Full text


Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester 13 November 1429. [ Gilbert ].


Jurors: Nicholas Mattesdon ; Thomas Ailwy ; Richard Kemell ; John Thlewelyn ; John Fenne ; John Walton ; Richard Botiller ; John Andrewe, mercer ; Thomas Purlewent ; John Neweman ; William Gryme ; and John Spilman .

He held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king in chief or any other, but was seised of the following in demesne as of fee long before his death.
Dymock, 1/3 manor, true annual value 10 marks. Of whom and by what service it is held is unknown.
By deed dated 14 September 1407, he granted the third to Richard Ruyhale and to his heirs in perpetuity. The deed was shown to the jurors. Richard Ruyhale was thereby seised in demesne as of fee, and John Merbury, esquire , now has Richard Ruyhale’s estate in the said third.

He died on 1 June last. Alice wife of Richard, earl of Salisbury, is his kin and next heir, and aged 24 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/45/39 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Amesbury 13 October 1429. [Longe].


Jurors: John Carre ; John Merivalle ; William Wake ; John Appulby ; Richard Umfray ; John Dyble ; Robert Hayward ; Nicholas Salman ; Thomas Babestoke ; William Wyllyes ; Richard Bever ; Thomas Baker ; and William Kerton .

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
Amesbury, two parts of the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 10 carucates of land, demised to various tenants for £10 yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; 20 a. meadow, demised to the same tenants at terms of years for 20s. yearly, payable as above; 12 messuages, demised at terms of years for 26s. 8d. yearly, payable as above; 10 cottages, demised for 10s. yearly, payable as above; and 100s. assize rent from free tenants, payable as above. He held two parts of the hundred, annual value 46s. 8d. He held the hundred of Ashridge, parcel of the manor of Amesbury, of no annual value above the seneschal’s fee. There is an assize rent of 100s., taken from free tenants there and payable as above.
Winterbourne Earls, two parts of the manor. There are 4 carucates of land, demised to various tenants for 100s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas equally; 20 a. meadow, demised to the same tenants for 20s. yearly, payable as above; 12 cottages, demised at terms of years for 18s. yearly, payable as above; and 100s. assize rent from free tenants, payable as above. He held two parts of a certain hundred of Wynterbourne aforesaid, annual value 26s. 8d.
These manors and the manor of Canford Magna in Dorset, the castle and manor of Trowbridge, the manor of Aldbourne, and the manors of Henstridge and Charlton Horethorne in Somerset are held of the king as a knight’s fee. [1]+ Edward III gave the above, among other things, by letters patent to William de Monte Acuto and his heirs when he was made earl of Salisbury [CPR 1334–1338, pp. 426–7]. John de Warenna, lately earl of Surrey , and Joan his wife then held the two manors for their lives, with reversion to the king and his heirs. After the grant to William de Monte Acuto, the manors were held by John and Joan, with remainder to William and the heirs male of his body in perpetuity. John and Joan died, and William de Monte Acuto, late earl of Salisbury , son and heir of William de Monte Acuto, entered the manors in his remainder and was seised in demesne as of fee tail. He died without heir male of his body. The manors descended to Thomas, late earl of Salisbury, as the son of John son of John brother of William son of William. Thomas entered the manors by virtue of the grant and was seised in his demesne as of fee tail male.+[1] Thomas died without heir male of his body, and the manors descended to Richard de Monte Acuto, kin and heir male of Thomas as the brother of John father of Thomas the late earl.
He died on 12 June last without heir male of his body. Alice lately wife of Thomas de Monte Acuto holds in dower a third of the manors of Amesbury and Winterbourne Earls, and a third of the hundreds there.
TNA reference

C 139/45/39 mm.3–4

[The inquisition for Hampshire, ordered in the writ, is not extant.]

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Ilchester 24 October 1429. [Milbourne].


Jurors: John Lymyngton ; John Brympton ; John Irlond ; Thomas Knyght ; Richard Smyth ; William Tytonhull ; Roger Benet ; John Wayte ; Walter Person ; John Lyte ; John Estbroke ; and Richard Smyth of Mudford.

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
Henstridge, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 200 a. arable, demised to various tenants at terms of years for £4 yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 12 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 24s. yearly, payable as above; £24 4s. 1d. assize rent, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s fee.
Charlton Horethorne, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 200 a. arable demesne, demised to various tenants at terms of years for 100s. yearly, payable as above; 400 a. pasture, demised to tenants for a term of years for £7 yearly, payable as above; 60 a. meadow, demised to tenants for a term of years for £6 yearly, payable as above; £8 5s. assize rent, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the expenses and fee of the seneschal.
As 396+[1]. Afterwards, by a fine levied at Westminster on the quindene of Trinity 1418, Thomas and Alice his wife, deforc., granted the manors to the bishop of Winchester , Richard Hertecumbe , and John Bailly , quer., to hold to them and their heirs by due service of the king and his heirs in perpetuity. Thomas afterwards died without heir male of his body and the manors descended to Richard, kin and heir male of Thomas as brother of John father of Thomas.n068 He entered them by virtue of the grant and was seised in demesne as of fee tail. He died seised of this estate.
Date of death as 396.
TNA reference

C 139/45/39 mm.5, 7

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition [indented]. Shaftesbury 27 October 1429. [Melbourne].


Jurors: Richard Pedeworth ; Richard Facoumbe ; John Payn ; Stephen Pertrigge ; John Duke ; Thomas Hatte ; William Burley ; William Catte ; Thomas Sheve ; Thomas Raccheford ; John Plomer ; and John Baudewyn .

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
Canford Magna, two parts of the manor, except two parts of a tenement of ‘Fulhaldyng’ with a cottage, one tenement of ‘Fulhaldyng’, one messuage, 5 a. land, ½ a. meadow, one croft called ‘Hullecrofte’, a portion of meadow below the Stour’s bank, called ‘Caleys’, and another portion of meadow there, lately of Henry Draane : Thomas, late earl of Salisbury , had granted them by his letters patent to William Welyngton , to hold for life by rent of a rose at Midsummer. Further, the third of the manor was assigned in dower to Alice lately wife of Thomas, by writ dated Westminster 20 February 1429. The manorial site is worth nothing yearly. In two parts of the manor, there are 14 carucates of arable, demised to various tenants at terms of years for £9 yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 14 messuages, demised at terms of years for 28s. yearly, payable as above; 20 bovates, demised at terms of years for £4 yearly, payable as above; 40 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for £4 yearly, payable as above; 70 a. pasture, demised at terms of years for 70s. yearly, payable at Michaelmas only; £7 assize rent taken from free tenants at Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas by equal parts; and two parts of perquisites of court there, worth 20s. yearly.
As 396+[1]. Thomas died without heir male of his body, and the manors descended to Richard de Monte Acuto , kin and heir male of Thomas as the brother of John father of Thomas the late earl. He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
Plumber, Wraxall, and North Maperton, a knight’s fee.
Kington Magna, a knight’s fee.
Winterborne Houghton, 2 knights’ fees.
Melbury Osmond and East Woodyates, a knight’s fee.
Kinson, ½ knight’s fee.
Tore and Lovard, a knight’s fee.
Woodcutts, a knight’s fee.
Corton, a knight’s fee.
Each knight’s fee is worth 100s. yearly when it falls, and each moiety is worth 50s. yearly when it falls. They are parcels of the manor of Canford Magna, held of the king in chief by knight service. Further, from time immemorial, the prior and convent of Witham of the Carthusian order in Selwood in Somerset have customarily had 6 quarters of salt delivered each year between Midsummer and St Peter in Chains by the farmers, provosts, and other occupants of the manor of Canford Magna, without rendering anything.
Date of death as 396.
TNA reference

C 139/45/39 mm.5–6

Writ Head

399 Writ. ‡ 14 July 1429. [Wymbyssh].

Repeat of a writ diem clausit extremum because the first was not delivered to the escheator.

[Dorse:] The writ mentioned within this writ was not delivered to me before this writ, nor afterwards.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Orpington 7 November 1429. [Rykhull].


Jurors: John Maior ; Richard Walssh ; Richard Bocher ; John Norman ; Richard Pette ; William Rose ; Philip Clerk ; John Moor ; Philip Osebarn ; John Hamme ; William de Bery ; and William Hunte .

Edward I granted the following, among other things, by letters patent, to William de Graunson and Sibyl his wife, and the heirs of their bodies.
Dartford, £44 14s. 3¾d. rent from the manor and vill, held by rendering 1d. yearly to the king and his heirs for the rent and also for the manor of Dymock in Gloucestershire.
From them, right in the rent descended to Otes their son and heir and, from Otes, right descended to Thomas his son and heir. Thomas died seised in demesne as of fee tail of the rent without heir of his body. The rent, with other manors, lands, and tenements, descended to the following as kin and heirs of the said Thomas. Roger Beauchamp son of Roger son of Sibyl eldest daughter of Mabel, one of the sisters of Otes father of Thomas; Thomas Faconberge son of Maud, another daughter of Mabel; Alice wife of Thomas Wakes , and Katherine who was wife of Robert Tadenham, knight , third and fourth daughters of Mabel; John de Northwode of Kent, knight , son of Roger son of Agnes, another sister of Otes; and William de Monte Acuto , lately earl of Salisbury , son of Katherine, third sister of Otes. They were seised of the rent in demesne as of fee tail. It was subsequently partitioned, along with other things, and 22 marks 4s. 9¼d. rent from the £44 14s. 3¾d., payable yearly at the four terms of the year was allocated to William. Described as William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury and lord of Man, he granted, among other things, the rent, described as all his lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services in Dartford, to Richard and the heirs of his body, with reversion to the late earl and his heirs. The grant was made by charter shown to the jurors. William died without heir of his body, and Richard died seised of the rent also without an heir of his body on 11 June last. Right in the said rent, according to the gift made by ‪ Edward I, descended to Alice wife of Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury , kin and heir of William as the daughter of Thomas son of John son of John brother of William. There are two water-mills in the vill of Dartford that alone are burdened with 5 marks rent as parcel of the said 22 marks 4s. 9¼d. rent, and 10 messuages alone are also burdened with 5 marks rent, parcel of the same. Long before the death of Richard de Monte Acuto, the water-mills and messuages were, and are yet, totally waste. No penny of the said rent could nor can be raised from them, nor from parcels of the same.
Alice wife of Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury , is kin and next heir of Richard as the daughter of Thomas son of John brother of Richard. She is aged 25 and more.
TNA reference

C 139/45/39 mm.8–9

E 149/145/2 m.1



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • Nicholas Mattesdon
  • Thomas Ailwy
  • Richard Kemell
  • John Thlewelyn
  • John Fenne
  • John Walton
  • Richard Botiller
  • John Andrewe, mercer
  • Thomas Purlewent
  • John Neweman
  • William Gryme
  • John Spilman


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