Full text


Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Kirton in Lindsey 2 April 1429. [Meres].


Jurors: John Hardbene of Bishop Norton; Robert Crull of Winterton; John Thedilthorp ; William atte Hall of Crosby; William atte Hall of Ashby; John Ploughmayster of Appleby; Thomas Stokyth of Blyton; Richard Chypsey and Thomas Godeson of Kirton in Lindsey; Richard Perteney and Thomas Saundeby of Northorpe; and Roger None of Waddingham.

He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king or any other. He held
£100 rent for life, taken from the issues of the manor of Kirton in Lindsey
granted by Henry IV , taken at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts, as delivered by the bailiffs, farmers, or other occupants there. Katherine, queen of England , holds the manor in dower.

Thomas died on 27 June last. William Philip, knight , is kin and next heir of Thomas as the son of Juliana sister of Thomas, and aged 40 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/34/47 mm.1–2

E 149/141/10 m.2

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Great Faringdon 8 July 1428. [Rothewell].


Jurors: Thomas Cokerell ; Robert Warner ; John Wodehill ; John Taylour ; John Moygne ; Richard Walker ; Nicholas Clynche ; John Terry ; Thomas Bathe ; Robert Colswayn ; John Ody ; and John Seerle , ‘smyth’.


He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee of the king or any other. By letters patent dated 16 April 1376, ‪ Edward III granted the manor formerly called ‘Worde’, afterwards called the manors of Wadley and Wicklesham, to Gilbert Talbot, knight , now deceased, described as Gilbert Talbot of Richards Castle, esquire [CPR 1374–1377, p. 259]. Richard Pembrugg, chevalier , deceased, had lately held them by grant of Edward to him and the heirs of his body, with reversion to Edward and his heirs. Richard died without heir of his body, so the manors reverted in this way. Annual value, £40. Gilbert was granted them to hold with knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, fairs, markets, parks, warrens, liberties, royalties, services of tenants, free and villein, and all other things pertaining to the said manors, to him and the heirs male of his body, of ‪ Edward III and his heirs by due service, with reversion to Edward and his heirs. Gilbert died and Margaret his wife held certain lands and tenements, parcel of the above, in dower. Reversion of these, together with the remaining lands and tenements, came to the hands of the king because Richard son and heir of Gilbert died without heir male of his body. By letters patent dated 20 November 1413 [CPR 1413–1416, p. 128], the king granted the lands and tenements of which Richard son of Gilbert had died seised to Thomas Erpyngham for life to hold from the time of the death of Richard. He was also granted for life the remainder of the lands and tenements held in dower by Margaret. After the deaths of Margaret and Thomas, the lands and tenements were all to revert to the king and his heirs, then remain to John Philip and Maud his wife, and to the heirs of the body of John. Failing such issue, the lands and tenements were to revert to the king and his heirs [CPR 1413–1416, p. 132]. John and Maud died without heir of John’s body and, by letters patent dated 8 December 1415, the king granted the lands and tenements in remainder after the deaths of Thomas and Margaret to William Porter for service past and future, and to the heirs male of his body. Failing such issue, the lands and tenements should revert to the king and his heirs [CPR 1413–1416, p. 385]. Thomas Erpyngham was thus seised of two parts of the manors for life, with remainder to William Porter .

Worde’. The manor is held of the king in chief by fealty, annual value of the two parts, 40 marks.

Date of death and heir as 94, except the heir is aged 30 and more.

TNA reference

C 139/34/47 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Erpingham 2 November 1428. [Drury].


Jurors: Nicholas Burgh ; William Flaxman ; John Mortoft ; Robert Taillour ; Bartholomew Koc ; Bartholomew Glaveyn ; John Lawes ; Robert Turnour ; John Elys ; William de Howe ; Robert Deynys ; and John atte Wode .

By letters patent dated 8 July 1423, ‪ Henry VI granted, among other things, to Thomas Erpyngham, chevalier , Robert Haye, clerk , and Robert Lymburne, clerk , still living, the priory of Toft Monks and manors of Toft Monks and Horstead with all tithes, oblations, fees, rents, farms, advowsons, liberties, franchises, escheats, and other rights, commodities, and benefits, to the use of Thomas Erpyngham from the time of the death of ‪ Henry V, until he is provided with a sure estate for life with other lands and tenements to the same value [CPR 1422–1429, pp. 112–14]. The letters were shown to the jurors.
He thus held jointly with Robert Haye and Robert Lymburne the priory and manor of Toft Monks, true annual value £30,
and the manor of Horstead, true annual value £20
. Of whom they are held and by what service is unknown because the king is now seised of the priory and manors, to hold to him and his heirs, by virtue of a statute passed by Parliament at Leicester in 1414 [Rot. Parl. iv, p. 22] and because of the peace made between ‪ Henry V and Charles of France [ Rot. Parl. iv, p. 135].

Date of death and heir as 95.

TNA reference

C 139/34/47 mm.5, 7

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Beccles 4 November 1428. [Drury].


Jurors: John Mannyng ; John Auntell ; William Fenkell ; Robert Smyth ; William Smyth ; Geoffrey Hunne ; Thomas Andrewes ; William Morton ; John Vyncent ; John Auty ; Robert Marys ; and John Edward .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or in service of the king or any other.

Date of death and heir as 95.

TNA reference

C 139/34/47 mm.5–6



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John Mannyng
  • John Auntell
  • William Fenkell
  • Robert Smyth
  • William Smyth
  • Geoffrey Hunne
  • Thomas Andrewes
  • William Morton
  • John Vyncent
  • John Auty
  • Robert Marys
  • John Edward


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