E-CIPM 23-679: JOAN

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679 [ Writ not extant.]

[CClR 1429–1435, p. 199 (22 November 1432).]

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET AND DORSET. Assignment of dower. [No place or date given] [Corun].


Before William Gascoyne and William Waryn , attorneys of the heirs of Margery daughter and heir of Thomas, and of other heirs also of Thomas. Assignment to Joan, wife of John Chambre and former wife of Thomas son and heir of Maurice Russell , from lands and tenements taken into the hands of ‪ Henry V and still in the hands of ‪ Henry VI owing to the death of Maurice and the minority of Thomas who died while a minor in the king’s wardship. Horsington: 1/3 of two parts of the grange, its roof tiled in stone, containing a bay and 5 racks on the eastern side, with free entrance and exit by both doors; a stable, also roofed in stone, lying between the stable lately assigned to Joan widow of Maurice Russell , and another thatched stable, on the northern side; a building called ‘le Shepen’ on the northern side, its thatched roof now ruinous; 1/3 of two parts of the site of the manor, to be held in common; and a close called ‘le Westgardyn’ containing 3 a. land. South Field: 5 a. land and 2 parts of ½ a. arable in a piece of land by ‘Harpendwey’; 14 a. land in a furlong called ‘Shortfurlong’ by ‘Leycroft’; 8 a. land in a furlong called ‘Whytehill’; an acre of land above the meadow called ‘Howmede’; 1 rood and 3 parts of a rood of land on the south side of an acre of land that leads to Sherborne by ‘Brodthorn’; 1/3 of two parts of a pasture called ‘le Sart’, viz., a furlong containing 20 a. land by estimate, on the eastern side of the land of John Stradlyng, knight, and Joan his wife, lately the wife of Maurice Russell, knight , running lengthwise from the north to the wood of the abbey of Shaftesbury at the south; 1/3 of two parts of a furlong called ‘le hurst’ containing 5½ a. land, on the northern side of the same; and 8½ a. land, and 2 parts of ½ a. of land in a furlong behind the close of Robert Dyridant . North Field: an acre of land between the land of ‘Seweneslade’; 4 a. and 1/3 of two parts of ½ a. of land, and 1/3 acre of land in a furlong behind ‘le Churchewey’, opposite the close of William Alyard , to the north of the same; 4 a. and 2 parts of an acre of land in a furlong on the southern side of ‘Sewyeslond’; 7½ a. land in a furlong called ‘Cheldelond’; 1/3 of two parts of a furlong called ‘le Gower’ on the northern side of the two parts; and 1/3 of two parts of a furlong called ‘le Monkelond’ on the southern side of the two parts. Land and pasture in Cheryton : 1/3 of two parts of a furlong called ‘le Mallenhull’ to the west of the two parts and at the eastern end of land of John Stradlyng and Joan his wife; 1/3 of two parts of a furlong called ‘le Gotenhull’ on the western side of the two parts; ½ a. and 3 parts of ½ a. land in a piece containing two acres at ‘Wodehill’ on the southern side of the piece; 1/3 of two parts of an acre of land at ‘le hurst’ on the eastern side of the 2 parts; and 1/3 of two parts of an acre of meadow called ‘Bondemanacr’ on the southern side of the acre of meadow. Demesne meadow: 4 a. in a meadow called ‘Bradmoor’ at the western end of 7 a. meadow in the same meadow; 1/3 of two parts of a meadow called ‘le Howemede’ on the eastern side of the two parts; 6 a. meadow, lying together on the western side of ‘Cherytonemede’, and 3 a. and 3 parts of an acre of meadow on the southern side of 5 a. meadow there, on the eastern side; 1/3 of two parts of the profits of the rowen of the meadow of ‘Cherytonemede’; 1/3 of two parts of an acre of meadow at ‘Okamford’ on the northern side of the meadow; and 1/3 of two parts of a demesne pasture called ‘Oxelese’ on the western side of the pasture. ‘Southathley’: 13 1/3 a. pasture on the eastern side of land held of the same two parts, lying by a way there; and 1/3 of two parts of wood and underwood called ‘Southatherley’ at the east of the two parts. ‘Northathley’: a piece of enclosed arable containing 12 a. by estimate, and a piece of pasture at the eastern end of the same arable, leading from ‘le Northwestcorner’ towards a marked oak; 2 parts of a close on the eastern side of the pasture and on the southern side of the close, with free entrance and exit to a watering-place for draught-animals, which piece of enclosed arable, the pasture, and the 2 parts of the close lie on the southern side of land of John Stradlyng and Joan, and the land of the said two [parts] of the manor on the northern side; 24 a. wood in ‘Cherytonewode’ on the eastern side, with free entrance and exit at the hanging gate between ‘le deny landez’; 1/3 close of meadow by Hatherley on the western side of the close assigned in dower to Joan wife of John Stradlyng , lately held by John Beek of Holton and containing 1½ a. meadow; and a third of ½ a. meadow on the eastern side of the two parts. Assize rents: 1d. and 1/3 of two parts of ½d. from the manor of Northwolston , with 1/3 of the service from two parts of the same manor; 1d. and 1/3 of two parts of ½d. from the manor of South Cadbury with 1/3 of the service from the two parts, which manor is held of the manor of Horsington as ¼ knight’s fee; a half of ¼d. rent and a third of ¼d. from 1/10 knight’s fee in South Cheriton, that Robert Rodelam, chaplain , holds, with 1/3 of the service from the same; 5d. rent and a third of 1d. from a virgate in Horsington held as 1/10 knight’s fee, that John Hody holds, with 1/3 of the service from the two parts; 6d. rent from 5 a. land formerly of Agnes Felyce , that the heirs of John Sparwe hold, with 1/3 of two parts of the service from the same; 1/3 of two parts of 1lb cumin from a messuage and various lands and tenements in South Cheriton, that the lord of Hungerford holds, with 1/3 of the service from the two parts; 1/3 of two parts of 1d. rent from a tenement, that John Rychard of Horwood holds, with 1/3 of the service from the two parts; and 1/3 of two parts of 1d. rent from a tenement in Cheryton , that William Hanan and John Dunton hold, with 1/3 of the service from the two parts. Free tenants: rent of a red rose and suit of court from 1/20 knight’s fee in Horsington, that Richard Butvelayn holds; 2s. rent, suit of court, and 5 harvest-works from various lands and tenements in Horwood, that the prior of Bruton holds. Tenants-at-will in Horwood: 10s. rent, suit of court, one reaping-work or 3d., and heriot when it falls from a tenement and ½ virgate lately of Hugh Helyer , that Simon Huchon now holds at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor; 5s. rent from a cottage and 8 a. land lately of Roger Bryd , that Richard Whytyng holds; and 13s. 8d. rent, suit of court, one reaping-work, one plough-work at the warrant of the lord if he has oxen for draught, and heriot when it falls from a tenement and 13 a. land and meadow, that Edward Seymour holds. Tenants in ‘le merssh’: a tenement and ½ virgate, that William Lithfoot holds at the will of the lord by 14s. yearly, suit of court, one reaping-work, one plough-work at the warrant of the lord if he has oxen, and heriot when it falls as above; a parcel of land and meadow formerly ‘Snokes’, that John Laneman, senior , holds as above by 8s. rent; and a tenement and virgate,n116 that William Kynget holds as above by 16s. 5½d. rent. Tenants in Horsington: a tenement and virgate, that William Iterys holds at the will of the lord by 20s. rent, suit of court, one reaping-work, one plough-work, and heriot when it falls; a tenement and 5 a. meadow lately of John Stephen , that John Maynard, junior , holds by 5s. rent at the will of the lord and service as above; a cottage and 5 a. land and meadow, that Nicholas Alvard holds by 5s. rent and certain services as above; and a tenement and 12 a. land and meadow lately of William Derom , that John Maynard, senior , holds by 8s. rent and service as above. South Cheriton: a tenement and ½ virgate, that John Barbour, senior , holds by copy at the will of the lord by rendering 13s. 4d. yearly and service as above; a tenement and virgate, that Walter Jolyff holds at will by rendering 13s. 4d. yearly and service as above; a cottage and virgate, that Henry Savyer holds at will by rendering 13s. 4d. yearly and service as above; 1/3 of two parts of ½ a. land on the western side of ½ a. land by ‘Cheritonebroke’; 1/3 of two parts of ½ a. land on the northern side of 2 parts of the same acre of land at ‘Southwill’; 1/3 of two parts of a rood of land on the eastern side of a piece of pasture in Horsington, by the tenement of John Mychell ; an acre and 11 3 roods of land on the northern side of 4 a. land above ‘Ryxbeddys’ in the northern field, lately held by William Savyer ; and 1/3 of two parts of all the ways, paths, and wastes, and all other profits within the manor of Horsington. Also assigned were John Laneman, senior , William Kynget , and William Gemet , villeins of the lord of the blood with respect to the manor of Horsington, with their progeny; and 1/3 of two parts of a pound held in common for the draught-animals of his tenants and for impounding others’ animals, with free entrance and exit at the gate of the said manor. Advowsons: ¼ advowson of Horsington church, with presentation every fourth turn when it falls vacant; and ¼ advowson of the free chapel of South Cheriton, with presentation every fourth turn when it falls vacant. Wilkin Throop: 1/3 site of the manor containing 1 1/3 roods on the western side of the site; a rood on the western side of the garden next to the site; and an acre and a third of 3 parts of a rood on the eastern side of ‘le Orcheyerd’, with free entrance and exit at the eastern end of the same close. Meadows: 1/3 meadow beneath the garden on the southern side of the same garden, containing 1½ a. and a rood of meadow at the eastern end of the meadow; 1/3 virgate containing ½ rood on the eastern side of the virgate; 8 a. meadow on the eastern side of the close of ‘Brodemede’; and an acre and 3 roods of meadow on the western side of the meadow of ‘Powkecroft’, with free entrance and exit. Pasture: an acre and rood of pasture on the western side of a close called ‘Powkecroft’, with free entrance and exit; 7 a. pasture on the eastern side of a close called ‘Partes’, with free entrance and exit into a piece of land containing 3 roods of land by estimate, at the eastern end of the same 7 a. land; 6 a. land on the northern side of a close called ‘le Westdowne’, with free entrance and exit; 1/3 pasture called ‘le Middeldowne’ containing a total of 90 a. land by esti- mate, at the western and southern sides of the same pasture, with free entrance and exit; 1/3 close called ‘le Estdowne’ on the eastern side of ‘le Middeldowne’ containing 15 a. land by estimate, or more or less let it be there, on the eastern and northern sides of the same close; 3 a. land by estimate, on the south side of a close called ‘Wetemede’; 1/3 close called ‘Southryecroft’ containing a total of ?20 a. [ms galled and worn] land by estimate, on the south side of the same close; 2½ a. and a third of ½ a. land in ‘Northryecroft’ on the eastern side of the same close; 20 a. land on the eastern side and ‘le Northestende’ of a close called ‘le Dene’, with free entrance and exit; a third of two closes called ‘Gobelynessayes’, viz., ½ a. land on the eastern side of the western close, and an acre and a third of ½ a. land on the western side of the eastern close; 1/3 toft with a meadow containing 2 a. meadow by estimate, called ‘Batynescote’, formerly a messuage, on the northern side of the king's way and on the western side of the toft and meadow; an acre of land on the northern side of a close by the toft lately called ‘huscarlescote’; ½ a. land on the eastern side of the toft called ‘huscarlescote’, with curtilage and close adjacent; a small close containing 1 a. land on the southern side of the king’s way from Wilkin Throop to Brewham, formerly of John Huscarle ; ½ a. land and a third of ½ a. land on the western side of another close containing 4 a. land; a close containing 3 a. land by estimate, on the western side of the other of the two closes on the southern side of the way from Wilkin Throop to North Brewham, that William Smyth, junior , holds; and ½ a. land and a third of ½ a. on the northern side of 2 a. arable in the field of East and West Bruton at ‘le Blakelond’, extending above the land of the prior of Bruton against the east. Wood: ½ a. underwood on the western side of underwood on the southern side of Brew stream; 6½ a. and a third of ½ a. underwood on the western side of a wood called ‘Cogley’ or more or less let it be there, with free entrance and exit; 3 a. and 1/3 a. wood on the southern side of the wood called ‘huscarleswode’, with free entrance and exit. Kingston Russell: 1/3 grange, containing 1½ bays on the southern side of the same, with free entrance and exit; 1/3 of two parts of the hall containing a bay opposite the two doors of the hall on the western side; 1/3 of two parts of the site of the manor containing a total of 2½ a. land by estimate, and various other void pieces, previously built-upon; a close called ‘hegyncroft’ containing 5 a. land; a close called ‘Rowecroft’ containing 3 a. land; and a third of 3 roods in ‘parvo lawnde’, for free entrance and exit to lands and meadows lying nearby, to be held in common. Meadows: a meadow called ‘litelsmethemede’ containing 1½ a.; a meadow called ‘Mekylsmethemede’ containing 3½ a.; 1/3 croft called ‘Skolecroft’ growing with thorns, in the southern side of the same; an acre and 1/3 of two parts of ½ a. meadow on the western side of two parts of the meadow of ‘Mylkwell’; an acre of pasture at the southern end of a pasture containing 1½ a., on the eastern side of the end of the meadow of ‘Wolondesmede’; ½ a. and 3 rood of meadow on the southern side of the meadow called ‘Felymoor’; an acre and 1 1/3 roods of meadow on the southern side of the meadow called ‘Asshlee’; ½ a. and a third of ½ a. meadow in ‘Langfurlangmede’ on the western side of the same; and 31 3 roods of meadow in the meadow called ‘Poukepytte’ on the western side of the same. ‘Westfeld’: 4 a. land on the northern side of a furlong called ‘Ermefurlang’; 1½ a. and 1/3 of two parts of a rood of land on the eastern side of a furlong called ‘Hokethefurlang’; an acre and 11 3 roods of land on the northern side of a furlong called ‘Whytefurlang’; 2 a. and 11 3 roods of land on the southern side of a furlong called ‘le Westdowne’; 11 3 roods and 1/3 of two parts of a rood of land on the southern side of a furlong called ‘Douknoll’; and an acre of land below ‘le Gretewale’. ‘Southestfeld’: 3 1/3 a. land on the northern side of a furlong called ‘Ermefurlang’; 2 a. and 3 1/3 roods of land on the eastern side of a furlong called ‘Lowselond’; 5½ a. land and a third of ½ a. on the northern side of a furlong in ‘le Southdowne’; 2½ a. land and a third of ½ a. land on the northern side of a furlong by ‘Bryddyesfeld’; 6½ a. land, and third of ½ a. land on the southern side of a pasture called ‘hampdon’; and 2½ a. land and third of ½ a. land in a pasture on the southern side of ‘le Westdowne’. ‘Northfeld’: 2 a. land on the eastern side of a furlong called ‘Snayledon’; 2 a. land on the southern side of a furlong called ‘Watecombe’; 8 a. land in a furlong called ‘Stykeland’; 1½ a. and 1/3 rood of land on the eastern side of a furlong called ‘Brokefurlang’; 1/3 pasture called ‘Rowdon’ containing 100 a. land by estimate, 1/3 pasture called ‘Odenhyll’ containing 16 a. land by estimate, and 1/3 pasture called ‘Smalcombe’ containing 6 a. land, to be held in common; 16½ a. pasture and a third of ½ a. land on the southern side of a pasture called ‘heyeldyne’; 20 a. pasture on the southern side of a pasture called ‘Ewenslyght’; 26½ a. land on the western side of a pasture called ‘Alvedowne’; a pasture called ‘Shortfurlong’ containing 6 a. land by estimate; 1 a. land on the western side of ‘Sterigge’; 1/3 of two parts of a wood called ‘Asshled’; and 1/3 of two parts of the pasture in the same wood, viz., from ‘Northestcorner’ of ‘le Fysswer’ to a marked oak in the middle of the pasture, those parts against the east by a certain ditch and shown by the bounds there. Free tenants: 1/3 of two parts of rent of 2½lb pepper from a tenement and 50 a. land and meadow, lately of Robert Veell, that Robert Coker holds, with 1/3 of the service of the two parts. Tenants-at-will: a tenement formerly of John Heyvyll; 11 a. land that customarily renders 4s. yearly to the lord, 3d. to the larder of the lord, 3s. 5d. ‘werksylver’ from Michaelmas until the feast of St Peter in Chains following, 3s. 3d. ‘hervestwerk’ from the feast of St Peter in Chains until Michaelmas following, viz., for each day, except Saturdays, festival days etc., from Lammas until the Michaelmas following, 1d., and suit of court; an acre of land above ‘horscroft’; a cottage and 3 a. land with a bakehouse, worth 3s. yearly; a tenement; 8 a. land, that John Colvet holds by 8s. and suit of court for all services; a cottage with curtilage; 2½ a. land, that John Jamys holds at the will of the lord, rendering 5s. yearly, 3d. to the larder of the lord, and suit of court; a toft with curtilage lately ‘Reynaldes’, that John Hyllyng holds; and a toft lately ‘Tubbes’, worth 3s. yearly. Advowson: ¼ advowson of the church of Kingston Russell, otherwise of the chapel of the curate of Kingston Russell, with presentation every fourth turn when vacant. Bradpole: 1/3 of two parts of an acre of land at the western end of the same acre, and 1/3 of two parts of a water-mill at the western end of the 1/3 land, with 1/3 of two parts of all profits and liberties belonging to the land and mill. Hundreds of Redhone and Beaminster Forum: 1/3 of two parts of the hundreds, with 1/3 of two parts of all fines, amercements, suits of the hundred court, waifs and strays, and other profits.

TNA reference

C 139/55/39 m.12

n116^: Changed from or to ½ virgate.



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