Full text


Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Warwick 7 April 1432. [Rody].


Jurors: John Harryes of Dassett; Edmund Dalby ; John Pegeon of Newbold Pacey; William Graunt ; John Comaunder ; Robert Haloughton ; John Necheles ; Richard Hulley ; Roger Asplon ; John Merhull ; John Hunt of Lighthorne; and John Warde of Compton .

She held the following, among other things, in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by virtue of a grant by Ives de Clynton to John de Mohun of Dunster, chevalier , and Joan his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Philippa is their daughter and thus one of the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by a fine levied on quindene of Martinmas 1348 [CP 25/1/247/58 no. 27].
Whichford, ½ manor, true annual value 66s. 8d., with
advowson of ½ church there, annual value £8,
held of the earl of Hereford in chief, service unknown.

She died on 17 July last without heir of her body. Richard Lestraunge, knight, lord of Knockin , is her next heir as the son of Maud sister of Philippa, and aged 40 and more. Maud was the other daughter of the bodies of Joan and John.

TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster 14 July 1432. [May ].


Jurors: Stephen atte Felde ; John Sauney ; John Shepparde ; John Gladwyn ; Stephen atte Fryth ; William Aneston ; John Theyr ; William Chyld ; William Stokeslee ; William Inglond ; John Gybbes ; and Thomas Poggere .

She held the following in dower from the inheritance of Richard, duke of York , kin and heir male of Edward, late duke of York , as the son of Richard brother of Edward.
£34 19s. 9½d. rent, held of the king in chief,
that came to her from £104 19s. 4½d. rent held by Edward, to him and the heirs male of his body, of the king and his heirs. The rent is taken at the Exchequer at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts and came from 1000 marks granted by Edward III to Edmund, late duke of York , then earl of Cambridge , father of Edward, and to the heirs male of his body. The grant was made by letters patent dated 3 November 1376 [CPR 1374–1377, p. 367].
Date of death and heir as 698.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.3–4

Writ Head

700 Writ amotus . ‡ 31 October 1432. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to John Perneys, mayor and escheator. The first writ was sent to John Wellys .

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall 14 November 1432. [Perneys].


Jurors: John Abbey ; William Overton ; John Grymesby ; Thomas Kyng ; Robert Purfote ; William Kyff ; Hugh Caundyssh ; Michael Grace ; William Warde ; John Bardolf ; Peter Harder ; and John Amour .

She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee. She held the following in dower as 699.
£64 5s. 11d. taken at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts from the custom and subsidy of wools, hides, and wool-fells in the port, delivered by customers, collectors of receipts, or other occupiers of the custom and subsidy.
The £64 5s. 11d. is parcel of £289 6s. 8d. granted by Richard II by letters patent, shown to the jurors, to Edmund, former duke of York , father of Edward, and to the heirs male of his body.
Date of death and heir as 698. Richard, duke of York , was then a minor in the wardship of the king.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Bulwick 12 November 1431. [Burgh].


Jurors: John Cleydon of Apethorpe; Thomas Rowlond of Woodnewton; John Cook of Nassington; John Hardewyn of Collyweston; William Leverych of Easton on the Hill; William Webster and William in tho lane of Fotheringhay; Thomas in the Wroo of Eaglethorpe; William Cuper and Robert Ferrour of Apethorpe; John Roper of King’s Cliffe; John Smyth and Robert Tawell of Duddington; and John Holcote of Collyweston.

Regarding the
castle, manor, and vill of Fotheringhay, and the manors of
and held of the king in chief by knight service. [1]+ Edward, late duke of York , was seised of the above in demesne as of fee. He enfeoffed Roger Flore of Okham , Peter de Mavan of Gascony, Henry Bracy , and John Wykes , all now deceased, and Henry, cardinal of England and bishop of Winchester, Thomas, bishop of Durham , Walter Hungerford, chevalier , John Laurens , and John Russell with the same, to them and their heirs in perpetuity. Royal licence had previously been obtained [CPR 1413–1416, pp. 349–50]. After the death of Edward, Philippa brought a writ of dower against the feoffees and recovered 1/3 of the above from them, to hold in dower with reversion to Henry, cardinal of England , Thomas, bishop of Durham , Walter Hungerford, chevalier , John Laurens , and John Russell , still living, and to their heirs, by virtue of the enfeoffment. She died seised of this estate.+[1]
Fotheringhay, 1/3 castle, manor, and vill. There are 3 chambers, a cook-house, 1/3 chapel, 1/3 of two stables, 1/3 barn, and various other buildings within the site of the castle and manor, worth nothing yearly; and 1/3 park, worth nothing yearly above the parker’s wages, enclosure, and maintaining the beasts. In the 1/3 manor, there are 3 messuages and 3 virgates, each messuage with a virgate worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 3 half-virgates land and meadow in the hands of various tenants, each half-virgate worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 120 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 1/3 water-mill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 40s. assize rent, payable at Michaelmas, Candlemas, and Pentecost by equal parts and delivered by various tenants. There are 5 cottages in the vill, each worth 8d. yearly.
Nassington, 1/3 manor. There are 5 cottages, each worth 8d. yearly; and 5 virgates land and meadow, each worth 10s. yearly.
Yarwell, 1/3 manor. There are 3 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 3 virgates land and meadow, each worth 10s. yearly; and 1/3 water-mill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as 698.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Wells 14 January 1432. [Hody].


Jurors: John Maunsell ; William Poleyne ; William Stapelton ; John Bailly ; Richard Bagot ; John Pytte ; John Brympton ; William Smyth, junior ; John Wattys ; Richard Bays ; Roger Nete ; and John Whytyng .

She held the following in demesne as of fee tail, to her and the heirs of her body, by grant of William de Honthorp and Richard Cok, chaplain , to John de Mohun of Dunster, chevalier , and Joan his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. Philippa is their daughter and thus one of the heirs of their bodies.
Cutcombe, ½ manor, true annual value 40s., held of the king in chief as ¼ knight’s fee.
Date of death and heir as 698.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Romsey 11 August 1431. [Bernard ].


Jurors: John Lysle ; William Soper ; John Pyers ; John Kebille ; John Emory ; John atte Water ; John Fymark ; William Smyth of South Wells; John Clement ; Lewis Mews ; John Haynow ; and Richard Likeford .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or in service of the king in chief or any other. Henry V did, however, grant the Isle of Wight, Carisbrooke Castle, and the lordships pertaining to the castle and island with all other appurtenances except the constableship of the castle, to hold to her for life from the time of the death of Edward, late duke of York , in the same way that the duke had held them by grant of ‪ Henry IV . The grant of ‪ Henry V was made by letters patent dated 10 December 1415 [CPR 1413–1416, pp. 398–9]. The letters were shown to the jurors. She was to have all knights’ fees, advowsons of abbeys, priories denizen and alien, with all rents, possessions, fees, and advowsons of churches, vicarages, chapels, and hospitals, with advowson of the church of Freshwater, wards, marriages, reliefs, homages, fealties, forests, chases, warrens, parks, woods, mills, escheats, reversions, waifs, strays, ransoms, issues, fines, amercements, chattels of fugitives, felons, and outlaws, and other forfeitures, return of writs and execution of the same, wreck of sea, fisheries, meadows, pastures, rents, services, free customs, and all other profits and benefits. ‪ Henry V afterwards granted the above to Humphrey, duke of Gloucester , and to the heirs male of his body, to hold of ‪ Henry V and his heirs by due service after Philippa’s death, without rendering anything to the king or his heirs. The grant was made by letters patent dated 28 December 1415 [CPR 1413–1416, p. 387]. The letters were shown to the jurors. The duchess was thus seised of the island, castle, and lordships in demesne as of free tenement, with reversion to the duke of Gloucester , still living, and his heirs male. She died seised of this estate. The island, lordships, and castle are held of the king in chief, service unknown.

Carisbrooke, the castle, worth nothing yearly above repair and maintenance. There are the following appurtenant manors, lands, and tenements within the island and lordship.
Bowcombe, the manor, annual value £82.
Freshwater, the manor, annual value £24.
Niton, the manor, annual value £20.
Whitefield, the manor, annual value 20 marks.
Pan, the manor, annual value £10.
Thorn, the manor, annual value £10.
There is a forest called Broadwood on the island, annual value of its profits £4 by estimate.
Annual value of the church of Freshwater, 20 marks.
Annual value of the profits of the court pertaining to the lordship, held every three weeks at East Medine, and of the two views of frankpledge held there yearly, 20s. Annual value of the profits of the court pertaining to the lordship, held every three weeks at West Medine, and of the two views of frankpledge held there yearly, 13s. 4d.
Brading, annual value of the fee farm of the vill, pertaining to the lordship, 4 marks.
Yarmouth, annual value of the fee farm of the vill, pertaining to the lordship, 20s.
Newport, annual value of the fee farm of the vill, pertaining to the lordship, £24.

Date of death and heir as 698.n0118
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.13–14

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Waltham Abbey 3 November 1431. [Rokesburgh].


Jurors: Richard Sewale ; John Campyon ; John Styward ; William atte Lee ; Robert Hothom ; Simon Breggeman ; Thomas Dalon ; John Proudfoot ; Richard Clerk ; William Sabrycheworth ; John Wyberd ; and Ellis Swerder .

She held the following in dower as 699.
Rayleigh, 1/3 of the honour, vill, fair, market, and park, viz., the outer ward and a building at the lodge in the park called ‘le Gretechambr’, 1/3 cook-house there, and 1/3 bakehouse there, worth nothing yearly; 12 a. common pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 2 a. wood in a wood called ‘Kyngeswode’, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 1/3 fair, worth 2s. yearly; 1/3 market, worth 2s. yearly; and 1/3 park, worth 33s. 4d. yearly. In 1/3 honour, there is 40s. 1d. rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; 1/3 fishery and of a stank within the park, worth 40d. yearly; 1/3 perquisites of the sheriff’s tourns, the hundred courts, views of frankpledge and other courts, together with 1/3 tolls, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 1/3 profits from a hundred court called the hundred court of Rochford, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Thunderley, 1/3 manor. There are various buildings within the site of the manor, worth nothing yearly; 101½ a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly and the ½ a. worth 1d. yearly; 2 a. and 1 rood of meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly and the rood worth 3d. yearly; 82 a. pasture and wood, each acre worth 4d. yearly; £4 17d. rent, payable yearly at Easter and Michaelmas; 1/3 perquisites of court from the sheriff’s tourns, hundred courts, and views of frankpledge, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 1/3 capital tenement called ‘Lonedon’, viz., one stable there, worth nothing yearly; 27 a. and 3 roods land in a field called ‘le Fanfeld’, each acre worth 2d. yearly and the 3 roods worth 1½d. yearly; 46½ a., ½ rood, 6½ perches, and 1/3 perch of land, lying together in a place called ‘le Outmerssh’, each acre worth 2d. yearly and the ½ a., ½ rood, 6½ perches, and 1/3 perch worth 1½d. yearly; and 2½ a., ½ rood, and 6½ perches pasture in the said pasture called ‘le Fan’, each acre worth 8d. yearly and the ½ a., ½ rood, and 6½ perches worth 5d. yearly.
Thunderley, 1/3 park, with a chamber at the lodge, 1/3 hall, 1/3 bakehouse, and 1/3 all beasts and 1/3 rabbits, worth 33s. 4d. yearly; an acre, 3½ roods, and 17 perches wood in the woods called ‘Condweregrove’ and ‘Salterysgrove’, the acre worth 4d. yearly and the 3½ roods and 17 perches worth 3¾d. yearly.
Eastwood, 1/3 manor, viz., a grange called ‘le Whetebern’, abuilding called ‘le longehous’, 1/3 building called ‘le Wyke’, and a parcel of a parcel of garden containing one acre by estimate, worth nothing yearly; 1/3 dovecot, worth 5s. yearly; 1/3 water-mill at Rayleigh, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 1/3 mill at Eastwood, worth 10s. yearly; 110 a. land in a field called ‘Grymmesfeld’ and 53½ a. and ½ rood land in a field called ‘le homfeld’, each acre worth 2d. yearly and the ½ acre and ½ rood worth 1¼d. yearly; an acre of meadow, worth 12d. yearly; 2½ a. and ½ rood pasture in a place called ‘Estmed’, each acre worth 8d. yearly and the ½ acre and ½ rood worth 5d. yearly; an acre, 1 rood, 13 perches, and 5½ feet wood in a wood called ‘Wyleegrove’, the acre worth 4d. yearly and the rood, 13 perches, and 5½ feet worth 1¼d. yearly; 41s. ½d. and 1/3 of ½d. rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas and worth nothing yearly above the rent; 1lb pepper payable at Christmas, worth 10d. yearly; 1 pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., payable at Christmas; 2 hens, price 4d., payable at Christmas; 217½ works from services and customs of various customary tenants, price of each work ½d., worth 9s. ¾d. yearly; 14½d. taken yearly from customary tenants for tenements by custom called ‘Bederepesylver’, payable at Michaelmas;a 5½d. from customary tenants for tenements for a rent called ‘Wardepens’, payable at Christmas; and 7½d. taken yearly from customary tenants for tenements for a rent called ‘Warantsilver’, payable at Michaelmas.
The thirds of the honour, fair, market, and manors with the lands and tenements, as above, are held of the king by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 698. Richard son of Richard is aged 20 and more.

[Head:] Received on 29 November.

TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.19–20

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Hatfield 10 November 1431. [Thwaytes].


Jurors: Richard Knowell ; William Eston ; John Lynthwayte ; Nicholas Helperby ; John Rysby ; Walter Admonde ; William Hoton ; James Newton ; John Willyngton ; John Oliver ; John Metham ; and Thomas Bossewell .


Regarding the castle and manor of Conisbrough, and the manor of Hatfield, held of the king in chief by knight service. Continues as 701+[1].n0119

Conisbrough, 1/3 castle and manor. There are 7 chambers, 1/3 stable, one chapel, 1/3 barn, and various other buildings within the site of the castle and manor, worth nothing yearly; 1/3 park, worth nothing yearly above the parker’s fee, enclosure, and maintaining the beasts; 1/3 of 2 water-mills, their profits extending to 40s. yearly; 100 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 6 messuages and 6 virgates land and meadow, each messuage with a virgate worth 5s. yearly; 10 virgates land and meadow in the hands of various tenants, each acren0120 worth 5s. yearly; 20s. free rent, taken at Pentecost and Michaelmas by equal parts; and 8 cottages, each worth 2s. yearly.
Hatfield, 1/3 manor. There are 6 chambers within the site of the manor, two parts of a stable, a building called ‘le Bakhouse & Brewhouse’, a stable, granary, and 1/3 garden, worth nothing yearly above repair; 1/3 park, worth nothing yearly above the parker’s fee, enclosure, and maintaining the beasts; a windmill, and 1/3 of another windmill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 20 messuages and 20 virgates, each messuage with a virgate worth 5s. yearly; 10 cottages, each worth 2s. yearly; 20s. free rent, taken at Pentecost and Michaelmas by equal parts; and 1/3 perquisites of a perquisites of court held every three weeks, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s fee.
She held the following in dower by assignment of Robert Hillizerd, escheator , as 699.
Sowerby, 1/3 manor and lordship. There is 1/3 park called ‘Ermdene Park’, worth nothing yearly above the parker’s fee, enclosure, and maintaining the beasts; 1/3 of two devastated water-mills, worth nothing yearly; 1/3 profits and perquisites of court, and 1/3 of ‘lez Waifes’, ‘Straies’, and toll, worth nothing yearly above the fees of the seneschal and bailiffs, and other expenses; and £9 15s. 1½d. assize rent, parcel of the manor and lordship, taken at Martinmas and Pentecost by equal parts.
33 marks, 4s. 5½d. rent from the issues of Yorkshire, delivered by the sheriff and paid at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; and 133 marks 4s. 5½d. annuity from the custom and subsidy of wools, hides, and wool-fells in the port of Kingston upon Hull, delivered by the customer and payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts.

Date of death and heir as 698.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.21–22

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Swindon 30 June 1432. [ Andrew].


Jurors: Robert Ford ; Richard Ford ; Thomas Covyntre ; John Fox ; William Hodon ; William atte Melle ; William Hore ; Robert Gore ; Henry Marchall ; Richard atte Melle ; John Lyle ; and John Olyver .

Regarding the manors of Cricklade, Somerford Keynes, Sevenhampton, Highworth, Wootton, Wootton Bassett, Vastern, Compton Bassett, Winterbourne Bassett, Chelworth, and Tockenham, held of the king in chief by knight service. Continues as 701+[1].
Cricklade, 1/3 manor. There is 19s. 9½d. assize rent, payable at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas by equal parts; and 2 views of frankpledge and the hundred court, held every three weeks, worth 20s. yearly.
Somerford Keynes, 1/3 manor. There is 1/3 chamber, 1/3 cook-house, 1/3 barn, 1/3 sheepfold, 1/3 stable, and 1/3 byre, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth nothing yearly;n0121 53s. 10d. assize rent, payable at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas by equal parts; 2 carucates land, worth 30s. yearly, payable as above; 50 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 50 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly.
Sevenhampton, 1/3 manor. There is a chamber beyond the gate with a small chamber attached, 1/3 barn, and a building called the ‘Carthous’, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable demesne, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 1/3 pasture in ‘Bylyngesham’ with 1/3 pasture called ‘Westleyes’, worth 20s. yearly; 44s. assize rent from free tenants, payable at St Thomas the Apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas by equal parts; 10 half-virgates, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 5 Monday-lands, each worth 8d. yearly; and 2 views of frankpledge and a court held every three weeks, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Highworth, 1/3 manor. There is 12s. assize rent, payable at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas equally; 1/3 market-toll, worth 2s. yearly; and one view of frankpledge with three portmotes, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 1/3 of two views of frankpledge and 17 hundred courts with fines, suits, and perquisites of court, worth 40s. yearly.
Wootton, 1/3 manor. There is 43s. 4d. assize rent, payable equally at Lady Day and Michaelmas, delivered by free tenants; and 1/3 of two views of frankpledge held every three weeks, worth 4s. yearly.
Wootton Bassett, 1/3 manor. There is £13 16s. 8d. assize rent, payable equally at St Thomas the Apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer, and Michaelmas, delivered by various tenants; 1/3 horse-mill, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 1/3 dovecot, worth 20d. yearly; 1/3 water-mill, worth 12d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 440 a. pasture, worth £6 yearly; and a park, worth nothing yearly above the parker’s wages, enclosure, and maintaining the beasts.
Vastern, 1/3 manor. There is a hall, 12 chambers, a small chapel, a tower, 1/3 stable, 1/3 granary, and 1/3 great barn, worth nothing yearly.
Compton Bassett, 1/3 manor. There is 1/3 chamber, worth nothing yearly; 70s. assize rent, payable equally at Easter and Michaelmas, delivered by various tenants; and 1/3 of two views of frankpledge and court, worth 20s. yearly.
Winterbourne Bassett, 1/3 manor. There is 1/3 hall, 1/3 chamber, 1/3 barn, and 1/3 sheepfold, worth nothing yearly; 15s. assize rent, payable equally at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas, delivered by various tenants; and 280 a. demesne meadow and pasture, each acre worth ?12d. [ms faded] yearly at farm.
Chelworth, 1/3 manor. There is 72s. assize rent, payable equally at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas, delivered by various tenants; an agistment and pasture, worth 20... [ms faded] yearly; 1/3 close called ‘court clos’, worth 10s. yearly; 9 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; and 1/3 court held yearly, worth 20s. yearly.
Tockenham, 1/3 manor. There is 1/3 chamber and 1/3 barn, worth nothing yearly; 20s. assize rent, payable equally at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas, delivered by various tenants; 1/3 garden, worth 3s. yearly; and 200 a. pasture and meadow, each acre worth 3d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as 698.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.23–24

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter 8 April 1432. [Mulys].


Jurors: John Hacche ; Thomas Shepton ; Thomas Perrot ; John Barry ; John Dunneworthy ; William Wellecombe ; Nicholas Trebartha ; John Hengstecote ; Robert atte Wode ; John Bylleholl, junior ; Robert Spry ; and Roger Smyth .

By a fine levied at Westminster on the quindene of Michaelmas 1348 [CP 25/1/287/43 no. 422], between John de Mohun of Dunster, chevalier, and Joan his wife, quer., and William de Honthorp and Richard Cok, chaplain , deforc., regarding the manor of Bradworthy, among other manors, lands, and tenements, William and Richard granted for them and the heirs of William that the manor, held for life by Patrick de Mohun from the inheritance of William with reversion to William and Richard, and to the heirs of William, instead should remain after the death of Patrick to John de Mohun and Joan, and to the heirs of their bodies in perpetuity, with remainder to the right heirs of John de Mohun . The jurors were shown one part of the fine. Patrick afterwards granted the manor to William Kary for the term of Patrick’s life. The grant was made by indented charter. It was shown to the jurors and is here recited. ‘Let all present and future know that I, Patrick de Mohun , grant, and by this charter confirm, to William Kary, the manor of Bradworthy with view of frankpledge and all rents and services from all my tenants, free and villein, with all knights’ fees and all other liberties and customs, to have to him, and his heirs and assigns for the term of my life, rendering £10 sterling yearly at the four annual terms, Midsummer, Michaelmas, Christmas, and Easter, by equal parts, for all services and demands. If the rent should fall into arrears in part or total at any term, then it is lawful for Patrick or his assigns to distrain whatever pleases him on the manor until satis- faction is made. I will warrant the manor to William and his heirs and assigns for the term of my life against all persons. In witness, John Kary , William Wyke , John Wyncalton , John Aston , John Hill, and others affixed our seals. Dated Westminster 18 April 1362.’ John de Mohun afterwards quitclaimed for him and his heirs in perpetuity to William Kary , and his heirs and assigns, all right and claim that he had in the manor. The deed was shown to the jurors and is here recited. ‘Let all know that I, John de Mohun, knight, lord of Dunster , remit, relax, and quitclaim for me and my heirs to William Kary and his heirs and assigns, all right and claim that I had, have, or could have in future, in the manor of Bradworthy, to have the manor, with view of frankpledge, knights’ fees, and with all other liberties and things belonging to the manor, freely and quietly, to William and his heirs and assigns, to hold of the chief lords of that fee by services owed and accustomed by right. I and my heirs will warrant and defend the manor to William and his heirs and assigns against all persons in perpetuity. In witness, I have placed my seal, Walter Wodelond , John Ferrers , Richard Merton , Richard Stapeldon , Robert Corun, knight , John Kary , Walter Corun , and others. Dated Bradworthy 3 December 1363.’ William Kary afterwards granted his estate in the manor of Bradworthy to John Bozoun and Eleanor his wife, and to their heirs and assigns in perpetuity. The grant was made by charter dated Clovelly 24 October 1400. The charter was shown to the jurors. William Kary then quitclaimed for him and his heirs in perpetuity to John and Eleanor, and their heirs and assigns, all right and claim that he had in the manor by a deed dated Clovelly 29 December 1400. The deed was shown to the jurors. John de Mohun and Joan had issue: Elizabeth, late countess of Salisbury , Maud late wife of John Lestraunge, knight, lord of Knockin , and Philippa. Patrick, John de Mohun , and Maud died, then Joan and Eleanor died. The late countess entered the manor, took possession of it during John Bozoun ’s possession of the same, expelled him, and continued in her possession for life. She died seised of this estate without heir of her body. John Bozoun , still living, had claimed the manor as his right while the countess was alive and, after her death, Philippa entered the manor and granted it to John for the term of her life, to hold by rendering 10 marks yearly to her. John Bozoun was thus seised of the manor in free tenement, and Philippa died seised of 10 marks rent, without heir.
Bradworthy, the manor, true annual value £4 10s., held of Edward de la Pomeray by knight service. There is £4 assize rent, payable at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas, and Christmas by equal parts, delivered by various free tenants and tenants-at-will; and perquisites of court, commonly worth 10s. yearly.
Date of death and heir as 698.
TNA reference

C 139/56/45 mm.25–26



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
rent£34 19s. 9½d.£34 19s. 9.5d. (=8397.5d.)
Total: £34 19s. 9.5d. (=8397.5d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • Stephen atte Felde
  • John Sauney
  • John Shepparde
  • John Gladwyn
  • Stephen atte Fryth
  • William Aneston
  • John Theyr
  • William Chyld
  • William Stokeslee
  • William Inglond
  • John Gybbes
  • Thomas Poggere


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