Full text


Commission Head

805 Commission. ‡ 16 May 1427. [Haseley]

To William Bodrugan, knight , Edward Burneby , John Tresithyny , Otes Tregonan and Thomas Pellour , ordering an inquisition by at least two of them, and the sheriff to summon jurors [CFR 1422–30, p.169]. [Dorse:] Commissioners’ names given [crossed out: Thomas Pellour ].

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Mitchell. 28 May 1427.

Before William Bodrugan, knight , Edward Burneby , John Tresithyny and Otes Tregonan . [The ms is galled.]


Jurors: John Petit, junior ; Richard ?Trofiy [ms torn]; William Trewonwell ; David Halop ; Thomas Trethgans ; Richard Colan ; Stephen Boswydell ; Ralph Penhale ; John Freden ; William Gyt... [ms galled]; Thomas Carwen ; and Thomas Bron .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief of the crown. Ralph Meyndy, late parson of St Tudy church , John Restarrek ... and John Tyrell of Barlendew, all deceased, were formerly seised of the manor of Bodannon in their demesne as of fee. By their charter shown to the jurors, they gave the manor to William Cheynduyt and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of their bodies. William and Elizabeth were seised in their demesne as of fee tail according to the form of the gift, and had issue Thomas, Joan and Alice, and died. Thomas then entered the manor as their son and next heir and was seised throughout his life according to the form of the gift. He had issue John, named in the letters patent. After Thomas’s death, John entered the manor as his son and next heir, and died seised of this estate without heir of his body according to the form of the gift. The manor then descended to Ralph Trenewith and Thomas Restarrek , esquires, as John’s kin and next heirs, Ralph as the son of Joan daughter of Joan one of the sisters of Thomas son of William, and Thomas Restarrek as son of Thomas son of Alice, the other sister of Thomas son of William; Ralph is aged 50 years and more, Thomas 30 years and more. In the manor there are the following.

Bodannon, 300 a. arable, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly;
1/11 knight’s fee Mortain, worth 9s. 7 1/2d. when it falls; and the hundred of Trigg which belongs to the manor and is in the same bailiwick, worth 40s. yearly, with goods and chattels called waif and strays, worth nothing yearly
The lands are held of the king of his castle of Launceston, of his duchy of Cornwall, by knight service.
The 1/11 knight’s fee, bailiwick and hundred are held of John son and heir of the deceased John Colshull, chevalier , a minor who is in the king’s wardship because he holds them of the king of his duchy of Cornwall by knight service.
Bodannon, a messuage, worth 13s. 4d. yearly, and 2 a. Cornish land, each acre worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held of John Passele, chevalier , of his manor of [Lower] Helland by service of paying [at least] 10s. [ms galled].
Bowithick, 1/10 knight’s fee Mortain, held of John Cornewaill, chevalier , of his manor of Tintagel by service of paying him 15d. yearly, worth 10s. yearly when it falls.
Penpethy, a messuage, worth 10s. yearly and 3 ferlings, worth 5s. yearly, held of the king of his manor of Helstone of his duchy of Cornwall by service of paying the king... [ms galled] and by service of 1/10 knight’s fee Mortain.
Poltreworgey, 1/12 knight’s fee Mortain, held of the king of his manor of Penmayne by service of paying the king 2s. yearly, worth 8s. 4d. yearly when it falls.
Tregeare, 1/20 knight’s fee Mortain held not of the king but of Robert Cayll , service presently unknown, worth 26s. yearly when it falls.
He held jointly enfeoffed with Joan his wife, who survives, 12 messuages and 3 a. land Cornish in Tremore and Penstrace, by gift of William Aleyn, clerk , to John and Joan and the heirs of John’s body. Each messuage is worth 6s. 8d. yearly and each acre 13s. 4d. yearly. They are held of Thomas Carmynowe, esquire , by service of paying him 12s. yearly. Because John died without heir of his body, right to the reversion belongs after the death of John and Joan to the same Thomas Carmynewe as John’s kinsman and heir, being the son of William Carmynowe son of Alice daughter of Elizabeth sister of Joan mother of Margery mother of Simon Berkle father of Bartholomew father of Benedict father of the said Joan [sic] mother of John Cheynduyt .
He died seised in the above form, namely to himself and the heirs of his body, of the manor of Bawdoe by gift of William Carmynowe, esquire . The manor is held of the same Thomas Carmynowe by service of paying him 20s. yearly. In the manor there are 60 a. arable, each acre worth 12d. yearly, and 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly. After John’s death the manor reverted and should revert to the same Thomas Carmynowe , who survives, as son and heir of the same William Carmynowe , according to the form of the gift, because John died without heir of his body. Thomas is aged 30 years and more.
Margery Hokisham was formerly seised in her demesne as of fee of 4 messuages and 3 a. land in Trewollack and Cant. By her charter shown to the jurors, she gave these to Bartholomew Berkley and the heirs of his body. Bartholomew was seised for the whole of his lifetime according to the form of the gift and from him the right to the messuages and land descended successively to the following, who all died seised according to the form of the gift: Benedict as his son and heir; Joan mother of John Cheynduyt as daughter and heir of Benedict; and John Cheynduyt as her son and heir, who died without heir of his body. The messuages and land are held of Robert Flemyng by service of paying him 6s. yearly, each messuage worth 6s. 8d. yearly and each acre 12d. yearly. John Cheynduyt also held a messuage in Bodwin of Benedict Geffer [d], worth 6s. 8d. yearly, service unknown. All the messuages and land should revert after his death to the same Robert Flemyng , who survives, as kinsman and heir of Margery Hokisham , as son of John son of Richard son of Margery, according to the form of the gift. Robert is aged 60 years and more.
Oliver Carmynowe, knight , was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of the
manors of Treverras
St Mawes
, which he gave to the same Simon Berkley in frank-marriage with Margery his daughter. Simon and Margery were seised for the whole of their lives. From them right in the manors descended successively to the following, who all died seised according to the form of the gift: Bartholomew their son and heir; Benedict his son and heir; Joan his daughter and heir; and John Cheynduyt her son and heir, who died without heir of his body. The manors therefore reverted and should revert to John Petyt, esquire , who survives, as John’s kinsman and heir as son of Michael son of Joan daughter of Oliver. John Petyt is aged 60 years and more. The manors are held of the same John Petyt by service of paying him 13s. yearly.
In the manor of Treverras there are 100 a. land, each acre worth 12d. yearly,
in the manor of St Mawes 80 a. land, each acre worth 12d. yearly.
He had and held in and of the right of Joan his wife, who survives, the
manors of Treveglos
and and
10 messuages and 4 a. land Cornish in Port...sen, Padstow, A... and [?T]...,
of Edmund bishop of Exeter , service unknown.
Each messuage is worth 13s. 4d. yearly, and each acre 26s. 8d. yearly.
In the manor of Treveglos there are 20 a. land, each acre worth 12d. yearly, and
in the manor of Drift 80 a. land, each acre worth 12d. yearly
He held 3 a. land Cornish in [?Gly]..., Molran, Treverion and Tolraggett in right of Joan his wife as her dower by endowment of Richard Gylman , her former husband, of John Frampton, chevalier , and John Coulyng , services unknown, each acre worth 13s. 4d. yearly.
He held the following of the king.
Penpethy, a messuage and a ferling, of the king..., by knight service and by paying the king 15d. yearly, of his manor of Helstone of his duchy of Cornwall.
Bowithick, a messuage and a ferling, by knight service and 15d. rent yearly and common suit, of the king’s manor of Tintagel of the same duchy.
Poltreworgey, a messuage and a ferling, by knight service and 2s. rent yearly, of the king’s manor of Penmayne of the same duchy.

He died on Saturday... last. Ralph Trenewith and Thomas Restarrek , esquires, are his kin and next heirs as above.

TNA reference

C 139/31/57 mm.1–2

Commission Head

806 [Commission: see 805 .]

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Mitchell. 28 May 1427.

Before William Bodrugan, knight , Edward Burneby , John Tresythyny and Otes Tregonan .


Jurors:[not given, but see 805].

The jurors say, amongst other things, that he died on Saturday 13 December last [sic]. n806_001

TNA reference

E 152/6/260 m.13d. no.5

Writ Head

807 Writ. ‡ 20 January 1427. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding lands held by knight service of the heir of John Colshull, knight , who held of ‪Henry V‬ , the heir being a minor in the king’s wardship.

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Launceston. 6 October 1427. [Cork]


Jurors: Peter Eggecombe ; John Trewyk ; Nicholas Speccote ; John Lavedwyn ; Benedict Gyffard ; Thomas Porthquyn ; Roger Deliovnewyth ; John Trecarn, junior ; John Crovdecote ; William Gosehull ; John Totebuyssh ; and Robert Buketon .


He held in his demesne as of fee tail jointly enfeoffed with Joan his wife, who survives, the

manor of Bodannon, 20 messuages, 4 tofts, 2 mills, 400 a. land, 80 a. meadow, 400 a. pasture, 400 a. gorse and heath, 5 marks 10d. rent and rent of a pair of gloves in Carneer’, Trevarra, Bodieve, St Cadoc, Trevone, Vynwyn, Tregorden, Trewetha, Trerose, Bolepittas, Dannandoune, Tregaverne, Treyowen, Towan, Wyndisore, Hendra, Treharrock, Carglaze, Trelights, Boconnion, Tregonnick, Tregragon, Treligga, Tregelles, Dinham and Porthilly-Eglos, and the office of bailiff of Trigg hundred.
By a fine levied at Westminster, quin. East. 1425 and afterwards oct. Trin. 1425 [CP 25/1/34/37 no.8] and shown to the jurors, between John Hals , John Osbarn and John Wetyng , quer. and this John Cheynduyt , deforc., the quer. granted the above to himself and Joan his wife and the legitimate heirs of his body, to hold of the chief lords of that fee by the services pertaining to that manor, tenements, rents and office; successive remainders after his death to the following, all holding similarly: Richard Cheynduyt , his bastard son, and the heirs of his body; Joan, John’s bastard daughter and wife of John Pengelly , and the heirs of her body; and William Lord de Botreaux, knight , and the heirs of his body. Successive remainders of half of the manor, tenements, rents and office in full, after the death of William, to the following, to hold similarly by the services pertaining to that moiety: Walter Hungerforde, knight , and Katherine his wife and the heirs of her body; William Talbot, knight , and Eleanor his wife and the heirs of her body; John Tretherff and Joan his wife and the heirs of her body; Ralph Trenniwyth of Fentongollan and the heirs of his body; and Ralph Botreaux, knight , and his heirs. Successive remainders of the other half, to hold similarly by the services pertaining to that half, as with the previous half except that Walter Talbot, knight , and Eleanor his wife and the heirs of her body come before Walter Hungerforde, knight , and Katherine his wife and the heirs of her body.
The manor, lands, tenement, rents and office, annual value £10, are held by knight service of John son and heir of John Colshull, knight , named in the writ, a minor in the king’s wardship, of his manor of Manelly, which is held of the king in chief by knight service. Richard his son died without heir of his body.

He died on 13 December last without heir of his body. Thomas Rescarrek and John son of Ralph Trenewyth are his next heirs, Thomas as son of Thomas son of Alice daughter of William Cheynduyt father of Thomas his father, and John as son of Ralph son of Joan daughter of William Cheynduyt father of Thomas his father, and are aged 26 and 24 years, and more, respectively.

[Foot:] Memorandum that the present inquisition was delivered to court on 31 October 1427 by Robert Chesilden .
TNA reference

C 139/31/57 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Launceston. 6 October 1427. [Cork]


Jurors:as 807.


He held 4 messuages, 5 tofts, 120 a. land, 94 a. meadow, 120 a. pasture, 120 a. gorse and heath, and rent of 1lb. cumin in Penpethy, Bodulgate, Penhale, Bowithick, Poltreworgey, Tregeare and Castre, in his demesne as of fee tail jointly enfeoffed with Joan his wife, who survives, by the gift by fine detailed in 807. Of these tenements and rent, 2 messuages, 2 tofts, 60 a. land, 60 a. meadow, 60 a. pasture, 60 a. gorse and heath, and the rent in Penpethy, Bodulgate, Penhale and Bowithick, are held of the king of his duchy of Cornwall of his manor of Helstone in socage by 6s. rent at Michaelmas, annual value 40s.; a toft, 30 a. land, 20 a. pasture and 30 a. gorse and heath in Poltreworgey are held of the king of his same duchy of his manor of Penmayne in socage by fealty and 2s. rent at Michaelmas, annual value 10s.; and the residual 2 messuages, 2 tofts, 40 a. land, 14 a. meadow, 40 a. pasture and 40 a. gorse and heath in Tregeare and Castre are held of Robert Cayll in socage by fealty and 1d. rent at 3 May, annual value 20s. [all figures as given].
He held the manor of Bawdoe in his demesne as of fee tail by gift of William Carmynowe, esquire , to himself and the heirs of his body, reversion to William and his heirs. John died seised of this estate without heir of his body; Richard Carmynowe died without heir of his body. Thomas Carmynowe, esquire , is the son and next heir of William and is aged 30 years and more. The manor is held of Robert Flemyng , service unknown, annual value 6 marks.
He held the
manors of Treveglos
and in right of Joan his wife, who survives.
The manor of Treveglos is held of Edmund bishop of Exeter of his manor of Pawton by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
The manor of Drift is held of Richard de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick , of his manor of Alverton in socage by fealty, annual value 6 marks 3s. 4d.
Date of death and heirs as in 807. He was seised of
2 messuages, 4 a. land Cornish, 10 a. meadow and 6s. 2 1/2d. rent in Penpethy and Bodwin
in his demesne as of fee. Long before his death, by an indented charter dated at Bodwin, 30 January 1421 and shown to the jurors, and described as John Cheynduyt, esquire, lord of Bodannon , he granted these, described as all his messuages, lands and tenements in these vills, to John Pengelly and Joan Cheynduyt , wife of the latter and his daughter, and the heirs of her body, to hold of the chief lords of those fees by services pertaining to that tenement and rent, successive remainders to the following, all holding similarly: Richard Cheynduyt his son and the heirs of his body; William Lord de Botreaux, knight , and the heirs of his body; Walter Hungerford, knight , and Katherine his wife and William Talbot, knight , and Eleanor his wife and the heirs of Katherine and Eleanor; and Ralph Botreaux, knight , and his heirs. John Pengelly and Joan his wife were seised, John in his demesne as of free tenement and Joan in her demesne as of fee tail.
Of these tenements, a messuage, 2 a. land Cornish and 6 a. meadow in Bodwin are held of the heir of John Lanhergy of his manor of Lannowmure in socage by fealty and 6d. rent yearly, annual value 26s. 8d.; and the residual messuage, 2 a. land Cornish, 4 a. meadow and rent in Penpethy are held of John Cornewayll, knight , of his manor of Tintagel in socage by fealty and 15d. rent yearly, annual value 20s.
He was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manors of Cant and Tremore, and 32 messuages, 12 a. land Cornish, 12 a. meadow and 8s. 1d. rent in Trewollack, Trewithian, Otuell, Cransworth, Rosewarrick, Penstrace, Clann, Dozmary, Gillewall’, Treverras, St Mawes, Porthilly-Eglos, Dinnabroad, Maseweban and Carlyon. Long before his death, by an indented charter dated at Bodannon, 1 July 1423 and shown to the jurors, and described as above, he granted and confirmed these, described as his manors of Cant and Tremore with rents, services and reversions of all his tenements there and all his messuages, lands, tenement, rents and services which he had in those vills, to Richard Cheynduyt , his bastard son, and the legitimate heirs of his body, to hold of the chief lords of those fees by the services pertaining to the manors, tenements and rent, successive remainders to Joan Cheynduyt , bastard daughter of Joan, wife of John Pengelly and sister of Richard, and the legitimate heirs of her body, and then William Lord de Botreaux and others as in the grant immediately above. Of these tenements, the manor of Cant, a messuage, 60 a. land and 1d. rent in Porthilly-Eglos, Gillewallys, Maseweben, Dinnabroad and Carlyon are held of William Lord de Botreaux, knight , of his manor of Worthyvale by knight service, annual value 100s.; the manor of Tremore and 8s. rent in Rosewarrick, Penstrace and Clann are held of Thomas Carmynowe of his manor of Polrode by knight service, annual value 5 marks; 6 messuages, 8 a. land Cornish and 8 a. meadow in Trewollack, Trewithian, Otuell and Cransworth are held of Edmund bishop of Exeter of his manor of Pawton by knight service, annual value 40s.; and 25 messuages, 3 a. land Cornish and 4 a. meadow in St Mawes and Treverras are held of the heir of Ralph Reskynmer in socage by fealty and 1/2d. rent at All Saints’, annual value 40s. [all figures as given]. Richard his bastard son died without heir of his body.

[Foot:] Memorandum that the present inquisition was delivered to court on 31 October 1427 by Robert Cheselden .
TNA reference

C 139/31/57 m.5

Writ Head

809 [Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 16 May 1428. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding the estate he had in specified lands, detailed in 805.

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition [indented]. Mitchell. 2 June 1428. [Tretherf]


Jurors: Thomas Rescruk ; William Reyneward ; David Halap ; Otes Treyaghan ; William Trewonwoll ; Thomas Massy ; Benedict Cubert ; Thomas Trefrosow ; John Cutteford ; Henry Whytelyng ; Thomas Pennant ; and Thomas Belyon .


Ralph Meyndy, late parson of St Tudy church , John Restarekmur and John Tyrell of Barlendew, deceased, were formerly seised in their demesne as of fee of

a messuage and a ferling in Penpethy,
a messuage and a ferling in Bowithick
a messuage and a ferling in Poltreworgey
, as specified in the writ. They gave these to William Cheynduyt and Elizabeth his wife as detailed in 805, pattern of tenure also as in 805.

TNA reference

C 139/31/57 mm.6–7



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Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Treverion, Tolraggett
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
St Mawes
Total: -
Treveglos, Treveglos
Total: -
Total: -
Port...sen, A...
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -




  • John Petit, junior
  • Richard ?Trofiy
  • William Trewonwell
  • David Halop
  • Thomas Trethgans
  • Richard Colan
  • Stephen Boswydell
  • Ralph Penhale
  • John Freden
  • William Gyt...
  • Thomas Carwen
  • Thomas Bron


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