in the cutting; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and 10s. 4d. rent, payable yearly at Easter and Michaelmas equally.
Worldham, West Worldham, Alton, and Hartley Mauditt, 2 carucates of land, each worth 16s. 8d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly, reason as above. They are not held of the king but of whom, and by what service, is unknown.
Date of death and heir as 346.
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.15–16

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Winchester. 17 April 1436. [Whithorne].


Jurors: Edward atte Rithe ; Stephen Dyer ; William Astall ; John Lomer ; William Halstede ; Thomas atte Lode ; Simon Wyse ; William Mory ; Philip Erether ; William Plouker ; Richard Baker ; and William Raunebury .

He held no more lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in his demesne as of free tenement, but he did hold and occupy the following in royal right from 19 November 1411 until his death, title and estate unknown.
Binswood, 29 a. and 3 roods of land by perch beside the wood of Binswood, called ‘Sandelesinhome’.
Woolmer, 6 a. and 20 perches of land, and 1/2 a. and a rood of meadow in the forest of Woolmer, emparked and enclosed with the park of East Worldham. Each acre of land is worth 1d. yearly; the 20 perches are worth 1/2d. yearly; and the 1/2 a. and rood of meadow are worth 1/2d. yearly and no more as the land and meadow lie fallow (warect’), and the land is watery and full of rushes.
Upon his death, the park, land, and meadow were seized into the king’s hand, and are yet there.
Date of death as 346 [no information about the heir].
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.13–14

Writ Head

354 Writ. ‡ Dogmersfield. 30 November 1434. [Shelford].

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Oxford. 12 April 1435. [Catermayns].


Jurors: Richard Pypperd ; William Boseno ; Roger Radeley ; Robert Powghle ; Robert atte Water ; John Buldery ; Thomas Bartlott ; John Hoke ; Richard Nubye ; John Budby ; James Samwell ; and Ralph Archer .

He held the following jointly with Maud his wife, John Hampden , Thomas Bretton , William Borde , Thomas Ramsey , William Rasshe , and John Seynesbury, clerk , still living, by grant as 352. Royal licence was not obtained.
Cote, Wootton, and Begbroke, 6 messuages, each worth 4s. yearly; 4 tofts, each worth 2s. yearly; 100 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly. They are not held of the king but of whom, and by what service, is unknown.
Hook Norton, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 180 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a., each acre worth 3d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 60s. rent, payable yearly at the feast of St Thomas the Apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas equally.
Kidlington, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is the site, worth 20d. yearly; 191 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and £4 rent, payable yearly at the said terms equally.
Garsington, the manor called Louches, held of Thomas Blount, knight , and Elizabeth his wife, in right of Elizabeth, of her manor of Bullingdon. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 160 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 14 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 40s. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
Garsington, the manor called Havels, held of the abbot of Abingdon , service unknown. There are 80 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 13 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 30s. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
Ewelme, the manor called ‘Waces Court’. It is not held of the king but of whom is unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 140 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; an acre of meadow, worth 12d. yearly; and 40s. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
Swyncombe, the manor and advowson of the church of Swyncombe in the vill. They are not held of the king but of whom is unknown. There are 100 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 300 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and 100 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because not seasonable in the cutting.
The advowson is worth nothing yearly.
Hook Norton, Kidlington, Garsington, Ewelme, Swyncombe, Nuffield, Benson, Mongewell, Newnham Murren, Tackley, and Nethercott, 10 messuages, each worth 4s. yearly; 5 tofts, each worth 2s. yearly; 6 carucates of land, each carucate worth 20s. yearly, and 100 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 60 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 100 a. wood, worth nothing yearly, reason as above; and £20 rent. They are not held of the king, but of whom, and by what service, is unknown.
Hanwell, the manor and advowson of the church. They are not held of the king but of whom is unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 170 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; and 60s. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
He held the following in his demesne as of fee tail by grant of John Dabrigcourt, chevalier , John atte Hide , John Estbury , and William Broun , to Thomas, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of Richard Abburbery, knight . The grant was made by their indented charter dated at Ewelme on 24 August 1408, shown to the jurors.
Thrupp, the manor. It is not held of the king but of whom is unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 160 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. meadow and pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; and 40s. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
He held the following from the inheritance of Maud, lately his wife, in her right.
Ewelme, the manor called ‘Burgherssh Maner’ with 1/2 advowson of the church there, held of Katherine, queen of England , of her honour of Wallingford by knight service, quantity unknown. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 120 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and 100s. rent, payable yearly at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally.
He held the following jointly with Maud his wife by grant of John Arundell and Margaret his wife as 346 [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 69].
Ewelme, Swyncombe, and Nuffield, a moiety of 100 a. wood, worth nothing yearly, reason as above, held of Katherine, queen of England , of her honour of Wallingford by knight service, quantity unknown.
Ewelme, the other 0.5 of the advowson of the church, of no annual value, held of Katherine, queen of England , of her honour of Wallingford by knight service, quantity unknown.
Date of death and heir as 346.
TNA reference

C 139/70/35 mm.17–18



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
East Worldham, Woolmer, Alice Holt
parkworth nothinga (1 x park) -
arable2d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)16s. 8d. (=200d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)8s. 4d. (=100d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
rent36s. 8d.£1 16s. 8d. (=440d.)
Custody of the forestworth nothing -
Total: £3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
West Worldham
siteworth nothing -
arable2d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
woodworth nothing20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture1d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)8s. 4d. (=100d.)
rent10s. 4d.10s. 4d. (=124d.)
Total: £2 12s. (=624d.)
Worldham, West Worldham, Alton, Hartley Mauditt
land16s. 8d. (per unit)2 carucates (2 x carucate)£1 13s. 4d. (=400d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
woodworth nothing20 a. (20 x acre) -
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
East Worldham, Woolmer, Alice Holt
parkworth nothinga (1 x park) -
arable2d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)16s. 8d. (=200d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)8s. 4d. (=100d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
rent36s. 8d.£1 16s. 8d. (=440d.)
Custody of the forestworth nothing -
Total: £3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
West Worldham
siteworth nothing -
arable2d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)20 a. (20 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
woodworth nothing20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture1d. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)8s. 4d. (=100d.)
rent10s. 4d.10s. 4d. (=124d.)
Total: £2 12s. (=624d.)



  • Stopyndon(Writ Clerk)


  • John Hayes
  • Edward atte Rithe
  • William Astill
  • Stephen Jeweler
  • William Halstede
  • Richard Baker
  • Richard Osebarn
  • Thomas atte Lode
  • Henry atte Rede
  • John Sendale
  • Philip Erether
  • William Morys


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