Full text


Writ Head

83 Writ. ‡ 2 July 1433. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to John Perneys, mayor .

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 24 September 1433. [Perneys].


Jurors: John Lynton ; Walter Clerk ; John Faireman ; John Bentlee ; Bartholomew Wynter ; Stephen Belle ; Henry Rous ; Richard Mayhewe ; Geoffrey White ; John Louthe ; Philip Jakes ; and Thomas Gardon .

She held the following in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, of the king in free burgage as the whole of the city is held.
Bread Street ward, 1/4 townhouse in the parish of St Margaret Moses in Friday Street, worth 6s. 8d. yearly;
1/4 messuage in the parish of St Nicholas Olave in the same ward, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and
1/6 messuage in the same parish, worth 2s..
Farringdon Within ward, 1/4 messuage in the parish of St Vedast, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
The reversion of these belongs by virtue of the entail to Lawrence de Raynford , son of William de Raynford and of Eleanor his wife, her sister, for want of heir of her body.

She died on 1 July last. Henry Bourgchier, count of Eu and Lord Bourchier, is her next heir of the blood as son of William Bourgchier, knight , aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/59/40 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 6 July 1433. [Rokell].


Jurors: Thomas Aldres ; Edmund Preston ; Thomas atte Hulle ; Richard Josep ; John atte Parke ; William Sebryght ; Henry Hoberd ; William Manwode ; William Herward ; John Smyth of Ballingdon; Thomas Rolf ; and Stephen Penyfadir .

By a fine levied on the quindene of Trinity 1430 [CP 25/1/71/273, no. 86], between John Malton , William Menston and William Sauage, querents , and Lewis Robessart, knight , and Elizabeth then his wife, Henry Bourgchier , son of William Bourgchier, knight , and William Bourgchier , brother of this Henry, deforciants , the querents granted the following to Lewis and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the chief lords of the fee by the services which belonged, successive remainders to the following, as is clear more fully in a part of the fine shown to the jurors: the heirs of Elizabeth’s body; Henry and the heirs of his body; William his brother and the heirs of his body; Thomas Bourgchier , his brother, and the heirs of his body; John Bourgchier , his brother, and the heirs of his body; Eleanor his sister and the heirs of her body; and to the right heirs of Bartholomew Bourgchier , father of Elizabeth. Lewis and Elizabeth were seised of the manors, tenements, market stalls, quay, crane and rents in their demesne as of fee tail, and the fair, views of frankpledge, common and advowsons were seized into the king’s hand. Elizabeth survived Lewis, prosecuted their removal from the king’s hand, and possessed them by a writ directed to the escheator. She was seised, alone, of the manors, tenements, market stalls, quay, crane and rents in her demesne as of fee tail and the fair, market, warren, views of frankpledge, common and advowsons as of right and fee tail, and died seised of this estate without heir of her body. The following remain according to the fine to Henry Bourgchier , now count of Eu , who survives and is of age.
Asheldham, the manor, held of Richard, duke of York , of his honour of Rayleigh by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value 10 marks.
Little Maldon, the manor, held of the king of his honour of Peverel by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, annual value £10.
Langford, the manor, held severally of queen Katherine and Lord Fitzwalter’s heirs – namely half of the queen of her honour of Mandeville by service of 1/2 knight’s fee and half of the same heir [sic], service unknown – annual value 40 marks.
Osea, the manor, held of the king of his honour of Boulogne by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, annual value 100s.
Great Totham, the manor, held of the earl of Stafford , service unknown, annual value 20 marks.
Tolleshunt D’Arcy, the manor, held of the king of his honour of Boulogne by service of 12d. yearly, annual value £20.
Messing, the manor of Bourchier’s, held of the earl of Oxford , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
Aldham, the manor of Little Fordham now called Bourchier’s, held of the king of his honour of Boulogne in socage by fealty, annual value £10.
Stansted (Stanestede), the manor, held of the earl of Suffolk of his honour of Eye by fealty, annual value 100s.
Halstead, the manor of Abel’s, held of the same duke of York of his honour of Stambourne by fealty, annual value 10 marks.
Wood Hall and Patching, the manors, held of Henry Glouyll by fealty, annual value £10.
Moreton, the manor, held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value £10.
Greensted, the manor, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty, annual value 10 marks.
Manhale, the manor, held of the king of his honour of Boulogne by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value 100s.
Asheldham, Tillingham, St Lawrence , Mayland, Lawling, Stanesgate, Latchingdon, Maldon, Ulting, Hatfield Peverel, Langford, Great Totham, Tollesbury, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Bradwell or Bradwell on Sea (Bradewell), Faulkbourne, Great Braxted, Little Braxted, Wickham Bishops, Rivenhall, Cressing, Witham, Messing, Inworth, Feering, Kelvedon, Fordham, Aldham, Chelmsford, Broomfield, Great Waltham, Writtle, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Toppesfield, Colne Engaine, Stisted, Braintree (Magna Reyne), Markshall, Gosfield, Braintree (Branketre), Bocking, Wethersfield, Little Laver, Saffron Walden, Ashdon, Littlebury, Great Chesterford, Great Maplestead, Little Maplestead, East or West Tilbury, Pebmarsh, Bulmer, Middleton, Alphamstone, Twinstead, Great Henny, Little Henny, Gestingthorpe, White Colne, Finchingfield, Manuden and Peyton, 30 messuages and 14 tofts, held of the bishop of London , service unknown, annual value 100s.; 8 watermills, each worth 20s. yearly, and 4 dovecots, each worth 5s. yearly, held severally of the same bishop, William Mounchensy ’s heirs and Lord Fitzwalter’s heir, service unknown; 30 market stalls, each worth 4d., held of the same bishop, service unknown; a quay and a crane, worth 6s. 8d., held of the same bishop by fealty; 4,680 a. land, tenure and annual values of each acre as follows – 500 a. land, 3d., of the same bishop, service unknown; 400 a. land, 4d., of the earl of Stafford by fealty; 700 a. land, 3d., of William Mounchensy ’s heir, service unknown; 400 a. land, 4d., of the earl of Suffolk by fealty; 1,600 a. land, 3 1/2d., of the countess of Stafford , service unknown; 800 a. land, 3 1/2d., of the same heir of Lord Fitzwalter, service unknown; and 280 a. land, 4d., of the prior of St John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown; 218 a. meadow, tenure and annual values of each acre as follows – 100 a. meadow, 2s., of the same bishop, service unknown; 80 a. meadow, 2s. 6d., of the same countess of Stafford , service unknown; and 38 a. meadow, 20d., of the earl of Oxford by fealty; 680 a. pasture, tenure and annual values of each acre as follows – 200 a. pasture, 3d., of the same countess of Stafford , service unknown; 220 a. pasture, 2 1/2d., of the same earl of Stafford by fealty; and 260 a. pasture, 2 1/2d., severally of the bishop of London and Lord Fitzwalter’s heir, service unknown; 200 a. wood, tenure and annual values of each acre as follows – 100 a. wood,nothing above enclosure, of the prior of St John of Jerusalem in England by fealty; and 100 a. wood, nothing above enclosure, of the bishop of London , service unknown; 540 a. marsh, tenure and annual values of each acre as follows – 240 a. marsh, 2 1/2d., of the same bishop by fealty; and 300 a. marsh, 2 1/2d., of the same heir of Lord Fitzwalter by fealty; £54 rents, not held of the king or another, worth nothing above this; and rents of 60 geese, worth 10s. yearly, 100 capons, worth 18s. yearly, 100 hens, worth 12s. yearly, 100 eggs, worth 6[d.] [ms soiled] yearly, 20 roots of ginger, worth 1/2d. yearly, 10lb. pepper, worth 10s. yearly, 12lb. cumin, worth 6d. yearly, and 20 red roses, worth 1/2d. yearly – these rents not held of the king or another.
Halstead, a fair, worth 40d. yearly, and market, worth 10s. yearly, neither held of the king or another
Free warren in all the above manors, lands, meadows, pastures, woods and marshes, not held of the king or another, annual value 20s.
Asheldham, Little Maldon, Langford, Osea, Great Totham, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Bourchier’s [in Aldham], Stansted or Stanstead Mountfitchet and Abel’s, views of frankpledge in these manors, which are and always were severally parts and members of these manors, annual values contained in general in the extents of these manors.
Beeleigh, the advowson of the abbey, not held of the king or another, annual value nil.
Maldon, the advowson of the hospital of St Giles , not held of the king or another, annual value nil.
Greensted, the advowson, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty, annual value nil.
Little Laver, the advowson, held of the same earl, service unknown, annual value nil.
Langford, the advowson, held of the bishop of London , service unknown, annual value nil.
She held an estate for life in the manor of Little Bentley with the advowson of its church and the advowson of a chantry in Ashdon, the manor and advowsons held of the bishop of London by fealty, annual value £20.
To whom the reversion belongs is unknown.
She held the manor of Stanford Rivers for life by demise of Humphrey, earl of Stafford , reversion to the same earl and his heirs. The manor is held of ?the bishop of London [ms galled and worn], service unknown, annual value £20.

Date of death as in 83. Henry Bourgchier, count of Eu , is her kinsman and next heir as son of William, son of William, brother of John, father of Bartholomew her father, aged 27 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/59/40 mm.3–4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Little Maldon
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value40 marks£26 13s. 4d. (=6400d.)
Total: £26 13s. 4d. (=6400d.)
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Great Totham
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Tolleshunt D’Arcy
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Little Fordham
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Wood Hall , Patching
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)
Asheldham, Tillingham, St Lawrence , Mayland, Lawling, Stanesgate, Latchingdon, Maldon, Ulting, Hatfield Peverel, Langford, Great Totham, Tollesbury, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Bradwell, Bradwell on Sea, Faulkbourne, Great Braxted, Little Braxted, Wickham Bishops, Rivenhall, Cressing, Witham, Messing, Inworth, Feering, Kelvedon, Fordham, Aldham, Chelmsford, Broomfield, Great Waltham, Writtle, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Toppesfield, Colne Engaine, Stisted, Braintree , Markshall, Gosfield, Braintree, Bocking, Wethersfield, Little Laver, Saffron Walden, Ashdon, Littlebury, Great Chesterford, Great Maplestead, Little Maplestead, East, West Tilbury, Pebmarsh, Bulmer, Middleton, Alphamstone, Twinstead, Great Henny, Little Henny, Gestingthorpe, White Colne, Finchingfield, Manuden, Peyton
messuages30 (30 x messuages) -
tofts14 (14 x tofts) -
Value100s.£5 (=1200d.)
100s.£5 (=1200d.)
watermills20s. (per unit)8 (8 x watermills)£8 (=1920d.)
dovecots5s. (per unit)4 (4 x dovecots)£1 (=240d.)
market stalls4d. (per unit)30 (30 x market stalls)10s. (=120d.)
quay, crane6s. 8d.a (1 x quay crane)6s. 8d. (=80d.)
land3d. (per unit)500 a. (500 x acre)£6 5s. (=1500d.)
land4d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
land700 a. (700 x acre) -
land4d. (per unit)400 a. (400 x acre)£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
land3 1/2d. (per unit)1,600 a. (1600 x acre)£23 6s. 8d. (=5600d.)
land3 1/2d. (per unit)800 a. (800 x acre)£11 13s. 4d. (=2800d.)
land4d. (per unit)280 a. (280 x acre)£4 13s. 4d. (=1120d.)
meadow2s. (per unit)100 a. (100 x acre)£10 (=2400d.)
meadow2s. 6d. (per unit)80 a. (80 x acre)£10 (=2400d.)
meadow20d. (per unit)38 a. (38 x acre)£3 3s. 4d. (=760d.)
pasture3d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
pasture2 1/2d. (per unit)220 a. (220 x acre)£2 5s. 10d. (=550d.)
pasture2 1/2d. (per unit)260 a. (260 x acre)£2 14s. 2d. (=650d.)
woodnothing100 a. (100 x acre) -
woodnothing100 a. (100 x acre) -
marsh2 1/2d. (per unit)240 a. (240 x acre)£2 10s. (=600d.)
marsh2 1/2d. (per unit)300 a. (300 x acre)£3 2s. 6d. (=750d.)
rents£54£54 (=12960d.)
geese10s.60 (60 x geese)10s. (=120d.)
capons18s.100 (100 x capons)18s. (=216d.)
hens12s.100 (100 x hens)12s. (=144d.)
eggs6100 (100 x eggs)6d. (=6d.)
roots of ginger 1/2d.20 (20 x roots of ginger)0.5d. (=0.5d.)
pepper10s.10 (10 x lb)10s. (=120d.)
cumin6d.12 (12 x lb)6d. (=6d.)
red roses, rents 1/2d.20 (20 x red roses rents)0.5d. (=0.5d.)
Total: £166 18s. 7d. (=40063d.)
fair40d.a (1 x fair)3s. 4d. (=40d.)
market10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: 13s. 4d. (=160d.)
Free warren20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
Asheldham, Little Maldon, Langford, Osea, Great Totham, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Bourchier’s [in Aldham], Stansted, Stanstead Mountfitchet, Abel’s
frankpledge -
Total: (=0d.)
Saffron Walden, Great Chesterford, Littlebury, Ashdon, Great Totham, Langford, Heybridge, Tiptree, Messing, Inworth, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Wickham Bishops
common pasture20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 (=240d.)
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Little Laver
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Valueannual value nil (=0d.)
Total: (=0d.)
Little Bentley
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)
Stanford Rivers
Value£20£20 (=4800d.)
Total: £20 (=4800d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • Thomas Aldres
  • Edmund Preston
  • Thomas atte Hulle
  • Richard Josep
  • John atte Parke
  • William Sebryght
  • Henry Hoberd
  • William Manwode
  • William Herward
  • John Smyth
  • Thomas Rolf
  • Stephen Penyfadir


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