Full text


Writ Head

36 Writ. ‡ 10 June 1433. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to escheator of Somerset and Dorset .

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Crewkerne. 26 July 1433. [Cornu].


Jurors: Robert Blaneford ; William atte Heygh ; John Seyntclere ; John Crukern ; Robert Crukern ; Thomas Sympson ; Walter Myddenhyll ; Thomas Whybyn ; Richard Seyntclere ; William Seyntclere ; John Wey , ‘draper’; and John Smert .

He held the manor of Kingswood in the parish of Hardington Mandeville in his demesne as of fee.
Kingswood, the manor. There is a messuage [omitted in this first description], curtilage, garden and dovecot, worth nothing yearly; 420 a. arable, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 37 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 70 a. wood, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; and 12s. rent at the four principal annual terms in equal portions from a tenement, 20 a. land and 5 a. meadow which John Belly and Christine his wife hold for their lives, reversion to Richard and his heirs. These comprise the manor of Kingswood. Of these the messuage, curtilage, garden, 220 a. arable, 17 a. meadow and 43 a. wood, formerly called ‘Seyntcleryslond’, are held of one other than the king, service unknown; 100 a. arable, 10 a. meadow and 12 a. wood, called ‘Whyte Vyne’, are held of one other than the king, service unknown; and 100 a. arable, 8 a. meadow and 15 a. wood, called ‘Stylleslond’, are held of one other than the king, service unknown.

He died on 16 April last. Thomas More , son and heir of Elizabeth, daughter and heir of John Perle of Dorset, is his son and next heir, aged 22 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/58/26 mm.1–2

Writ Head

37 [Writ: see 36 .]

Addressed to the escheator of Dorset and Somerset .

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition [indented]. South Perrott. 28 July 1433. [Cornu].


Jurors: Robert Blaneford ; John Warmewill ; Walter Seyntcler ; William Raules ; Richard ...ge [hole in ms] ; William Hoggesworthe ; John Godefelaw ; John Hoggesworthe ; Thomas Seyntcler ; William Mantell ; Peter Morys ; and John Ede .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or service. He held the manor of Mosterton in the parish of South Perrott in his demesne as of fee, of one other than the king, service unknown.
Mosterton, the manor. There are 16 messuages, a mill, 2 curtilages, 2 tofts, a dovecot, 95 a. arable, 18 a. meadow, 90 a. pasture and 12 a. wood. One of the messuages is the capital messuage called ‘Blountescourt’ and one of the tofts is called ‘Bremelham’. The remaining 15 messuages, mill, lands, meadow, pasture and wood are held by tenants according the customs of the manor, paying £8 3s. 4d. yearly at the four principal terms in equal portions and performing suit to the three-weekly court of Richard and his heirs and assigns at the capital messuage, and mill-soken to the mill for and with all their corn grown on these their holdings. The capital messuage, 2 curtilages, garden, tofts and dovecot are worth nothing yearly, and perquisites of the court 3s. 4d. yearly. In the manor there are the following from the lands called ‘Bertonlond’ – 126 a. arable, worth 1d. yearly, 262 a. pasture, worth 1d. yearly, 38 a. meadow, worth 10d. yearly, and 54 a. wood, worth 1/2d. yearly; and 6s. 4d., 1lb. wax and a pair of gloves in assize rent levied at Michaelmas from lands and tenements which free tenants hold to themselves and their heirs.
He held the following by curtesy for life by reason of the offspring between him and Elizabeth, lately his wife, daughter and heir of John Perle .
Verwood, a close with meadow called ‘Wiltechyres’, held of one other than the king, service unknown.
Long before their deaths and by an indented deed made at Verwood in the parish of Cranborne on 2 October 1419, and described as Richard More of Picket, ‘sqwyer’, and Elizabeth his wife, they granted and demised to farm the close, meadow and appurtenances adjacent to the meadow, to Richard Colyns for 30 years, for 14s. yearly at Easter and Michaelmas to them and Elizabeth’s heirs and assigns, as is contained more fully in the indenture shown in evidence to the jurors. Loscombe in the parish of Netherbury [now Powerstock],
2/3 tenement, annual value 3s., reversion to Thomas More , son and heir of Elizabeth, and his heirs
; and reversion of the 1/3 which Edith, lately the wife of John Perle , who survives, holds in dower by endowment of the same John, reversion to Thomas and his heirs. The 2/3 and 1/3 are held of one other than the king, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as in 36.
TNA reference

C 139/58/26 mm.1, 3

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester. 6 August 1433. [Haitfeld].


Jurors: Thomas Bron ; Simon Cotesbrook ; Robert Mychell ; Robert Pounsard ; Thomas Godston ; John Burnell ; John Denghton ; John Brugge, senior ; Richard Juell ; Robert Cotrugge ; John Brugge, junior ; and Walter Lye .

He held
the following in Pitchcombe in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief: 7 messuages, of which one is the capital messuage, and 2 tofts, worth nothing yearly; 180 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 10 a. wood, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and
the advowson of the church belonging to this holding
. Long before his death, by his indented deed dated at Pitchcombe on 20 May 1426, and described as Richard More of Dorset, he demised these – described as Richard More ’s manor of Pitchcombe with all rents and services, except the fines, heriots and woods growing there – to Richard Hyckis n022 at farm for 16 years from the following Michaelmas, the latter paying £5 sterling, of good English money, to him or his heirs and assigns at Easter and Michaelmas equally at Picket in Dorset, and performing the due and customary services to the chief lords of the fee, as is contained more fully in the indenture shown to the jurors. Richard Hickis presently occupies.
Date of death and heir as in 36.
TNA reference

C 139/58/26 mm.4–5



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuages16 (16 x messuages) -
milla (1 x mill) -
curtilages2 (2 x curtilages) -
tofts2 (2 x tofts) -
dovecota (1 x dovecot) -
arable95 a. (95 x acre) -
meadow18 a. (18 x acre) -
pasture90 a. (90 x acre) -
wood12 a. (12 x acre) -
messuages, messuageOne (1 x messuages messuage) -
toftsone (1 x tofts) -
capital messuage -
curtilages2 (2 x curtilages) -
garden -
tofts -
dovecot -
Value£8 3s. 4d. worth nothing£8 3s. 4d. (=1960d.)
£8 3s. 4d.£8 3s. 4d. (=1960d.)
worth nothing -
court3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
lands called ‘Bertonlond’ -
arable1d. (per unit)126 a. (126 x acre)10s. 6d. (=126d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)262 a. (262 x acre)£1 1s. 10d. (=262d.)
meadow10d. (per unit)38 a. (38 x acre)£1 11s. 8d. (=380d.)
wood1/2d. (per unit)54 a. (54 x acre)2s. 3d. (=27d.)
wax, gloves, assize rent6s. 4d.1lb. (1 x lb)6s. 4d. (=76d.)
Total: £11 19s. 3d. (=2871d.)
close, meadowa (1 x close meadow) -
Total: -
tenement3s.2/3 (0.67 x tenement)3s. (=36d.)
Total: 3s. (=36d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
messuages16 (16 x messuages) -
milla (1 x mill) -
curtilages2 (2 x curtilages) -
tofts2 (2 x tofts) -
dovecota (1 x dovecot) -
arable95 a. (95 x acre) -
meadow18 a. (18 x acre) -
pasture90 a. (90 x acre) -
wood12 a. (12 x acre) -
messuages, messuageOne (1 x messuages messuage) -
toftsone (1 x tofts) -
capital messuage -
curtilages2 (2 x curtilages) -
garden -
tofts -
dovecot -
Value£8 3s. 4d. worth nothing£8 3s. 4d. (=1960d.)
£8 3s. 4d.£8 3s. 4d. (=1960d.)
worth nothing -
court3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
lands called ‘Bertonlond’ -
arable1d. (per unit)126 a. (126 x acre)10s. 6d. (=126d.)
pasture1d. (per unit)262 a. (262 x acre)£1 1s. 10d. (=262d.)
meadow10d. (per unit)38 a. (38 x acre)£1 11s. 8d. (=380d.)
wood1/2d. (per unit)54 a. (54 x acre)2s. 3d. (=27d.)
wax, gloves, assize rent6s. 4d.1lb. (1 x lb)6s. 4d. (=76d.)
Total: £11 19s. 3d. (=2871d.)




  • Robert Blaneford
  • John Warmewill
  • Walter Seyntcler
  • William Raules
  • Richard ...ge [hole in ms]
  • William Hoggesworthe
  • John Godefelaw
  • John Hoggesworthe
  • Thomas Seyntcler
  • William Mantell
  • Peter Morys
  • John Ede


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