Full text


Writ Head

85 Writ. ‡ 10 July 1432. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Cumberland and Westmorland .

Inquisition Head

WESTMORLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Appleby. 25 September 1432. [More].


Jurors: Henry Thrilked, knight ; Hugh Louther ; Nicholas Falowefeld ; William Thorneburgh ; Thomas de Derby ; John Reuenesby ; Oliver Thorneburgh ; Robert Sande...r [hole in ms]; John Bethome ; William Wybergh ; Robert Lancastre ; and Thomas Whytelawe .

He died seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Keisley, 4 messuages and 40 a. land, held of John, baron of Greystoke , of his manor of Dufton by fealty and suit to its court, annual value 10s.
Yanwath, a messuage and 6 a. land, held of Henry Thrilkeld [sic], knight , by fealty and suit of court twice yearly, annual value nil.

He died on 1 July 1432. William Stapilton his son is his next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/59/41 mm.1–2

Writ Head

86 [Writ: see 85 .]

Inquisition Head

CUMBERLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Penrith. 1 October 1432. [More].

[The Chancery ms is incomplete and badly galled; the Exchequer ms is completely soiled.]


Jurors: Thomas Salkeld ; John Boste ; John Sotheayke ; Thomas Carleton ; John Hoton ; Robert Alanby ; John Forster ; John del Brigge ; William Arlosh ; Robert Clynt ; William Wybergh ; and John Bethome .

He died seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Edenhall, the manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, annual rent to... of the king’s forest of Inglewood of 10 skeps (‘eskeppes’) and 34s. 8d. at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions, and 13s. 4d. annual rent to the sheriff at the same feasts in equal portions, called ‘serianturne’, annual value 40s. In the manor there are 4 messuages called husband-land in the hands of tenants-at-will, each messuage with husband-land worth 5s. yearly; 40 a. demesne land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 10 a. demesne meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly.
Dolphenby, 3 messuages, 30 a. land and 6 a. meadow, held of William Stapilton of Fenton , service unknown, annual value 20s.
He held the following. Brameryn_085_a,
a messuage and 12 a. land of purpresture, paying 13s. 4d. at Michaelmas to the king at his Carlisle exchequer by the hands of the sheriff, annual value nil; and
another messuage with 12 a. land, held in his demesne as of fee of a chantry of Hotton, paying ?5s. yearly at fee-farm, annual value nil.
Penrith, 6 tenements and 12 a. land, of Joan, countess of Westmorland , in bondage and socage, paying 20s. at fee-farm, annual value 6s.
Carleton, a messuage and 2 a. land, of Lord Clifford by 12d. yearly at fee-farm, annual value 12d.
Johnby, 6 messuages and 40 a. land, of John Dautre , service unknown, annual value 20s.
Lazonby, a tenement, of Lord Dacre by fealty and suit to the court of Lazonby twice yearly, annual value 12d.
Blencarn, a cottage, held of Richard ?Ristewold by fealty and suit of court twice yearly, annual value nil.
Cargo, 1/3 lordship containing 4 messuages and 30 a. land, and 1/3 fishery in the river Eden, of the manor of Stainton by cornage, annual value nil because destroyed by the Scots.
Cumwhinton, 2 messuages, of Thomas Aglionby by fealty, annual value 3s.
High Cringledyke, 3 messuages, of John Eglesfeld by fealty, annual value nil because destroyed by the Scots.
Upperby, a messuage, of William Aglionby by fealty, annual value 6d.
Stanwix, 2 tenements, destroyed by the Scots, of Thomas de Stanewyges by fealty.
Carlisle, 3 tenements, of the prior of Carlisle , paying 20s. yearly, annual value 10s.
Raughton and Gatesgill, 6 messuages, of the king in chief by service of 1/3 serjeanty of keeping [the eyries] of hawks in the forest of Inglewood, paying 4s. 8d. at Lady Day to the king’s exchequer of Carlisle by the sheriff, annual value 10s.
Castle Sowerby, 3 messuages and 20 a. land, of Joan, countess of Westmorland , by fealty and 8d. yearly for each acre, annual value 6s. 8d.
Thurstonfield, 3 messuages and 30 a. land, of Lord Dacre of his manor of Burgh by Sands by service of 10s. for all service, annual value 10s.
Longburgh, 6 messuages and 15 bovates of land, of Lord Dacre by cornage, paying 20d. at Lady Day and 9s. 6d. at fee-farm at Pentecost and Martinmas, annual value nil because destroyed by the Scots.
Burgh by Sands, 3 messuages and 20 a. land, of Lord Dacre, paying him 15d. at Pentecost and Martinmas, annual value nil.
Studholme, a messuage and 20 a. land, of John Kastelkayroke , paying him 40d. yearly, annual value 40d.
Gamelsby, a tenement, of John Lenyngton ’s heir(s), service unknown, annual value 6d.
Oughterside, 3 messuages and 40 a. land, of the earl of Northumberland of his manor of Papcastle (Pape...e) by fealty and suit of court twice yearly, annual value 10s.
Dearham, 3 messuages and 40 a. land, of the same earl by fealty and suit of court twice yearly, annual value 10s.
Uldale, a messuage and 12 a. land, of the same earl of his manor of Uldale by fealty and suit of court twice yearly, annual value 2s.
He died seised of the following in his demesne as of fee.
Kirkcambeck (C...), the manor with the advowson of the church, held of the same Lord Dacre, service unknown, annual value nil because destroyed by the Scots.n047
Stapleton and Lyneholme, 4 messuages and 40 a. land, held of William Stapilton of Fenton, service unknown, annual value nil for the same reason.
He held the following.
Alston Moor, the mine of Alston Moor, which used to ?be entered [in the account] in the king’s exchequer under the description of mine of Carlisle, held of the king , paying 10 marks at fee-farm at Michaelmas for all service, annual value nil.
Botcherby, the manor;
Botcherby, 6 messuages called husband-land, each messuage worth 4s. yearly; 20 a. demesne land, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 6 a. demesne meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly.
Annual value of the manor, messuages, land and meadow 10s. He died seised of
6 messuages and 30 a. land in the vill of Stainton in his demesne as of fee, held of the king by service of 6s. 2d. cornage yearly, annual value 20s.
Date of death and heir as in 85.
TNA reference

C 139/59/41 mm.1, 3

E 149/150/4 m.1

Writ Head

87 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 12 October 1432. [Wymbyssh].

Regarding the estate he had in certain lands specified in 86 and, additionally, of whom the manor of Botcherby and lands there, similarly specified, were held.

Inquisition Head

CUMBERLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Carlisle. 15 November 1432. [More].


Jurors: Henry Louther ; William Louther ; Thomas Burgham ; Richard Louther ; Thomas Stanwyges ; Richard Stodholme ; Hugh Forster ; Thomas Louther of Wigton; Christopher Camberton ; John Louther of Allerby; William Hall , ‘forster’; and John Denton of Ainstable.

He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the holdings as specified in 86 in Brameryn_085_a, Penrith, Carleton, Johnby, Lazonby, Blencarn, Cargo, Cumwhinton, High Cringledyke, Upperby, Stanwix, Carlisle, Raughton and Gatesgill, Castle Sowerby, Thurstonfield, Longburgh, Burgh by Sands, Studholme, Gamelsby, Oughterside, Dearham, Uldale, Stapleton and Lyneholme, Alston Moor and Botcherby.
The manor of Botcherby and 6 messuages, 20 a. demesne land and 6 a. demesne meadow are held of the king in chief by service of paying 6s. 2d. yearly for cornage.
TNA reference

C 139/59/41 mm.10–11

Commission Head

88 Commission. 12 June 1434. [Bate].

To Thomas Dacre, knight , William de Haryngton of Aldingham, knight , Richard de Musgraue, knight , and Thomas de Stirkland, knight , John Vrswyke , Robert Rodes and the sheriff of Westmorland, ordering an inquiry held by at least two of them, one of whom must be John or Robert, into further lands; and to the sheriff of Westmorland ordering him to empanel a jury.

Inquisition Head

WESTMORLAND. Inquisition. Kendal. 18 February 1436.

Before William de Haryngton of Aldingham, knight , Richard de Musgraue, knight , and Thomas de Strikland, knight , and John Vrswyk .


Jurors: Robert Belyngeham ; John Berwik, senior ; James de Crofte ; William Niandser ; Robert Weshyngton ; Thomas Manser ; Richard Preston of Biggins; Peter de Berwik ; John de Chambre ; Robert Colynson ; Thomas Cayrouse ; John de Helton of Winton; and Roger Birkhede .


He held no more lands or tenements of the king in chief or others in demesne or service than were specified in the inquisition, 85, returned to Chancery.

Date of death as in 85.
TNA reference

C 139/59/41 mm.4–5

Commission Head

89 Commission. 10 May 1434. [Wymbyssh].

As 88, except to the sheriff of Cumberland [CPR 1429–36, p. 356].

Inquisition Head

CUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Penrith. 22 April 1441.

Before Richard de Musgraue and Thomas de Strikland , knights, and John Vrswyk .

[Head:] delivered to court on 22 May 1441.


Jurors: Robert de Lancastre ; Robert Alanby ; William de Lancastre ; Hugh Forster ; John Hoton ; Robert Smythson ; William del Hall ; Thomas Cotforth ; Robert Arnaldson ; John Smythson ; Adam Bride ; and John Totty .


He held no more lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or service, or of others, than were specified in the inquisition, 86, returned to Chancery.

Date of death and heir as in 85, except that heir here aged 40 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/59/41 mm.6–9

[C 139/59/41 mm.8–9 are copies of mm.6–7, except that the clerk’s name is given as Bate, as in 88; there are surname variations for the jurors, Robert Arnoldson and John Coty ; and there is no note about delivery.]



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • Robert de Lancastre
  • Robert Alanby
  • William de Lancastre
  • Hugh Forster
  • John Hoton
  • Robert Smythson
  • William del Hall
  • Thomas Cotforth
  • Robert Arnaldson
  • John Smythson
  • Adam Bride
  • John Totty


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