Full text


Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 6 April 1434. [Slak].


Jurors: Roger Bodenham ; Hugh Hergest ; William Gernons ; Hugh Monyton ; Thomas de la Hay, junior ; John Chabbenore ; Edmund Gomond ; Howel (Hoell) ap Hoell ; John Bernard of Kynaston in Much Marcle or Kynaston in Leintwardine](Heyneston); Thomas Croyne ; Thomas Brugge of Lea (Ley); and Thomas Horsnet of Wormsley.

Elizabeth, daughter and one of the heirs of Richard Hankeford and Elizabeth his wife, held
1/2 of 1/3 manor of Dilwyn in her demesne as of fee, the 1/3 manor held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster by knight service. In the moiety there is a ruinous messuage, worth nothing yearly; 1/2 of 120 a. arable, worth 1/2 of 3s. 4d. yearly; 1/2 of 9 a. meadow, worth 1/2 of 2s. yearly; 1/2 of 12 a. wood, worth nothing yearly above enclosure; 1/2 of 120 a. pasture, worth 1/2 of 3s. 4d.; of 1/230s. assize rent, at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal portions; and 1/2 of 8 cottages and of 36 a. land belonging to them, worth 1/2 of 16d. and no more because the cottages are ruinous, devastated and destroyed.
She died on 13 October last. Thomasia her sister is her next heir, aged 12 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester. 16 April 1434. [Andrewe].


Jurors: Geoffrey atte Hyde ; John Solers ; John Tame ; Thomas Baron ; Robert Colet ; John Pryde ; John Frompton ; Richard Redhede ; John Coke of Frampton on Severn; Robert Page ; John Hogell ; and John Scaruyng .


Owing to the death of Richard Hankeford, knight ,

1/2 manor of Bentham called ‘Huntecourt’ came into the king’s hand and remains there because Elizabeth, one of his daughters and heirs, died a minor in the king’s wardship. Of whom the whole manor is held is unknown. In the whole manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly above its repair; 102 a. arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, worth 12s. yearly; 12 a. wood, worth nothing yearly after enclosure; 30s. assize rent, at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions; and perquisites of the court, worth 6s. 8d. in normal years.

Date of death and heir, aged 12 years, as in 234.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Lichfield. 6 April 1434. [Coton].


Jurors: Clement Jurdan ; John Spyser ; Robert Chaumbour ; Richard Granger ; John Bocher ; Thomas Thomyns ; William Wynneshurst ; John Hardewyk ; William Cooke ; John Jonis of Pattingham; Thomas Yong ; and Richard Byr .


After the death of Richard Hankeford, knight , and owing to the minority of Elizabeth one of his daughters and heirs, the following came into the king’s hand.

Betley, 1/2 of 1/3 vill, held with the other 1/2 of John de Bettiley ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value 15s. 6d.
Heighley, 1/2 of 1/3 park, held with the other 1/2 of the same heirs, service unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.
Tunstall, 1/2 of 1/3 manor, held with the other 1/2 of Alan de Greseley ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value £7 4d.
Horton, 1/2 of 1/3 manor, held with the other 1/2 of Humphrey, earl of Stafford , service unknown, annual value £4 5s. 5d.
Over Longsdon, 1/2 of 1/3 of 30s. rent, not held of the king or another.

Date of death and heir as in 235.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Doncaster. 20 January 1434. [Fitzwilliam].


Jurors: John Wermlay ; John Russell ; Thomas Vescy ; Richard Bosuill ; John Cartwright ; Thomas Neell ; Roger Burges ; Alexander Mylngate ; Thomas Russell ; William Wynk ; Thomas Graysson ; Thomas Bawntford ; and Robert Downyng .


No lands or tenements came into the king’s hand owing to the death of Richard Hankford, knight , or are there owing to the minority of Elizabeth one of his daughters and heirs. By their indented charter dated on 10 February 1426, shown to the jurors, Richard and Elizabeth his wife granted the manor of Edlington and all their lands and tenements there and in Yorkshire to James Gascoigne , who survives, for life, as is contained more fully in the charter. James was seised in his demesne as of free tenement. Elizabeth, wife of Richard, died and Richard subsequently died seised of the reversion. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard, held no lands or tenements of the king or another in demesne or service.

Edlington. The manor is held of Henry Vauesour of his manor of Hazelwood by service of a pair of spurs.
Date of death and heir as in 234.

TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 30 October 1434. [Berewe].


Jurors: Robert Blake ; Henry Chancy ; Robert Best ; John Weston ; John Kepenhull ; Thomas Michell ; Henry Clerk ; Thomas Keche ; William Howse ; William Gore, junior ; John Momforte ; and Robert Prouender .


Owing to the death of Richard Hankeford, knight , and the minority of Elizabeth one of his daughters and heirs, the following came into the king’s hand; they are held of the earl of Hereford’s heirs in free socage.

Crofton, 1/2 manor,n110 in which there is a toft, worth nothing yearly; 40 a. arable demesne, worth 10s. yearly, each acre 3d.; 4 a. meadow, worth 4s. yearly; 120 a. pasture, worth 5s. yearly; 60 a. substantial and dense wood, its pasture worth nothing yearly; 6 messuages and 6 virgates of land belonging to them, demised and held at will according to the customs of the manor, paying 20s. at Midsummer, Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter equally; and 8s. assize rent, by the hands of free tenants at the same terms.
Staunton, 1/2 manor,n111 with the advowson of the church every other presentation. In 1/2 manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 90 a. arable demesne, worth 22s. 6d. yearly, each acre 3d.; 6 a. meadow, worth 6s. yearly; 90 a. pasture, worth 7s. 6d. yearly, each acre 1d.; 10s. 6d. assize rent, by the hands of tenants at the same four terms equally; and 6 messuages and 6 virgates of land belonging to them, demised and held at will according to the customs of the manor, paying 24s. at the same terms equally.
Richard held the following jointly with Anne his wife, who survives. By an indented charter, James Gascoigne , John Dabernoun , William Blench and Thomas Cowyk demised the following, described as all messuages, lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions in Netheravon and Haxton in Wiltshire, among other things to Richard and Anne – described as Richard Hankeford, esquire , and Anne his wife – and Richard’s heirs, as is clear in the charter shown to the jurors.
Haxton, 1/3 of: a messuage, 3 cottages, 2 carucates of land, 6 a. meadow and 200 a. pasture, held of the heirs of Lord St Amand, service unknown, annual value £4.
Netheravon, 7 messuages and 7 virgates of land, held of David Cervyngton , annual value 100s.

Date of death and heir as in 234.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Newport. 23 October 1434. [Barbour].


Jurors: Richard Horton ; William Coton ; Roger Lyney ; Philip Yonge ; John Stuych ; Robert Rodyngton ; William Alyn ; John Cartwryght ; Nicholas Codynton ; Thomas Pulesdon ; William Horn ; and William Glouer .


For the reasons in 238 the following came into the king’s hand and are still there.

Whittington, 1/2 castle and lordship, with 1/2 advowson of the church, and 1/2 of 2 members below. The castle and its lordship are held of the king in chief by service of 1/16 knight’s fee. The castle is worth nothing yearly. In the castle lordship there are 389 a. arable, worth 30s. yearly; 100 a. meadow, worth 60s. yearly; 1,600 a. waste of a forest called ‘Gylvelyn & Metheyate’ on the mountain, worth nothing yearly after the fees and wages of the forester and the maintenance of the beasts grazing there; 1,600 a. of a forest called Babbinswood, worth nothing yearly after the same; 1,300 a. of a moor called Perrymoor, worth nothing yearly because the tenants of the lordship have common pasture without rendering anything to the lord; £16 assize rent, at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally; 45 cottages, and 50 a. arable and 30 a. meadow belonging to them, demised and held at will according to the customs of the manor, paying 70s. at the same feasts equally; 70 cottages, and 150 a. arable belonging to them, the cottages worth nothing yearly because destroyed, devastated and burnt by the Welsh rebels and not yet repaired, and the arable lying vacant in the lord’s hands for want of tenants; issues and perquisites of the court, worth 40s. and no more in normal years; 2 watermills, worth 50s. yearly; and 2 fulling-mills, worth 40s. yearly.
Selattyn, 1/2 advowson of the church.
Ebnal, as 1/2 member of Whittington castle. Here there is the capital messuage, run-down, ruinous and devastated, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable adjacent to the messuage, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 10 a. meadow similarly adjacent, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Welsh Frankton, as 1/2 member of Whittington castle. Here there are 12 ruinous cottages, partly destroyed and devastated, worth nothing yearly; and 12 virgates of land belonging to the cottages, worth 12s. yearly.
Red Castle, 1/2 of 1/3 castle and lordship and 1/2 of 1/3 adjacent members, the 1/3 held of John Harecourte by 1d. for all service. The 1/3 castle is worth nothing yearly. In 1/3 members there are 3 virgates of arable, worth 15s. yearly, at Lady Day and Michaelmas equally; 15 a. meadow, worth 15s. yearly, at the same terms; 50 a. of a of wood called Northwood, its pasture worth 5s. yearly; 9 a. of a of wood called Marchamley, worth nothing yearly; 40s. assize rent, at the same feasts equally; 9 cottages and 20 a. arable belonging to them, demised and held at will according to the customs of the manor, paying 20s. at the same terms equally; a watermill, worth 12s. yearly; and 8 cottages, destroyed, devastated and burnt by invasion, rebellion and the Welsh and not yet repaired, worth nothing yearly.
Edgmond, 1/2 of 1/3 manor, and 1/3 adjacent [members]. The whole manor with the vill of Newport is held of the king in chief by service of a mewed sparrow-hawk yearly for all service. In 1/3 manor with its members there is the capital messuage, run-down, ruinous and devastated, worth nothing yearly; 3 virgates of arable, worth 15s. yearly, at the above terms; 9 a. meadow, worth 9s. yearly; 40 a. marsh, worth nothing yearly because the manorial tenants have common pasture throughout the year without rendering anything to the lord; 60s. assize rent, at the same terms equally; and 9 cottages with 30 a. arable belonging to them, demised and held as above for 60s. at the same terms equally.

Date of death and heir as in 234.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.11–12

Writ Head

240 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 18 October 1433. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Devon and Cornwall .

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Exeter. 12 October 1434. [Wadham].


Jurors: John Hengstecote ; Nicholas Terant ; Richard Yeo ; Richard Colecote ; John Crosse ; Richard Boure ; John Happer ; John Pree ; Oliver Chamberleyn ; William Boteler ; Henry Lange ; and Robert Wode of East or West Putford.


For the reasons in 238 the following came into the king’s hand and are still there.

Tawstock, 1/2 manor and 1/2 advowson of the church belonging to it, the whole manor held of the king in chief by service of 1/18 barony of Barnstaple. In the manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a garden containing 1/2 a. land, worth 12d. yearly; a park for keeping beasts, worth nothing yearly after their maintenance; 300 a. arable demesne, worth £7 10s. yearly, each acre 6d.; 12 a. meadow, worth 12s. yearly, each acre 12d.; 80 a. pasture, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, each acre 4d.; 62 messuages, and 62 ferlings of land belonging to them, demised and held at will according to the customs of the manor, rendering £31 at Midsummer, Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter equally, each messuage and ferling 10s. yearly; 30 cottages and 30 a. land belonging to them, demised and held as above, rendering 30s. as above, each cottage and 1 a. land 12d.; £19 feudal aid of villeins, paid as above; 26s. from a payment called ‘Reuenebiggyng’, paid as above; 10s. from a custom called ‘Childernsiluer’, paid as above; 18s. from ploughing works, paid as above; 3 watermills, worth 30s. yearly; 23s. 6d. assize rent, paid as above by the hands of free tenants; perquisites of the court, worth 10s. in normal years; and a dovecot, worth nothing yearly because there are no doves.
The advowson is worth nothing yearly.
Nymet Tracey, 1/2 manor and 1/2 advowson of the church belonging to it. The manor is held with the manor of Holne of the king in chief by service of 1/30 barony. In the manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 210 a. arable demesne, worth 10s. yearly; 10 a. meadow, worth 8s. 10d. yearly; 104 a. pasture, worth 18s. 4d. yearly, each acre 2d.; 60 a. wood, its pasture worth 3s. yearly; a watermill, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; £4 10s. assize rent, paid as above by the hands of free tenants; 9 messuages and 212 a. arable belonging to them, demised and held as above, paying 54s. as above, each holding 6s.; perquisites of the court, worth 20s. in normal years; and 2 fairs, one at the Ascension and the other at Martinmas, the issues worth 26s. 8d. in normal years.
The advowson is worth nothing yearly.
Bampton, 1/2 of: the manor with the hundred, borough and advowson of the free chantry of the fee belonging to it, the whole held of the king in chief by knight service. In the manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 166 a. arable, worth £4 3s. yearly, each acre 6d.; 26 a. meadow, worth 26s. yearly, each acre 12d.; 86 a. pasture, worth 21s. 6d. yearly, each acre 3d.; £11 18s. 11d. assize rent, paid as above; and 2 watermills, worth 40s. yearly. Perquisites of the hundred are worth 40s. in normal years. In the borough there is £6 13s. 4d. assize rent, paid as above by the hands of free burgess tenants.
The chantry is worth nothing yearly.
Uffculme, 1/2 manor. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee. In the manor there is the capital messuage, run-down and ruinous, worth nothing yearly; 156 a. arable demesne, worth 52s. yearly, each acre 4d.; 42 a. meadow, worth 28s. yearly, each acre 8d.; an ancient park, its pasture worth 27s. yearly; 42 a. pasture on a hill, worth 7s. yearly; 2 fulling-mills and a watermill, worth 16s. yearly; 21 messuages and 420 a. arable belonging to them, demised and held as above, paying 119s. as above, each holding 5s. 8d.; 21 cottages demised and held as above, paying 42s. as above, each cottage 2s.; £7 4s. assize rent, paid as above by the hands of free tenants; and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. in normal years.
Holne, 1/2 manor, held with the manor of Nymet Tracey. In the manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 3 a. meadow, worth 6s. yearly, each acre 2s.; a watermill, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 6 a. substantial wood in the park called ‘Derparke’ for enclosing beasts, its pasture worth nothing yearly above maintenance of the beasts (ferarum bestiarum); 300 a. substantial and dense wood outside the park, its pasture worth 5s. yearly; 23s. assize rent, paid as above by the hands of free tenants; and 30 messuages and 800 a. arable belonging to them, demised and held as above, paying £8 5s. yearly, each holding 5s. 6d.
Little Totnes, 1/2 manor. The manor is held of William Bonevyll, knight , by service of 1/2 knight’s fee. In the manor there are 3 a. wood, its pasture worth 8d. yearly; £9 assize rent, paid as above by the hands of free tenants; and a watermill, worth 20s. yearly.
Shillingford, 1/2 of: a messuage and carucate of land, the whole held of the abbot of Torre in free socage, annual value 13s. 4d.
Crediton, 1/2 messuage, the whole [also given as a toft] held of the bishop [of Exeter] in free socage, annual value 12d.
Richard Hankeford was lately seised of the following. He married Elizabeth Filtz Waryn and they had issue Thomasia and Elizabeth. Elizabeth the wife died and Richard married Anne, daughter of John, lately earl of Salisbury , and they had issue Anne. Richard died and the following descended to Thomasia, Elizabeth and Anne, minors, as his daughters and heirs. Elizabeth, daughter of Richard, died and her share descended to Thomasia, who survives, a minor in the king’s wardship. This share came into the king’s hand owing to the death of Richard and the minority of Elizabeth his daughter and is still there.
Milton Damerel, a messuage, watermill, carucate of land and 20 a. wood, held of the king in chief by service of 1/10 knight’s fee, annual value 40s.
Exeter, 2 messuages and 2 gardens in the city, held of the king in free burgage, annual value 40s.
Roborough, 2 a. land, held of the abbot of Tavistock in free socage by rent of a rose yearly for all service, annual value 2d.;
and the advowson of the church belonging to the land, annual value nil.
North Tawton, a messuage and 9 a. land, held of Otes Chambernoun ’s heirs in free socage by service of a rose yearly for all service, annual value 3s.;
and the advowson of the church, annual value nil.
Richard was lately seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Braundsworthy in the parish of Black Torrington, a messuage, 60 a. land, 10 a. meadow and 100 a. pasture, held of William Danyll in free socage by 1d. rent yearly for all service, annual value nil above this 13s.
. He demised the holding to Thomas Seche and Rose his wife and John their son, who survive, for their lives, rendering to him and his heirs 13s. at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and Midsummer equally.
Stadson in the parish of Bradford, a messuage, 100 a. land, 20 a. meadow and 100 a. pasture, held of John Speke and Joan his wife in her right, service unknown, annual value nil above this 15s. 6d.
. He demised the holdign to John Okhampton and Joan his wife, who survive, for their lives, rendering to him and his heirs 15s. 6d. as above. Long before his death and by his indented deed, dated on 25 July 1424 and shown to the jurors, He granted the rents and services of Thomas, Rose, John their son, and John Okhampton and Joan his wife, with the reversion of those holdings, to John Dabernoun , now deceased, for life, rendering to Richard and his heirs a grain of wheat at Michaelmas. John Dabernoun died on 5 October 1433. The rents in the vills descended after the deaths of Richard and John Dabernoun to Thomasia, Elizabeth and Anne as daughters and heirs of Richard. After the death of Elizabeth, daughter of Richard, her share descended to Thomasia as above, and is in the king’s hand as above. Richard held the following, among others, jointly enfeoffed with Anne his wife, who survives, by the demise in 238.
Rolstone, the manor, held of John Arundell, chevalier , service unknown, annual value £3.
Combeinteignhead, the manor, held of queen Katherine, service unknown, annual value £18.
Cookbury, the manor, held of Philip Courtenay, chevalier , service unknown, annual value £12.
Haghen, the manor, held of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown, annual value £10.
Huish, the manor [tenure and annual value not given].
Instow, the manor, held of John Fraunceys ’ heirs , service unknown, annual value £12.
Harford, the manor, held of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown, annual value £12.
Yarnscombe, the manor, held of John, earl of Huntingdon , and Henry Person and Avice his wife in her right, by knight service, annual value £8.
West Down, the manor, held of the prior of St John of Bridgwater , service unknown, annual value £4.
Holywill, the manor, held of Nicholas Speccote , service unknown, annual value £4.
Clyfford, the manor, held of Ralph Lytelton , service unknown, annual value £4 8s.
Westrygge, the manor, held of John Spencer , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Hankford, the manor, held of Thomas Beaumont, knight , service unknown, annual value £4.
Horton, the manor, held of John, earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Yedbury, the manor, held of Edward Pomeray , service unknown, annual value £4.
Annery, the manor, held of John Gay of Goldworthy, service unknown, annual value 100s.
Richard held the following jointly with Anne his wife, who survives, by the same demise.
Rashleigh Barton, £6 13s. 4d. rent, at the four annual terms equally, from 17 messuages, 7 carucates of land, 40 a. meadow, 60 a. wood and 60 a. furze and heath, described as all lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions in Rashleigh Barton, as is clear fully in the charter. The holding is held of John Stacy , service unknown.
Bucks Mills, Stroxworthy, Almiston, Huddisford, Meddon, Hollacombe, West Hole (Westhole), Upcott, Halsdon, Witheridge, Langtree, Ashridge and Petticombe, 111s. 6d. rent, as above, from 13 messuages and 13 ferlings of land, described as all lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions in those places, as is clear in the charter. The messuages and land are held of Baldwin Foleford , John Gogh , Philip Courtenay, knight , Richard, earl of Warwick , John Paslewe and the prior of Montacute , service unknown.
Instaple, Stapledon, West Coombe, Eastacombe, Virworthy, Newland, Lutson, Slade, North or South Molton, Eastacott, Bower, Haytown, Bewsley (Beveshill), Poughill, Penhay, Patchacott, Mullingar, Venton, Hill, Barnacott, Langtree, Great Torrington (Toryton), Beam, Vppecote, Halse (Hals), Annery, Bideford, West Heanton, Peters Marland , Hillashmoor, Almiston, and Cudworthy, all lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions, as described and clear in the charter. He held these as follows.
Instaple, 2 messuages and 2 ferlings of land, of Thomas Stowell, knight , service unknown, annual value 26s. 8d.
Stapledon, 2 messuages and 2 ferlings of land, of John Cole , service unknown, annual value 53s. 4d.
West Coombe and Eastacombe, 2 messuages and 3 ferlings of land, of the prior of Bodmin , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Virworthy, 5 messuages and 6 ferlings of land, of William Palton, knight , service unknown, annual value 100s.
North or South Molton, a toft and 4 ferlings of land, of Thomas Stowell, chevalier , service unknown, annual value 53s. 4d.
Newland, a messuage and 3 ferlings of land, of Edmund de Horton ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Lutson, a messuage and 3 ferlings of land, of William Palton, knight , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Slade, 2 messuages and 2 ferlings of land, of Edmund de Horton ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value 30s.
Eastacott and Bower, a toft, messuage and 3 ferlings of land, of the prior of Frithelstock , service unknown, annual value 66s. 8d.
Haytown, a messuage and ferling of land, of Thomas Beaumont, knight , service unknown, annual value 8s.
Bewsley (Beveshill), a messuage and 3 ferlings of land, of John Specer , service unknown, annual value 30s.
Poughill and Penhay, 2 messuages and 2 ferlings of land, of Robert Hakeworthy ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value 43s.
Patchacott, a messuage and 3 ferlings of land, of William Hydon ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Mullingar, a messuage and 2 ferlings of land, of the earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 26s. 8d.
Venton, a messuage and 2 ferlings of land, of William Were ’s heirs, service unknown, annual value 20s.
Hill, a messuage and 2 ferlings of land, of the same earl, service unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.
Barnacott, a messuage and ferling of land, of the same earl, service unknown, annual value 10s.
Langtree, a messuage, toft and 2 ferlings of land, of Richard, earl of Warwick , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Great Torrington (Toryton), 3 messuages and 8 a. land, of the same earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Beam, a toft and carucate of land, of the same earl, service unknown, annual value 11s. 8d.
Vppcote, Halse (Hals) and Bideford, 3 messuages and 2 carucates of land, of William Grenevill , service unknown, annual value £4.
Annery, a toft and 2 ferlings of land, of John Gay , service unknown, annual value 20s.
West Heanton, 3 messuages and 3 ferlings of land, of the abbot of Tavistock , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Peters Marland, 2 messuages and 3 ferlings of land, of Nicholas Speccote , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Hillashmoor, 2 messuages and 2 ferlings of land, of the same earl of Warwick , service unknown, annual value 26s. 8d.
Almiston, 10 a. land, of the same earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 12d.
Cudworthy, a toft and 2 ferlings of land, of Thomas Stoford , service unknown, annual value 16s.
John Adam and Joan his wife, who survive, lately held for life messuages, lands and tenements in Bountis Thorne in the parish of East Putford of Richard Hankeford and his heirs by 26s. 8d. rent, reversion to Richard and his heirs. Described as Richard Hankeford, esquire , and by his indented deed shown to the jurors, Richard granted the rent and services and the reversion to John Wydeslade , who survives, for life, rendering to Richard and his heirs a grain of wheat at Michaelmas for all service. John Adam and Joan attorned to John Wydeslade and Richard died seised of his estate in the rent of a grain of wheat.
Bountis Thorne. The messuages, lands and tenements are held of Walter Pollard , service unknown.
John Flory and Philippa his wife lately held
the manor and church advowson of Littleham
for her life, reversion to William Whitefild . By his indented deed shown to the jurors, William granted the reversion to Richard Hankeford, knight , now deceased, John Copleston , John Mulys and John Dabernoun , to whom John and Philippa attorned. Described as Richard Hankeford, esquire , and by his indented deed dated on 22 April 1428 and shown to the jurors, Richard granted the following to John Kempe , who survives, for life, rendering to Richard and his heirs a grain of wheat at Michaelmas for all service, as is contained more fully in the deed. Richard died seised of the rent of wheat and the reversion.
Great Torrington, a tenement in New Street, held of the same earl of Huntingdon , service unknown.
Long before his death and during the life of Elizabeth his wife, by his charter dated on 12 April 1421 and shown to the jurors, and described as Richard Hankeford, esquire , he granted the following manors – described as all his manors of Up Exe, Lower Creedy, St Marychurch, Spitchwick, Worlington, Beer Charter Barton, Marwood and Warkleigh, and all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions in those places plus Ilfracombe and Kingston with Marwell – to William Hankeford, knight , John Hals and John Dabernoun , now deceased, and to William Cheyny , John Copleston, junior , William Blenche and John Wydeslade , who survive, and their heirs. He bound himself and his heirs to warrant the manors to William, William, John, John, William and John [sic] and their heirs, as is contained more fully in the charter. The recipients were all seised in their demesne as of fee and William Cheyne , John, John, John, William Blenche and John continued in their estate during Richard’s lifetime and still do so. The manors were of the inheritance of Elizabeth his wife.
Up Exe, the manor, held of the same earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 100s.
Lower Creedy, the manor, held of Edward Pomeray , service unknown, annual value 40s.
St Marychurch, the manor, held of John Dynham, knight , service unknown, annual value 100s.
Spitchwick, the manor, held of John Ponynges , service unknown, annual value £4.
Worlington, the manor, held of the same earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Beer Charter Barton, the manor, held of the same earl, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Marwood, the manor, held of Anne, countess of Devon , service unknown, annual value 26s. 8d.
Warkleigh, the manor, held of the same John Ponynges , service unknown, annual value £4.
Ilfracombe, the manor, held of John Herle, knight , service unknown, annual value 40s.
Kingston, the manor, held of the same countess, service unknown, annual value £10.

Date of death and heir as in 234, with Thomasia also described as one of the daughters and heirs of Elizabeth, lately wife of Richard.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.13, 15

Writ Head

241 [Writ: see 240 .]

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition [indented]. Stratton. 14 October 1434. [Wadham].


Jurors: Robert Doune ; Nicholas Legh ; Richard Morton ; Thomas Haye ; John Gogh ; William Bampton ; Robert Bruyn ; Richard Smyth ; Nicholas Stonhouse ; John Trecarn ; Richard Clay ; and Thomas Trecarn .


Richard Hankeford, knight , was lately seised of the following. Details of marriages and issue, descent of holdings to the daughters and existence in the king’s hand of the share of Elizabeth, daughter of Richard, all as in 240.

Menheniot, 1 English a. land, annual value 6d., and the advowson of the church every third presentation, worth nothing yearly. The land is held of John Helygan ’s heirs in free socage by rent of a rose yearly for all service.
Knowle, a messuage, 1 Cornish a. land and 5 a. wood, held of Humphrey Beuyle in free socage by 2s. rent, at Michaelmas and Easter equally, for all service, annual value 13s. 4d.
Trethevy, a messuage and 1 Cornish a. land, held of Philippa, countess of Oxford , in free socage by 3s. rent, at Michaelmas and Easter equally, for all service, annual value 13s. 4d.
Long before his death, by his charter dated on 12 March 1420 and shown to the jurors, and described as Richard Hankeford son of Richard Hankeford , he granted 26s. 8d. annual rent at Michaelmas from the holdings in Knowle and Trethevy – described as all his messuages, lands and tenements in Knowle and Trethevy – to Robert Shorta , who survives, as is contained more fully in the charter. He held the manor of Kelynack, among others, jointly with Anne his wife, who survives, by the demise in 238.
Kelynack. The manor is held of Alexander Champernoun , service unknown, annual value £16.

Date of death and heir as in 234.
TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.13–14

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Wells. 13 March 1434. [Champneys].


Jurors: John Welweton ; William Clowtesham ; John Pytte ; Thomas Roche ; Richard Bagot ; William Elyot ; Walter Persons ; Richard Arnold ; William Brayn ; Simon Houchyn ; William Bery ; and Roger Oldemyxon .


For the reasons in 238, the following moieties came into the king’s hand and are still there. Richard Hankeford held the whole holdings for life by curtesy of the inheritance of Elizabeth and Thomasia, daughters and heirs of Elizabeth his wife. Elizabeth his daughter died a minor in the king’s wardship and Thomasia survives.

Huntspill, 1/2 of: the manor and advowson of the church, the whole held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee. In the manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, a moiety worth 3s. 4d. yearly; a garden containing 3 a. land, a moiety of its pasture worth 2s. 6d. yearly; 309 a. arable, a moiety worth £7 14s. 6d. yearly; 201 a. meadow, a moiety worth £6 14s. yearly; 129 a. pasture, a moiety worth 75s. 3d. yearly; 6 a. thatching reeds, a moiety of the crop worth 5s. yearly; 54 tenements, a messuage and 16 a. land in each, a moiety rendering £18 18s. yearly, paid by customary tenants at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas equally; 6 cottages, a moiety rendering 15s. yearly, paid by customary tenants as above; a pasture, a moiety worth 30s. yearly, paid by customary tenants as above; 9s. 6d. assize rent, by the hands of free tenants as above; perquisites of the court, worth 40s. in normal years; a windmill, a moiety worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and a several fishery called ‘le Core’, a moiety worth 50s. yearly.
Wigborough, 1/2 manor, the whole held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee. In the manor there is the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a garden containing 1 1/2 a. land, a moiety worth 6d. yearly; 100 a. arable, a moiety worth £3 6s. 8d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, a moiety worth 26s. 8d. yearly; 20 a. pasture, a moiety worth 10s. yearly; 60s. assize rent, by the hands of free tenants as above; and 18 tenements, a moiety rendering 27s. yearly, paid by customary tenants as above.
Huntstile, 1/2 manor, the whole held of the king in chief by service of 1/20 knight’s fee. In the manor there is a toft, worth nothing yearly; 34 a. arable, a moiety worth 5s. 8d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, a moiety worth 10s. yearly; 6 a. wood, a moiety worth nothing yearly after enclosure; 4 tenements, a messuage and 20 a. arable in each, a moiety rendering 6s. yearly, paid by customary tenants as above; and 4 cottages, a messuage and 10 a. arable in each, a moiety rendering 2s. yearly, paid by customary tenants as above.
He held the following jointly with Anne his wife, who survives, by the enfeoffment and demise in 238. Richard and Anne had issue Anne, who survives. The reversion after the death of Anne, wife of Richard, belongs to Thomasia and Anne, daughters and heirs of Richard.
Norton, the manor, held of Humphrey Stafford, chevalier , of his manor of Chiselborough, service unknown, annual value £60.
Nunnington, the manor, held of the heirs of John Luterell, chevalier , service unknown, annual value £10.

She died on 12 October last. Thomasia her sister is her next heir, aged 11 years and more.

[Foot:] delivered to Chancery on 5 April 1434.

TNA reference

C 139/65/40 mm.16–17



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuageworth nothing -
garden, land12d.a (1 x garden land), 1/2 a. (0.5 x acre)1s. (=12d.)
parkworth nothinga (1 x park) -
arable demesne£7 10s., 6d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£15 (=3600d.)
meadow12s., 12d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)£1 4s. (=288d.)
pasture26s. 8d., 4d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
messuage and ferling£31, 10s. (per unit)62 (62 x messuage and ferling)£62 (=14880d.)
cottage and 1 a. land30s., 12d. (per unit)30 (30 x cottage and 1 a. land)£3 (=720d.)
feudal aid of villeins£19£19 (=4560d.)
payment called ‘Reuenebiggyng’26s.a (1 x payment called ‘Reuenebiggyng’)£1 6s. (=312d.)
a custom called ‘Childernsiluer’10s.10s. (=120d.)
ploughing works18s.18s. (=216d.)
watermills30s.3 (3 x watermills)£1 10s. (=360d.)
assize rent23s. 6d.£1 3s. 6d. (=282d.)
court10s.10s. (=120d.)
dovecotworth nothinga (1 x dovecot) -
Total: £108 15s. 10d. (=26110d.)
Valueworth nothing (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Nymet Tracey
messuages9 (9 x messuages) -
arable212 a. (212 x acre) -
Value54s.£2 14s. (=648d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
arable demesne10s.210 a. (210 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow8s. 10d.10 a. (10 x acre)8s. 10d. (=106d.)
pasture18s. 4d., 2d. (per unit)104 a. (104 x acre)£1 15s. 8d. (=428d.)
wood, pasture3s.60 a. (60 x acre)3s. (=36d.)
watermill13s. 4d.a (1 x watermill)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
assize rent£4 10s.£4 10s. (=1080d.)
54s., 6s. (per unit)£2 14s. (=648d.)
court20s.£1 (=240d.)
fairs26s. 8d.2 (2 x fairs)£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £13 1s. 6d. (=3138d.)
Valueworth nothing (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
arable£4 3s., 6d. (per unit)166 a. (166 x acre)£8 6s. (=1992d.)
meadow26s., 12d. (per unit)26 a. (26 x acre)£2 12s. (=624d.)
pasture21s. 6d., 3d. (per unit)86 a. (86 x acre)£2 3s. (=516d.)
assize rent£11 18s. 11d.£11 18s. 11d. (=2867d.)
watermills40s.2 (2 x watermills)£2 (=480d.)
40s.£2 (=480d.)
assize rent£6 13s. 4d.£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £35 13s. 3d. (=8559d.)
Valueworth nothing (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
fulling-mills2 (2 x fulling-mills) -
watermilla (1 x watermill) -
messuages21 (21 x messuages) -
arable420 a. (420 x acre) -
Value16s. 119s. 5s. 8d.£7 8d. (=1688d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
arable52s., 4d. (per unit)156 a. (156 x acre)£5 4s. (=1248d.)
meadow28s., 8d. (per unit)42 a. (42 x acre)£2 16s. (=672d.)
ancient park, pasture27s.an (1 x ancient park pasture)£1 7s. (=324d.)
pasture on a hill7s.42 a. (42 x acre)7s. (=84d.)
16s.16s. (=192d.)
119s., 5s. 8d.£6 4s. 8d. (=1496d.)
cottages42s., 2s. (per unit)21 (21 x cottages)£4 4s. (=1008d.)
assize rent£7 4s.£7 4s. (=1728d.)
court10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £28 12s. 8d. (=6872d.)
messuages30 (30 x messuages) -
arable800 a. (800 x acre) -
Value£8 5s. 5s. 6d.£8 10s. 6d. (=2046d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
meadow6s., 2s. (per unit)3 a. (3 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
watermill13s. 4d.a (1 x watermill)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
substantial wood, park, pastureworth nothing6 a. (6 x acre) -
substantial and dense wood, pasture5s.300 a. (300 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
assize rent23s.£1 3s. (=276d.)
£8 5s., 5s. 6d.£8 10s. 6d. (=2046d.)
Total: £11 3s. 10d. (=2686d.)
Little Totnes
wood, pasture8d.3 a. (3 x acre)8d. (=8d.)
assize rent£9£9 (=2160d.)
watermill20s.a (1 x watermill)£1 (=240d.)
Total: £10 8d. (=2408d.)
messuagea (0.5 x messuage) -
landcarucate (0.5 x carucate) -
Value13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
Total: 13s. 4d. (=160d.)
messuage1/2 (0.5 x messuage) -
Value12d.1s. (=12d.)
Total: 1s. (=12d.)
Milton Damerel
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
watermill -
landcarucate (1 x carucate) -
wood20 a. (20 x acre) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
gardens2 (2 x gardens) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
land2d.2 a. (2 x acre)2d. (=2d.)
Total: 2d. (=2d.)
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
North Tawton
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land9 a. (9 x acre) -
Value3s.3s. (=36d.)
Total: 3s. (=36d.)
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land60 a. (60 x acre) -
meadow10 a. (10 x acre) -
pasture100 a. (100 x acre) -
Value13s.13s. (=156d.)
Total: 13s. (=156d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land100 a. (100 x acre) -
meadow20 a. (20 x acre) -
pasture100 a. (100 x acre) -
Value15s. 6d.15s. 6d. (=186d.)
Total: 15s. 6d. (=186d.)
Value£3£3 (=720d.)
Total: £3 (=720d.)
Value£18£18 (=4320d.)
Total: £18 (=4320d.)
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Value£8£8 (=1920d.)
Total: £8 (=1920d.)
West Down
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Value£4 8s.£4 8s. (=1056d.)
Total: £4 8s. (=1056d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Annery, Goldworthy
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Rashleigh Barton, Rashleigh Barton
rent£6 13s. 4d.£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
messuages17 (17 x messuages) -
land7 carucates (7 x carucate) -
meadow40 a. (40 x acre) -
wood60 a. (60 x acre) -
heath60 a. (60 x acre) -
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Bucks Mills, Stroxworthy, Almiston, Huddisford, Meddon, Hollacombe, West Hole, Upcott, Halsdon, Witheridge, Langtree, Ashridge, Petticombe
rent111s. 6d.£5 11s. 6d. (=1338d.)
messuages13 (13 x messuages) -
land13 (13 x ferling) -
Total: £5 11s. 6d. (=1338d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value53s. 4d.£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
West Coombe, Eastacombe
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuages5 (5 x messuages) -
land6 (6 x ferling) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
North, South Molton
tofta (1 x toft) -
land4 (4 x ferling) -
Value53s. 4d.£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value30s.£1 10s. (=360d.)
Total: £1 10s. (=360d.)
Eastacott, Bower
toft, messuagea (1 x toft messuage) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value66s. 8d.£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
Total: £3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
landferling (1 x ferling) -
Value8s.8s. (=96d.)
Total: 8s. (=96d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value30s.£1 10s. (=360d.)
Total: £1 10s. (=360d.)
Poughill, Penhay
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value43s.£2 3s. (=516d.)
Total: £2 3s. (=516d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value13s. 4d.13s. 4d. (=160d.)
Total: 13s. 4d. (=160d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
landferling (1 x ferling) -
Value10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: 10s. (=120d.)
messuagea (1 x messuage) -
toft (1 x toft) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Great Torrington
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land8 a. (8 x acre) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
tofta (1 x toft) -
landcarucate (1 x carucate) -
Value11s. 8d.11s. 8d. (=140d.)
Total: 11s. 8d. (=140d.)
Vppcote, Halse, Bideford
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land2 carucates (2 x carucate) -
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
tofta (1 x toft) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
West Heanton
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Peters Marland
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land3 (3 x ferling) -
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
messuages2 (2 x messuages) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
land10 a. (10 x acre) -
Value12d.1s. (=12d.)
Total: 1s. (=12d.)
tofta (1 x toft) -
land2 (2 x ferling) -
Value16s.16s. (=192d.)
Total: 16s. (=192d.)
Bountis Thorne
Total: -
advowson, Littleham
Total: -
Great Torrington
Total: -
Up Exe
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Lower Creedy
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
St Marychurch
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Beer Charter Barton
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Value26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Value£4£4 (=960d.)
Total: £4 (=960d.)
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuageworth nothing -
garden, land12d.a (1 x garden land), 1/2 a. (0.5 x acre)1s. (=12d.)
parkworth nothinga (1 x park) -
arable demesne£7 10s., 6d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£15 (=3600d.)
meadow12s., 12d. (per unit)12 a. (12 x acre)£1 4s. (=288d.)
pasture26s. 8d., 4d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
messuage and ferling£31, 10s. (per unit)62 (62 x messuage and ferling)£62 (=14880d.)
cottage and 1 a. land30s., 12d. (per unit)30 (30 x cottage and 1 a. land)£3 (=720d.)
feudal aid of villeins£19£19 (=4560d.)
payment called ‘Reuenebiggyng’26s.a (1 x payment called ‘Reuenebiggyng’)£1 6s. (=312d.)
a custom called ‘Childernsiluer’10s.10s. (=120d.)
ploughing works18s.18s. (=216d.)
watermills30s.3 (3 x watermills)£1 10s. (=360d.)
assize rent23s. 6d.£1 3s. 6d. (=282d.)
court10s.10s. (=120d.)
dovecotworth nothinga (1 x dovecot) -
Total: £108 15s. 10d. (=26110d.)
Nymet Tracey
messuages9 (9 x messuages) -
arable212 a. (212 x acre) -
Value54s.£2 14s. (=648d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
arable demesne10s.210 a. (210 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
meadow8s. 10d.10 a. (10 x acre)8s. 10d. (=106d.)
pasture18s. 4d., 2d. (per unit)104 a. (104 x acre)£1 15s. 8d. (=428d.)
wood, pasture3s.60 a. (60 x acre)3s. (=36d.)
watermill13s. 4d.a (1 x watermill)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
assize rent£4 10s.£4 10s. (=1080d.)
54s., 6s. (per unit)£2 14s. (=648d.)
court20s.£1 (=240d.)
fairs26s. 8d.2 (2 x fairs)£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £13 1s. 6d. (=3138d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
arable£4 3s., 6d. (per unit)166 a. (166 x acre)£8 6s. (=1992d.)
meadow26s., 12d. (per unit)26 a. (26 x acre)£2 12s. (=624d.)
pasture21s. 6d., 3d. (per unit)86 a. (86 x acre)£2 3s. (=516d.)
assize rent£11 18s. 11d.£11 18s. 11d. (=2867d.)
watermills40s.2 (2 x watermills)£2 (=480d.)
40s.£2 (=480d.)
assize rent£6 13s. 4d.£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £35 13s. 3d. (=8559d.)
fulling-mills2 (2 x fulling-mills) -
watermilla (1 x watermill) -
messuages21 (21 x messuages) -
arable420 a. (420 x acre) -
Value16s. 119s. 5s. 8d.£7 8d. (=1688d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
arable52s., 4d. (per unit)156 a. (156 x acre)£5 4s. (=1248d.)
meadow28s., 8d. (per unit)42 a. (42 x acre)£2 16s. (=672d.)
ancient park, pasture27s.an (1 x ancient park pasture)£1 7s. (=324d.)
pasture on a hill7s.42 a. (42 x acre)7s. (=84d.)
16s.16s. (=192d.)
119s., 5s. 8d.£6 4s. 8d. (=1496d.)
cottages42s., 2s. (per unit)21 (21 x cottages)£4 4s. (=1008d.)
assize rent£7 4s.£7 4s. (=1728d.)
court10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £28 12s. 8d. (=6872d.)
messuages30 (30 x messuages) -
arable800 a. (800 x acre) -
Value£8 5s. 5s. 6d.£8 10s. 6d. (=2046d.)
capital messuageworth nothing -
meadow6s., 2s. (per unit)3 a. (3 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
watermill13s. 4d.a (1 x watermill)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
substantial wood, park, pastureworth nothing6 a. (6 x acre) -
substantial and dense wood, pasture5s.300 a. (300 x acre)5s. (=60d.)
assize rent23s.£1 3s. (=276d.)
£8 5s., 5s. 6d.£8 10s. 6d. (=2046d.)
Total: £11 3s. 10d. (=2686d.)
Little Totnes
wood, pasture8d.3 a. (3 x acre)8d. (=8d.)
assize rent£9£9 (=2160d.)
watermill20s.a (1 x watermill)£1 (=240d.)
Total: £10 8d. (=2408d.)



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John Hengstecote
  • Nicholas Terant
  • Richard Yeo
  • Richard Colecote
  • John Crosse
  • Richard Boure
  • John Happer
  • John Pree
  • Oliver Chamberleyn
  • William Boteler
  • Henry Lange
  • Robert Wode of East or West Putford


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