Full text


Writ Head

610 Writ. ‡ 26 November 1425. [Smyth]

Regarding lands held in dower and otherwise for life of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , son and heir of the late earl.

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Wantage. 23 January 1426. [Danvers]


Jurors: John Otour ; Thomas Grete ; Roger Bosse ; Robert Bocher ; Richard Tanner ; John Mortymer ; John Wodhull ; William Clement ; Walter Dyer ; Henry Southerby ; Richard Skynner ; and William Pleystowe .

She held
the manor of Ardington
for life of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , as enfeoffed, lately jointly with the late earl, by enfeoffment of Robert Braybrok, bishop of London , Warin Waldegrave and John Bodelly, clerk , to the late earl and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies. The late earl and Elizabeth were seised in their demesne as of fee tail; the late earl and subsequently Elizabeth both died seised of this estate. After her death the manor descended to John earl of Huntingdon as the son and heir of their bodies.
The manor is held of the king of his honour of Wallingford by 1/4 knight’s fee. In the manor there are houses, worth nothing yearly; the site, worth nothing yearly after its enclosure; 260 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 50 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; £10 rents of free tenants at Pentecost and Martinmas in equal portions; 100s. rents of tenants at will at the same feasts equally; and perquisites of the court, worth 40s. yearly.
She died on 24 November last. John earl of Huntingdon is aged 28 years and more.
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. St Neots. 13 December 1425. [Hore]


Jurors: John Brook, junior ; John Lokyn ; John Campyon ; William Huchon ; John Dalton ; John Ferour ; John Heryng ; John Snell ; Walter Barbour ; John Dare ; William Atkyn ; and John Brain .

She held in dower after the death of John earl of Huntingdon , her husband,
10 marks yearly
from £20 annual farm which Richard II granted by letters patent to the late earl and his male heirs by Elizabeth, to maintain his estate as earl. John was to have this sum
from the sheriff of Huntingdonshire from the issues or farm of the county at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions,
as is contained more fully in the letters patent [CPR 1385–9, pp.494–5, CCR 1385–9, p.515]. Elizabeth held the 10 marks in dower of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , reversion to the earl as the son and heir of the late earl and Elizabeth, according to the form of the gift.
The 10 marks yearly are held of the king in chief by fealty.
Date of death as in 610. [Heir’s age not given.]
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 2 March 1426. [Fynderne]


Jurors: Robert Erlegh ; William Couentre of Shalbourne; Thomas Stokke ; John Benger, senior ; John Walrond ; John Sydelee ; John Polhampton ; Thomas Walrond ; Thomas Clerk ; Thomas Michell ; William Benette ; and John Vynce .

John Milborne of the city of Salisbury was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Barford St Martin, a messuage and 20 a. land in Barford with the office of forest bailiff in Groveley forest called ‘Southbaillif’. He granted these, described as his manor of Barford St Martin with all rents, lands, woods, meadows, pastures, wardships, marriages, reliefs, escheats, suit of court and each and every right and profit whatsoever, together with the office of forest bailiff in Groveley forest called ‘Southbayly’ and forest rent (sensus foreste) of Groveley forest, to John de Holand, late earl of Huntingdon , and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of the late earl’s body. The earl was seised in his demesne as of fee tail, and Elizabeth for life. After the late earl’s death, Elizabeth continued in this estate and died seised. She held as tenant for life of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , to whom the manor, messuage, land and office descended and should of right descend as the son and heir of the late earl according to the form of the gift.
The manor, messuage, land and office are held of the king in chief by knight service. In the manor there are houses and the site, worth nothing yearly; 400 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; £10 rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions; 20 a. wood, each acre worth 30s. when felled every 20th year, and this year worth nothing because they were cut 3 years ago; and 20 underwood, worth nothing yearly after its enclosure. The messuage is worth 6s. 8d. yearly; the 20 a. land are also worth 6s. 8d. yearly; the office of bailiff is worth nothing after the keeping of the forest; the forest rent is worth 3s. 4d. this year; and the perquisites of the court are worth 10s. yearly.
Date of death and heir as in 610.
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bedford. 31 December 1425. [J Cheyne]


Jurors: John Hamphyll ; Nicholas Raueneld ; Nicholas Lewys ; Edmund Geffrey ; John Hende ; Richard Stokes ; John Styward ; Thomas Cornys ; Henry May ; Adam Gaunge ; William R[unclear: o]uell; and John ?Roell [ms stained and worn].


Thomas de Holand, late earl of Kent , was seised in his demesne as of fee of

the manor of Stevington,
which he granted to John de Holand, late earl of Huntingdon , and Elizabeth de Lancastre , his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. They were seised in their demesne as of fee tail. John and then Elizabeth died seised. She held the manor for life as tenant in fee tail, lately jointly enfeoffed with the late earl, of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , to whom the manor descended as the son and heir of the late earl and Elizabeth.
The manor is held of the king in chief by service of 1/8 knight’s fee. In the manor there are houses, worth nothing yearly; the site, worth nothing yearly; 170 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 46 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 200 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 40 a. wood, each acre worth 10s. when felled every 8th year, and this year nothing because they were felled 3 years ago; 20 a. underwood, worth nothing after their enclosure; £10 3s. 4d. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions; and perquisites of the court, worth 20s. yearly.

Date of death and heir’s age as in 610.
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 6 December 1425. [Wynford]


Jurors: William Lumbard ; Simon Blike ; John Blakalre ; John Bathe, senior ; John Chelleworth ; John Jermyn ; William Burton ; Thomas Jermyn ; Richard Slade ; Roger Gugge ; Philip Batte ; and Richard Barbour .

She held
1/3 hundreds of Stone and Catsash
in dower by endowment of the late earl, of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , son and heir of the late earl.
The hundreds are held of the king in chief by fealty, the 1/3 worth 60s. yearly.
Date of death as in 610. [Heir’s age not given.]
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Barnstaple. 14 December 1425. [ Beaumont ]

[The ms is soiled and faint, with gall towards the foot.]


Jurors: Walter Pollard ; John Dymmok ; Henry Merwode ; Thomas Halle ; Thomas Pyllond ; Henry Person ; John Bury ; Thomas Kyngeslond ; John Chichestre ; Thomas Brightlegh ; Robert Grylleston ; and Thomas Cloteworthy .

She held the following in dower of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , son of the late earl, amongst other manors, lands and tenements appertaining to her which were the late earl’s.
Fremington, 1/3 of the manor and hundred, of the king in chief by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, annual value £20.
Barnstaple, the borough, of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee, annual value 7 marks.
South Molton, the borough, hundred and advowson of the church, of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, annual value £14 from assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.
Dartington, the advowson of the church, of the king in chief by fealty, annual value nil.
Winkleigh and Blackborough, 38s. 1 1/2d. rent, of the king by fealty.
Nicholas Tremayn , John Isaac and John Prous of Chagford were lately seised in their demesne as of fee of
the manor of Flete
1/3 manor of Holbeton,
which they granted to Isabel who was the wife of John Daumarle, chevalier , for life, remainder to the late earl and Elizabeth and the heirs of the earl’s body. Isabel was seised in her demesne as of her free tenement and died seised of this estate. The late earl and Elizabeth then entered by virtue of the remainder. Elizabeth continued in her estate after the earl’s death and died seised in her demesne as of her free tenement. She held the following knights’ fees in dower as before, annual values when they fall as shown.
Coryton, a knight’s fee which William Coryton holds, 20s.
Nether Exe, a knight’s fee which Thomas Flemyng holds, 13s. 4d.
Sourton, Therne and Kimworthy, a knight’s fee which Nicholas Tremayn holds, 10s.
Up Exe, 1/2 knight’s fee which Fulk Fitzwaryn’s heir holds, 6s. 8d.
Sourton and North Russell, 2 knights’ fees which William Spek holds, 23s. 4d.
Sutcombe and Merton, a knight’s fee which Ives Fitzwaryn holds, 16s. 8d.
Peadhill, 1/2 knight’s fee which Thomas Peadehill ’s heir holds, 6s. 8d.
Loxbeare, 1/2 knight’s fee which John Key...s holds, 3s. 4d.
Milford, 1/2 knight’s fee which John Bevyle holds, 5s.
Ashwater, 1 1/2 knights’ fees which William Carmynowe holds, 18s.
Walworthy, 1/2 knight’s fee which William Auenill ’s heir holds, 5s.
Henscott, 3 parts of a knight’s fee which Richard Heyngescote holds, 12s.
Buckland, 1 1/2 knights’ fees which John Fill holds,... [at least] 10[?s.] yearly.
Hartleigh and East Buckland,... which the same John Fill holds, 6s. 8d.
Roborough, a knight’s fee which Alexander Cloynge ’s heir holds,....
South Quarme with its members, a knight’s fee which Hugh Courtenay holds, 8s.
?Luscott, 1/2 knight’s fee which the prior of Taunton holds, 2s.
Wilmerssh, 1/4 knight’s fee which John Copleston holds, [?18d.]
?Comle, ?moiety of a knight’s fee which William Bonevile holds, 4s.
Herton and ...lond, 1/4 knight’s fee which Walter Herton ’s heir holds, [?12d.]
Campscott, 1/4 knight’s fee which John Kayl ’s heir holds, 18d.
Crakaway, 1/4 knight’s fee which Roger Pyr... holds, 12d.
Date of death and heir’s age as in 610.
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.11–12

Writ Head

616 [Writ: see 615 .]

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Lostwithiel. 17 December 1425. [Beaumont]


Jurors: Robert Heye ; John Trogasowe ; John Nicholl of Bodmin; John Lucombe ; Nicholas Cauell ; Gilbert Dreynoll ; Thomas Caleway ; William Rowe ; Thomas Tregorra ; John Mighelstowe, junior ; William Boneythyn ; and Hugh Pryske .

Richard II was seised in his demesne as of fee of the castle and manor of Trematon and the manors of Calstock and Saltash, which he granted to John de Holand, late earl of Huntingdon , and Elizabeth his wife and the male heirs of their bodies [CPR 1385–9, pp.494–5]. They were seised in their demesne as of fee tail. After the late earl died seised, Elizabeth continued in her estate and died seised. She held the castle and manors as tenant in fee tail of the inheritance of John earl of Huntingdon , to whom they descended as son and heir of the late earl and Elizabeth, according to the form of the grant. The castle and manors are held of the king of his duchy of Cornwall by service of 1/3 knight’s fee.
The site of the castle is worth nothing yearly after its enclosure.
In the manor of Trematon there are 200 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; £15 assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions; and perquisites of the court, worth 40s. yearly.
In the manor of Calstock there are the site and houses, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 312 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; £8 assize rents as above; and perquisites of the court, worth 30s. yearly.
In the manor of Saltash there are 204 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 24 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 400 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; £8 assize rents as above; and perquisites of the court, worth 20s. yearly.
Henry V‬, as Prince of Wales and duke of Cornwall before he became king, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the castle, park and manors of Restormel, Pelyn and Penknight, the boroughs and vills of Lostwithiel and Camelford and the manors of Tewington, Moresk and Tintagel. He granted these to John Cornewaill, chevalier , and Elizabeth his wife and widow of John de Holand, late earl of Huntingdon , for her life, reversion to the king and his heirs. John Cornewaill and Elizabeth were seised as of free tenement in this form. Afterwards, before he became king, by letters patent shown to the jurors and dated at Westminster, 10 November 1409, ‪Henry V‬, described as Henry first-born son of the illustrious King of England and France , Prince of Wales, duke of Aquitaine, Lancaster and Cornwall and earl of Chester, granted to John Cornewaill for his good and praiseworthy service, 40 marks annual rent for life after the death of Elizabeth his wife, from and in the castle, manors, boroughs and vills at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions from his receivers general, as is contained more fully in the letters patent. Elizabeth died seised of this estate. The castle, manors, park, boroughs and vills are held of the king of his duchy of Cornwall by fealty. Annual values: the castle, park and manors of Restormel, Pelyn and Penknight with the borough of Lostwithiel £30; the borough and vill of Camelford £4 5s. 4 1/4d.; the manor of Tewington [at least] £20;the manor of Moresk £20 10s.; and the manor of Tintagel ?£34 5s.
Date of death as in 610. [Heir’s age not given.]
TNA reference

C 139/24/32 mm.11, 13



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  • John Brook, junior
  • John Lokyn
  • John Campyon
  • William Huchon
  • John Dalton
  • John Ferour
  • John Heryng
  • John Snell
  • Walter Barbour
  • John Dare
  • William Atkyn
  • John Brain


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