Full text


Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Leeds 6 October 1431. [Feerby].


Jurors: Roger Hovynden ; Giles Blecchynden ; Stephen Adam ; William Tonge, junior ; John Mason ; James Edynden ; Robert Cok ; Robert Kyng ; Christian Dene ; William Everynden ; John Kenet ; and John Colyn .

He held the following for life by demise of Henry V by letters patent [CPR 1413–1416, p. 370].
Staplehurst and Frittenden, a tenement called ‘Mapilherst’, held of the king, service unknown. The tenement contains 200 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 5½ a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 70 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because it is not seasonable but ancient, timber wood; 3 a. land of ‘Broklonde’, each acre worth 2d. yearly; one water-mill, worth 20s. yearly; 25s. 4d. rent taken at Midsummer and St Thomas the Apostle; and 7 hens, price of each 2d., payable at Christmas.n086
He died on 27 November 1430.n087 John Robessart, knight , his brother and next heir, is aged 40 and more.
TNA reference

C 139/51/52 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. The Guildhall 8 March 1431. [Wotton].


Jurors: John Astell ; Simon Cake ; William Norton ; William Hert ; John Gloucestr ; Philip Orwell ; Walter Lokyngton ; William Camell ; Thomas Waryn ; Robert Knap ; Thomas Ponyman ; Andrew Sutton ; and William Broke .


He was not seised in demesne as of fee of any lands or tenements that can be taken into the king’s hands. He held the following in right of Elizabeth his wife, still living.

St Margaret Moses, ¼ inn in the parish in Friday Street in the ward of Bread Street, annual value of the quarter 6s. 8d. quit.
St Nicholas Cole Abbey, ¼ messuage in the parish in the same ward, annual value of the quarter 6s. 8d. quit; and 1/6 messuage, annual value of the sixth 2s. quit.
St Vedast, Foster Lane, ¼ messuage in the parish in the ward of Farringdon, annual value of the quarter 3s. 4d. quit.
All are held of the king in free burgage, as all the city of London is held.

Date of death and heir as 557.
TNA reference

C 139/51/52 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Aylesbury 23 June 1431. [Rokes].


Jurors: Thomas Buktot ; John Lambard of Bledlow; William Clerk of Culverton; Richard Lambourne ; John Romesey ; Matthew Colett ; John Abraham ; William Aulaff ; William Gorney ; William Reyner ; John Thomas ; and William Cok of Hartwell.

He held the following in right of Elizabeth his wife, still living.
Pollicott, the manor, annual value £20, held of Anne, countess of Stafford, as of the manor of Ashendon, service unknown.
[1]+Elizabeth holds the manor for life by grant of John Tyrell, esquire , John Bedolff , and Robert Frampton , with remainder to Humphrey, earl of Stafford , and his heirs. The grant was made by indented charter, shown to the jurors.+[1] It is dated 28 February 1431.n088
Date of death and heir as 557, except the heir is aged 48 and more.
TNA reference

[The inquisition for Bedfordshire, ordered in the writ, is not extant.]

C 139/51/52 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Romford 26 February 1431. [Rokesburgh].


Jurors: Robert ?Blo...yng [ms faded]; John Rouchestr ; Robert Leyneham ; Robert de Bury ; William Ayllewene ; William Hogge ; John Sweyn ; William atte Chirch ; Richard Passelewe ; William Hood ; John Hydman ; John Tuft ; Thomas Prentys ; William Parker ; and Robert Lyston .

By a fine levied at Westminster on the quindene of Trinity 1430 [CP 25/1/71/273 no. 86], between John Malton , William Menston , and William Savage , quer., and Lewis Robessart, knight , Elizabeth his wife, Henry Bourgchier son of William Bourgchier, knight , and William Bourgchier brother of Henry, deforc., John, William, and William granted the following to Lewis and Elizabeth, and to the heirs of their bodies together, to hold of the chief lords of that fee, by due service in perpetuity, with successive remainders, failing such issue, to the heirs of Elizabeth’s body; to Henry Bourgchier and the heirs of his body; to William Bourgchier and the heirs of his body; to Thomas Bourgchier , brother of William, and the heirs of his body; to John Bourgchier , brother of Thomas, and the heirs of his body; to Eleanor, sister of John, and the heirs of her body; and to the right heirs of Bartholomew Bourgchier, knight , father of Elizabeth. One part of the fine was shown to the jurors.
Asheldham, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of... [ms faded], duke of York , as of his honour of Rayleigh as ¼ knight’s fee.
Little Maldon, the manor, annual value £10, held of the king as of his honour of Peverel as ½ knight’s fee.
Langford, the manor, annual value 40 marks, held, severally, of Katherine, queen of England , and Walter, Lord Fitzwalter . One moiety is held of the queen as of her honour of Mandeville as ½ knight’s fee, and the other is held of Walter, service unknown.
Osea Island, the manor, annual value 100s., held of the king as of his honour of Boulogne as ½ knight’s fee.
Great Totham, the manor, annual value 20 marks, held of the king as of his honour of Boulogne as ½ knight’s fee.
Tolleshunt D’Arcy, the manor, annual value £20, held of the king as of his honour of Hagenet, service unknown.
Messing, the manor called Bourchier’s, annual value 10 marks, held of the earl of Oxford , service unknown.
Little Fordham now called Bourchier’s, the manor, annual value £10, held of the heirs of William Mounchensy as of their manor of Edwardstone, service unknown.
Stansted Mountfitchet, the manor, annual value 100s., held of the heirs of William Mounchensy as of the above manor by fealty only.
Abel’s, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of the duke of York as of his honour of Clare by fealty only.
Wood Hall and Patching Hall, the manors, annual value £10, held of Henry Glovyll by fealty only.
Moreton, the manor, annual value £10, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty only.
Greenstead, the manor, annual value 10 marks, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty only.
Manhale , the manor, annual value 100s., held of the duke of Norfolk , service unknown.
The grant was also for the following in Asheldham, Tillingham, St Laurence, Mayland, Lawling, Stansgate, Latchingdon, Maldon, Ulting, Hatfield Peverel, Langford, Great Totham, Tollesbury, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Bradwell or Bradwell on Sea (Bradewell), Faulkbourne, Great Braxted, Little Braxted, Wickham, Rivenhall, Cressing, Witham, Messing, Inworth, Feering, Kelvedon, Fordham, Aldham, Chelmsford, Broomfield, Great Waltham, Writtle, Halstead, Sible Hedingham, Toppesfield, Colne Engaine, Stisted, Braintree (Magna Reyne), Markshall, Gosfield, Braintree (Branketre), Bocking, Wethersfield, Little Laver, Saffron Walden, Ashdon, Littlebury, Great Chesterford, Great Maplestead, Little Maplestead, East or West Tilbury (Tillebury iuxta Hornedon), Pebmarsh, Bulmer, Middleton, Alphamstone, Twinstead, Great Henny, Little Henny, Gestingthorpe, Alba Colne, Finchingfield, Manuden, and Pakenho.
30 messuages and 14 tofts, annual value 100s., held of the bishop of London , service unknown.
8 water-mills, annual value of each 20s., and 4 dovecots, annual value of each 5s., held, severally, of the bishop, the heirs of William Mounchensy , and Walter, Lord Fitzwalter, service unknown.
30 stalls, each worth 4d. yearly, held of the bishop of London , service unknown.
A quay and crane, annual value 6s. 8d., held of the bishop by fealty only.
4,680 a. land:
500 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly, held of the bishop, service unknown;
400 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty only;
700 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly, held of the heirs of William Mounchensy , service unknown;
400 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty only;
1,600 a. land, each acre worth 3½d. yearly, held of the countess of Stafford , service unknown;
800 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly, held of Lord Fitzwalter , service unknown; and the remaining
280 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly, held of the prior of St John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
218 a. meadow:
100 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly, held of the above bishop, service unknown;
80 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. 6d. yearly, held of the countess of Stafford , service unknown; and the remaining
38 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly, held of the earl of Exeter by fealty only.
680 a. pasture:
200 a. pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly, held of the countess of Stafford, service unknown;
220 a. pasture, each acre worth 2½d. yearly, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty only; and the remaining
260 a. pasture, each acre worth 2½d. yearly, held, severally, of the bishop of London and Walter, Lord Fitzwalter, service unknown
. 200 a. wood:
100 a. wood, each acre worth 3s. yearly, held of the prior of St John of Jerusalem in England by fealty only; and the remaining
100 a. wood, each acre worth 2s. yearly, held of the bishop of London , service unknown.
540 a. marsh:
240 a. marsh, each acre worth 6½d. yearly, held of the bishop of London by fealty only; and the remaining
300 a. marsh, each acre worth 2½d. yearly, held of Walter, Lord Fitzwalter by fealty only.
Rents, worth yearly as following: £54 rent, nothing above the rent; 60 geese, 10s.; 100 capons, 18s.; 100 hens, 12s.; 100 eggs, 6d.; 20 roots of ginger, ½d.; 10lb pepper, 10s.; 12lb cumin, 6d.; 20 red roses, ½d. The rents are not held of the king or any other.
The grant was also for the following.
Halstead, a fair, annual value 40d., and market, 10s. They are not held of the king or any other.
Free warren, annual value 20s., in all the above manors, lands, meadows, pasture, woods, and marshes.
Views of frankpledge in the manors of Asheldham, Little Maldon, Langford, Osea Island, Great Totham, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Little Fordham now called Bourchier’s, Stansted Mountfitchet, and Abel’s. Although the views of frankpledge pertain separately to their respective manors as parcels of the same, and thus have separate values, the annual values are included in the general extents.
Common pasture in Saffron Walden, Great Chesterford, Littlebury, Ashdon, Great Totham, Langford, Heybridge, Tiptree, Messing, Inworth, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Tolleshunt Knights, Wickham Bishops or Wickham St Paul (Wykham), annual value 20s. The common pasture is not held of the king or any other.
Beeleigh, advowson of the abbey, worth nothing yearly. It is not held of the king or any other.
Little Maldon, advowson of the hospital of St Giles , worth nothing yearly. It is not held of the king or any other.
Greenstead, advowson of the church, worth nothing yearly, held of the earl of Stafford by fealty only.
Little Laver, advowson of the church, worth nothing yearly, held of the above earl, service unknown.
Langford, advowson of the church, worth nothing yearly, held of the bishop of London, service unknown.
He thus held conjointly with Elizabeth his wife, still living, the manors, tenements, stalls, quay, crane, rents, common, and free warren in demesne as of fee tail, and the fair, market, views of frankpledge, and advowsons in fee tail, and died holding this estate. He held the following in right of Elizabeth his wife, still living, as 559+[1]. The charter is dated 25 February 1422.n089
Stanford Rivers, the manor, annual value £20, held of the countess of Stafford by fealty only.

Date of death and heir as 559.

[Foot:] Received on 3 March.

TNA reference

C 139/51/52 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Thetford 8 March 1431. [Galyen].


Jurors: John Brethenham ; John Sturmyn ; Robert Draper ; Henry Neve ; John Yonge ; Adam Beny ; John Pyke ; Robert Gyldensleve ; John Colby ; John Bunne ; John Cadyman ; Robert Yongeman ; and William Shakelok .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king in chief or any other.

Date of death and heir as 559.
TNA reference

C 139/51/52 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Barnham 9 March 1431. [Galyen].


Jurors: Walter Barbour ; Edmund Heyward ; Ralph Grenegres ; John Spede ; John Bakhode ; John Gardener ; Thomas Garveys ; Gilbert Dewe ; John Ferour ; John Hamond ; John Gad...colt [hole in ms]; John Barbor ; Andrew Bocher ; John Cheny ; and William Angold .


Findings as 561.

TNA reference

C 139/51/52 mm.9, 11

n086^: The following is deleted from E 149/145/15 m.2: ‘And the tenement is held of William Seyntion, esquire , and of other lords in gavelkind, but the quantity held of William or of the others, and by what service, is unknown’.

n087^: Deleted from E 149/145/15 m.2: ‘ Lewis, chevalier , was an alien’.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Staplehurst, Frittenden
arable4d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)5½ a. (5.5 x acre)5s. 6d. (=66d.)
woodworth nothing70 a. (70 x acre) -
land of ‘Broklonde’2d. (per unit)3 a. (3 x acre)6d. (=6d.)
water-mill20s.one (1 x water-mill)£1 (=240d.)
rent25s. 4d.£1 5s. 4d. (=304d.)
hens2d.7 (7 x hens)2d. (=2d.)
Total: £5 18s. 2d. (=1418d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Staplehurst, Frittenden
arable4d. (per unit)200 a. (200 x acre)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
meadow12d. (per unit)5½ a. (5.5 x acre)5s. 6d. (=66d.)
woodworth nothing70 a. (70 x acre) -
land of ‘Broklonde’2d. (per unit)3 a. (3 x acre)6d. (=6d.)
water-mill20s.one (1 x water-mill)£1 (=240d.)
rent25s. 4d.£1 5s. 4d. (=304d.)
hens2d.7 (7 x hens)2d. (=2d.)
Total: £5 18s. 2d. (=1418d.)




  • Roger Hovynden
  • Giles Blecchynden
  • Stephen Adam
  • William Tonge, junior
  • John Mason
  • James Edynden
  • Robert Cok
  • Robert Kyng
  • Christian Dene
  • William Everynden
  • John Kenet
  • John Colyn


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