Full text


Writ Head

513 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 12 August 1424. [Frank]

Regarding his date of death, the value of the manor of Winchfield with the advowson of the church there, held for life by grant of Juliane de Laybourne, late countess of Huntingdon, reversion to ‪ Edward III and his heirs, and the occupation and issues of the manor since his death.

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Hartfordbridge. 7 November 1424. [Mayne] [The ms is worn, soiled and torn.]


Jurors: Thomas Palmer ; John Harewell ; Henry Ser[?i]ll ; John Serell ; Richard Vaus ; Robert atte Deen ; Robert Knaptofte ; William atte Nassh ; John Normanton ; John Govere ; Thomas atte Wodde ; and Henry Sweyn .


Annual value of the manor of Winchfield, £10.

He died on 21 June 1417.

The dean and canons of the free chapel of St Stephen within Westminster Palace took the issues from the time of his death until now. ‪ Edward III founded a college of this chapel of a dean, 12 conventual friars, 13 vicars and other ministers as a chantry to perform divine service for the souls of his predecessors and successors. By letters patent dated at Havering-atte-Bower, 5 October 1376 and shown to the jurors, ‪ Edward III granted to the dean and canons of the chapel and their successors £510 yearly for their maintenance from himself and his heirs, as long as this value was attainable from lands and tenements or other immovable goods by ‪ Edward III and his heirs. At the time of this grant Thomas Crosse was dean.n513_002 By letters patent dated at Havering-atte-Bower, 6 October 1376 and similarly shown to the jurors, ‪ Edward III granted to John duke of Aquitane and Lancaster , his son, then King of Castile and Leon , Simon archbishop of Canterbury , John bishop of Lincoln , Henry then bishop of Worcester , William then Lord Latymere, John Kneuet , then Chancellor, Robert de Assheton , then Treasurer, Roger de Beauchampe , then Chamberlain, John de Ipres , then Steward of the Household, and Nicholas Carrewe , then Keeper of the Privy Seal, certain of the castles, manors, lordships, lands, tenements, rents and reversion which he had acquired from persons in Kent and other English counties, to hold to the duke and others and their heirs [CPR 1374 –7, p.347]. Long after this enfeoffment, ‪ Edward III appointed in his will that the college and other religious houses which he founded were to be endowed and enfeoffed with the these manors, lands, tenements, rents and reversions, to hold severally in perpetuity. After his death the late duke, bishop Henry, Robert, John de Ipres and Nicholas distributed the above, equally between the college and other religious houses according to ‪ Edward III ’s last will and ordinances. By their indented deed dated 16 June 1382 and similarly shown to the jurors, they granted and demised to farm to the dean, canons and their successors, for 40 years from Easter 1382, the following as their part of the above: the manors of Ashford with Burton, Buckwell, Eastling, ?Meresborough, Langley with the advowsons of the churches, franchises, warrens and other lordships pertaining to it, a parcel of meadow in Eynsford, Kent, the reversions of the manors of Elham and Coldbridge in Kent which William Strete , now deceased, then held for life, and the reversion of the same manor of Winchfield, Hampshire, which the same Robert Kymberley then held for life. This was in order that these manors etc. be assigned to the deans and canons in mortmain for their maintenance and as their perpetual endowment, rendering to the late duke, bishop Henry, Robert, John de Ipres and Nicholas or their assigns, £80 at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions for the first three years and then a rose at Midsummer for the remaining years of the 40-year term, as is clear more fully in the indented deed shown to the jurors. At the time of this grant William Sleford was dean of the college, and Robert Kymberley , then tenant of the manor of Winchfield, attorned to him by his deed of attornment, dated 27 February 1384 and shown to the jurors, and by payment of 4d.‪ Richard II , by letters patent, dated at Shrewsbury, 6 February 1398 and shown to the jurors [CPR 1397–9, p.316], in fulfilment of ‪ Edward III ’s last will, had granted the manors of Ashford with Burton, Buckwell, Eastling, ?Meresborough, the parcel of meadow in Eynsford, and the manors of Elham and Coldbridge with the advowsons of churches, knights’ fees, warrens, fisheries, wardships, marriages, relief, escheat, rents, leets, services, franchises, customary rights, privileges and all other matters and profits pertaining to the manors, meadow or any other part of these, to the dean, canons and their successors. He had granted further by these letters patent and his licence, for himself and his heirs, that... the remainder of the manor of Winchfield with the advowson of its church, which Robert Kymberley held for life with reversion to the late duke and the bishop of Lincoln , the other co-feoffees having died, to the dean and canons and successors, to celebrate mass in the chapel in perpetuity by way of their maintenance and endowment to the amount of £510; this grant discharging the obligation of ‪ Richard II and his heirs, the statute of mortmain or any other statute prohibiting this notwithstanding. The late duke and bishop of Lincoln , by their separate deeds, both dated 24 May 1398 and similarly shown to the jurors, remised and released all their right in the manors of Elham, Ashford with Burton, Buckwell, Coldbridge, Eastling, ?Meresborough, Langley, with the advowsons of churches, franchises, parks, warrens, and all manner of lordships pertaining to the manors, and in the parcel of meadow in Eynsford, Kent, and in the manor of Winchfield and its advowson, to the dean and canons and their successors. Nicholas Slake was then the dean. For this reason and title, the dean and canons have taken the issues of the manor of Winchfield since the death of Robert Kymberley .

TNA reference

C 139/20/33 mm.1–2

E 149/134/15 m.1


Exchequer copy has the following extent. In the manor there are 105 a. arable, worth 29s. 9d. yearly; 11 1/2 a. meadow, worth 21s. yearly; 10 a. pasture, worth 9s. yearly; and 100s. 3d. rent from tenements held by tenants of the manor at will. These parcels amount to £8 yearly.

n513_002^: Exchequer copy then has the following. By virtue of these letters patent William Sleford was appointed dean of the college.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Winchfield, Winchfield, Winchfield, advowson of its church, Winchfield, advowson, Winchfield
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal




  • Thomas Palmer
  • John Harewell
  • Henry Ser[?i]ll
  • John Serell
  • Richard Vaus
  • Robert atte Deen
  • Robert Knaptofte
  • William atte Nassh
  • John Normanton
  • John Govere
  • Thomas atte Wodde
  • Henry Sweyn


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