Full text


Writ Head

254 Writ. ‡ York. 30 July 1429. [Haseley].

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Aylesbury 24 August 1428. [Sperlyng].


Jurors: Thomas Brystowe ; Peter Whechele ; John Abraham ; Richard Holte ; William Combe ; John Holewey ; John Barbour ; Richard Smart ; John Smyth ; William Gorney ; Thomas Fisshere ; and John Brown .

She held the following in dower by endowment of John son and heir of Thomas Aylesbury, knight , from the inheritance of Isabel wife of Thomas Chaworth, knight , and Eleanor wife of Humphrey Stafford, esquire , sisters and heirs of John.
Milton Keynes, a third of 2/3 manor, held as a whole of the king in chief as ½ knight’s fee. There are 4 messuages, each worth 40d. yearly; 5 virgates, each worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 40d. yearly but this year’s crop was carried off while Margaret was still alive; and 3s. 4d. rent payable at Martinmas and Invention of St Cross by equal parts.

She died on 18 July last. Thomas Mortymer is her uncle and next heir as the brother of Hugh father of Margaret, and aged 40 and more. Isabel is aged 28 and more, and has issue with Thomas Chaworth . Eleanor is aged 23 and more, and has issue with Humphrey Stafford .

TNA reference

C 139/40/55 mm.1–2

E 149/139/2 m.1

Writ Head

255 Writ. ‡ York. 30 July 1429. [Haseley].

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Rothwell 10 August 1429. [Palmer].


Jurors: William Bate and Simon Stumbule of Ashley; John Hopkyn of Brampton Ash; John Harpor of Great or Little Weldon (Weldon); Ralph Cooke of Kirby; John Martyn of Dingley; William Page of East Carlton; John Scote , Henry Bray , and John Kytesson of Weston by Welland; John Leche of Wilbarston; and John Marys of Middleton.

She held the following in demesne as of fee tail after the possibility of issue had expired.
Weston by Welland, the manor, except the advowson of Launde Priory and services from all the lands and tenements that Thomas Aylesbury, knight , had or others had to his use. These exceptions are held of the manor or some part of the same. Exceptions excepted, there is the manorial site, worth only 40d. yearly because there are no buildings; 17 messuages, 2 ruinous cottages, and 12 tofts, worth nothing yearly; 2 crofts, each worth 4d. yearly; 36 virgates, each worth 10s. yearly; 35½ a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. 4d. yearly but this year’s crop was carried off while Margaret was still alive; 49 [a.] pasture, each [acre] worth 3d. yearly; and view of frankpledge twice yearly and a small court held every three weeks, worth nothing yearly above the seneschal’s fee. The manor is held as a whole of the king in chief as ¼ knight’s fee.
Weston by Welland, Sutton Bassett, and Dingley, 45s. 4d. rent, rent of 2 capons, price of each 2d. yearly, and 1lb cumin rent, payable at Martinmas and Invention of St Cross by equal parts, part of the manor of Weston by Welland.
Thomas Brake, clerk , John Walssh of Lynford , and William Peere, clerk , were lately seised in demesne as of fee of the whole manor. By their charter, they demised it, described as their manor of Weston by Welland with all its lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services, rights, commodities, and appurtenances to Thomas Aylesbury , John Megre, clerk , and John Comyn, senior , and to the heirs and assigns of Thomas Aylesbury . Royal licence was obtained from ‪ Henry IV by letters patent dated Westminster 15 July 1411 [CPR 1408–1413, p. 301], shown to the jurors. [1]+By one indented charter dealing with, among other things, the manor, exceptions excepted, and by another indented charter dealing with the rents, among other things, Thomas, John, and John demised them to John son of Thomas Aylesbury and Margaret his wife, and to the heirs of their bodies, described as John son of Thomas Aylesbury and Margaret his wife, daughter of Hugh Mortymer, esquire , with licence of ‪ Henry IV obtained by letters patent [as above]. John and Margaret were thus seised of the manor and the rents in demesne as of fee tail, exceptions excepted, with reversion to Thomas Aylesbury and his heirs.+[1] She held the following in demesne as of fee tail after the possibility of issue had expired.
Ashley, the manor, except services from lands and tenements that Thomas Aylesbury, knight , had or others had to his use. The exceptions are held of the manor or some part of the same. Exceptions excepted, there is the manorial site, worth only 40d. yearly because there are no buildings; 46 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 7 ruinous messuages and 1 toft, worth nothing yearly; 5 virgates, each worth 12s. yearly; 14 a. meadow, each acre worth 3s. yearly but this year’s crop was carried off while Margaret was still alive; 28 a. pasture, each [acre] worth 3d. yearly; and 10 a. wood, worth nothing yearly. The manor as a whole is held of Lord Latimer , service unknown.
Ashley, 27s. 9d. rent and rent of 10 capons, price of each 2d., payable at Martinmas and Invention of St Cross by equal parts, part of the manor of Ashley
. William la Souche, lord of Totnes , Thomas, Lord La Warre , Thomas Brake, clerk , Peter Henwyk, clerk , John Wysebech, clerk , Robert Elyngham , and Peter Purlee were seised in demesne as of fee of the above manor of Ashley. By their charter, they demised it, among other things, to Thomas Aylesbury , John Megre , and John Comyn , and to the heirs and assigns of Thomas Aylesbury. It was described as the manor of Ashley with all lands, tenements, rents, services, rights, commodities, and appurtenances that were formerly of Ralph Basset of Great or Little Weldon (Weldon), knight, with all reversions whenever they might fall. Continues as +[1]+ above.
John and Margaret died without heir of their bodies. Date of death, heirs, and information about Isabel and Eleanor as 254. Further, Isabel and Eleanor are daughters and next heirs of Thomas Aylesbury ; and Thomas Aylesbury , John Megre , and John Comyn died a long time before Margaret.
TNA reference

C 139/40/55 mm.3–4

Writ Head

256 Writ de partitione (Northamptonshire). Southwell. 30 August 1429. [Wymbyssh].

Order to Thomas Palmer, escheator [CFR 1422–1430, p. 274].

TNA reference

E 149/139/2 m.3



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Milton Keynes
messuages40d. (per unit)4 (4 x messuages)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
virgates13s. 4d. (per unit)5 (5 x virgate)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
meadow40d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)16s. 8d. (=200d.)
rent3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Milton Keynes
messuages40d. (per unit)4 (4 x messuages)13s. 4d. (=160d.)
virgates13s. 4d. (per unit)5 (5 x virgate)£3 6s. 8d. (=800d.)
meadow40d. (per unit)5 a. (5 x acre)16s. 8d. (=200d.)
rent3s. 4d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
Total: £5 (=1200d.)




  • Thomas Brystowe
  • Peter Whechele
  • John Abraham
  • Richard Holte
  • William Combe
  • John Holewey
  • John Barbour
  • Richard Smart
  • John Smyth
  • William Gorney
  • Thomas Fisshere
  • John Brown


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