Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Barking. 19 July 1434. [Stokdale].


Jurors: Roger Dankcourt ; John Poynes ; William Yardale ; William Cotton ; John Yardale ; Nicholas Spor... [hole in ms]; John Smyth ; John ...rampe ; John Clerke ; John Pothale ; William Briton ; John Malmayn ; and William Scargill .

Walter de la Pole, chevalier , held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. He held the manor of Aveley for life by curtesy of the inheritance of Elizabeth Pole , lately his wife, reversion to Edmund Inglisthorp , kinsman and heir of Elizabeth, and the heirs of his body.
Aveley. In the manor there is the site, worth 12d. yearly; 224 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 100 a. wood, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 13 marks assize rent from the lands and tenements of free tenants of the manor, at Easter and Michaelmas equally; and a chantry, belonging to the manor since time out of mind, worth 8 marks. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown.

He died on 2 July last. Edmund Inglisthorp is the next heir of both Walter and Elizabeth, aged 13 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/64/33 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Pershore. 21 March 1435. [Rous].


Jurors: Clement Mytton ; John Thorndon of Pershore; Thomas Kyngton ; William Rompney of Suckley; John Twymyng of Westmancote; Walter Colles of Suckley; John Pyry of Merton; John Lechemer of Kempsey; Nicholas Groue of Upton upon Severn; William Fekenam of Kempsey; Robert Hethe of Bedwardine St John; and John Walssh of White Ladies Aston.

Walter de la Pole, chevalier , held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. He held the manor of Kinsham by curtesy in right of Elizabeth, lately his wife.
Kinsham. In the manor there are 100 a. arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; and 15 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly. The manor is held of the bishopric of Worcester by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and the temporalities came into, and remain in, the king’s hand owing to the death of master Thomas Pulton, late bishop .

Date of death as in 206. Identity of his heir unknown. Edmund Inglesthorp is the kinsman and next heir of Elizabeth, lately his wife, as son of Margaret her daughter, aged 14 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/64/33 mm.3–4

Writ Head

208 Writ. ‡ 22 May 1435. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to Robert Otteley, mayor .

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 2 August 1435. [Otteley].


Jurors: Thomas Smyth ; John Cok ; John Bolle ; Richard Stowe ; John Grymesby ; John Abbey ; Henry Merssh ; John Saver ; John Beket ; John Bonauntre, senior ; John Bonauntre, junior ; and William Colston .

John Marke, chaplain , was lately seised in his demesne as of fee of
a messuage and 12d. rent in the parish of St Dunstan in the East in Tower ward, held of the king in free burgage as all the city is held, annual value 40s.
By his charter dated at London on 25 July 1423 and shown to the jurors, he granted these, described as a tenement and 12d. rent in London in the parish of St Dunstan and lately in the parish of All Hallows Barking towards the Tower, to Walter de la Pole , described as Walter de la Pole, chevalier , William Alyngton , John Burgoyne , Nicholas Caldecote , Clement Lyffyn , citizen and ‘draper’ of London, John Reyner and Thomas Parys and their heirs and assigns. They were seised in their demesne as of fee and at his death Walter thus held jointly with the other feoffees.

Date of death as in 206. Identity of heir unknown.

[Foot:] memorandum that this inquisition was delivered to Chancery on 28 August 1435 by the hand of Robert Valens .

TNA reference

C 139/64/33 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition. Guildford. 6 November 1434. [Fontayns].


Jurors: Henry Loxle ; John Waltham ; Thomas atte Hull ; Philip Palmer ; John Hascombe ; John atte Wode ; Walter Fleccher ; John Shirlok ; Henry Longehurst ; Nicholas Godsalf ; John Boxfold ; and Nicholas Refhave .

Walter Pole, chevalier , held the manor of Shalford and 1/2 park of Alfold by curtesy after the death of Elizabeth Pole , lately his wife, of her inheritance.
Shalford. In the manor there is the site with a house, worth nothing yearly; 403 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 68 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 30 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; 21s. 4d. assize rent, at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and Midsummer equally; and a court baron every three weeks, worth nothing yearly.
Alford. The 1/2 park is worth 16s. yearly.
The manor and moiety are held of the king by knight service, amount unknown.

Date of death as in 206. Edmund Inglesthorp is the kinsman and next heir of both Walter and Elizabeth as son of Margaret their daughter, aged 13 years and more.

[Foot:] delivered to Chancery by the escheator on 1 December 1434.

TNA reference

C 139/64/33 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 27 June 1435. [Bonham].


Jurors: Richard Cotesmore ; Edmund Tanke ; Thomas Whyte ; William Bowebryge ; William Langcrofte ; Thomas Warde ; John Bernard ; John Hooe ; Robert Smyth ; Thomas Clauell ; Thomas Shirwode ; and William Whitle .

He held the manor of Eversley by curtesy in right of Elizabeth, lately his wife, reversion to Edmund Ingaldesthorp , kinsman and heir of Elizabeth and a minor in the king’s wardship.
Eversley. In the manor there is the site, worth nothing yearly; a several water and a watermill, exceedingly ruinous, worth 40d. yearly; a park containing beasts, worth nothing yearly above their maintenance; 50 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; £6 13s. 4d. rent, at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas equally; 4 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; a court baron every three weeks, worth nothing yearly; and view of frankpledge, at Martinmas and Hockday (‘hokeday’), worth nothing yearly above the steward’s expenses. The manor is not held of the king in chief but of whom or by what services is unknown.
Date of death as in 206. Heir as in 209 except here aged 14 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/64/33 mm.9–10

Writ Head

211 Writ [not extant]. 24 October 1434 or 20 November 1434.

[CFR 1430–37, pp. 215, 216.]

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 25 June 1435. [Poynez].


Jurors: John Thorp, senior ; Thomas Tannere ; John Thorp, junior ; Walter Toyte ; John Heruy ; John Ithell ; John Lyndesey ; John Chylde ; Richard Banestr ; John Bakere ; Walter Richeman ; John Stafford ; and John Hull .

He held the following by curtesy after the death of Elizabeth, lately his wife, of the inheritance of Edmund Inglisthorp , kinsman and heir of both Walter and Elizabeth, a minor in the king’s wardship and to whom the reversion belongs.
Breadstone, the manor, held with Stinchcombe manor, below, of James, Lord Berkeley , service unknown. In the manor there is 6s. 8d. assize rent of free tenants; 40s. rents of tenants-at-will; 40 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 6 a. wood, worth nothing yearly after enclosure; perquisites of the court, worth 2s. yearly after the steward’s expenses; houses and buildings on the site, worth nothing yearly above their repair; and a chantry called the chantry of St Michael , whose advowson belongs to the manor, worth 20s. when it falls.
Stinchcombe, the manor, with its members, the court of Melksham, the court of Lamport and the vill of Stancombe, held with Breadstone manor of James, Lord Berkeley , service unknown. In the manor and vill there is 6s. 8d. assize rent of tenants; 40s. rents of tenants-at-will; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 12 a. wood, worth nothing yearly after enclosure; and perquisites of the court, worth 12d. yearly after the steward’s expenses.
Horton, the manor called ‘Draycotesplace’, in which there are 13s. 4d. rents of tenants-at-will; 20 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 15 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 1 a. wood, worth nothing yearly after enclosure; and perquisites of the court, worth 12d. yearly after the steward’s expenses. The manor is held of the dean and chapter of Salisbury, service unknown.
Arlingham, a messuage and carucate, worth 10s. yearly, held of Richard, earl of Warwick , service unknown.
Tytherington, 18 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of Humphrey Stafford, knight , service unknown.

Date of death as in 206. Heir as in 209 except here aged 14 years and more.

[Foot:] returned on 11 July.

TNA reference

C 139/64/33 m.11

Writ Head

212 Writ. ‡ 7 July 1434. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to escheator of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire. n102

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Royston. 30 June 1435. [Burgoyne].


Jurors: James Russell ; Henry Rede ; Henry Roys ; John Waterson ; William Burbage ; Thomas Burgoyne ; John Norys ; Thomas Stapilton ; John Throp ; John Godyn ; William Swayn ; and John Stokton .

Walter de la Pole, chevalier , was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manors of Sawston and Dernford. By his charter dated on 19 April 1428 and shown to the jurors, he enfeoffed master John Stafford, bishop of Bath [ and Wells] , John Heuenyngham, knight , William Alyngton, esquire , Thomas Heuenyngham, esquire , John Berney of Reedham, esquire , James Andrewe , Adam Brian, rector of Duxford church , and John Mark, vicar of Sawston church , and their heirs and assigns, with the manors. The feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee. By his charter dated at Sawston on 5 May 1428 and similarly shown, the bishop, described as John, bishop of Bath and Wells , quitclaimed all his right to his fellow feoffees, described as John Heuenyngham, knight , William Alyngton , Thomas Heuenyngham , John Berney of Reedham, esquires, James Andrewe , Adam, parson of Duxford and John vicar of Sawston , and their heirs. By their indented charter dated at Sawston on 31 May 1428 and similarly shown, and described as previously, they enfeoffed the same Walter and Margaret his wife, who survives, and the male heirs of their bodies, remainder to the venerable father in Christ John Stafford, bishop of Bath and Wells , Nicholas Caldecote , Clement Lyffyn , citizen and draper of London, Clement Leche , John Netherstrete, vicar of Babraham church , now deceased, and Thomas Leche, parson of Lockington church , and Thomas Parys , and their heirs and assigns. Walter died seised of this estate without heir by Margaret. Margaret thus seised, and by her charter dated on 27 June 1435, granted all her estate to Thomas Deschalers , Lawrence Cheyne and ?Henry ?Clouyle [ms worn], esquires, and their heirs and assigns, who were seised. By their deed dated on 28 June 1435, John Stafford, bishop of Bath and Wells , Nicholas Caldecote , Clement Lyffyn , Clement Leche and Thomas Parys quitclaimed for themselves and their heirs all their right to the same Thomas, Lawrence and Henry and their heirs and assigns, who were seised in their demesne as of fee. By their indented and quadripartite charter dated at Sawston on 29 June 1435, Thomas, Lawrence and Henry granted the manors to Margaret for life, successive remainders to Edmund Ingoldesthorp and Joan, daughter of John, Lord Tiptoft and Powys , and Edmund’s heirs by Joan; the heirs of Edmund’s body; William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk , and the heirs of his body; the heirs of the body of Margaret, daughter of Walter; and to the right heirs of Walter.
The manor of Sawston is held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks.
The manor of Dernford is similarly held of the king by service of 1/20 knight’s fee, annual value 10 marks.
He died on 7 July last. His heir as in 209 except here aged 14 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/64/33 mm.12–13

n102^: The dorse of the writ makes it clear that only one inquisition was returned.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)
  • the king (Named Person)


  • James Russell
  • Henry Rede
  • Henry Roys
  • John Waterson
  • William Burbage
  • Thomas Burgoyne
  • John Norys
  • Thomas Stapilton
  • John Throp
  • John Godyn
  • William Swayn
  • John Stokton


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