Full text


Writ Head

646 Writ melius inquirendo . ‡ 20 November 1431. [Wymbyssh].G

Regarding 26. It is now known that she did hold various lands and tenements. Inquire after them.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Weeting 23 November 1431. [Galien].


Jurors: Geoffrey Cranewis ; John Est ; Alan Est ; Geoffrey Pye ; John Ermylyn ; Richard Crane ; John Sparowe ; Robert Ermylyn ; John Toney ; Robert Sheppard ; Richard Fynche ; and Thomas Hardewyk .

She held the following in demesne as of fee. Little Snoring, the manors called ‘
Boules’, true annual value 60s.,
and ‘
Walcotes’, true annual value 100s.,
with advowson of the church there, held of the prior of Little Walsingham by knight service. and

She died on 4 October 1427. George Hethe is her kin and next heir, as the son of Agnes sister of Katherine, and aged 30 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/54/25 mm.4–5

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Newmarket 25 November 1431. [Galyen].


Jurors: Richard Hermer ; Robert Warner ; John Norman ; Thomas Smyth ; John West ; Walter Nynche ; John Hamond ; John Kerver ; John Gadyrcoold ; John Cheny ; Nicholas Barker ; and William Holdyrnes .


She held more lands and tenements than specified in 27. She held the following in demesne as of fee.

Orford, Sudbourne, and Gedgrave, 4 messuages, 3 tofts, 156 a. land, 5 pieces of marsh, and 16s. rent, payable at Easter and Michaelmas, lately of John Cokerell, senior , true annual value £10, held of Robert, lord of Wilby , service unknown.
Ickworth, reversion of the manor upon the death of Agnes widow of Thomas Ikworth, still living, held of the abbot of Bury St Edmunds as ¼ knight’s fee. True annual value of the manor, 10 marks. It was found by an inquisition taken ex officio on 1 November 1428 by Henry Drury at Wickham Market that she was seised in demesne as of fee of the messuages, tofts, land, marsh, and rent in Orford, Sudbourne, and Gedgrave, and that Katherine daughter of John Cokerell her son was her kin and heir and a minor.

The king granted William Phelip, knight , custody of all lands and tenements that were taken into the hands of the king owing to the death of Katherine widow of John and the minority of Katherine daughter of John by letters patent [CFR 1422–1430, pp. 194, 208–9]. William Phelip granted custody to Robert Wynkefeld, knight , by virtue of which he took the profits of the messuages etc. in Orford, Sudbourne, and Gedgrave until 16 October 1431. William Galyen, escheator , has taken them since then.
Date of death and heir as 646.
TNA reference

C 139/54/25 mm.6–7

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Stanford 25 November 1431. [Galyen].


Jurors: Geoffrey Cranewyz ; John Ermylyn ; Geoffrey Pye ; William Mounforth ; Robert Sheppherd ; William Smyth ; William Southous ; John Howard ; Stephen Childirhous ; Henry Spilman ; John Chaloner ; and William Herte .

She held the following in demesne as of fee.
Little Snoring, the manor with advowson of the church there, annual value £10, held of the prior of Little Walsingham by knight service.
The issues of the manor from 4 October 1427, falling due on 1 October in the same year, until 9 November 1430 were taken by Peter Awdele, parson of Little Snoring, title unknown. He is thus answerable to the king.
TNA reference

E 149/149/3 m.2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Little Snoring
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • Geoffrey Cranewyz
  • John Ermylyn
  • Geoffrey Pye
  • William Mounforth
  • Robert Sheppherd
  • William Smyth
  • William Southous
  • John Howard
  • Stephen Childirhous
  • Henry Spilman
  • John Chaloner
  • William Herte


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