Full text


Writ Head

218 Writ. ‡ 6 January 1434. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to John Brockley, mayor .

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 27 April 1434. [Brokley].


Jurors: John Bull ; Nicholas Sparough ; Nicholas Water ; John Amour ; John Dixon ; Peter Harder ; John Lucas ; John Bardolf ; John Grymesby ; Hugh Caundyssh ; Alard Funke; and William Parys .


She held no lands or tenements within the liberty of the city in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief or another. John Harpeden and Joan his wife were lately seised in their demesne as of fee in her right of

a townhouse and 12 messuages called Cobham’s Inn in the parish of St Dunstan in the East in Tower ward. The townhouse and messuages are held of the king in free burgage as the whole of the city is held, annual value £10.
They enfeoffed John Fray , John Bamburgh , Robert Fitzrobert , who survive, and Nicholas Rykhull and Robert Colbrok , deceased, and their heirs, for her lifetime, to hold of the chief lords of the fees by the due and customary rents and services, successive remainders to the following: Thomas Brook, knight , and Joan his wife, who survive, and the heirs of their bodies; the heirs of the body of Joan, wife of Thomas; and the right heirs of Joan, wife of Thomas. The feoffees were seised in their demesne as of free tenement. Joan named in the writ died and Thomas and Joan his wife entered and are seised.

She died on 13 January last. The same Joan, wife of Thomas Brook , is her daughter and next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.1–2

Writ Head

219 Writ. ‡ 6 February 1434. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. n106

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Biggleswade. 28 May 1434. [Shyngylton].


Jurors: William Miles ; Thomas Bole ; Robert Miles ; Thomas Peke ; Richard Pekke ; John Cook ; John Kyrwyn ; Robert Michell ; John ?Pekeys [hole in ms]; Richard Stepenith ; Thomas Kyrkeby ; and Robert Chiboll of Langford.

She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in demesne or service. Long before her death, by a fine levied at Westminster on the morrow of the Ascension 1428 [CP 25/1/292/66, no. 76] between John Harpeden and Joan his wife, Thomas Brook, knight , and Joan his wife, John Golafre, esquire , William Warbelton, esquire , John Fray , John Bamburgh , Robert Fitzroberd , Nicholas Rykhull , Robert Colbrook , Robert Clynton , Robert Olyuer, esquire , Nicholas Waddon and Robert Vobe, querents , and Reynold Kentewode, clerk , Thomas Chaucers, esquire , William Paston and John Chirche, deforciants and concerning the following, among other manors, lands and tenements, John and Joan, Thomas and Joan his wife, John Bamburgh and Robert Fitzrobert recognised the manors to be the right of Reynold – which he and the other deforciants had by grant of John and Joan, John Bamburgh and Robert Fitzrobert ; John Harpenden , Thomas Brook , Joan his wife and her heirs, John Bamburgh and Robert Fitzrobert quitclaimed the manors to the deforciants and the heirs of Reynold; and Thomas and Joan his wife, for themselves and her heirs, warranted them against Richard, abbot of Westminster , and his successors. The deforciants therefore granted the manors to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton , to hold for the life of John Harpeden without impeachment of waste of the chief lords of the fees by the services belonging to the manors, successive remainders as follows: to John Fray , Nicholas Rikhull , Robert Colbrook , John Bamburgh and Robert Fitzrobert for the life of Joan, wife of John; to Thomas Brook and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies; the heirs of the body of Joan, wife of Thomas; and to the right heirs of Joan, wife of Thomas. John Harpeden survives.
Potton, the manor, held of Thomas Swynford, knight , and Elizabeth his wife of their manor of Sutton, service unknown, annual value £10.
Arlesey, the manor, held of Lord John Talbot, Lord Talbot , by fealty and service of 6s. yearly for all service, annual value £10.

Date of death and heir as in 218 except that the heir is not described as her daughter.

[Foot:] delivered to Chancery 12 ‪ Henry VI [1 September 1433 – 31 August 1434].

TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition [indented]. Southwark. 30 June 1434. [Fontayns].


Jurors: Stephen Caunterbury ; John Brooke ; John Fayrewyn ; Richard Depham ; William Ingolf ; William Ode ; John Martyn ; William Waltham ; John Brikeman ; William Selere ; John Gibelot ; and John Drynkewater, junior .


She held no lands, tenements, rents or services of the king in chief or another in demesne or service. By the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine in 219, 2 a. land and 29 a. meadow in Rotherhithe, Worplesdon and West Greenwich, and the advowson of Worplesdon church were granted by the deforciants to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton , with remainders as in 219, as is contained more fully in one part of the fine shown to the jurors. John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Colbrook are still seised in their demesne as of free tenement, and John Harpeden survives.

Rotherhithe, Worplesdon and West Greenwich, 2 a. land and 29 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly, and the advowson of Worplesdon. The 2 a. land and advowson of Worplesdon church are held of Elizabeth Spenser of the honour of Gloucester, service unknown. The 29 a. meadow are held of the prioress of Dartford of her manor of Hatcham by fealty and service of 4s. yearly for all service.

Date of death and heir as in 219.
TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 13 March 1434. [Berewe].


Jurors: Robert Erlegh ; John Sturmy ; Nicholas Wotton ; John Benger ; Robert Best ; Henry Chancy ; Robert Wayte ; William Dymersh ; William Gore ; Thomas Stok ; William Webbe ; and Thomas Mannynge .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king in chief or another. By the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine in 219, the following manors were granted by the deforciants to John Fray , John Bamburgh , Robert Fitzroberd , Nicholas Rikhull and Robert Colbrook , to hold for the life of Joan, wife of John Harpeden , without impeachment of waste of the chief lords of the fees by the services belonging to the manors, successive remainders as follows, as is contained more fully in one part of the fine shown to the jurors: to Thomas Brook and Joan his wife, who survive, and the heirs of their bodies; the heirs of the body of Joan, wife of Thomas; and to the right heirs of Joan, wife of Thomas. John, John, Robert, Nicholas and Robert were seised in their demesne as of free tenement. The manors now belong of right to Thomas and Joan his wife.

Chisbury, the manor, annual value £20.
Bincknoll, the manor, annual value 20 marks.
The manors are held of the heirs of John de Columbar , who hold of queen Joan of her manor of Hamstead Marshall, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 218.

[Foot:] delivered to Chancery on 6 April 1434.

TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.7–8

E 149/153/4 m.3

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Bulwick. 8 April 1434. [Frebody].n107


Jurors: Richard Drewe ; William Bate ; Robert Holcote ; William Pye of East Carlton; William Barker ; John Colle ; John Toly ; Simon Cleydon ; John Exton ; John Baxter of Kirby; John Mabely ; and Robert Wright of Great or Little Weldon (Weldon).


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in her demesne as of fee or in service. Long before her death, the following manors were granted to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton by the deforciants by the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine, with the same remainders, as in 219.

Ashley, the manor, held of queen Joan by service of 4s. in equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas and suit of court at Easter and Michaelmas to the queen’s hundred of Corby, for all service, annual value £4.
Cotton, the manor, held of the lady of Cambridge of her manor of Corby by service of 2s. yearly for all service, annual value 53s. 4d.

She died on 12 January last, being the feast of St Hilary. Heir as in 219.
TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.9–10

Writ Head

223 Writ ‡ 29 April 1434 . [Bate].

Addressed to the escheator of Oxfordshire and Berkshire . Replacement writ: the previous writ diem clausit extremum [dated 6 February 1434: CFR 1430–37, p. 166] did not come into the hands of the escheator.

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Wantage. 5 October 1434. [ Drayton ].


Jurors: John Couentre ; Richard Tanner ; Thomas Bokelond ; John Bassemore ; Thomas Chare ; William Crouche ; William Folyet ; Robert Wythewell ; Roger Berymyll ; William Fesaunt ; Nicholas Wylmot ; and John Mortymer .


She held no lands, tenements, rents or services of the king in chief or another in demesne or service. The following manor was granted to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton by the deforciants by the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine detailed in 219, with remainders as in 219, and as is contained more fully in one part of the fine shown to the jurors. John, William and Robert are still seised in their demesne as of free tenement.

Letcombe Bassett, the manor, held of Richard, earl of Warwick , of his manor of Kingston Lisle, service unknown, annual value £8.

Date of death and heir as in 218.
TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.11–12

E 149/153/4 m.6d.

Writ Head

224 [Writ: see 223 .]

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Watlington. 14 October 1434. [ Drayton ].


Jurors: William Boseno ; Robert Poughle ; John Walkeleyn ; William Bocher ; Richard Freman ; Lawrence atte Heth ; Robert Weye ; Edmund Bradwell ; Richard Vrry ; John Fremond ; John Blyssot ; and Thomas Baker .


She held no lands, tenements, rents or services of the king in chief or another in demesne or service. The following manors were granted as follows by the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine in 219, as is contained more fully in one part of the fine shown to the jurors, with the manors remaining after the deaths of John Harpeden and Joan his lately wife to Thomas Broke and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies and successively as in 219.

Westhall in Fulbrook, the manor, held of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Warwick , of his manor of Upton, by service of 3s. 4d. yearly, annual value £20.
The manor was granted by the deforciants to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton for the life of John Harpeden . They are still seised in their demesne as of free tenement and John Harpeden survives.
Swinbrook, the manor, held of queen Katherine of the honour of St Valery by service of 2s. yearly, annual value £4.
The manor was granted by the deforciants to John Fray , John Bamburgh , Robert Fitzroberd , Nicholas Rykhyll and Robert Colbrok for the life of Joan, wife of John. They were seised in their demesne as of free tenement throughout her life.

Date of death and heir as in 218.
TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.11, 13

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Saffron Walden. 13 March 1434. [Stokdale].


Jurors: John Hereward ; John Veysey ; Walter Godemay ; John Aylmer ; John Baron ; Thomas Marchall ; John Brond ; John Bouch of Little Canfield; Reynold Benge ; John Cosyn ; William Ponde ; Thomas Reddeswell ; John Jude ; John Hycheman ; William Stubbyng ; and Thomas Peps .


She held no lands, tenements, rents or services of the king in chief or another in demesne or service. The following manors and advowson were granted to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton by the deforciants by the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine detailed in 219, with remainders as in 219, and as is contained more fully in one part of the fine shown to the jurors. John, William and Robert are still seised in their demesne as of free tenement and John Harpeden survives.

Great Radwinter, the manor, and advowson of Radwinter church, held of John, earl of Oxford , by service of 1/2 knight’s fee and £4 sterling rent yearly, annual value £20.
Little Radwinter, the manor, held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster by service of fealty, 2s. yearly and suit to his court of Walbrook, annual value 100s.
Chrishall, the manor, held of the king of his honour of Boulogne by service of a knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 218.
TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.14–15

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. St Neots. 20 November 1434. [Ormesby].


Jurors: William Boteler ; William Fryday ; William Rede ; Richard Wryght ; John Drayton ; Walter Godegame ; Thomas Robyn ; Thomas Kyng ; Thomas Joyner ; John Dare ; William Parfay ; and John Godegame, senior .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or others in demesne or service. Long before her death, the following manors and advowson were granted as follows by the recognition, quitclaim, warrant and fine in 219.n108

Everton, the manor, held of John Grey, chevalier , and Constance, countess marshal , his wife, of her manor of Weston by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value 10 marks.
The manor was granted by the deforciants to John Golafre , William Warbelton and Robert Clynton for the life of John Harpeden , with successive remainders as in 219.
Offord D’Arcy, the manor and advowson of the church, held of the king of the honour of Huntingdon, service unknown, annual value of the manor £12.
The manor and advowson were granted by the deforciants to John Harpeden , Robert Olyuer and John Bamburgh , to hold for life of John Harpeden without impeachment of waste of the deforciants and heirs of Reynold Kentewode for a rose at Midsummer for all service, customs and charges, and performing for the deforciants all other services belonging to the manor and advowson to the chief lords of the fees, reversion to the deforciants and the heirs of Reynold, holding of the chief lords of the fee by the services belonging to the manor and advowson. John Harpeden survives.

Date of death and heir as in 219.

[Foot:] this was delivered to court on 12 December.

TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.16–17

E 149/153/4 m.5

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition [indented]. Dartford. 3 April 1434. [Aune].


Jurors: Thomas Norys ; Henry ?Cloygate [ms faint]; William Vssher ; Robert Doull ; Thomas Benet ; Henry Canon ; Nicholas Smyth ; William Bokelond ; Richard Martyn ; Robert Pope ; ?William ?Hammes [ms stained]; and Dunstan Ryggewey .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another. The castle and manor of Cooling, the manors of Cobham, Bekesbourne, Bekle, Stone and Pole, the hundred of Shamwell and the advowsons of the churches of Cobham and Cooling were specified in the fine detailed in 219, and subject to the recognition, quitclaim and warrant detailed there. They were granted by the deforciants as follows. The following were granted to John Golafre , William Warbylton and Robert Clynton for life of John Harpeden as in 219, with remainder to Thomas Brook and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and then as is specified further in the fine, as is contained more fully in one part of the fine shown to the jurors. John, William and Robert are still seised in their demesne as of free tenement and John Harpeden survives.

Bekesbourne, the manor, held of the burgesses of the Cinque Ports, service unknown, annual value 100s.
Bekle, the manor, held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster by service of 1/2 knight’s fee and suit to his court of Walbrook, annual value 100s.
Stone, the manor, held of the bishop and prior of Rochester in gavelkind, service unknown, annual value 53s. 4d.
Pole, the manor, held of the same bishop by service of ?1/2 knight’s fee [ms soiled], annual value £4.
The following were granted to John Fray , John Bamburgh , Robert Fitzrobert , Nicholas Rykhull and Robert Colbrook for life of Joan, wife of John, and with remainders, as in 221. They were seised of the castle and manors in their demesne as of free tenement and of the hundred and advowsons as of fee and right. The castle, manors, hundred and advowsons now belong of right to Thomas Brook and Joan his wife.
Cooling, the castle, manor and advowson of the church, held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster by service of a knight’s fee and suit to his court of Walbrook, annual value of the castle and manor 40 marks.
Cobham, the manor and advowson of the church, held of Bartholomew Brokysby, esquire , of his manor of Luddesdown, service unknown, annual value £20.
Shamwell, the hundred, held of the abbess of Denny of her manor of Temple in Strood by service of 15s. yearly, annual value 100s.

Date of death and heir as in 218.

[Foot:] this was delivered to court on 1 May.

TNA reference

C 139/65/37 mm.18–19



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Cobham’s Inn
townhousea (1 x townhouse) -
messuages12 (12 x messuages) -
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John Bull
  • Nicholas Sparough
  • Nicholas Water
  • John Amour
  • John Dixon
  • Peter Harder
  • John Lucas
  • John Bardolf
  • John Grymesby
  • Hugh Caundyssh
  • William Parys


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