E-CIPM 22-810: IDONY

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Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Colchester. 30 April 1427. [Tyrell]

[The right margin is faint and galled.]


Jurors: John Alapert ; William Webbe ; Stephen Fabyan ; Robert Brook ; John Holt ; John Cranefen ; John Smyth of Dedham ; Robert atte Park ; John ...lok ; John Smart ; William Gernon ; and Geoffrey Levyng .


Idony Walden held the

manor of Dedham
for life by fine levied at Westminster, quin. St John the Baptist 1416 [CP 25/1/291/63 no.45], between Robert Neweton, clerk , quer. and John Walden, esquire , and Idony his wife, deforc., regarding the manor and other lands and tenements as contained in the fine, one part of which was shown to the jurors, but whether or not the fine had royal licence is unknown. John recognized the manor, amongst other things, to be the right of Robert, who thereby granted the manor and other things to John and Idony for their lives, to hold of the chief lords of the fee by services due and customary by right, remainder to William Harleton, abbot of Waltham Holy Cross , John Shadworth , Robert Neuport , Thomas Charleton , William de Wakefeld , John Fray , John Gedeney , Robert Warner , John Waryn of Saffron Walden, William Bryght, clerk , Richard Scott, clerk , Henry Dalby, clerk , John Teynton, clerk , and John Neuport, clerk , and the heirs of John Teynton , to hold as before. John and Idony were seised in their demesne as of free tenement. John Walden died, as subsequently did the abbot, Robert Neuport , William de Wakefeld , John Waryn , William Bryght , Henry Dalby and John Neuport . Idony died seised of the manor in her demesne as of free tenement, remainder to the survivors and the heirs of John Teynton .
The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20, that is the site, hall, chambers and other houses, with a dovecot with a garden [? and their fruits, with] oak and ash trees growing in ‘le Frithe’ and herbage growing within the site, worth nothing yearly; £7 10s. 11d. assize rents at the four annual terms; 20s. new rents of rented tenements demised to farm at the same terms; 130 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 36 a. 3 roods of meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 2 pastures called ‘lox pasture’ and ‘le Cow pasture’, worth 16s. 8d. yearly; 5 other small pastures, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; another pasture called ‘le Conynger’, worth 8d. yearly; 347 1/2 winter and summer customary services, worth 66s. yearly after the annual allowance of the reeve and hayward; 75 hens yearly after the allowance of the same reeve, price of each hen 2d.; 360 hens’ eggs after the allowance of the reeve and hayward, price per 20, 1d.; rent of 1/2lb. pepper yearly, price 10d.; 70 a. wood in a wood called ‘le Birchet’, worth nothing yearly because the underwood was felled within the last 5 years; half of a wood called ‘Dedham Woode’, containing oak and beech trees, which is common to the manorial tenants and to the tenants of the prioress of Campsey Ash because the other half belongs to the prioress, worth nothing yearly; 2 mills, one a grist-mill and the other a fulling-mill, which Idony held in common with the same prioress, the manor’s part worth 26s. 8d. yearly; a customary payment called ‘avesage’ [payment for pannage], worth 12d. yearly; and perquisites of a court with view of frankpledge, worth 13s. 4d. yearly.

She died on 8 August last. Isabel Bayer is her kinswoman and next heir as daughter of Richard brother of Richard her father, and is aged 50 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/31/58 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 26 November 1426. [Gildeford]


Jurors: Richard Ederyche ; John Coumbe ; William Elys ; Thomas Shepherd ; Thomas Ederyche ; William Ederyche ; John Drake ; William Louelane ; William Slapton ; John Longe ; Thomas Wete ; and Robert Rabat .


She formerly held the

manors of ‘Penbrokes’
and for life by the fine detailed in 810, by virtue of which John and Idony were seised in their demesne as of free tenement. Afterwards, the same John Teynton as in 810, by his deed shown to the jurors, remised and relaxed all right and claim that he had in the manors, among other tenements contained in the deed, to the same abbot, John, Robert, Thomas, William, John, John, Robert, John, William, Richard, Henry and John, as in 810. John Walden died and Idony continued in her estate in the manors. Robert Neuport and William Wakefeld died. The abbot, John Waryn and William Bryght , by their deed shown to the jurors, remised and relaxed all their right and claim in the reversion to the manors, among other things contained in the deed, to the same John Shadworthe , Thomas Charleton , John Fray , John Gedeney , Robert Warner , Richard Scot , Henry Dalby and John Neuport . John Neuport died, after whose death Thomas Charleton , described as Thomas Charleton, knight , and John Gedeney and John Fray , by their deed shown to the jurors, remised and relaxed all their right and claim in the manor of Bruces to John Shadworth , Robert Warner , Richard Scot and Henry Dalby , royal licence not obtained. The same John, Robert, Richard and Henry, by their deed similarly shown to the jurors, demised and granted the reversion of the manor of Bruces after Idony’s death and the manor itself to John Gedeney , citizen and pantler of London, William Babyngton , John Hotoft, esquire , Peter Henewyk, clerk , John Fray , Robert Tatersale , Richard Stace , Edward Lutell, clerk , Walter Cheseman, clerk , John Carpenter , Edmund Twyne and Clement Liffyn , their heirs and assigns, royal licence not obtained. Idony attorned to John Gedeney , William, John Hotoft , Peter, John Fray , Robert, Richard, Edward, Walter, John Carpenter , Edmund and Clement, and died seised of this estate and no other. Similarly after John Neuport ’s death, Robert Warner and Richard Scot , by their deed shown to the jurors, remised and relaxed all their right and claim in the manor of ‘Penbrokes’ to Thomas Charleton , described as above, John Shadworth , John Fray , John Gedeney and Henry Dalby , who then demised and granted, by their deed similarly shown to the jurors, the reversion of the manor after Idony’s death and the manor itself to Robert Warner , Richard Scot, clerk , John Teynton, clerk , and John Drayton , their heirs and assigns. Idony attorned to Robert, Richard, John and John, and demised the manor at farm to them for her life, paying her 25 marks at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions. On this authority, Robert, Richard, John and John entered the manor and were seised in their demesne as of fee. They then demised the manor to the same John Gedeney , William Babyngton , John Hotoft , Peter Henewyk , John Fray , Robert Tatersale , Richard Stace , Edward Lutell , Walter Cheseman , John Carpenter , Edmund Twyne and Clement Liffyn , their heirs and assigns. Idony died seised of the annual rent.
The manor of Bruces is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £7 17s. 8d. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 60 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 16 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 6 a. pasture, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 67 a. wood, each acre worth 8d. yearly; £3 assize rents yearly; and perquisites of the court, worth nothing yearly after the costs of the steward and clerks.
The manor of ‘Penbrokes’ is held of the king in chief of the honour of Huntingdon, service unknown, annual value £19 6s. 8d. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 160 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 10 a. pasture, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 40d. yearly; 110 a. wood, each acre worth 8d. yearly; £7 assize rents yearly; and perquisites of the court and view of frankpledge, worth 10s. yearly after the costs of the steward, clerks, and bailiffs.

Date of death and heir as in 810.

TNA reference

C 139/31/58 mm.3–4



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  • John Alapert
  • William Webbe
  • Stephen Fabyan
  • Robert Brook
  • John Holt
  • John Cranefen
  • John Smyth of Dedham
  • Robert atte Park
  • John ...lok
  • John Smart
  • William Gernon
  • Geoffrey Levyng


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