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Inquisition Head

VILL OF CALAIS. Inquisition. 7 January 1429 [Parke].


Jurors: Robert Wastell ; Robert Pyell ; Robert Jacob ; William Frere ; William Barry ; John Edward ; Richard Sprott ; William Fratyng ; David More ; Richard Shakyrdale ; Richard Butlier ; and Henry Bywell .

He held the following by purchase in demesne as of fee.
Calais, an inn with 2 cellars and 4 shops that he began to re-build, and a large, ruinous building called ‘le Wolhous’ with an attached garden, worth nothing yearly, held of the king by covering 2 watches yearly, when they fall, for the defence of the vill.

He died on 3 November last. Alice wife of Richard Neville, knight, present earl of Salisbury, is his daughter and next heir, and aged 22 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester 10 February 1429. [ Gilbert ].


Jurors: Thomas Berkeley ; Nicholas Mattesdon ; John Delamare ; John Gerald ; William Tymburhull ; Thomas Purlewent ; John atte Venne ; John Phelpes ; Richard Kemele ; Walter Richeman ; John Wynyard ; and John Andrewes, mercer .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or any other in demesne or service.

Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Beccles 8 January 1429. [Hevenyngham].


Jurors: Walter Falk ; Thomas Olton ; Richard Dersyngham ; Edmund Barbour ; William Plomer ; Robert Cook ; Richard Fraunceys ; Richard Wene ; Thomas Andrewe ; John ?Lebard [ms torn]; Reynold Appilton ; and William Deye .

He held the following by curtesy from the inheritance of Alice his daughter by Eleanor his late wife. Alice is wife of Richard Neville, knight , the present earl of Salisbury .
Sutton, one knight’s fee, lately held by Henry de Sutton , annual value 100s. when it falls, held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.6, 8

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Acle 12 January 1429. [Hevenyngham].


Jurors: Robert Hendy ; Laurence Oky ; John Rothe ; Thomas Cordwaner ; John Baily ; Thomas Cokefeld ; Robert Vynne ; Thomas Vyncent ; John Baron ; John Poyntour ; William Lyster ; and Andrew Sad .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king or any other.

Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.6–7

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Selby 8 January 1429. [Fitzwilliam].


Jurors: Christopher Preston ; William Wombewell ; Richard Feryby ; Robert Rypars ; Thomas Dodworth ; John Beresford ; Thomas Wenteworth ; John West ; William Haldenby ; William Bryghous ; John Risworth ; and Henry Croft .

He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Cottingham, pastures called ‘Leyderyngham’, ‘Calfcroft’, ‘Welderyngham’, ‘Enderyngham’, and ‘Thornstanslat’, demised to various tenants, annual value 10 marks, payable at Michaelmas only.
Rowley, advowson of the church.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. Huntingdon 27 January 1429. [Forster].


Jurors: Thomas Boleyn ; John Goddyng ; John Bate ; John Colson ; Thomas Smyth ; Leonard Bayns ; Thomas Clophull ; William Bysshop ; Thomas Thornton ; John Colle ; John Cathee ; and John Hendson .

He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.
St Ives, £50 rent from the abbot and convent of Ramsey for farming the fairs of the vill, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts.n045
Buckworth, ½ knight’s fee, annual value 50s. when it falls.
Great or Little Catworth (Catteworth), ¼ knight’s fee, annual value 25s. when it falls.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.5, 11

[The inquisition for Cambridgeshire, ordered in the writ, is not extant.]

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Grantham 8 January 1429. [Meires].


Jurors: Thomas Harleston ; Simon Ive ; John Sharp ; Thomas Symond ; John Gerveys of Grantham; William Snell ; Edmund Bayard ; John Cullom ; George Glover ; William Chapman ; John Levely ; William Dale ; and Richard Somerford .

He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Casthorpe, one knight’s fee, lately held by Ranulph Rye, annual value 100s. when it falls.
Ulceby or Ulceby with Fordington (Ulseby), 1/8 knight’s fee, lately held by the heirs of Richard de Ulseby , annual value 12s. 6d. when it falls.n046
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.12–13

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Wansford 6 January 1429. [Palmer].


Jurors: Nicholas Duraunt of King’s Cliffe; Henry Attehall of Apethorpe; William Potton and John Seyton of Nassington; Thomas Roulond and William Sharwyn of Woodnewton; William Dycon of Yarwell; Richard Bastard of Fotheringhay; William Serle of Yarwell; John Kirkby and John Smyth of Duddington; and John Barnak and John Sutton of Easton on the Hill.

He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Easton on the Hill, the manor near Collyweston.n047 There is a capital messuage, worth 5s. yearly; 35 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 100 a. demesne fallow, worth nothing yearly because common; 24 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 16 messuages and 16½ virgates, each messuage with a virgate worth 12s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts, which messuages and lands are demised severally to various tenants; 6 cottages, each worth 12d. yearly and demised to various tenants, payable as above; 13s. 5¾d. assize rent, payable at the terms above; 3lb pepper taken from free tenants at Michaelmas only; 2½lb cumin, payable at Michaelmas; 1 arrow (catapulta) taken from one free tenant; one free tenant; root of ginger, taken from free tenant; enclosure called ‘le launde’, worth 10s. yearly, payable at the said terms; 160 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because the wood and underwood were sold by the late earl’s officials; and perquisites of two views of frankpledge with the court, worth 2s. yearly, above the seneschal’s fee.
Welton and Staverton, 3½ knights’ fees, each fee worth 100s. yearly when it falls, and the moiety worth 50s. yearly when it falls.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.14, 16

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Uppingham 26 January 1429. [Palmer].


Jurors: John Warde of North Luffenham; William Toky of South Luffenham; William Baylle and Henry Fethyngworth of Barrowden; Nicholas Campon of Morcott; William Kyng of Glaston;n048 Thomas Castreton of Bisbrooke; John Yrelond of Lyddington; Robert Quadryng of Caldecott; Thomas Wryght of Stoke Dry; John Godwyn of North Luffenham ; and John Thorp and William Rypon of Little Casterton.

He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Ryhall, 1/6 knight’s fee, lately held by William Waryn , annual value 6s. 8d. when it falls.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.14–15

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster 12 February 1429. [Rykhull].


Jurors: John Theyr ; William Child; Thomas Rauf ; Thomas Swynford ; John Boner ; John Morys ; John Everard ; William Ingelond ; Stephen atte Felde ; John Sauney ; John Clerk of Westminster; and Robert Nek .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or service of the king or any other.

Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.17–18

Writ Head

272 Writ. ‡ 24 November 1428. [Wymbyssh].

[Dorse:] By virtue of this writ, I took all the lands and tenements of which Thomas was seised in demesne as of fee into the king’s hands.

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. 7 February 1429 [Barten].


Jurors: William Preest ; Thomas Hatcher ; Thomas Merssh ; William Illyng ; William Ferrour ; William Morys ; William Ryder ; William George ; Thomas Harlowe ; William Mower ; John Conyburgh ; and John Frankeleyn .

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king and no other in free burgage as all the city is held, service unknown.
St Dunstan in the East, a messuage with buildings, annual value 30s. if leased, but it stood, and is still standing vacant, because it was ruinous long before the death of Thomas.
Ralph de Monte Hermerii willed the messuage to Isabel Hastynges , his wife, for her life with successive remainders to Edward his son, and the heirs of his body; and to Thomas son of Ralph and brother of Edward, and the heirs of his body. After the deaths of Isabel and Edward, the messuage remained to Thomas son of Ralph, and the heirs of his body. He was seised in demesne as of fee tail, and had issue: Margaret. After his death, the messuage descended to Margaret as daughter and heir of Thomas son of Ralph. She had issue: John, late earl of Salisbury . After her death, the messuage descended to John as son and heir of Margaret. John had issue: Thomas, late earl of Salisbury . After his death, the messuage descended to Thomas as son and heir of John. Thomas had issue: Alice, present wife of Richard Neville, knight and earl of Salisbury . After his death, the messuage descended to Alice as daughter and heir of Thomas.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.19–20

E 149/142/1 m.3

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford 7 January 1429. [Walwyn].


Jurors: Richard Abighale ; Richard Kok of Ross; John Brawe, junior ; Richard Alderon ; Thomas Arundell ; James Tomkyns ; Thomas Hull ; John ap Ithell ; Henry Whytte ; Reynold Mile of Mordiford; Thomas Herdeman ; and Roger ?Tonston [ms torn].

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Welsh Bicknor, the manor, held of the king as of the castle and lordship of Monmouth as of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 2 carucates arable, demised at terms of years for 26s. 8d. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 10 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 13s. 4d. yearly, payable as above; 4 messuages and 4 bovates, demised at terms of years for 26s. 8d. yearly; 3s. 4d. assize rent, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth 12d. yearly.
Vincent de Barnastapolia granted the manor to Thomas de Monte Hermerii, knight, and Margaret his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. They had issue: Margaret, who married John de Monte Acuto, knight. After the deaths of Thomas and Margaret, the manor descended to Margaret as daughter and heir. After her death, the manor descended to John de Monte Acuto, late earl of Salisbury and son and heir of Margaret daughter of Thomas and Margaret. After the death of John, the manor descended to Thomas, late earl , as son and heir of John. He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king as of his duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
Ewyas Harold, two moieties of knights’ fees, each worth 50s. yearly when it falls.
Monnington Straddle, ¾ knight’s fee, worth 75s. yearly when it falls.
Foukesgate, ¼ knight’s fee, worth 25s. yearly when it falls.
[1]+ John de Grandissone, late bishop of Exeter , granted the above parts of knights’ fees, among other things, to John de Monte Acuto, knight, his nephew, and to the heirs of his body. After the death of John de Monte Acuto, they descended to John, late earl of Salisbury , as son and heir of John. After the death of John son of John, they descended to Thomas, late earl , as son and heir of John.+[1] Thomas, late earl , granted the following manors for life to John Golofre, esquire , still living, for service past and future, with reversion to the late earl and his heirs. Thomas was seised of the reversion in fee and by right. The grant was made by his letters patent dated Crookham 16 January 1415. They were shown to the jurors.
Llanwere, the manor within the lordship of Strigoil in Caerwent and St Bride’s Netherwent in the March of Wales.
The manors are held of John, duke of Norfolk, as of his castle and lordship of Chepstow, service unknown.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.21–22

E 149/142/1 m.3

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. High Wycombe 21 January 1429. [Sperlyng].


Jurors: Thomas Bristowe ; John Sandwell , Thomas Gaillache and Richard Yanlode of Aston Clinton; John Golon ; William Kyngham ; William Grace ; Thomas Naldre ; William Pyffelde ; William Longe ; Robert Colet ; and Thomas Halfhunte .


[1]+ Edward I granted the manor of Aston Clinton, among other manors, by charter to Simon de Monte Acuto for life, with remainder to William son of Simon and the heirs of his body. After the death of Simon, William his son entered the manor and was seised in his remainder in fee tail. After the death of William, the manor descended to William son and heir of William son of Simon. William died without heir of his body.n049 The manor descended to John, late earl of Salisbury , kin and heir of William son of William son of Simon as the son of John brother of William son of William son of Simon. He was seised in demesne as of fee tail.+[1] He then granted the manor, among other things, to John Brokeman , and his heirs in perpetuity. [2]+John Brokeman afterwards demised the manor to Thomas, late earl , and Eleanor his wife, described as Thomas de Monte Acuto son of John de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury , and Eleanor his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies. The grant was made by indented charter, dated Aston Clinton 24 August 1400.n050 Thomas and Eleanor had issue: Alice, present wife of Richard Neville, knight and earl of Salisbury . Eleanor died, then Thomas.+[2]

Aston Clinton, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 2 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 6 messuages with 6 bovates, demised at terms of years for 30s. yearly, each messuage with a bovate worth 5s. yearly, payable as above; 8 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 13s. 4d. yearly, payable at Michaelmas only; 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; 10s. assize rent taken from free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s fee.
John Brokeman was lately seised in demesne as of fee of the manors of Dundridge and Montjoy, held of the king by knight service. Continues as +[2]+ above regarding these manors.
Dundridge, the manor. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; and a carucate of arable, worth 20s. yearly.
Montjoy, the manor. There is a carucate of arable, worth 20s. yearly.
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief by knight service.
Aylesbury, £60, taken from the fee-farm of the vill at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts.
He held the following to him and the heirs male of his body.
Hambleden by Henley-on-Thames, one knight’s fee, lately held by John, late Lord Tybotot , parcel of the manor of Amesbury in Wiltshire, held of the king in chief.

Date of death and heir as 262. Furthermore, Richard de Monte Acuto , knight, is his kin and next male heir as the son of John father of John, late earl , father of Thomas, and aged 60 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.23–24

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Ware 3 January 1429. [Stokdale].


Jurors: William Hert ; John Canon ; Thomas Burstede ; William Herdewyk ; John Wygge ; Richard Algore ; John Hert ; John Fletcher ; John Bouk ; Richard Marsshall ; John Pery ; and Robert Bocher .

He held the following in demesne as of fee by purchase from John, duke of Bedford , regent of France.
Shenley, the manor and a third of ¾ knight’s fee, lately of Richard Salman , held of Katherine, queen of England , as of the honour of Mandeville as a third of ¾ knight’s fee. There is a site in the manorwith various buildings, worth nothing yearly; 6 carucates of land, demised at terms of years for £4 yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; 26s. 8d. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; perquisites of court, worth 5s. yearly; and 40 a. wood, worth nothing yearly.
He held the following by curtesy as 264, held of William, Lord Ferrers of Groby , by service of 6s. 8d. yearly.
Ware, the manor, except a messuage and 120 a. land and meadow in Ware. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 70 a. arable, demised at terms of years for 116s. 8d. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas, the usual terms in this manor; 80 a. exhausted meadow, demised at terms of years for £3 yearly, payable at Michaelmas only; 30 a. pasture, demised at terms of years for 25s. yearly, payable at the same terms; a water-mill, demised for 100s. yearly, payable as above; £30 assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; perquisites of court worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and a park, worth nothing yearly above the keeper’s fee and maintenance of the game-animals.
Roxford, 1/8 knight’s fee, worth 12s. 6d. yearly when it falls.
Brickendon, ¼ knight’s fee, worth 25s. yearly when it falls.
Blakemere and Hertford, ¼ knight’s fee, worth 25s. yearly when it falls.
Stapleford, 1/8 knight’s fee, worth 12s. 6d. yearly when it falls.
Ware, advowson of the priory.
Bourne, court of the honour, worth 12d. yearly.
The messuage and 120 a. land and meadow in Ware were granted by Edmund, late earl of Kent , for life to William Wellys , his servant, still living, as shown in Edmund’s letters patent issued to William. William thus held the land and meadow, with reversion to the present earl and Alice in right of Alice. He held the following by curtesy as 264, of Katherine, queen of England , as of the honour of Mandeville as 1 1/10 knights’ fees.
Bushey, the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, demised at terms of years for 66s. 8d. yearly, payable at the said terms; 40 a. exhausted meadow, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable at Michaelmas only; 200 a. moor, demised at terms of years for 26s. 8d. yearly, payable as above; 40 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; 26s. 8d. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.25, 27

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Barking 12 January 1429. [Stokdale].


Jurors: John Malmayn ; John Wyet ; Walter Burre ; John Clacton ; John Hervy ; John Newark ; William Bifeld ; John Grace ; John Elyot ; William Gylot ; John Godard ; William Shouke, senior ; John Wodeward ; Nicholas Bocher ; John Serle ; and John Smyth of Little Heath.

He held the following in demesne as of fee by purchase from John, duke of Bedford , regent of France.
West Ham, the manor, held of the king , service unknown. There is a site with various buildings, worth nothing yearly above maintenance; 2 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for 53s. 4d. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 6 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 12s. yearly, payable as above; 3s. 4d. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the fees of the seneschal and clerk of the court.
He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief by knight service.
North Weald Bassett, the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 500 a. arable, demised at terms of years for £4 3s. 4d. yearly, payable as above; 30 a. exhausted meadow, demised at terms of years for 30s. yearly, payable as above; 6 messuages, demised at terms of years for 12s. yearly, payable as above; 4 cottages, demised at terms of years for 2s. 8d. yearly, payable as above; 20 a. wood, worth 20s. yearly; 40s. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.25–26

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter 28 December 1428. [Bamfeld].


Jurors: John Franchyne ; John Boltere ; Thomas Trobryg ; Nicholas Coterell ; Richard Whitlok ; John Clifton ; Walter Bobbebroke ; Richard Worthy ; John Kyrton ; John Harper ; John Proo ; and William William .

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king in chief by knight service.
Oakford, the manor and advowson of the church there. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 2 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 6 messuages, demised at terms of years for 12s. yearly, payable as above; 8 bovates, demised at terms of years for 24s. yearly, payable as above; and 6 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 12s. yearly, payable as above.
Pyworthy, the manor and advowson of the church there. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 3 carucates arable demesne, demised at terms of years for 60s. yearly, payable as above; 6 messuages with 6 bovates adjacent, demised at terms of years for 30s. yearly, payable as above; 4 cottages with 4 crofts adjacent, demised at terms of years for 4s. yearly, payable as above; 6s. 8d. assize rent, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
By his letters patent, Edward II granted these manors with their knights’ fees and advowsons, among other things, to Ralph de Monte Hermerii , and Thomas and Edward his sons, nephews of the late king, and to the heirs of the body of Thomas son of Ralph. Ralph and Edward were thus seised in demesne as of free tenement and Thomas was seised in demesne as of fee tail. Edward and Ralph died so seised and Thomas had issue: Margaret, who married John de Monte Acuto, knight. After the death of Thomas, the manors and advowsons descended to Margaret as his daughter and heir. After her death, they descended to John, late earl of Salisbury , as her son and heir. After his death, they descended to Thomas, late earl , as his son and heir. He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Wonford, the manor, held of Anne, countess of Devon , service unknown. There is the manorial site with adjacent gardens, demised to a certain tenant for 3s. 4d. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 2 carucates of demesne land, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable as above; 10 a. meadow, demised for 10s. yearly, payable as above; 6 messuages and 6 bovates, demised for 24s. yearly, payable as above; and 20s. assize rent, taken from various free tenants, payable as above.
Clyst St Mary, 6 messuages and 3 carucatesn051 of land, demised at terms of years for 53s. 4d. yearly, payable as above; and advowson of the church there, all members of the manor of Wonford.
Continues as 274+[1], regarding the manor of Wonford with knights’ fees and advowsons.n052 After the death of John, the manor etc. descended to Thomas as son and heir of John. By a fine levied on the quindene of Trinity 1428 [CP 25/1/46/81 no. 53], one part of which was shown to the jurors, he held conjointly with Alice his wife, still living, described as Thomas de Monte Acuto and Alice his wife, the following manors for their lives, with remainder to the right heirs of the late earl in perpetuity. The grant was made by Richard Alred and Andrew Sperlyng , with royal licence [CPR 1422–1429, p. 478].
Stokenham, the manor, annual value 100 marks; and
Yealmpton, the manor, annual value £40,
held of the king in chief by knight service.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.28, 30

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Liskeard 3 January 1429. [Bamfeld].


Jurors: Edmund Beket ; Richard Hendour ; William Beket ; Rule Toker ; Robert Weryng ; Thomas Joce ; Richard ...age [ms torn]; William Synon ; David Kempe ; John Colys ; Nicholas Toker ; and John Serll .

He held of the king in demesne as of fee tail male
200 marks, taken from issues of the stampage of tin, service unknown.
They were granted, among other things, by letters patent of Edward III , shown to the jurors [CPR 1334–1338, pp. 426–7], to William de Monte Acuto , late earl of Salisbury , and to the heirs male of his body, to be delivered at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts by the guardian of stampage until the late earl or his heirs were provided with land and rent within the kingdom of England to the value of 200 marks yearly in their place. William had issue: William de Monte Acuto , late earl of Salisbury . After his death, the 200 marks descended to William as son and heir male of William. William son of William died without heir male of his body. The 200 marks descended to John de Monte Acuto, late earl of Salisbury , kin and heir male of William son of William as the son of John brother of William son of William. John had issue: Thomas, late earl . After the death of John, the 200 marks descended to Thomas as son and heir male of the body of John. Thomas died seised of this estate without heir male of his body. Neither Edward III nor any of his heirs or successors provided William, late earl , or any of his heirs with land and rent worth 200 marks yearly. He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Lantyan, the manor, held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall, service unknown. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 3 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for 60s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 20 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 30s. yearly, payable as above; 8 messuages, demised at terms of years for 8s. yearly, payable as above; 6 cottages, demised at terms of years for 4s. yearly, payable as above; and 20s. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above.
Ralph de Monte Hermerii, knight, granted the manor to Edward de Monte Hermerii, his son, and to the heirs of his body, with remainder to Thomas de Monte Hermerii son of Ralph and brother of Edward, and the heirs of his body. Ralph made the grant by charter in which the manor was described as his manor of Lantyan with woods, mills, meadows, pastures, commons, ways, paths, waters, stanks, ponds, fisheries, dovecots, garths, ditches, knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, homages, wards, reliefs, escheats, marriages, heriots, suits of court, services from tenants: free, soke, customary, and villein, with villeins’ goods, chattels, and offspring past and future, rents, dowries when they fall, and right of the chantry of a free chapel in the manor. The charter was shown to the jurors. Edward died without heir of his body. After his death, Thomas de Monte Hermerii entered the manor in his remainder. He had issue: Margaret who married John de Monte Acuto, knight. After the death of Thomas, the manor descended to Margaret as daughter and heir of Thomas de Monte Hermerii . She had issue: John. John de Monte Acuto died, then Margaret too died. After her death, the manor descended to John as son and heir of Margaret. He had issue: Thomas, late earl of Salisbury . After John’s death, the manor descended to Thomas as son and heir of John.
Date of death and heirs as 262. Furthermore, Richard de Monte Acuto, chevalier, is kin and heir male of Thomas as the brother of John father of Thomas, late earl , and aged 50 and more.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.28–29

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Woodstock 14 January 1429. [ Rede ].


Jurors: Richard Stephenes ; Thomas Carswell ; Robert Hyde ; William Wyghthyll ; William Hareys ; Thomas Pryket ; Thomas Harlyngrygge ; John Collys ; Richard Wartour ; John Boureman ; William Gygour ; and William Stephenes .

He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Cassington, the manor, held of the king in chief by knight service. There are 5 messuages, namely, one capital messuage, worth nothing yearly above necessary repairs, and four other messuages, demised at terms of years for 20s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 20s. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; 2 carucates of land, each carucate containing 100 a., each acre worth 4d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 6 a. marsh, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 1 a. wood [value not given]; and perquisites of court, worth 12d. yearly.
Long before his death, he demised the above manor to John Bailly, esquire , still living, for 20 years, to hold by rendering 5 marks yearly to the late earl and his heirs at Michaelmas and Easter by equal parts. The grant was made by indented deed dated Cassington 27 March 1410 in which the manor was described as the manor of Cassington with knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, reversions, liberties, franchises, free customs, meadows, pastures, fisheries, waters, moors, marshes, all services of tenants, free and villein, and all other things pertaining to the same manor. Thomas was described as Thomas Mountagu, earl of Salisbury , and the deed was shown to the jurors. The late earl confirmed John’s estate by a charter dated Cassington 30 March 1410. John held the manor for life, by rendering one double red rose yearly to the late earl and his heirs at Midsummer for all services. The charter was shown to the jurors. Henry V pardoned John all manner of gifts, alienations, purchases, and entries without royal licence into lands and tenements held in chief by letters patent dated 28 November 1413. They were shown to the jurors. He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.
Elycourt , the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly above necessary repairs; 4 virgates, each containing 24 acres, each acre worth 3d. yearly; and 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly;
Chadlington, 4 a. meadow in the meadow called ‘Wolgaresham’,
held of John Osbalston , service unknown. Long before his death, he granted the above for life to John Golafre , his beloved and faithful esquire, still living, to hold by rendering a rose at Midsummer to the late earl and his heirs for all service due to the chief lords of the fee. The grant was made by charter dated London 26 April 1416 in which the above lands and tenements were described as the manor of Elycourt that Henry Mabely alias Henry Cook lately held within the hundred of Chadlington, with all lands, tenements, rents, and services that he held in the parish of Chadlington, and with all the meadows of the late earl in the meadow of ‘Wolgaresham’. Thomas was described as Thomas Mountagu, earl of Salisbury and Lord Monthermer, and the charter was shown to the jurors. He thus died seised of the reversions of the manors, lands, and tenements, and of the services of roses.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.31–32

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Newbury 27 January 1429. [ Rede ].


Jurors: John Lydeyerd ; John Colley ; Henry Samon ; Roger Radeley ; William Wabrond ; John Chadelworth ; Nicholas Messenger ; Robert Croke ; Thomas Cokerell ; Edward Townesend ; William Croke ; and William Whyte .

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.
Hurst, 200 a. wood, each acre worth nothing yearly.
Ashridge, the hundred, worth nothing above the seneschal’s fee, with rents and services pertaining to the hundred, parcel of the manor of Amesbury in Wiltshire.
[1]+ Edward III granted the manor of Amesbury to William de Monte Acuto . William had achieved the estate of earl of Salisbury and that he might more fittingly maintain his estate and discharge the duties carried by such a great honour, the prelates, earls, barons, and others of the king’s council assented to this grant, among other things, in Parliament in the same year. The grant was made by letters patent, shown to the jurors [CPR 1334–1338, pp. 426–7]. The manor, among other things, was then held for their lives by the king’s beloved and faithful John de Warenna, earl of Surrey , and Joan his wife, both now deceased, with reversion to the king and his heirs but, by the grant to William de Monte Acuto , it was to remain to William, late earl of Salisbury , and to the heirs male of his body, to hold with knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, hospitals and chapels, with wapentakes, forests, chases, parks, woods, warrens, fairs, markets, liberties, free customs, wards, reliefs, escheats, services of tenants: free and villein, and reversions in dower or for terms of life, parcel of the manor, and all other things belonging to it. William had issue of his body: William de Monte Acuto , late earl of Salisbury . William died, with John de Warenna and Joan both surviving. They then died and William de Monte Acuto , late earl of Salisbury , entered the manor in his remainder as son and heir male of William de Monte Acuto . He died without heir male of his body and the manor descended to John de Monte Acuto , late earl, kin and heir male of William son of William as the son of John brother of William son of William. John had issue of his body: Thomas, late earl . John died and Thomas, as son and heir male of John, was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee tail. He died seised of this estate without heir male of his body.+[1] The manor of Amesbury, the manor of Canford Magna in Dorset, the castle and manor of Trowbridge and the manor of Aldbourne in Wiltshire, and the manors of Henstridge and Charlton Horethorne in Somerset are held of the king as a knight’s fee for all services and demands, as contained in the letters patent. He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Crookham, the manor with advowson of the free chapel pertaining to the same, held of the king in chief, service unknown. There is a site with various buildings, worth nothing yearly; 6 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for 53s. 4d. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas; 8 messuages and 8 bovates, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable as above; 10 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 20s. yearly, payable at Michaelmas; 8s. assize rent, payable at Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas; perquisites of court, worth 5s. yearly; and 2 parks, worth nothing yearly above the parker’s fee, enclosure, and maintaining the game-animals. The advowson of the chapel is worth 13s. 4d. yearly when it falls.
He held the following parcels as of the castle of Christchurch in Hampshire in the same way.
Bisham, advowson of the priory, worth 40s. when vacant.
Hatford, 2 knights’ fees, lately held by Robert de Hankford , each worth 100s. when it falls.
Shaw, one knight’s fee, lately held by the heirs of Henry Pynkney , worth 100s. when it falls.
Peasemore, ½ knight’s fee, lately held by Richard Abburbury , each moiety worth 50s. when it falls.
Enborne, ½ knight’s fee, lately held by the heirs of Nicholas Wodecok , each moiety worth 50s. when it falls.
Chaddleworth, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the prioress of Amesbury , worth 25s. when it falls.
[2]+ Edward III granted the manor of Crookham and the castle of Christchurch, among other things, to William de Monte Acuto and Katherine his wife, and to the heirs of William’s body, with knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, chapels, religious houses and hospitals, with hundreds, markets, fairs, chases, warrens, parks, woods, free fisheries, royal rights, liberties, free customs, and all other things pertaining to the manor and castle. William was thereby seised in demesne as of fee tail, and Katherine was seised in demesne as of free tenement. After their deaths, the manor of Crookham with advowson of the chapel, advowson of the priory church, knights’ fees, and parts of knights’ fees descended to William de Monte Acuto , late earl of Salisbury , as son and heir of William de Monte Acuto . William son of William died without heir of his body and the above descended to John de Monte Acuto , late earl of Salisbury , kin and heir of William as the son of John brother of William. After the death of John, the above descended to Thomas, late earl , as son and heir of John. Thomas was seised in demesne as of fee tail, and died seised of this estate.+[2]
Date of death and heirs as 278, except Richard de Monte Acuto , knight, is aged 60 and more.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.31, 34

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton 30 December 1428. [Melbourne].


Jurors: Walter Stawelle ; Thomas Michell ; John Coker ; Thomas Huntley ; John Gregory ; Thomas Mechelden ; William Merden ; John Bole ...; John Milbourne ; William Halsewell ; John Pytte ; and John Persone .

He held the following in demesne as of fee tail.
Shepton Montague, the manor, with a wood in the forest of Selwood, worth nothing yearly, pertaining to the same manor, held of the king in chief, service unknown. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 2 carucates of demesne land, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 6 messuages, demised at terms of years for 10s. yearly, payable as above; 6 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 12s. yearly, payable at Michaelmas only; 8 bovates, demised at terms of years for 32s. yearly, payable at the said terms; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s fee.
Continues as 274+[1] regarding the manor and wood.n053 After John’s death, they descended to Thomas, late earl , as son and heir of John. He held the following by right and in fee tail of the heirs of William Rous by knight service.
Poyntington, one knight’s fee, worth 100s. yearly when it falls.
East Chelwood, one knight’s fee, worth 100s. yearly when it falls.
Continues as 273+[1] regarding the two knights’ fees.n054 He held the following by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Somerton, the manor. There is a site with various buildings, worth nothing yearly; 10 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for £6 13s. 4d. yearly, payable at the principal terms of the year by equal parts; 40 a. demesne meadow, demised at terms of years for ?53s. 2d. yearly [ms faded], payable as above; 16 messuages and 16 bovates, demised at terms of years for 106s. 8d. yearly, payable as above; ?100 a. pasture [ms faded], demised at terms of years for 16s. 8d. yearly, payable as above; £13 6s. 8d. assize rent, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s fee.
Cheddar, Congresbury, and Axbridge, £54 fee-farm from the bishop of Bath and Wells for the manors, taken at Easter and Michaelmas.
He held the following conjointly with Alice his wife, still living, of the king in chief by knight service.
Donyatt, the manor, with the adjacent park of Donyatt, annual value 20 marks.
Chedzoy, the manor, annual value £40.
Yarlington, the manor, annual value £10.
Goat Hill, the manor, annual value 10 marks.
Knolle , the manor, annual value 100s.
[1]+ Henry, bishop of Winchester , Edward Prentys, clerk , Richard Hertecombe , and John Bailly enfeoffed the late earl and his wife with the above manors, among other manors, lands, and tenements, for their lives. The enfeoffment was made by tripartite indented charter dated Donyatt 13 May 1420, in which Thomas and Alice were described as Thomas de Monte Acuto , earl of Salisbury , count of Perche, and Lord Monthermer, and Alice Philipp , daughter of Thomas Chaucer, esquire . Henry, bishop of Winchester , Edward Prentys etc. [as above] confirmed the manors, among other manors, lands, and tenements, to Thomas and Alice, and to the heirs of the earl in perpetuity by another charter, dated at Donyatt 24 May 1420. Both charters were shown to the jurors.+[1] He held no other nor more lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king or any other. Thomas and Alice granted the manors of Charlton Horethorne and Henstridge to the bishop of Winchester , Richard Hertecombe , and John Bailly , and their heirs, to hold of the king and his heirs in perpetuity by due service. The grant was made by a fine levied at Westminster on the quindene of Trinity 1428 [CP 25/1/201/36 no. 42], with royal licence obtained [CPR 1422–1429, p. 477], between Thomas and Alice, deforc., described as Thomas de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury , and Alice his wife, and the bishop of Winchester , Richard Hertecombe , and John Bailly , quer.
Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.33, 35

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition [indented]. Sherborne 19 January 1429. [Melbourne].


Jurors: Nicholas Latymer ; Thomas Manston ; John Grygory ; Robert Hemerford ; Robert Cammell ; John Milbourne ; Baldwin Thornhill ; Robert Bavent ; Thomas Anketill ; John Coker ; Robert Brice ; and William Goff .


He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.

Canford Magna, the manor, except one tenement granted by the late earl to Hugh Short and his wife for their lives. There is the site in the manor, worth nothing yearly; 20 carucates arable, demised at terms of years for £13 6s. 8d. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 20 messuages, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable as above; 30bovates, demised at terms of years for £6 yearly, payable as above; 100 a. pasture, demised at terms of years for 100s. yearly, payable at Michaelmas only; £10 assize rent, taken from free tenants at Easter, Midsummer, and Michaelmas by equal parts; and perquisites of court, worth 20s. yearly. Continues as 280+[1]. The manor of Canford Magna, the castle and manor of Trowbridge and the manors of Aldbourne, Amesbury, and Winterbourne Earls in Wiltshire, and the manors of Henstridge and Charlton Horethorne in Somerset are held of the king as one knight’s fee for all services and demands, as shown by letters patent [CPR 1334–1338, pp. 426–7].
He was seised in right and fee tail as above of the following knights’ fees pertaining to the manor of Canford Magna. Each knight’s fee is worth 100s. yearly when it falls, and each ½ knight’s fee is worth 50s. yearly when it falls.
Kinson, one knight’s fee, lately held by John Hamelyn, chevalier .
Plumber, a knight’s fee, lately held by John de Plumber .
Melbury Bubb, a knight’s fee, lately held by John Roseye .
Wraxall and North Maperton, a knight’s fee, lately held by John de Lovell, chevalier .
Kington Magna, a knight’s fee, lately held by John Sandell .
Winterborne Houghton, 2 knights’ fees, lately held by Ives Fitzwaryn, chevalier .
Melbury Osmond and East Woodyates, a knight’s fee, lately held by John Brounyng and Elizabeth Cloyne .
Tollard Royal, ½ knight’s fee, lately held by John Savage .
Great Crawford, a knight’s fee, lately held by Richard Milborn .
Tore and Lovard, a knight’s fee, lately held by John de Whitfelde .
Swanage, a knight’s fee, lately held by the heir of Robert de...unfre.
Nutford , a knight’s fee, lately held by the heir of Ives de Stourton .
Woodcutts, a knight’s fee, lately held by the heir of Henry de Wodecote .
Corton, a knight’s fee, lately held by the heir of William de Sarisbury .
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee tail, held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Puddletown, £20 rent taken from the fee-farm of the manor, delivered by tenants at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts.
West Lulworth (Lulleworth), £20 rent taken from the fee-farm of the manor, delivered by tenants at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts.
Continues as 274+[1] regarding the above rents.n055 After John’s death, they descended to Thomas, late earl, as the son and heir of John. He held the following nine knights’ fees and 1/6 knight’s fee pertaining to the castle of Christchurch in Hampshire in right and fee tail of the king in chief, service unknown. Each knight’s fee is worth 100s. yearly when it falls, and 1/6 knight’s fee is worth 16s. 8d. yearly when it falls. They lie separately in the following places.
Hinton Parva and Ashton, ½ knight’s fee.
Crawford, ½ knight’s fee.
Silton, 1 knight’s fee.
Bourton, ½ knight’s fee.
Milton, ½ knight’s fee.
Child Okeford, ½ knight’s fee, and in the same vill in another place, ½ knight’s fee.
East Chickerell and Chickerell, ¼ knight’s fee.
Langton Herring and Herringston, ¼ knight’s fee.
Shipton Gorge, ½ knight’s fee.
Bardolfeston, ½ knight’s fee.
Langton Matravers, ½ knight’s fee.
Pymore, ½ knight’s fee.
Kingston Maurward, 1 knight’s fee.
Winterborne Zelston, ½ knight’s fee.
Morbath, ½ knight’s fee.
Fleet, ½ knight’s fee.
Puddletown and Bilshay, 1/6 knight’s fee.
Continues as 280+[2], regarding the castle of Christchurch. The grant was made by letters patent [CPR 1330–1334, p. 53]. Continues as 281+[1] regarding the following.
Newton Montacute, the manor, annual value [?5 marks], held of the king by knight service [ms worn and dirty].

Date of death and heir as 274.n056
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.33, 36

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Salisbury 11 January 1429. [Longe].


Jurors: John Gilberd ; Robert Leveden ; John Bilyngdon ; Roger Mey ; John Cuttyng ; William Kyng ; John Claymond of Sutton ; Thomas ?Velkans... ; ...anton [ms torn]; Thomas Gogyn ; William Launtebale ; and John Claymond of Wolverton.


He held the following in demesne as of fee tail male.

Amesbury, the manor. There is a capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 20 carucates of land, demised at terms of years for £20 yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 40 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 53s. 4d. yearly, payable as above; 24 messuages, demised at terms of years for 48s. yearly, payable as above; 20 cottages, demised at terms of years for 20s. yearly, payable as above; £13 6s. 8d. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above; and perquisites of court, worth 100s. yearly.
Winterbourne Earls, the manor. There is a manorial site, worth nothing yearly; 16 carucates of arable, demised at terms of years for £12 yearly, payable as above; 20 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 20s. yearly, payable as above; 6 tofts, demised at terms of years for 3s. yearly, payable as above; 12 messuages, demised at terms of years for 18s. yearly, payable as above; and 100s. assize rent, payable as above.
Continues as 280+[1]. The above manors of Amesbury and Winterbourne Earls, the manor of Canford Magna in Dorset, the castle and manor of Trowbridge and the manor of Aldbourne in Wiltshire, and the manors of Henstridge and Charlton Horethorne in Somerset are held of the king as one knight’s fee for all services and demands, as shown by letters patent [CPR 1334–1338, pp. 426–7]. He was seised in right and fee tail of the following knights’ fees and parts of knights’ fees, pertaining to the manors of Amesbury and Winterbourne Earls. When it falls, each knight’s fee is worth 100s. yearly, each ½ knight’s fee is worth 50s. yearly, each 1/3 knight’s fee is worth 33s. 4d. yearly, each ¼ knight’s fee is worth 25s. yearly, each 1/5 knight’s fee is worth 20s. yearly, and each 1/2 knight’s fee is worth 10s. yearly.
Etchilhampton and Merton , one knight’s fee and ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of John Malewayn .
Wilsford (Wylesford), one knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Walter Dauncesey .
Shrewton, Little Cheverell, and Corton, 4 knights’ fees, presently held by William, Lord Botreaux .
Deverell , one knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Robert Bore .
Coate, one knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of John Mautravers .
Chaddenwick, one knight’s fee, presently held by Maurice de Berkelegh, chevalier .
Norridge, one knight’s fee, presently held by Elizabeth who was the wife of Nicholas Lye .
Chitterne and Maddington, 2 knights’ fees, presently held by the prior of Bradenstoke and the heir of Roger Tychebourn .
Wynterbourn, Orcheston St George or Orcheston St Mary (Occheston), and Shrewton, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of Nicholas de Kyngeston .
Wynterbourn , ½ knight’s fee, presently held by John Wodehay .
Burcombe, ½ knight’s fee and 1/10 knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Thomas Cuttyng .
Middelton , ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Lord St Amand.
Burcombe, ½ knight’s fee and 1/10 knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of John Pycot .
Deptford, Chicklade, and Poole Keynes, 3 knights’ fees, ½ knight’s fee, and 1/10 knight’s fee, presently held severally by the heirs of Nicholas Lambert , Robert Monpisson , William Palton, chevalier , Thomas Rygge , Thomas Lyngenere , and Katherine, queen of England .
Wynton , Boyton, Orcheston St George or Orcheston St Mary (Occheston), Maddington, and Clandon , 3 knights’ fees, ½ knight’s fee, and 1/10 knight’s fee, presently held severally by Richard Ponynges, chevalier , the heirs of John Honk , of Gilbert Giffard , of Hugh Fraunceys , of William Frankeleyn , and of Hugh le Spencer .
Zeals, one knight’s fee, presently held by Thomas Chaworth, knight ; and ½ knight’s fee in the same vill, presently held by the heir of John Clyvedone .
Corton, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Laurence Martyn and William Botreaux, chevalier .
Asserton, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Henry de Welyngton .
Fisherton Anger, Bickton, and Wilsford (Wyndlesford), 1 knight’s fee and ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by Stephen Popham, chevalier .
...iyngton [ms worn], 1 knight’s fee and ½ knight’s fee, presently held in pure alms by the prior of St Edmund ’s College, Salisbury.
Little Langford, ½ knight’s fee and 1/10 knight’s fee, presently held by John Stourton, junior .
Lus Hill, 1 knight’s fee and ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of Richard de Lusteshull .
Blunsdon, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of John Lou...ll [ms creased].
Wanborough, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Emily de Longspe ; and ¼ knight’s fee in the same vill, presently held by the heir of John de Sancto Amando .
Alderton, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Agnes Percy .
Barford, 1/5 knight’s fee, presently held by the earl of Huntingdon ; and 1/5 knight’s fee in the same vill, presently held by the same earl.
Chelworth, ½ knight’s fee and ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of the duke of York .
Froxfield, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Matthew de Columbers .
North Tidworth, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Robert Combe .
Great or Little Durnford (Durnsford), ½ knight’s fee and ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of John Wodehull ; and ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by John Judde .
Amesbury, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Geoffrey Geion .
Lake, 1 knight’s fee, presently held by William Palton, chevalier .
Welwe , ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Robert Gourncoy .
West Amesbury, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Thomas Pauncefote .
Netheravon, ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of William Wykebere .
Amesbury, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of Everard Theoma; and 1 knight’s fee called Countess, presently held by the heir of Patrick de Montefort .
Amesbury and West Amesbury, ¾ knight’s fee, presently held by the heirs of Walter son of Bernard, of Richard de Gournay , and John son of Aucher.
Porton, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by Thomas Gomeldon .
Charlton Horethorne (Charleton), ½ knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of William de Hamme .
Normanton and Wilsford, ¼ knight’s fee, presently held by John Mone .
Shaghe , 1/10 knight’s fee, presently held by the heir of John Warner .
He held the following in right and fee tail as above.
Winterbourne Earls, advowson of the church pertaining to the manor, annual value 20 marks.
North Tidworth, advowson of the church pertaining to the manor of Amesbury, annual value £10.
Edward III created William de Monte Acuto as earl of Salisbury by his letters patent dated Westminster 16 May 1337, and granted him £20 yearly from the issues of Wiltshire [CChR 1327–1341, p. 399].n057 William was seised of £20 rent in demesne as of fee and died seised of this estate. After his death, the rent descended to William de Monte Acuto , late earl, as son and heir of William. He died seised of this estate without heir of his body. After his death, the rent descended to John de Monte Acuto , late earl, his kin and heir as the son of John brother of William. John was seised in demesne as of fee and had issue: Thomas, late earl . John died seised of this estate with Thomas, his son, then a minor. In the Parliament held at Westminster on the octave of Hilary 1401, John was condemned as traitor and forfeited all lands and tenements that he held in fee simple from 5 January 1400 onwards [Rot. Parl. iii, p. 459]. At the Parliament held at Westminster on 1 March 1406, it was judged that the king should have the forfeiture reserved to him of any lands that John held alone, heritable or purchased, those of which others were conjointly enfeoffed with him, or those of which others were enfeoffed to his use, by fine or in any way whatsoever [Rot. Parl. iii, p. 599a]. At the Parliament held at Westminster on the octave of Martin 1414, the judgement of 1401 was held to be just [Rot. Parl. iv, pp. 35–6] but, notwithstanding these judgements, at a Parliament held at Westminster on 2 May 1421, Thomas was accepted as heir of the blood of John, that he should carry his dignities as such, and should be restored to those forfeit lands, entailed or conditional [Rot. Parl. iv, p. 141–2]. Thomas thus held
the name, ability, status, honour, and dignity of the earl of Salisbury
to him and his heirs in perpetuity by authority of the premises, and was heir of the blood of John his father, late earl, as well as of each of his ancestors. He held the following knights’ fees and part knights’ fees in demesne as of fee tail of the heir of William Rous , service unknown. Each knight’s fee is worth 100s. yearly; each moiety is worth 50s. yearly; and each ¼ knight’s fee is worth 25s. yearly.
Upton Scudamore, 3½ knights’ fees.
Norton Bavant and Fifield Bavant, 3 knights’ fees.
Teffont Evias, ½ knight’s fee and ¼ knight’s fee.
Rockley, 1 knight’s fee.
Continues as 273+[1] regarding the above knights’ fees and part knights’ fees.

Date of death and heirs as 278.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.37, 39

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke 13 February 1429. [Longe].


Jurors: Philip Baynard ; Simon Alman ; John de Ely ; Edmund Tanke ; Richard Cotesmore ; Henry Dummere ; John Waterende ; Roger Kent ; John atte Hoke ; William Chamberleyn ; William Motche ; and Robert Coudray .


He held the following in demesne as of fee tail of the king in chief, service unknown.

Christchurch, the castle, worth nothing yearly above maintenance.
Warblington, advowson of the church.
Ringwood, advowson of the church.
Shalfleet on the Isle of Wight, advowson of the church.
Continues as 280+[2] regarding the above. The grant was made by letters patent.n059 He held the following in demesne as of fee of Robert Walhop , service unknown.
Milford, the manor. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 2 carucates arable, demised at terms of years for 40s. yearly, payable at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts; 8 a. meadow, demised at terms of years for 16s. yearly, payable as above; and 20s. assize rent taken from free tenants, payable as above.
He held the following rent, knights’ fees, and part knights’ fees by curtesy as 264, of the king in chief, service unknown. Each knight’s fee is worth 100s. yearly when it falls; and each ½ knight’s fee is worth 50s. yearly when it falls.
Basingstoke, £30 13s. 4d. rent, taken at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts from the fee-farm of the manor and vill of Basingstoke with the hundred, and with a rent issuing from a tenement, formerly of Walter de Merton , in the same vill.
Ranston and Fordingbridge, 1 knight’s fee, held by Maurice le Broune .
Ashe, 1 knight’s fee, held by John Randolf .
Over or Nether Wallop (Walhop), ½ knight’s fee, held by Clarence de Bokelond .
Long before he died, he demised the following to Thomas Tame for life, with reversion to Thomas and his heirs.
‘Tilherst’, one tenement called ‘Tilherst’; and ‘Lokkeslond’, one tenement called ‘Lokkeslond’, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, held of Henry, bishop of Winchester , and Thomas, bishop of Durham .
He was seised of the following in demesne as of fee, annual value £100, held of the king in chief, service unknown, with all members and appurtenances except the advowsons of the churches of Ringwood and Warblington.
Swainston on the Isle of Wight, the manor.
Ringwood, the manor.
Warblington, the manor.
Hunton, the manor.
Westover, the manor.
Christchurch, the borough and hundred.
Long before his death, he granted the above by charter, exceptions excepted, to Henry, bishop of Winchester , and Thomas, bishop of Durham , both still living, to John Wakeryng, bishop of Norwich , and Maud, countess of Salisbury , both now dead, and to Walter Hungerford , knight, John Gowfre , Richard Hertcombe , and John Bailly , all still living, for their lives, to hold of the king and his heirs by due service, as shown in the charter that was shown to the jurors. Royal licence was obtained [CPR 1408–1413, p. 271; CPR 1416–1422, p. 108]. John Wakeryng and Maud afterwards died, and the six still living continued their possession of the manors, except pre-exceptions, until the day of this inquisition.

Date of death and heir as 262.
TNA reference

C 139/41/57 mm.37–38

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke 20 January 1429. [Long].

[Jurors not listed.]

[Text missing.]

TNA reference

E 152/10/568 no. 3.n060

n051^: The first description in C 139 is to three carucates and the second is to 2 carucates.

n052^: Refers to letters patent rather than a charter.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
arable40s.2 carucates (2 x carucate)£2 (=480d.)
messuages12s.6 (6 x messuages)12s. (=144d.)
24s.8 bovates (8 x bovate)£1 4s. (=288d.)
meadow12s.6 a. (6 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
Total: £4 8s. (=1056d.)
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
arable demesne60s.3 carucates (3 x carucate)£3 (=720d.)
messuages with 6 bovates30s.6 (6 x messuages with 6 bovates)£1 10s. (=360d.)
cottages with 4 crofts4s.4 (4 x cottages with 4 crofts)4s. (=48d.)
assize rent6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
court3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £5 4s. (=1248d.)
site, gardens3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
demesne land40s.2 carucates (2 x carucate)£2 (=480d.)
meadow10s.10 a. (10 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
messuages and 6 bovates24s.6 (6 x messuages and 6 bovates)£1 4s. (=288d.)
assize rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £4 17s. 4d. (=1168d.)
Clyst St Mary
messuages6 (6 x messuages) -
land3 carucates (3 x carucate) -
Value53s. 4d.£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Value100 marks£66 13s. 4d. (=16000d.)
Total: £66 13s. 4d. (=16000d.)
Value£40£40 (=9600d.)
Total: £40 (=9600d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
arable40s.2 carucates (2 x carucate)£2 (=480d.)
messuages12s.6 (6 x messuages)12s. (=144d.)
24s.8 bovates (8 x bovate)£1 4s. (=288d.)
meadow12s.6 a. (6 x acre)12s. (=144d.)
Total: £4 8s. (=1056d.)
capital messuageworth nothinga (1 x capital messuage) -
arable demesne60s.3 carucates (3 x carucate)£3 (=720d.)
messuages with 6 bovates30s.6 (6 x messuages with 6 bovates)£1 10s. (=360d.)
cottages with 4 crofts4s.4 (4 x cottages with 4 crofts)4s. (=48d.)
assize rent6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
court3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £5 4s. (=1248d.)
site, gardens3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
demesne land40s.2 carucates (2 x carucate)£2 (=480d.)
meadow10s.10 a. (10 x acre)10s. (=120d.)
messuages and 6 bovates24s.6 (6 x messuages and 6 bovates)£1 4s. (=288d.)
assize rent20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £4 17s. 4d. (=1168d.)




  • John Franchyne
  • John Boltere
  • Thomas Trobryg
  • Nicholas Coterell
  • Richard Whitlok
  • John Clifton
  • Walter Bobbebroke
  • Richard Worthy
  • John Kyrton
  • John Harper
  • John Proo
  • William William


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