Full text


Writ Head

375 Writ. ‡ 22 January 1430. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to William Estfeld, mayor and escheator.

[Dorse:] By virtue of this writ, I took into the king’s hands all the lands and tenements of which Roger Thornton was seised and which are specified in the attached inquisition.

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. The guildhall in the parish of St Laurence Jewry 5 May 1430. [Estfeld].


Jurors: Richard Clerk ; Roger Amory ; Richard Steven ; Thomas Baker ; Thomas Basset ; William Rumbold ; Thomas Masse ; John Polhill ; Thomas Hyron ; Thomas Warde ; Thomas Danby ; John Layner ; Peter Hoope ; Robert Lorkyn ; John Athelard ; Thomas Lyon ; and William Freman .

He died seised of the following in demesne as of fee, held of the king in free burgage as all the city is held.
Parish of St Sepulchre outside Newgate in the ward of Farringdon Without, one messuage in Seacoal Lane, worth nothing because waste; one messuage in Turnagain Lane, worth 10s. yearly; 4 cottages in the same lane, each worth 8d. yearly; and one small dwelling in the same lane, worth 8d. yearly.
Parish of St Mary-le-Bow in the ward of Cheap, 3 parts of a messuage called ‘Taunersheld’, annual value 40s.
John Carpenter , Richard Osbern , and others are seised in demesne as of fee of the other quarter.

He died on 3 January 1430. Roger Thornton, esquire , is his son and next heir, and aged 23 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/45/33 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York Castle 23 April 1430. [Mauleverer].


Jurors: William Riplyngham ; William Coverdale ; William Aterbergh ; John Southwyk ; John Fylay ; John del Wodde ; William Fulshawe ; William Kirkby ; Thomas Birdsall ; Robert Daubeney ; John Ryllyngton ; and Thomas Grene .

He died seised of the following in demesne as of free tenement by demise of John, duke of Bedford, with reversion to the duke and his heirs.
Kirklevington, the manor, annual value £18, held of Lord Fauconberge as of his castle and manor of Skelton, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 375.
TNA reference

C 139/45/33 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

VILL OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Inquisition. 27 March 1430 [Rodes].


Jurors: John Pray ; Thomas Penreth ; William Pray ; William Stodert ; Nicholas Gabefore ; William Whetworth ; William Gray ; Robert Deakum ; Thomas Lumley ; Robert Hawson ; William Reede ; and John Fourbour .

He died seised of the following in demesne as of fee in Newcastle, held of the king in free burgage as all the vill is held.
‘Bradechare’, a messuage where Roger resided when he died, worth 40s. yearly; 4 small messuages together at the southern side of the door of the above messuage, each worth 6s. yearly; 2 messuages on ‘le Westrawe’, each worth 10s. yearly; 3 messuages together at the southern end, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and a messuage near the northern end, worth nothing yearly because waste.
‘Narowchare’ alias ‘Colierchare’, 7 messuages together, each worth 10s. yearly.
‘Pampedenburn’, a messuage with adjacent orchard on the eastern side, annual value 6s. 8d.
Church of All Saints, a messuage behind the eastern end of the churchyard, worth nothing yearly because waste; and 5 messuages together on the southern side of the churchyard, each worth 5s. yearly.
‘Pampendenyate’, a garden within ‘Pampedenyate’, worth 6d. yearly; and 2 other gardens outside ‘Pampedenyate’, each worth 12d. yearly.
‘Sandyate’, 3 gardens outside ‘le Sandyate’ at its eastern end, each worth 4d. yearly.
‘Philipchare’, a messuage, worth nothing yearly because waste.
‘Close’, 7 messuages in a street called ‘le Close’ on both sides of ‘Langstare’, each worth 5s. yearly; and 3 messuages at its western end, each worth 6s. yearly.
‘Side’, a messuage called ‘Lyleplace’, worth nothing yearly because waste; and 3 messuages lying separately beneath the king’s castle, worth nothing yearly because waste.
‘Clathe Market’, a messuage on the northern side of the churchyard of St Nicholas by ‘le North Kirkstile’, worth 20s. yearly; 16s. 8d. rent from a tenement where Thomas Penreth , draper, resides, payable at Pentecost and Martinmas by equal parts.
‘Skynnergate’, a messuage, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 2 other messuages, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
‘Melemarket’, a messuage on the western side, worth 2s. yearly; a messuage on the eastern side, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; and 2 messuages, each worth 5s. yearly.
‘Dentonchare’, 4 messuages together, each worth 4s. yearly.
‘Netemarket’, a messuage, worth nothing yearly because waste; and another messuage where Roger Singilton resides, worth 20s.; 16s. rent from a messuage in the tenure of William Axsmyth , payable at the said feasts by equal parts.
‘Newyate’, 6 messuages lying outside, each worth 3s. yearly; 2 parts of one close, worth 2s. yearly; 10s. rent from a tenement outside, in the tenure of John Halton , payable as above; and 5s. rent from a tenement in the tenure of Ellen Savage , payable as above.
Chapel of Mary Magdalene, 3 messuages opposite, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
‘Pilgrymstrete’, a messuage outside, worth 10s. yearly; a messuage, worth nothing yearly because waste; a selion of land called ‘Leyrigg’, worth 12d. yearly; 2 gardens, each worth 12d. yearly; a selion of land, worth 12d. yearly; 4 messuages, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and a messuage beside the western end of ‘Alhalowgate’ in the tenure of Thomas Duche , worth 2d..
Date of death and heir as 375.
TNA reference

C 139/45/33 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. The castle at Newcastle upon Tyne 2 March 1430. [Strother].


Jurors: Thomas Lilburn ; John Midelton ; Nicholas Turpyn ; John Mitford of Ponteland; Robert Musgrave ; William Lawson ; John Herle ; William Musgrave ; William Benet ; James Buk ; William Rotherford ; and John Mitford of Nunnhous.

Thomas Gryffith, lord of Wychnor , enfeoffed Roger, John de Fenwyke, chaplain , still living, and Thomas de Chestre , ‘vynter’, now deceased, among other things, with ½ manor of Longbenton, ½ manor of Stannington, and 6 husband-lands in Tranwell, described as all his lands and tenements, rents, possessions, and services in Stannington, Longbenton, Killingworth, Bellasis, Shotton, Plessey, Tranwell, and other places, with all their liberties, commodities, and appurtenances. The enfeoffment was made without royal licence by charter dated Wytton 18 July 1405. The charter was shown to the jurors. ‪ Henry IV pardoned Roger, John de Fenwyke , and Thomas de Chestre by letters patent dated Westminster 30 January 1406 and regranted those lands and tenements that they were holding of the king to them and their heirs and assigns to hold of the king and his heirs by due service in perpetuity [CPR 1405–1408, p. 138]. The lands and tenements described in the charter and in the letters patent are the same. The letters were shown to the jurors. He thereby died conjointly enfeoffed of ½ manor of Longbenton, ½ manor of Stannington, and 6 husband-lands in Tranwell in demesne as of fee with John de Fenwyke, chaplain .
Longbenton, ½ manor, held of the king in chief by homage and fealty, and by 7¼d. cornage and 18½d. fines of courts taken at the feast of St James, delivered by the sheriff for the king’s use. There is the site, worth nothing yearly; 10 messuages, each worth 4d. yearly; 2 cottages, each worth 2d. yearly; ½ windmill, worth nothing yearly because the whole mill is waste; 48 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 15 husband-lands, each worth 4s. yearly.
Tranwell, 6 husband-lands, each worth 2s. yearly; and
Stannington, ½ manor. There are 60 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 4 a. demesne meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 16 husband-lands, each worth 4s. yearly; 6 cottages, each worth 12d. yearly; 8 messuages, each worth 4d. yearly; and a plot of brush-wood, worth 2s. yearly.
The lands in Tranwell and ½ manor of Stannington are held of the king in chief by homage and fealty, and by 18d. castleward at Newcastle upon Tyne and 13d. cornage, taken at the feast of St James the Apostle, delivered by the sheriff for the king’s use. There are also the following rents and services held severally of Roger by various men [and women] who continue to hold them of John de Fenwyke as of ½ manor of Longbenton and ½ manor of Stannington.
Thomas Hesilrygg held the manor of South Weetslade, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, suit of court at Longbenton every three weeks, and 4s. 4½d., payable at the feast of St James the Apostle.
Thomas Pityngton, chaplain , held a messuage and 60 a. land with a windmill in Longbenton, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, and 4d., payable at the feast of St Peter in Chains; and a messuage and 120 a. land in the same vill, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, and 6d., payable at the feast of St James the Apostle.
Adam Kyllyngworth held ½ messuage and 120 a. land in Killingworth, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, suit of court every three weeks, and 36s. 9d., payable at Pentecost and Martinmas by equal parts.
Robert Kyllyngworth held a messuage and 60 a. land in the same vill, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by fealty, 4s. 6d., payable at Pentecost and Martinmas by equal parts, and by 2lb pepper, payable at Martinmas; and a messuage and 15 a. land, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by fealty, suit of court every three weeks, and 2s. 6d., payable at Pentecost and Martinmas by equal parts.
Margaret who was wife of John de Asshton, knight , held ½ manor of North Weetslade, to her and her heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, suit of court, and as 1/6 knight’s fee.
John Wodryngton, knight , held the manor of Plessey and the vill of Shotton, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, provision of a pair of gilt spurs at Christmas, and by 20s. castleward at Newcastle upon Tyne, payable at the feast of St James.
John Belesise held ½ plot of arable, meadow, and pasture called Bellasis in Stannington, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by homage, fealty, and a moiety of 13½d., payable at the feast of St James .
Date of death and heir as 375.
TNA reference

C 139/45/33 mm.7–8



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
St Sepulchre outside Newgate, Farringdon Without, Seacoal Lane, Turnagain Lane
messuageworth nothingone (1 x messuage) -
messuage10s.one (1 x messuage)10s. (=120d.)
cottages8d. (per unit)4 (4 x cottages)2s. 8d. (=32d.)
dwelling8d.one (1 x dwelling)8d. (=8d.)
Total: 13s. 4d. (=160d.)
St Mary-le-Bow, Cheap, Taunersheld
messuage40s.3 parts of (0.75 x messuage)£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • Richard Clerk
  • Roger Amory
  • Richard Steven
  • Thomas Baker
  • Thomas Basset
  • William Rumbold
  • Thomas Masse
  • John Polhill
  • Thomas Hyron
  • Thomas Warde
  • Thomas Danby
  • John Layner
  • Peter Hoope
  • Robert Lorkyn
  • John Athelard
  • Thomas Lyon
  • William Freman


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