E-CIPM 22-629: JOAN

Full text


Writ Head

624 Writ. ‡ 4 October 1425. [Wymbyssh]

She was one of the sisters and heirs of Edmund earl of March and daughter of Eleanor, late countess of March .

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Hadleigh. 27 November 1425. [Drury]


Jurors: James Chirche ; John Smyth ; John Lynton ; John Thurmod ; Thomas Goodale ; Walter Bokesby ; John Ram, junior ; William Alot ; John Seibury ; John Hunte ; Austin Martyn ; and Simon Lucy .


She held 1/3 manor of Kersey in fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, of the king in chief by service of 1/3 pair of gilt spurs, price 6d.
Manorial extent and rent as in 504.
She held 1/3 manor and advowson of Layham in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, the advowson belonging to the manor but of whom and by what services the manor with advowson is held is unknown.
Manorial extent, advowson and details of the knight’s fee as in 504. The manors of Kersey and Layham, the advowson of Layham and the knight’s fee were given by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471 and they descended according to the pattern detailed in 491. Edmund earl of March was assigned these as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised without heir of his body and the manors, etc. then descended to Richard duke of York , son of Anne sister and heir of Edmund and daughter of Eleanor countess of March , Richard being a minor in the king’s wardship, to Joan wife of John Grey , named in the writ, second sister and heir of Edmund and daughter of Eleanor, and to Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, chevalier , third sister and heir of Edmund and daughter of Eleanor. The manors, etc. were seised in the king’s hands and remain there because Joan did not prosecute her right in them.

She died on 17 September last. Henry Grey is her son and next heir, aged 7 years and more. [The inquisition for Norfolk ordered in the writ is not extant.]

TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Oundle. 10 December 1425. [Knyghtley]


Jurors: John Selby ; Robert Irlond ; Richard Eston ; Richard Knyght ; William Knyght ; John Parker ; John Cost ; John Lenton ; Robert Costantyn ; Henry Tychemerssh ; Thomas Parker ; and John Danndelyn .


She held 1/3 perquisites of the court of the manor of Upton and the advowson of 1/3 of 1/5 of the church of Blisworth in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body. The manor with advowson is held of the abbot of Peterborough by 3 parts of a knight’s fee. The manor and advowson were given by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and descended according to the pattern detailed in 471. Edmund earl of March was assigned the manor and advowson as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. Edmund granted by his letters patent shown to the jurors and dated at Ludlow, 29 March 1423, the manor except for the court perquisites, knights’ fees, advowsons of churches, rights of wardship and marriage, relief and escheat when assessed, to Leonard Hastinges for life in recompense for his good service. Leonard was seised in the manor in this form and is still. Edmund died seised of this estate of the court perquisites and of the advowson of 1/5 church which descended after his death to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of ‪ Edward III ’s grant. The perquisites and advowson of 1/5 church were seised in the king’s hands after Edmund’s death by virtue of a writ of diem clausit extremum and remain there because Joan did not prosecute her right in them. The perquisites of the court are worth nothing yearly after the steward’s fee, the church is worth 20 marks yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.3, 5

Writ Head

626 [Writ: see 625 .]

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 18 December 1425. [Knyghtley]


Jurors: William Reynold ; John Reynold ; Peter Fyssher ; John Whitewell ; John [unclear: W]estbrok [ms torn]; John Ken... ; John Spencer ; Hugh Wighthull ; Thomas Bailly ; William Smyth ; John Warde ; and Henry Norton .

She held
1/3 manor of Ryhall in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, the manor held of the king in chief by knight service.
Edward III granted the manor to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and the manor descended according to the pattern detailed in 471. Edmund earl of March was assigned the manor as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the manor then descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition. Manorial extent as in 483. The manor was seised in the king’s hands after Edmund’s death and remains there because Joan did not prosecute her right in it.
Date of death and heir as in 624.

[Foot:] R[?eturned] 4 January.

TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Ware. 27 November 1425. [Stokdale]


Jurors: William Renyngton ; John Terlyng ; Thomas Partrych ; William Thurgood ; Nicholas Thurgood ; John Abbott ; Thomas Hoddesdon ; Edward War[unclear: b]e [ms torn]; John Lokyere ; Walter Lekes ; Thomas Cryps ; and John Westmell .

She died seised of 1/3 of 1/5 of the following parts of knights’ fees and priory advowson, in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, held of the king in chief, services unknown, all values when they fall as shown.
Roxford, 1/8 fee which Alexander de Walden, chevalier , lately held, 5s.
Brickendon, 1/4 fee in the vill which John de Rdeshale [sic] lately held, 10s.
Blackmore and Hertford, 1/4 fee which Felise de Brekendon lately held, 10s.
Stapleford, 1/8 fee which Ralph Botiller lately held, 5s.
Ware, 1/3 of 1/5 advowson of the priory, 100s.
Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/26 mm.6, 8

Writ Head

628 [Writ: see 627 .]

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Barking. 3 December 1425. [Stokdale]


Jurors: John Smalwell ; Peter Vynte ; John Hervy ; John Prynce ; John Luketon ; John Benyton ; John Grace ; Thomas Tresshere ; William Shenke ; John Malmayne ; John Wodeward ; and John Fulk .

She died seised of 1/3 of 1/5 of the following knights’ fees and parts of fees in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, held of the king in chief, services unknown, all values when they fall as shown.
Great Henny , a fee which John Fitzraaff, chevalier , lately held, 40s.
1/2 fee which John Dyne lately held, 20s.; and
1/2 fee which the canons of St Paul’s, London, hold, 20s.
Little Sutton, a fee which William de Custaunce lately held, 40s.
Ardleigh, a fee which Walter Baynard held, 40s.
Downham, 1/2 fee which John Handele held, 20s.
Widford and Patching, 2 fees and 1/2 fee which Edmund Bacon held, 100s.
Liston, Danbury and Corringham, a fee which Hugh Fitzsymond held, 40s.
Ingrave, 1/2 fee which Robert Goshaline held, 20s.
Little Thurrock, a fee which John Squyry held, 40s.
Barn Hall, 1/4 fee which Robert de Rocheford held, 10s.
Quickbury, a fee which the abbot of Bermondsey held, 40s.
Willingale Doe or Spain, 1/4 fee which John de Rokeley held, 10s.
Date of death and heir as in 624.

[Foot:] 8 February

TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.6–7

Commission Head

629 Commission. ‡ 4 October 1425. [Wymbyssh]

To Thomas Ligon , Miles Scull and William Walker and the sheriff of Shropshire ordering 2 or 3 of them to hold an inquisition and the sheriff to empanel a jury [CFR 1422–30, p.115].

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Cleobury Mortimer or North. 24 November 1425.

Before Thomas Strange , sheriff, and William Walker .

[The ms is completely galled.]


Jurors: Roger Bury ; John Holyn ; John Momell ; John Langeley ; John Bryd ; John [?Cleob...] ; ... Northwode ; William Sauneres ; William Solley ; John Darlyng ; William Bryans ; and Thomas Marche .

She held the following in the March of Wales in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and her heirs of her body, of the king in chief by ... part of a barony, by a fine of 1344 between John de Charleton and Hawise his wife, quer. and William de Aston, late parson of Castell Caereinion church and Thomas de Morton, chaplain , deforc. [East. quin. CP 25/1/194/13 no.38].
Welshpool, in the castle the tower called ‘le Dortour’, the tower in which Roger Charleton used to lodge and the whole ward on the west of the castle from the castle donjon on the east and the bridge outside the castle on the west of the castle, with all towers, chambers, buildings and other appurtenances within the ward. The towers and ward are worth nothing yearly.
Welshpool, in the manor a large stank on the south of this ward; all those demesne lands with meadows, pastures, woods, waters, stanks, mills, roads and paths lying in length between the road leading from the great stank to the wood called ‘le Fryth’ and then by the upper and western end of this wood to the river Severn on the east and the outer end of these demesne lands on the west; and the great park except that parcel of the park assigned and delivered as the share of Joyce sister of Joan, bounded and delineated by certain..., limits and ditches there. The great stank is worth nothing yearly for want of fish. The demesne lands contain 80 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly, 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly, 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly and 5 a. wood, each acre worth 4d. yearly. In the park there is no underwood and the pasture there is worth nothing yearly after the maintenance of the beasts of the chase.
The commotes, lordships, vills and manors of Caereinion, Mechain Uwch Coed and Mechain Is Coed, Mochnant Uwch Rhaeadr, Mathrafal and Llanfyllin.
In the commote of Caereinion there are £20 assize rents at ?All Souls, St Philip and St James and Michaelmas in equal portions, and pleas and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly.
In the commote of Mechain Uwchoed and Mechain Iscoed there are £34 assize rents as above in equal portions, and pleas and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly.
In the commote of Mochnant Uwch Rhaeadr there are £24 assize rents as above, and pleas and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly.
In the manor of Mathrafal there are a messuage, worth nothing yearly; a carucate, worth 10s. yearly; 20 a. meadow, worth 10s. yearly and a park, without underwood and the pasture is worth nothing yearly after the maintenance of the beasts of the chase.
In the vill of Llanfyllin there are 40s. assize rents at Lady Day and Michaelmas; 2 fairs held on the feasts of St Philip and St James and St Simon and St Jude, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; and pleas and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly.
Mawddwy, 13s. 4d. rent at Easter and Michaelmas.
She held the manor of Pontesbury except the manor of Greenhall with attached park, part of the same commote of Mechain, and except the advowson of the prebend called ‘prebend David’ in St George’s church, Pontesbury, in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and her heirs of her body. The manor of Greenhall with the park and advowson are assigned and delivered in purparty to Joyce sister of Joan.
In the manor of Pontesbury there are £4 assize rents at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal portions; a wood, where there is no underwood and the pasture is common; and pleas and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly. The manor of Pontesbury is held of the king in chief by service of 1/20 knight’s fee.
She held
a moiety of a messuage, 8 cottages, and of 2 gardens called ‘Charletonhalle’, in Shropshire, in her demesne as of fee tail. The messuage, cottages and gardens are worth 20s. yearly and are held of the king in chief by service of a burgage.
Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.10–11

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCHES OF WALES. Inquisition. Cleobury Mortimer or North. 28 April 1426. [Cresset]


Jurors: Henry Seintgeorge ; William Meisy ; John Dodyton ; Thomas Quinby ; John Holyns ; Thomas Marche ; William Selley ; John Burnell ; William Blundell ; Roger Boraston ; William Eyneset ; and Richard Northgrene .

She held more lands and tenements in the Marches of Wales in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and her heirs of her body, by the fine detailed in 629, than were specified in that inquisition returned after her death to the Chancery, namely the following.
Welshpool, in the castle ‘le Dungeon’ with the whole ward on the east of the castle between the tower called ‘le Dortour’ and the tower in which Roger Charlton used to lodge on the west, and the castle ditch against the vill of Welshpool on the east, with all towers, chambers, chapels, buildings and gardens within the donjon and ward by the castle gate against the vill of Welshpool on the east. ‘Le Dungeon’ and ward are worth nothing yearly.
Welshpool, in the manor a dovecot, a barn, 3 messuages, 3 stanks, an orchard, a garden and other lands and tenements lying in length between the great stank and the castle ditch on the west and the road leading towards the lane called ‘Castellone’ on the east, and in width between the small park and the castle on the north and the demesne lands on the south. The dovecot is worth 3s. 4d. yearly, the barn and 3 messuages 6s. 8d. yearly and the 3 stanks, orchard and garden nothing yearly. She held all those demesne lands and meadows, pastures, woods, waters, stanks, roads and paths lying in length between the castle, small park and lane called ‘Castellone’ on the north and the river Severn on the south and in width between the road from the great stank to the wood called ‘le Fryth’ and then by the upper end of this wood to the same river on the west to the outer end of the demesne lands towards the vill of Welshpool on the east... [ms galled] park called the small park, anciently enclosed by a ditch as one part of the great park as bounded and delimited by certain ?querens and limits on the west, and in width between the road above the ?top (cacumen) of the great park on the south [and] the field called ‘K...gobert’ on the north. The demesne lands contain 80 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly, 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly, 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly and 5 a. wood, each acre worth 4d. yearly.
She held
the manor of Greenhall with the park attached to it, worth 100s. yearly.
Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 m.9

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition. Guildford. 1 November 1425. [Wyntereshull]


Jurors: Robert Coumbes ; John Grouere ; Richard Farnham ; William Cothull ; Nicholas Congroue ; Philip Webbe ; Walter Hascombe ; John Fornere ; John Wykyng ; Richard Rauns ; Richard Lok ; and Simon Longhurst .

She died seised of
1/3 manor of Pirbright in her demesne as of fee tail, held of the king in chief by service of 1/20 knight’s fee. Manorial extent as in 474.
Edward III granted the manor, described as the manor of ‘Pirifrith’, to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 474, and the manor descended according to the pattern detailed in 474. Edmund earl of March was assigned the manor as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the manor then descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition.
Date of death and heir as in 624.
Walter Grene took all issues from the manor from the time of her death until the day of this inquisition, and still does so.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.12–13

E 149/136/10 m.1

Writ Head
632 [Writ: see 631.]

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Chichester. Thursday 9 November 1425.n632_001 [Wyntereshull]


Jurors: John Tolyte ; John Coupere ; Thomas Janyn ; Richard Hynon ; John Coumbe ; Thomas Hygon ; John Grogyn ; Robert Strynelynge ; Thomas Danyell ; Richard Marchall ; Richard ...ertere [ms holed] ; and Richard Hayne .


She died seised in her demesne as of fee tail of

1/3 of £36 fee-farm taken yearly from the fee-farm in the city of Chichester from the city bailiffs at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions. The fee-farm is held of the king in chief by service of 1/30 knight’s fee.
It was given by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and descended according to the pattern detailed in 471. Edmund earl of March was assigned the fee-farm as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the fee-farm then descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition.

Date of death and heir as in 624.
Roger Wynter took all issues from the £36 from the time of her death until the day of this inquisition, and still does so.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.12, 14

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Canterbury. 27 October 1425. [Scot]


Jurors: Geoffrey atte Wode ; Thomas Rokesle ; Simon atte Wode ; John atte Merssh ; William Cayssho ; John Elyot ; John Kyngeston ; John Bengemyn ; Walter Brokman ; John atte Crouch ; Thomas Soundry ; and Thomas Rykedouer .

She died seised of
1/3 manor of Wickhambreaux together with 1/3 advowson of the church, in her demesne as of fee tail, held of the king in chief by knight service, the church extended at £20 yearly.
The manor with advowson was given by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and descended according to the pattern detailed in 471. Edmund earl of March was assigned the manor with advowson as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the manor with advowson then descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition. Manorial extent, Roger Danyell ’s right of pasturage, and Edmund earl of March ’s grant to John Fitzpyers of the office of parker and warrener of Wickhambreaux, all repeated as in 495.
Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.15–16

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Mansfield. 24 October 1425. [Makkeworth]


Jurors: John Morehawe , Henry Walker , John Barker and Thomas Sutton , of Mansfield; John Chapmon , Richard Parker and John Schawe , of Warsop; Richard Gamoll and John Alfreton , of Edwinstowe; William Eyseby and Nicholas Forresbroke , of Clipstone; and John Bossewell of Warsop.

She died seised of
1/3 of 35s. 8d. rent from the manor of Ollerton, at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions,
in her demesne as of fee tail. The manor was granted by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and descended according to the pattern detailed in 471. Edmund earl of March was assigned the rent as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the rent then descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition.
The manor is held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Date of death and heir as in 624. [The Derbyshire inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.17–18

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Worcester. 24 October 1425. [Wode]


Jurors: John Purshull ; John Bayle ; John Hulle ; John Naym ; Richard Hoke ; John Bruyle ; John Balle ; John Baker ; John Burneforde ; Richard Halle ; Thomas Faukener ; and John Crabbe .

She died seised of
1/3 of £68 19d. rent of £100 annual farm of the vill of Droitwich, at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, in her demesne as of fee tail, the fee-farm held of the king by 1/20 knight’s fee.
The fee-farm, described as the vill of Droitwich, was given by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471 and descended according to the pattern detailed in 491. Edmund earl of March was assigned the £68 19d. rent from the fee-farm as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the rent then descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition.
Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.19–20

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York castle. 20 December 1425. [Scargyll]


Jurors: Edmund Amyas ; John Rysshworth ; John Tymbell ; John Fourneys ; John de Skelton ; John Perkyn ; William Spenser ; Thomas Peper ; John Thomlynson ; John de Rome ; Richard de Thewayt ; and John Makereth .

She held
1/3 parts of the manor of Cottingham
held by Edmund earl of March as detailed in 497, in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body. Tenure and details of grant by ‪ Edward I as in 497, except that here each bovate of land in the district is worth 30s. yearly, not 13s. She held the knights’ fees and parts of fees and 1/3 of 1/5 of the advowsons of abbeys, churches and chapels belonging to the manor as detailed in 153, with the following variations, in her demesne as of fee tail, by virtue of this gift, jointly with Richard duke of York and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, chevalier , and in joint tenancy with Joan duchess of York , Margaret duchess of Clarence , Alice wife of Richard Nevill, chevalier , and daughter and heir of Eleanor late countess of Salisbury , and Ralph Nevill , son and heir of Elizabeth widow of John Nevill, chevalier .
Aislaby, 1/60 knight’s fee held by John de Clyftun .
Scrayingham, forename of John Dollyng ’s wife not given.
Barnby, John de le Hay lately held 1/14 knight’s fee.
Edmund earl of March died seised of this estate and after his death the site of the manor, lands and tenements, parts of the manor of Cottingham, the knights’ fees, parts of fees and advowsons of abbeys, churches and chapels, descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of the gift and partition. They were seised into the king’s hands owing to the death of Edmund and remain there because Joan did not prosecute her right in them.
Date of death and heir as in 624.n636_001
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.21–2

Inquisition Head


[The ms is incomplete and worn and stained in parts.]


Jurors: Richard Longford ; John Eton ; Thomas Pershore ; John Banknot ; John Webbeley ; Thomas Jannes ; Thomas Not[unclear: e] ;... John Okeholt ; and William Olof .


She held no lands... demesne or service. ‪ Edward III , by the letters patent detailed in 471, granted the manors of Lechlade, Barnsley,... advowsons of the church of Miserden and vicarage of Lechlade to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and the manors and advowsons descended according to the pattern detailed in 471. Edmund earl of March was assigned the manors and advowson as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He granted these manors, amongst others, by the fine detailed in 477. After the death of Edmund earl of March , who died without heir of his body, right in the manors and advowsons descended to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624, by virtue of this gift.

Date of death and heir as in 624.
TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.23–4

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Winchester. 25 December 1425. [Fauconer]


Jurors: P... Benham [ms worn] ; John Clopton ; John Fremantel ; William atte Felde ; John Jaskyn ; John Seman ; John Benham ; John Richeman ; John Palmer ; Thomas Playcy ; Richard Dyke ; and William Sauage .

She held
1/3 of £57 4s. 1/2d. rent from £104 fee-farm of the manor, vill and hundred of Andover, at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, in her demesne as of fee tail. The fee-farm is held of the king in chief by service of 1/20 knight’s fee.
She held
1/3 of £11 17s. 1d. from £80 15s. fee-farm of the manor, vill and hundred of Basingstoke and rent of the tenements that were Walter de Merton ’s in Basingstoke, at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, in her demesne as of fee. The fee-farm is held of the king in chief by service of 1/20 knight’s fee.
She held the knights’ fees and parts of fees, belonging to the manor of Andover, and advowson, detailed in 484 as held in joint tenancy, in fee tail in joint tenancy with Richard duke of York and Joyce wife of John Typtoft, chevalier , Joan duchess of York , Margaret duchess of Clarence , Alice wife of Richard Nevyle, chevalier , and daughter and heir of Eleanor late countess of Salisbury , and Ralph Nevile , son and heir of Elizabeth late wife of John Nevyle, chevalier . The fee-farms described as the manors, vills and hundreds of Andover and Basingstoke, knights’ fees, parts of fees and advowson were given by ‪ Edward III to Edmund earl of Kent according to the letters patent detailed in 471, and descended according to the pattern detailed in 474. Edmund earl of March was assigned the fee-farms as his share according to the partition detailed in 471. He died seised of this estate and the fee-farms and his share of the knights’ fees, parts of fees and advowson then descended by virtue of this gift to Richard duke of York , Joan named in the writ, and Joyce wife of John Tiptoft, knight , as in 624. The fee-farms and share were seised into the king’s hands owing the death of Edmund and remain there because Joan did not prosecute her right in them.

Date of death and heir as in 624. [The Wiltshire inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]

TNA reference

C 139/24/36 mm.25–6



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Mechain Uwchoed, Mechain Iscoed
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Mochnant Uwch Rhaeadr
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Charletonhalle, Shropshire
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  • Roger Bury
  • John Holyn
  • John Momell
  • John Langeley
  • John Bryd
  • John [?Cleob...]
  • ... Northwode
  • William Sauneres
  • William Solley
  • John Darlyng
  • William Bryans
  • Thomas Marche


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