Full text


Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition. Guildford 8 June 1429. [Otteworth].


Jurors: John Fitzjohn ; Robert Combe ; Peter Northbregge ; Peter Fuller ; John atte Rysebregge ; John Skelton ; John Furnere ; Walter Manery ; John Strodewyke ; Gilbert Cartere ; John Hardewyn ; and Richard Alday .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or any other in demesne as of fee.

By grant of Henry IV by letters patent dated 10 February 1400, shown to the jurors [CPR 1399–1401, p. 207], where she is described as Joan widow of Bernard Brocas, knight , she held for life, among other things, the following, described as a third of all the manors, lands, tenements, rents, and services that were forfeit to ‪ Henry IV because of the judgement against Bernard. The manors etc. were assigned to Joan by William Weston , then escheator, by virtue of a royal writ.
Guildford, a meadow called ‘Wanmede’ containing 10 a.; a field called ‘le longefeld’ containing 31 a. arable; a field called ‘Mondene’ containing 30 a. arable; 40 a. pasture lying from the royal way of Guildown as far as the king’s park at Guildford; 6s. 8d. assize rent from John Redyngherssh ; and 13s. 4d. assize rent from Robert Bussebrigge , held of the king in free burgage as all of Guildford is held.
Artington, 5s. assize rent from John Rose ; and 3s. assize rent from Peter atte Barre of Guildford for a meadow, held of the abbess of Wherwell , service unknown.
Annual value of the lands and rents in Guildford and Artington, 40s.
Peper Harow, 1/3 manor with a byre, stable, and dovecot on the eastern side of the church; a meadow called ‘Roberdesmede’ containing 3 acres; a meadow called ‘Gillemede’ containing one acre; 6½ a. arable in ‘le Courtfeld’ in ‘le Northfere’; 5 a. arable in ‘le Estfeld’ in ‘Stonyfere’; 5 a. arable in the same field called ‘le Middelfere’; a moor called ‘le Frythebrok’ containing 2 acres; 3 a. arable in ‘le Colcroft’; a moor called ‘Colcroft’, containing 1 a.; a warren containing 2 a. pasture in ‘le Northfeld’ with an adjacent garth by the Peper Harow cross; 4s. assize rent from Juliana Balham ; 4s. assize rent from Alice Muxbrok ; 4s. assize rent from John Rykedon ; 4s. assize rent from Richard Muxbrok ; 4s. assize rent from Robert Cook ; 4s. assize rent from Maud Attelford ; 4d. assize rent from Richard London ; and 2s. 4d. assize rent from Richard Muxbrok , held of the bishop of Salisbury as of his manor of Godalming, service unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.
By other letters patent dated Coventry 24 October 1404, shown to the jurors [CPR 1401–1405, p. 474], Henry IV granted to his beloved liege William, first-born son of Bernard Brocas , and to his heirs, all manors, lands, tenements, rents, services, fees, and advowsons with all reversions whatsoever that were held by Bernard and were forfeit to the king and thus in his hands, to hold as completely as held by Bernard before the forfeiture, and by the same services, in perpetuity. The lands, rents, and tenements held by Joan for life were part of these and now belong to William.

She died on 18 March last. William Brocas is her son and next heir, and aged 40 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/40/53 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Theale 28 June 1429. [ Rede ].


Jurors: Thomas Styward ; Thomas Punchon ; John Elys ; Laurence Alysaundre ; William Cheriettere ; Thomas Bever ; John Geffrey ; Thomas Perman ; Thomas atte Felde ; John Whale ; John Astyll ; and John Lane .

She held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king in chief or any other. Findings as 249 but regarding the following lands and tenements.
Dedworth Maunsell, a garden; 5 a. arable lying behind the garden; and 7½ a. land in ‘le Werthe’ with ½ a. meadow; and
The garden, lands, meadow and rent, and lands and tenements in Dedworth Maunsell are held of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester , as of his manor of Cookham and Bray by suit of the hundred at the court of the seven hundreds of Cookham and Bray, annual value 40s.
Windsor, assize rent of 1/3 lb pepper from Thomas Hyrstede ;
Clewer, 1/3 manor lying in Clewer and Windsor. There is a byre; sheepfold; a garden called ‘le Northgardyn’; a field called ‘le Puntfeld’ containing 20 a. arable; a field called ‘le Shepcotfeld’ containing 24 a. land, with ‘le Netherffayreferris’ containing 10 a. arable; 5 a. land at ‘le Wyganes’; an acre and a rood of meadow opposite ‘le hyrdell de le Rydyng’; a rood of meadow in ‘le Rymede’; and
The byre, sheepfold, garden, fields, land, meadow, and tenement in Clewer and Windsor are held of John Syfrewast , service unknown, annual value 20s.
Cookham, 1/3 messuage and 8 a. arable, formerly held of Bernard by John Louches ; and
Buntingbury in Winkfield, assize rent of 17s. 4d., customarily rendered by John Palmere ; 14s. rent, customarily rendered by Richard atte Hacche ; and 6s. rent customarily rendered by Thomas atte Lee
. The 1/3 in Cookham and land, tenement, and rent in Buntingbury are held of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester , as of his manor of Cookham and Bray by suit of the hundred at the same court of the seven hundreds, annual value 40s. without the rents.
TNA reference

C 139/40/53 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Aberford 8 June 1429. [Fitzwilliam].


Jurors: Henry Skalwra ; William Wyklay ; Robert Kawdray ; William Stede ; William Broke ; Robert Hille ; Richard Warde ; John Jakson ; Bernard Warde ; Robert Bosvill , John Bagthwait ; and William Sisson .

She held the following in demesne as of fee.
Denton in Wharfedale, the manor, held of John, archbishop of York , as of his manor of Otley, service unknown. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. land, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 10 a. wood, worth 20s. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; a water-mill, worth 20s. yearly; and perquisites of court, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
She held the following to her and the heirs of Joan and Bernard together by grant of Bernard Brocas, knight , father of Bernard, by a deed dated Leicester 30 September 1364.
Askwith, 4 messuages, 100 a. land, 20 a. meadow, and 10s. rent, described as all his lands and tenements in Askwith, and with the rents and services of all his free tenants there, except 7 a. meadow, 4 a. of which lies in a of which lies in place called ‘Munkeng’, 2 a. called ‘le Wedoweng’, and 1 a. called ‘Estoneng’, held of Henry, earl of Northumberland , as of his manor of Spofforth, service unknown, annual value 4 marks.
By the same deed [above], she held the following manor to her and the heirs of Joan and Bernard together.
Ouston, the manor, held of Henry, earl of Northumberland , as of his manor of Spofforth, service unknown. There is a site, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 10 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly.
The grant of 1364 was for 9 marks rent from lands and tenements in Ouston, among other things, with reversion of all the lands and tenements in Ouston that would otherwise have come to Bernard, father, after the death of Margaret wife of Thomas Gernon , who then held them for her life with Thomas Gernon by grant of Bernard, father. Margaret died so Bernard and Joan entered the manor in reversion.
Date of death and heir as 249.
TNA reference

C 139/40/53 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Kingsclere 30 June 1429. [Longe].

[Inquisition: ms torn and largely illegible.]

Jurors: William Bienham ; John Stergrave ; Richard Cotesmore ; Roger Kent ; John Wodelef ; John Porter ; John Perot ; John Inkepen ; William Gorge ; Stephen ...; and John Hardyng .

She held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king in chief or any other. Findings as 249 but regarding the following lands and tenements.
North Fareham, chambers on the western side of the hall with attached buildings; all the granary with the building in which the granary exists, namely, from the western side [?of a cook-house] ...a certain building that leads from the end of a barn on the western side of the courtyard to the end of the latrine at the great gate; 1/3 byre [?on the western side]... 1/3 great barn on the southern side; and 1/3 house called ‘Shephous’ on the southern side of the chapel and dovecot...; a garden called ‘Chapelgardeyn’; 13 a. arable and 1/3 acre of land on the southern side, in length . . ., 17⅓ a.arable on the northern side in the field called ‘Blechemerch’; 22... field called ‘Wykes’; 6 a. arable lying in common fields; 2 fields called ‘horgastus’, containing 10 a. arable; a meadow called k[?aygh..]...a meadow, a wood called ‘Byrchstrych’, containing 6 a. wood; 1/3 heath, containing 20 a.; 1/3 perquisites of court and toll... with rent from the following: Richard Elyot, a free tenant who renders 2s. 3d.; and the following villein tenants who render as follows: Geoffrey Dore , 13s. 10d.; John Ha... 13s.; William ate Putte, 40d.; John Elyar , 40d.; Robert Davy , 6s. 8d.,... taken at the two terms,... advowson of a 1/3 free chapel called Whipstrode St James. The chambers, granary, houses, thirds of chapel and dovecot, garden, lands, fields, meadow, wood, rent and advowson, and land and tenements are held of Henry, bishop of Winchester , cardinal of England , service unknown, annual value 30s. without the rents.
Broxhead, in Headley, rendered from Simon Thetchere, a free tenant..., 2s. 6d.; and from the following villein tenants: John Sleyworthe , 2s. 6d.; Richard Dounore , 3s. 2d.; and John Lythyar , 3s. 2d.; and from Magota Trottesworthe, tenant neif, 12d.; 1/3 rent of 13s. 4d. for a meadow called ‘Brodemede’ containing 12 a., and the provost is answerable for this according to the custom of the manor; a meadow called ‘Rogerusham’ containing 3 a.; a meadow called ‘Lytelmede’ containing 2 a.; a wood called ‘Westwode’ containing 2 a., with ‘Westmore’ containing 1 a.; and 2 a. arable on the eastern side of a field called ‘Holcroft’; 2 a. land on the eastern side of a field called ‘Burwestfeld’; an acre and 1 and ⅓ roods of arable on the southern side of a field called ‘Bechefeld’; 1 a. land in the field called ‘Godenefeld’ on the western side; 10 a. heath there on the western side by a bridge called Lindford Bridge; 1/3 new chamber on the southern side; 1/3 hall on the northern side; 1/3 byre on the northern side; 1/3 garden on the northern side; and 1/3 perquisites of court, held of Thomas Bromflete, chevalier , as of his manor of Alton, service unknown, annual value 20s. without the rents.
TNA reference

C 139/40/53 mm.7–8



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
North Fareham
chambers, buildings -
granary, building -
building -
byre 1/3 (0.33 x byre) -
barn 1/3 (0.33 x barn) -
house 1/3 (0.33 x house) -
gardena (1 x garden) -
arable13 a. (13 x acre) -
land 1/3 acre (0.33 x acre) -
arable17⅓ (17.33 x acre), 22 (22 x acre) -
arable6 a. (6 x acre) -
arable10 a. (10 x acre) -
meadow -
meadowa (1 x meadow) -
wood, wood6 a. (6 x acre) -
heath20 a. (20 x acre) -
court, toll 1/3 (0.33 x court toll) -
rent -
2s. 3d.a (1)2s. 3d. (=27d.)
13s. 10d.13s. 10d. (=166d.)
13s.13s. (=156d.)
40d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
40d.3s. 4d. (=40d.)
6s. 8d.6s. 8d. (=80d.)
Value30s.£1 10s. (=360d.)
Total: £3 12s. 5d. (=869d.)
2s. 6d., 2s. 6d.2s. 6d. (=30d.)
2s. 6d.2s. 6d. (=30d.)
3s. 2d.3s. 2d. (=38d.)
3s. 2d.3s. 2d. (=38d.)
12d.1s. (=12d.)
rent, meadow13s. 4d.12 a. (12 x acre)4s. 5.329999999999998d. (=53.33d.)
meadow3 a. (3 x acre) -
meadow2 a. (2 x acre) -
wood2 a. (2 x acre), 1 a. (1 x acre) -
arable2 a. (2 x acre) -
land2 a. (2 x acre) -
arablean acre and 1 and ⅓ roods (1.33 x acre) -
land1 a. (1 x acre) -
heath10 a. (10 x acre) -
chamber 1/3 (0.33 x chamber) -
hall 1/3 (0.33 x hall) -
byre 1/3 (0.33 x byre) -
garden 1/3 (0.33 x garden) -
court 1/3 (0.33 x court) -
Value20s.£1 (=240d.)
Total: £1 16s. 9.329999999999984d. (=441.33d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • William Bienham
  • John Stergrave
  • Richard Cotesmore
  • Roger Kent
  • John Wodelef
  • John Porter
  • John Perot
  • John Inkepen
  • William Gorge
  • Stephen ...
  • John Hardyng


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