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Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon 16 April 1431. [Perkyns].


Jurors: William Havyle ; John Absolon ; Thomas Absolon ; Roger Felter ; Nicholas Benet ; William Hynde ; John [unclear: Sheveyn] [ms torn]; William Knyght ; William Benet ; Thomas Webbe ; Thomas Cokkes ; and John Cokkes .

[1]+He held the following conjointly with Elizabeth his wife, still living, by grant of John Prestecote , John Strecche , John Chirchehull , and John Oggheburgh, clerk , to Thomas, described as Thomas Carewe, knight , and Elizabeth his wife, and to the heirs of Thomas in perpetuity. The grant was made by indented deed dated Amport 8 April 1410. The deed was shown to the jurors.+[1]
Moulsford, the manor, annual value £6 13s. 4d., held of the king in socage by suit at the king’s hundred court of Moreton twice yearly: once at the view of frankpledge held there after Easter, and once at the view of frankpledge held there after Michaelmas.
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Charlton, the manor, held of the heirs of Richard Hankford, knight , as of the manor of Wantage by fealty only. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 60 a. arable, worth 20s. yearly; and 8 a. meadow, worth 8s. yearly.

He died on 25 January last. Nicholas Carewe, knight , his son and next heir, is aged 22 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/50/46 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Basingstoke 19 April 1431. [ Bernard ].


Jurors: Roger Cheston ; Thomas atte Rythe ; William Graunt ; John Graunt ; John Waterende ; John Leche ; Stephen atte Lee ; Henry Serle ; William atte Nasshe ; Thomas Smyth of Greywell; Robert atte Halle ; and Robert atte Den .

He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or service. He held the following as 526+[1].
Amport, the manor, annual value £6 13s. 4d., held of John Paulet as of his manor of Basing, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 526.
TNA reference

C 139/50/46 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter 16 April 1431. [Cokeworthy].

[Inquisition: ms worn and galled down its right-hand side.]

Jurors: William Somayster ; John Holand ; Thomas Prous ; Thomas Denys ; Richard Pyperell ; John Stapelhill ; John Henltecote ; John Bolter ; Nicholas Boterell ; Andrew Hille ; Henry Beare ; and Richard Whitelok .

He held the following as 526+[1].
Mamhead, the manor with advowson of the church, annual value £6 13s. 4d., held of John Sp...k , service unknown.
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Dawlish, 3 messuages and 3 ferlings of land, annual value 5s. 8d., held of the dean and chapter of St Peter’s, Exeter, service unknown.
Southtown, 2 messuages, annual value 2s., held of Philip Courtenay, knight , service unknown.
Exeter, a messuage in the city, annual value 12d., held of the prior of St Nicholas, Exeter, service unknown.
Exeter, a garden in the city, annual value 12d., held of the citizens, service unknown.
Doune , Fenne , and Hertislade , 2 messuages, 2 ferlings, and 5 a. land, annual value 6s. 8d., held of John Bury and Elizabeth his wife, in right of Elizabeth, service unknown.
Bolham, a messuage with a ferling of land, annual value 2s. 6d., held of John, abbot of Dunkeswell , service unknown.
Weston Peverell, the manor, annual value 66s. 8d., held of Walter Whitelegh , service unknown.
Alice Jacob enfeoffed Thomas, Elizabeth his wife, and Nicholas Carewe , the last both still living, with the following, to have to them and their heirs in perpetuity.
Powderham and Kenn, a messuage and acre of land, annual value 12d., held of Philip Courtenay, knight , service unknown.
They were thus seised in demesne as of fee and Alice, in pure widow-right, released all right and claim that she had or might have in future for her and her heirs in the above lands and tenements to Thomas, Elizabeth, and Nicholas. The release was made by charter dated 28 July 1426, in which Alice was described as Alice Jacob , widow of Maurice Jacob , and Thomas etc. were described as Thomas Carewe, knight , Elizabeth his wife, and Nicholas Carewe son of Thomas and Elizabeth. The charter was shown to the jurors. Thomas thus died conjointly seised of this estate. He held no other nor more lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king in chief nor of any other because, long before his death, Thomas and Elizabeth granted the following to Richard Hood for life, with remainder to Argentilla daughter of Richard, and to the heirs of her body in perpetuity, to hold by rendering 1d. yearly at Michaelmas to Thomas and Elizabeth his wife, and to their heirs, for all services and demands. The grant was made by an indented charter dated Mounsstery 21 March 1424, in which the lands and tenements were described as all their lands and tenements in Luscomb and ‘Houndebrygg’ in the parish of Dawlish, and Thomas and Elizabeth were described as Thomas Carewe, knight , and Elizabeth his wife. Richard Hood was thus seised in demesne as of free tenement and yet survives; and Thomas died seised of the rent of 1d. with reversion of the lands and tenements.
Luscombe and ‘Houndebrygg’, 4 messuages and 10 ferlings of landheld of dean and chapter of St Peter’s, Exeter, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as 526, with the additional information that Nicholas was aged 22 and more on 6 December last.

TNA reference

C 139/50/46 mm.5–6



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value£6 13s. 4d.£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
arable20s.60 a. (60 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
meadow8s.8 a. (8 x acre)8s. (=96d.)
Total: £1 8s. (=336d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
arable20s.60 a. (60 x acre)£1 (=240d.)
meadow8s.8 a. (8 x acre)8s. (=96d.)
Total: £1 8s. (=336d.)




  • William Havyle
  • John Absolon
  • Thomas Absolon
  • Roger Felter
  • Nicholas Benet
  • William Hynde
  • John [unclear: Sheveyn]
  • William Knyght
  • William Benet
  • Thomas Webbe
  • Thomas Cokkes
  • John Cokkes


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