Full text


Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 18 January 1426. [Woneford]


Jurors: Simon Blyke ; William Lumbard ; Richard Slade ; Gilbert Weye ; John Passeware, senior ; Richard Lacy ; Walter Tannere ; John Bathe, senior ; John Broun ; John Chelworth ; John Touker ; and Richard Cokyr .


She held no lands or tenements in demesne or service of the king in chief. She held the following for life by enfeoffment of Annis, who was the wife of Stephen Derby, knight . Annis granted the following – described as all her lands, tenements, rents, services, reversions and common pasture in the vills – to Michaela and Robert Derby, her former husband described as Robert Derby son of Annis, and the heirs of his body, to hold of Annis and her heirs by service of a rose at Midsummer to Annis; reversion to Annis and her heirs, as is clear more fully in the charter shown to the jurors and dated at Langton Long Blandford, 31 August 1409. Annis died and Robert subsequently died seised without heir of his body; Michaela survived him and died seised for life. Walter Derby is the kinsman and next heir of Annis as son of Walter brother of Robert son and heir of Annis, and also kinsman and next heir of Robert Derby as son of Walter his brother; Walter was aged 11 years and more on 8 September last.

Hinton St George, a messuage, 16 a. land and 1 a. meadow, held of John Denband , services unknown, annual value 5s.
Henton Crast, 3 messuages with a curtilage, 40 a. land, 6 a. meadow and 10 a. moor. Of these, a messuage with curtilage, 15 a. land, 1 1/2 a. meadow and 3 a. moor are held of the abbot of Forde , services unknown, annual value 8s.; the 2 remaining messuages, 15 a. land, 4 1/2 a. meadow and 4 a. moor are held of the same John Denband , services unknown, annual value 10s.; and the remaining 10 a. land and 3 a. moor are held of Nicholas Kaynes , services unknown, annual value 4s.
Merriott, 14 a. land, held of William Bonevile, knight , services unknown, annual value 6s. 8d.
Yenston, a messuage and 1/2 carucate, held of Thomas earl of Salisbury , services unknown, annual value 16s.
Henstridge, 3 messuages and a carucate, held of the same earl, services unknown, annual value 24s.
She held the manor of Buckshaw for life by enfeoffment of John Channdeler by permission of the bishop of Salisbury , John Tytelyng, clerk , Thomas Maundevyle, clerk , John Sparwe and Richard Bradewey , to her described as Michaela widow of Robert Derby , son and heir of the same Annis, to hold of the chief lord of that fee by services owed, remainder to Walter Derby described as Walter son of Walter Derby , and nephew of this Robert Derby , and the heirs of his body, and then successive remainders to the following, all to hold as above: William his brother and heirs of his body; Margaret wife of Morgan Gough and sister of Robert Derby and heirs of her body; Thomas son of Roger Gulden of Sixpenny Handley, Dorset , and kinsman of Robert Derby , and heirs of his body; Joan his sister and heirs of her body; and to the right heirs of Walter son of Walter, on the side of Annis his grandmother, whose heir he is. This is clear more fully in the charter shown to the jurors, dated at Ramsbury, Wiltshire, 3 April 1421. The manor is held of Thomas earl of Salisbury , services unknown, annual value £10. She died on 10 September 1424 without heir of her body. John Merchaunt is her kinsman and next heir as son of William her brother, and is aged 20 years and more. Robert Coker, esquire , occupied all the above from the time of her death until the following 30 September, and took the issues, title and manner unknown. Walter Derby subsequently occupied until the day of this inquisition and took the issues by virtue of this valuation.
She held for life 20s. rent from lands and tenements which Nicholas Edmond held at the time of her death in Charlton Horethorne, with Nicholas’s homage and service, reversion to John Cammell ’. Peter Plecy , who held this rent with Nicholas’s homage and service of Thomas earl of Salisbury by knight service, gave and confirmed the rent etc. to John Plecy , his kinsman now deceased, late husband of Michaela, and to Michaela and John’s heirs and assigns, as is clear more fully in Peter’s deed shown to the jurors. Nicholas Edmond attorned to John Plecy and Michaela. John Cammell ’ is the next heir of this John Plecy as son of Joan sister of John father of John Plecy , and is aged 60 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/25/38 mm.1–2

Writ Head

657 Writ. ‡ 18 February 1425. [Smyth]

[Endorsed:] Let a transcription of the inquisition be had (Habeat transcriptum Inquisicionis).

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Blandford ?Forum (Blaneford). 19 June 1425. [Wynford]


Jurors: William Anketill ; Nicholas Sifrewast ; Thomas Swanlond ; Robert Heryng ; John Phelip ; John Milbourn ; Robert Hymerford ; William Welyngton ; Nicholas Faccombe ; John Spenser ; John Wiseman ; and Thomas Donge .


She held for life

5 messuages, a toft, 50 a. land, 10 a. meadow, 5 a. wood and 16 a. pasture in Sherborne
a messuage and 24 a. land in Trill
by enfeoffment of Annis, who was the wife of Stephen Derby, knight , by the charter dated 31 August 1409 detailed in 656. Walter Derby , kinsman and heir of Annis and of Robert Derby , as in 656, was aged 10 years and more.
Of the lands and tenements in Sherborne, 2 messuages are held of the bishop of Salisbury in socage and the remaining 3 messuages are held of the abbot of Sherborne in socage, by 13d. rent yearly; and the toft, land, meadow, wood and pasture are held of the bishop of Salisbury by knight service, annual value £6
The messuage and land in Trill are held of Henry Horsy , service unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.
She held the following for life by enfeoffment of William Frye , Ralph Walyssh , John Fauntleroy of Dorset, Robert Remptson of Godlingston, Robert Colyngbourne, parson of Langton Long Blandford church, and William Bret, chaplain , to herself described as Michaela widow of Robert Derby , late son and heir of Stephen Derby , and Roberts’ heirs by her, to hold of the chief lords of these fees by services owed and accustomed, remainder to Walter son of Walter Derby , and nephew of Robert and his heirs, with successive remainders as in 656, until final remainder to the right heirs of Robert Derby on the side of Annis his mother, lately daughter and heir of Alan Gulden, knight . This is clear more fully in Annis’s indented charter shown to the jurors and dated at Langton Long Blandford, 2 May 1421, in which the following are described as the manors of Littleton, by Blandford St Mary , Rollington, and Langton Long Blandford alias ‘Langeton Latyle’, with the advowsons of Littleton church and Langton Long Blandford chantry, the manor of Langton Long Blandford alias ‘Langeton Botyler’ with the advowson of Langton Long Blandford church, with all lands and tenements of the feoffors, named as above, and rents, services and reversions in the vills of Littleton, Rollington and Langton Long Blandford.
Littleton, by Blandford St Mary, the manor, with the advowson of Littleton church, held of the heir of John de Sancto Claro by service of rendering 1 oz. pepper at Michaelmas to the heir, annual value 64s. 4 1/2d.
Rollington, the manor, held of the earl of March by knight service, annual value 60s.
Langton Long Blandford alias ‘Langeton Latyle’, the manor, with the advowson of Langton Long Blandford chantry, the manor held of the same earl by knight service, annual value 100s. and the advowson of the same earl, service unknown, annual value nil.
Langton Long Blandford alias ‘Langeton Botyler’, the manor, with the advowson of Langton Long Blandford church, held of the king in socage by service of rendering to the king 1d. at Easter at his Exchequer by the sheriff. In the manor there are 8 messuages, worth nothing yearly; a close called ‘Greteconynger’ containing 3 a. land, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 242 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 24 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 150 a. hill pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly.
Littleton and Rollington, 13 a. land and 1 a. meadow. All the lands, tenements and reversions in the vill of Littleton are held of the same Sancto Claro heir in socage, annual value 12d. The lands and tenements in Rollington are held of the same earl by knight service, annual value [?2]s.
She died seised of the
reversion of 5 messuages, a toft, 101 a. land, 31 a. meadow and 40 a. pasture in Blandford St Mary
which William Bret, chaplain , held for life by demise of Robert Derby , son and heir of Stephen Derby, knight . The holding had been described as all Robert’s lands, tenements, meadow, pasture, close, rent, services and reversions formerly Richard Hache’s in Blandford, as is clear more fully in Robert’s indented charter shown to the jurors, dated at Blandford Forum, 1 March 1421. Robert granted the reversion, which William Bret held, to William Frye , John Fauntleroy of Dorset, Robert Rempston of Godlingston and Robert Colyngbourne, parson of Langton Long Blandford church, their heirs and assigns, as is clear more fully in the charter to them, shown to the jurors and dated at Langton Long Blandford, 27 March 1421. William Bret, chaplain , attorned to them. By their indented charter shown to the jurors and dated at Langton Long Blandford, 2 May 1421, they granted the reversion to Michaela described as Michaela widow of Robert Derby , son and heir of Stephen Derby, knight , for life, to hold of the chief lord of that fee by services owed, remainder to Walter son of Walter Derby , nephew of Robert Derby , and the heirs of his body, to hold as above, and successive remainders as above. William Bret attorned to Michaela. She died on 10 September last without heir by Robert Derby . William Bret died on 12 April last, seised for life according to the form of the demise.
The messuages etc. are held of the abbess of Shaftesbury by fealty and 20s. rent yearly, annual value 4 marks.
She held for life the manor of Shapwick as dower after the death of John Plecy , her late husband, by endowment of John son and heir of this John Plecy and in allowance of her dower in other lands and tenements in the county. The manor is held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster by service of 1/4 knight’s fee. In the manor there are 9 messuages and a dovecot, of which the capital messuage and dovecot are worth 13s. 4d. yearly and each of the other messuages 22d. yearly; 224 a. arable, worth 6d. yearly; 17 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. 6d. yearly; 8 a. wood, each acre worth 20d. yearly; and pasture for 200 sheep, worth 17s. 6d. yearly. Thus the manor is worth 16 marks yearly. The reversion after her death belongs to John Cammell ’, kinsman and heir of John Plecy , her late husband, as son of Joan sister of John father of this John Plecy . John Cammell is aged 40 years and more.n657_001

Date of death and heir as in 656.

TNA reference

C 139/25/38 mm.3–4

n657_001^: xl annorum, see 656.




Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Langton Long Blandford alias ‘Langeton Botyler’, Langton Long Blandford
Total: -
Total: -




  • William Anketill
  • Nicholas Sifrewast
  • Thomas Swanlond
  • Robert Heryng
  • John Phelip
  • John Milbourn
  • Robert Hymerford
  • William Welyngton
  • Nicholas Faccombe
  • John Spenser
  • John Wiseman
  • Thomas Donge


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