Full text


Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Coleshill 5 September 1429. [Bug].


Jurors: John Bacon ; Thomas Baker ; John Chaloner ; Thomas Milward ; John Aubell ; Thomas Spicer ; John Botiller ; Thomas Smyth ; John Eyre ; Thomas Oley ; John Nicholl ; and William Clerk .


He did not die seised of any lands or tenements in demesne or service.

The identity of the next heir is unknown.
TNA reference

C 139/42/69 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Petworth 17 April 1429. [Otteworth].


Jurors: Thomas Lucas ; John Iburnow ; John Cheseman ; William Mulgate ; John Chernere ; William Wassayll ; John Bry[unclear: gh]...ld [ms torn]; William Grenehull ; Richard Dedelesfold ; William Richardesson ; Richard Combere ; and John Cristemasse .


He held no lands or tenements of the king or any other in demesne or service.

He died on 7 March last. Constance wife of John Poulet , Alice wife of John Orell , and John Bonevyle are his kin and next heirs. Constance and Alice are the daughters of Hugh son of Thomas Ponynges , and John Bonevyle is the son of Joan daughter of Hugh son of Thomas. Constance is aged 20 and more, Alice is aged 19 and more, and John is aged 16 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/42/69 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Buntingford 15 April 1429. [Stokdale].


Jurors: Alexander Botell ; Bernard Accloire ; Clement Bolton ; David Frampton ; Ellis Lentall ; Geoffrey Fauconer ; Henry Heydon ; John Artur ; Luke Porter ; Matthew Chapman ; Nicholas Bruer ; and Oliver Petipas .

[1]+He held the following knights’ fees and moieties of knights’ fees in fee tail, as parcels of his manor of Basing in Hampshire, by grant of Stephen Pichard , William Calwe , William Mundy , and Henry Prout . The manor of Basing is held of the king in chief as 1/12 barony.+[1]
Clothall, 2 knights’ fees, lately held by Henry Botle and John Borewell , each worth 40s. when it falls.
Aspenden, ½ knight’s fee, worth 20s. yearly when it falls.
Date of death and heirs as 295.
TNA reference

C 139/42/69 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge 14 July 1429. [Forster].


Jurors: John Lelye ; John Dale ; Richard Berehors ; William Heygham ; John Dust ; John Bogeys ; Thomas Basse ; William Fowekes ; Robert Mariot ; John Sibile ; Robert Lelye ; and John Helgey .

He held the following as 296+[1].
Snailwell, a knight’s fee, lately held by Thomas Hemgrave , annual value 40s. when it falls.
Date of death and heirs as 295.
TNA reference

C 139/42/69 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Newmarket 27 September 1429. [Forster].


Jurors:Jurors as 297.

He held the following in fee and right largely as 296+[1], with the following differences and additions. Henry Prout is described as clerk. The king’s licence for the gift was obtained. The manor of Basing in Hampshire is held of the king in chief as 1/9 barony.
Snailwell, a knight’s fee, currently held by William Paston , annual value 100s. when it falls.
Date of death and heirs as 295.
TNA reference

E 149/144/3 m.1

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Abingdon 13 April 1429. [ Rede ].


Jurors: Simon Langthorn ; John Medforde ; William ...odyngton [ms torn]; Thomas Jones ; William atte Halle ; Andrew Baron ; Walter Blake ; William Spencer ; John Lever ; Walter Coldrell ; John Colyn ; and John Halle .

He held the following as 296+[1].
Sotwell, ½ knight’s fee, lately held by Thomas Stonore , annual value 20s. when it falls.
Great Shefford, ½ knight’s fee, lately held by John Kentewode , annual value 20s. when it falls.
Date of death and heirs as 295.
TNA reference

C 139/42/69 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon 18 May 1429. [ Rede ].


Jurors: John Medforde ; William Bodyngton ; Thomas Jones ; William atte Halle ; Andrew Baron ; Walter Blake ; William Spencer ; John Lever ; Simon Langthorn ; Walter Coldrell ; John Colyn ; and John Halle .

The following moieties of knights’ fees were held of Thomas Ponynges as of his manor of Basing in Hampshire, which he held in fee tail of the king in chief as 1/9 barony.
Sotwell, ½ knight’s fee called ‘Stonores’, annual value 50s. when it falls, held by John Warefeld and Thomas Berdesley , feoffees of Thomas Stonore .
Great Shefford, ½ knight’s fee, annual value 50s. when it falls, held by John Kentwode .
Date of death and heirs as 295.

[Foot:] This copy was delivered to John Warefeld by Hayford of ‘Lyncolnes In’.

[Dorse:] Inquisition of Lord St John.

TNA reference

C 139/42/69 m.11

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition [indented]. Dartford 16 April 1429. [Rykhull].


Jurors: John Ferby ; Thomas Slyfherst ; Richard Maykyn ; John Knollys ; John Gerard ; William Bokelond ; John Lewyn ; John Bost ; John Styvour ; Geoffrey Hert ; Walter Groveherst ; and Thomas Clement .

He held the following as 296+[1].
[ms faded], 1 knight’s fee, presently held by William Sutton , annual value 40s. when it falls.
Hamme , 1 knight’s fee, presently held by Thomas Chuthe, esquire , annual value 40s. when it falls.
Little Pising, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by the master of the hospital of St Mary in Dover, annual value 40s. when it falls.
Norton, Fishborne, and Newnham, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by Seman Champeyne, annual value 40s. when it falls.
Tunstall, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by William Crowmer , annual value 40s. when it falls.
Murston, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by the same William, annual value 40s. when it falls.
Bicknor, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of Roger Northwode, chevalier , annual value 40s. when it falls.
Kingston and Tonge, 5 knights’ fees, presently held by the heirs of Giles Batelesmere , annual value of each 40s. when it falls.
Allington, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of John Geryn , annual value 40s. when it falls.
Pising, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the abbot of St Radegund’s , annual value 20s. when it falls.
Popeshall, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by Richard Horne , annual value 20s. when it falls.
Harty, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by Seman Champeyne, annual value 20s. when it falls.
Kingston and Tonge, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of Giles Batelesmere , annual value 20s. when it falls.
Be...aysn[ms faded], ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by Thomas Newbregge , annual value 10s. when it falls.
Sholond, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by Seman Champeyne, annual value 10s. when it falls.
Herst by Faversham, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by William Crowmer , annual value 10s. when it falls.
Scuttington, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by John Smilere of Rodmersham, annual value 10s. when it falls.
Date of death and heirs as 295.
TNA reference

C 139/42/69 mm.12–13

Inquisition Head

302 [Slip of undated parchment.n062]

Thomas Ponynges held the said moieties of the said fees in Sotwell and Great Shefford in fee and by right, as parcels of the manor of Basing in Hampshire, of the king in chief as 1/9 barony.

[Dorse:] Bulla of Edmund Rede, escheator , sent to Thomas Lavynton to be placed in the Exchequer.

TNA reference

C 139/42/69 m.14

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. ... 7 Henry VI. [Longe].

[Inquisition: ms faded, and torn at its top left.]

Jurors:...orton; Thomas Roghley ; Robert Westbury ; Peter Shepener ; Thomas Cammys ; Richard Cottesmore ; Nicholas ....

He held the manors of Basing and Bramley, with advowsons of the free chapel of Basing pertaining to the manor of Basing, in demesne as of fee tail of the king ... of a part of one barony.
Basing, the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly above necessary repairs; 18 messuages, each worth 4s. yearly; and 4 carucates of land, each worth 20s. yearly. The messuages and carucates of land are demised at terms of years for £7 12s. yearly, payable at the four terms of the year by equal parts. There are also 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; [at least] 98 a. pasture,n063 each acre worth 2d. yearly; £3 rent service from certain free tenants, payable at Michaelmas; a park enclosing deer, worth nothing yearly above maintaining the game and the keeper’s costs; 20 a. timber wood, worth nothing yearly; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 5s. yearly.
Bramley, the manor. There is a decayed manorial site, worth nothing yearly;... messuages, each worth 5s. 8d. yearly; 3 carucates of land, each worth 25s. yearly; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth ?6s. yearly.
Stephen Pichard , William Calwe , William Mundy , and Henry Prout , clerks, gave the manors of Basing and Bramley to Isabel wife of Luke Ponynges, Lord St John, chevalier , now deceased, for life with successive remainders to Thomas Ponynges, chevalier , son of Isabel, and Joan his wife, now deceased, and the heirs of Thomas’s body; and to the right heirs of Thomas. Royal licence was obtained [CPR 1388–1392, p. 312]. After Isabel’s death, Thomas and Joan entered the manors. Thomas was seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Joan was seised in demesne as of free tenement. Joan died. Thomas continued his estate for life and died so seised. He held the manors of Warnford and Ludshott, with advowson of the church of Warnford pertaining to that manor, in demesne as of fee tail. On 29 September 1379, William Calwe and William Mundy , clerks, gave the manors and advowson to Thomas Ponynges and Joan his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. They had issue: Hugh, now deceased. Joan died. Thomas continued his estate for life and died so seised.
Warnford, the manor, held of the king in chief as ¼ knight’s fee. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly above necessary repairs; 20 messuages, each worth 4s. yearly; a water-mill, worth £3 6s. 8d. yearly; a dovecot, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 4 carucates of land, each worth 20s. yearly; 28 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 20 a. timber wood, worth nothing yearly; and perquisites of court with view of frankpledge, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Ludshott, the manor, held of the abbot of Hyde , service unknown. There is a decayed, manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 14 messuages, each worth 7s. 1d. yearly; 2 carucates of land, each worth 8s. 4d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly.
He was seised of the manor of Warnford with advowson of the church there after the death of Joan his wife, and Henry V pardoned him by letters patent dated 1 July 1415 for all gifts, alienations, purchases, transgressions, and entries made, without royal licence, regarding lands and tenements that were held in chief of the late king or his ancestors, kings of England. Thomas is described as Thomas Ponynges, Lord St John , knight , and the letters were shown to the jurors. He held the following in fee and by right.
Monk Sherborne, advowson of the priory, worth nothing yearly, held of the king in chief by fealty.
He held the following in demesne as of fee.
Pamber, the bailiwick of the royal forest of Pamber, worth nothing yearly above the keeper’s costs, held of the king in chief by fealty.
He was seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Abbotstone and Chawton, with advowsons of the churches of Abbotstone and Chawton, pertaining to their respective manors. Each manor is held of the abbot of Hyde , service unknown. He demised the manor of Abbotstone, with advowson, to Luke Ponynges his son, still living, for life with reversion to Thomas Ponynges and his heirs; and demised the manor of Chawton, with advowson, to Eleanor lately wife of Hugh Ponynges, knight , still living, for life with reversion to Thomas and his heirs. He was thus seised in fee and by right of the same reversions.
Abbotstone, the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 4 carucates of land, each worth 20s. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; and 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly.
Chawton, the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly above necessary repairs; 10 messuages, each worth 4s. yearly; 2 carucates of land, each worth 20s. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 40 a. wood, worth nothing yearly.
Date of death and heirs as 295. Also specified is that Constance, Alice, and John Bonevyle are kin and heirs of Thomas and Joan his wife. Constance and Alice are the daughters of Hugh son of Thomas and Joan, and John Bonevyle is the son of Joan daughter of Hugh son of Thomas and Joan.
TNA reference

C 139/42/69 m.15



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John Bacon
  • Thomas Baker
  • John Chaloner
  • Thomas Milward
  • John Aubell
  • Thomas Spicer
  • John Botiller
  • Thomas Smyth
  • John Eyre
  • Thomas Oley
  • John Nicholl
  • William Clerk


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