Full text


Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Shrewsbury 14 January 1429. [ Laken ].


Jurors: John Fitzpiers ; Hugh Cresset ; John Brugge ; Edward Leghton ; Richard Overton ; John Eyton ; John Pyion ; Roger Blundell ; Philip Jaunderell ; Roger Eton ; John Mascot ; and William Walcote .


The following came to the hands of Henry V and is still in the king’s hands owing to death of Philip Botiller and the minority of Edward his son and heir.

Pulverbatch, the manor with advowson of the free chapel there, woods called ‘Hoghlyth’, ‘Lythewodesheld’, and ‘Stepulwode’, as divided by various metes and bounds, a weekly market held on Mondays at the manor, and an annual fair lasting for three days from the day following the feast of St Edith the Virgin. The woods, market, and fair are parts of the same manor. Philip was seised of the above, annual value 20 marks, in demesne as of fee, just as Edward is now. They are held of the king in chief by knight service.

Edward died on 30 November 1420, a minor without heir of his body. Philip son of Philip and brother of Edward is his next heir, and aged 15 years.

TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Silbury 20 March 1429. [Longe].


Jurors: John Burdon ; John Godman ; John Provender ; John Reode ; John Stone ; John Clerk ; William Deryng ; John Gentilman ; John Cotes ; Robert Hayward ; John Sparwe ; and John Amour .


For the reasons given in 42, the following came to the hands of Henry V and is still in the hands of Henry VI .

Salterton, ½ manor.
Philip was seised in demesne as of fee of this moiety, and also died seised of the reversion in fee simple of after the death of John Judde of Salisbury and Juliana his wife, still living. He had demised this moiety to John Judde and Juliana for their lives according to certain indentures completed between them and shown to the jurors. Of whom the moieties are held is unknown. Their annual value is 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as 42. Philip brother of Edward is a minor in the king’s wardship.

TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.3–4

Writ Head

Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 7 July 1428. [Wymbyssh].

Regarding CIPM XXI no. 538, an inquisition taken in 1420. Inquire after the estate of Philip Botiller, chevalier , regarding the messuage in Northampton.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Northampton 21 July 1428. [ Barnard ].


Jurors: Simon Horne of Daventry; John Burgeys of Moulton; John Basyng of Easton Maudit; William Pertynale ; Richard Holwell of Overstone (Ov...er...on) [ms torn]; John Lowke ; Richard Vesy ; William Laurence of Ecton; Robert Cost ; John Mabille ; and John Maget and John Leche of Northampton.

For the reasons given in 42, the following came to the hands of Henry V and is still in the hands of Henry VI .
Horton, 4 a. wood, worth 12d. yearly, and 60s. rent, held of the barony of Odell, service unknown.
Northampton, one messuage, annual value 1d., and 16s. 10d. rent. Of whom the messuage is held is unknown.

Date of death and heir as 42 Philip son of Philip and brother of Edward is his next heir except the heir is aged 14 years.

Philip Botiller [the father], named in the other writ sewn to the inquisition [melius inquirendo], died seised of the messuage in demesne as of fee.

[Dorse:] Before the king.

TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.5–7

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Henley-in-Arden 9 September 1428. [Hotoft].


Jurors: John Ottwey ; John Aunsell ; John Cane ; William Balle ; Robert Macok ; Hugh Scherman ; Robert Hall ; Thomas Wylcokes ; John Croke ; Thomas Smyth ; William Jones ; and Roger Lewlyne .


For the reasons given in 42, the following came to the hands of Henry V and is still in the hands of Henry VI .

Middleton by Drayton Bassett, one messuage, 3 carucates of land, 6 a. meadow, 50 a. wood, 32 a. pasture, and £10 rent, annual value 100s., held of the church of St Editha, Tamworth, by 2s. 2¾d. yearly.

Date of death and heir as 42.

Philip son of Philip and brother of Edward is his next heir, and aged 15 years.
TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.8–9

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York Castle 3 September 1428. [Clarell].


Jurors: John Grenefeld ; Thomas Sayntpoull ; William Brerehaghe ; Edmund Byrkyn ; William Holme ; Edmund Dayvell ; Baldwin Yong ; Robert Nouwykthornes ; William Bryghows ; Nicholas Skelbroke ; William Otour ; William Newby ; William Oglysthorp ; and John Baghill .

Philip Botiller [the father] held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief but was seised of the following in demesne as of fee.n009
Humbleton, a messuage and 4 bovates, annual value 8 marks, held of the abbot of Thornton by 6d. yearly.
He died on 6 November 1420. Edward his son and next heir was then 8 years old.

Date of Edward’s death and the identity of his heir as 44.

John Cokayne has occupied the lands and tenements since Philip’s death and taken their issues by letters patent issued by Henry V and Henry VI [CFR 1413–1422, p. 360; CFR 1422–1430, pp. 115–16].

TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.10–11

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cockayne Hatley 3 January 1429. [Spyrlyng].


Jurors: Reynold Erneys of Middelton ; Reynold Cokayn of Cockayne Hatley; Henry Cokayn of Clapham; John Cokayn, junior , Thomas Cokayn , Richard Maclesfeld , William Pulton , Thomas Aleyn , John Perkyn , William Bleynes , John Bleynes , and Henry Lavyn of Cockayne Hatley.


For the reasons given in 42, the following came to the hands of Henry V and was in the hands of Henry VI until assigned in dower to Elizabeth widow of Philip, still living, as recorded in Chancery during ‪ Henry V’s reign [CClR 1419–1422 pp. 100–101].

Higham Gobion, the manor, true annual value £40. All except one meadow in Wrest, part of the same manor, is held of Baldwin Pygot, knight , service unknown. The meadow is held of Reynold Grey, lord of Ruthin , by 2s. yearly.
Philip died seised in demesne as of fee of this manor. By a fine levied at Westminster on the morrow of the Ascension 1409, William Gothirstoke , Richard Lynersegge , John Style of Hitchin, and Robert Fossard , deforc., granted the manor of Bromham and that of Sele in Hertfordshire to Philip and Elizabeth, described as Philip son of Philip Botiller of Woodhall and Elizabeth his wife, quer., and to the heirs of Philip in perpetuity, to hold of the chief lords of that fee by due service [CP 25/1/290/61 no. 140].
Bromham, the manor, annual value £10, but of whom it is held is unknown.

Edward died in the wardship of Henry V . Date of death and heir as 42.

Philip son of Philip and brother of Edward is his next heir, and aged 15 years.
TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.12–13

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln Castle 5 March 1429. [Meres].


Jurors: Nicholas Draper ; Thomas Bernard ; William Westfeld ; Robert Hothom ; William Saundreson ; John Norton ; John Laun ; Thomas Grym and William Adamson of Burton ; John Margory ; Thomas Laycetre ; and John Clerk .

For the reasons given in 42, the following came to the hands of Henry V and is still in the hands of Henry VI . Of whom they are held and by what service is unknown.
Wilksby, 18d. rent, and 8 a. land and 5 a. meadow, annual value 9s.
Haltham, 8 a. land, 1 a. meadow, 1 a. and one perch of wood, annual value 10s.
Coningsby, 3 a. meadow, annual value 2s.

Edward died in the wardship of Henry V . Date of death and heir as 42.

Philip son of Philip and brother of Edward is his next heir, and aged 15 years.

[Dorse:] Before the king in Chancery. Lincoln.

TNA reference

C 139/33/30 mm.14–15



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Total: -
the other moiety
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No holding extent information available.




  • John Burdon
  • John Godman
  • John Provender
  • John Reode
  • John Stone
  • John Clerk
  • William Deryng
  • John Gentilman
  • John Cotes
  • Robert Hayward
  • John Sparwe
  • John Amour


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