Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Barking. 26 November 1425. [Stokdale]


Jurors: John Smalwel ; Peter Vynte ; John Hervy ; John Prince ; John Lukton ; John Benyngton ; John Grace ; Thomas Thresshere ; William Shouke ; John Malmayn ; John Wodeward ; and John Fulke .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service. He held 1/3 of 1/2 manor of Woodham Mortimer by curtesy after the death of Philippe his wife, of the inheritance of Joan Courtenay and Eleanor Courtenay , daughters and heirs of Philippe.

Woodham Mortimer. The 1/3 is held of the king of the honour of Peverel by knight service, annual value 26s. 8d.

Joan is aged 14 years and more, Eleanor 13 years and more. He died on 6 March last. Edward Courtenay is his son and next heir, aged 9 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/17/30 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition [indented]. Barnstaple. 13 April 1425. [Beaumont]


Jurors: John Chechestre ; John Hacche ; Henry Person ; Thomas Kyngeslond ; Thomas Cleteworthy ; William Wollecombe ; ... Southcote [ms torn]; Richard Mounceaux ; Thomas Fyssherton ; Thomas Roweston ; John Lovewill ; and John Hayne .


He was seised by curtesy after the death of Elizabeth his wife, of the inheritance of Elizabeth wife of Richard Hankeford, esquire , of the manor of Braunton with the hundred and borough there, and the advowson of the free chantry of Forde, all belonging to the manor. Elizabeth wife of Richard is the kinswoman and heir of Elizabeth his late wife, being the daughter of Fulk Fitzwaryn, son of Elizabeth his late wife, and aged 21 years and more.

Braunton. The manor with hundred, borough and advowson is held of the king in chief by knight service. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 2 water-mills, worth 40s. yearly; 166 a. arable, worth £4 15d. yearly; 26 a. meadow, worth 28s. 4d. yearly; 80 a. pasture, worth 21s. 6d. yearly; £11 18s. 11d. assize rents at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas in equal portions from free tenants; and perquisites of the hundred court, worth 40s. yearly. In the borough there are £6 11... [ms worn and galled] assize rents at Michaelmas from free burgess tenants.
He held 53s. 4d. rent-seck from the manor of Uffculme at Michaelmas only, by curtesy as above.
He held the following manors by curtesy after the death of Philippe his wife, of the inheritance of Joan and Eleanor, daughters and next heirs of Philippe, Joan aged 13 years and more, Eleanor 12 years and more. The manors of Haccombe, Ringmore and Coombe Hall are held of Thomas Courtenay , son and heir of Hugh Courtenay, knight, late earl of Devon , and a minor in the king’s wardship, by knight service.
Haccombe, the manor with the advowson of Haccombe church belonging to it, and the chantry there to which the church of Quethiock in Cornwall pertains and is appropriated. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 2 curtilages and 3 gardens, worth 20s. yearly; 40 a. arable, worth 20s. yearly; 4 a. meadow, worth 4s. yearly; 40 a. wood, its pasture worth 13s. 4d. yearly; and £6 ?7s. 8d. assize rents at the same four annual terms as above in equal portions from free tenants there. The advowson of Haccombe church and chantry is worth nothing yearly.
Ringmore, the manor, in which there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly, and £8 assize rents as above.
Coombe Hall, the manor, in which there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 100s. assize rents as above.
Come Nytherton, the manor, of Benedict Archebold , service unknown, in which there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 40s. assize rents as above.
Shobrooke, the manor, of the duchess of Clarence, service unknown, in which there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 4 a. wood, its pasture worth 12d. yearly; and £8 12d. assize rents as above.
Milton, the manor, of Richard Whytteley , service unknown, in which there are a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and £14 assize rents as above.
Robert Stobbehull, senior , Edward Legh, clerk , and John Paselew were lately seised of the following in their demesne as of fee.
Goodrington, the manor, held of the heir of the earl of March, service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 120 a. arable, worth 60s. yearly; 10 a. meadow, worth 40s. yearly; 12 a. wood, its pasture worth 3d. yearly; and £4 19s. 9d. assize rents as above.
the manors, held of Philip Boterford , service unknown.
In the manor of South Allington there are 6 messuages, worth nothing yearly; ?600 a. arable, worth 60s. yearly; 12 a. meadow, worth 5s. 8d. yearly; 40 a. heath worth 12d. yearly; and 26s. 8d. assize rents as above.
In the manor of Stancomben457_a there are 3 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 300 a. arable, worth 40s. yearly; 9 a. meadow, worth 5s. yearly; 6 a. wood, its pasture worth 2s. yearly; 33 a. heath, worth 2s. yearly; and 31s. assize rents as above.
Paignton, a messuage, worth...d. yearly, 12 a. land, worth 2s. yearly and 4 a. meadow, worth 4s. yearly, held with
Stokenham, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, 10 a. land, worth 2s. yearly and 2 a. meadow, worth 2s. yearly,
of the bishop of Exeter in free burgage. Long before Hugh’s death and by their indented charter shown to the jurors and dated 24 June 1419, they granted and confirmed these manors, messuages, land and meadow, described as all their messuages, lands and tenements, rents, reversions and services in Goodrington, Paignton, South Allington, Stokenham and Stancomben457_a which they lately had by gift and enfeoffment of Hugh, to Hugh described as Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight , and Maud his wife, who survives, and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to Hugh’s right heirs, as is contained more fully in the charter. Hugh and Maud were seised and Hugh died seised jointly of this estate with Maud who survives. John Bonvyle, senior , was lately seised in his demesne as of fee of 100 a. arable, 4 a. meadow, 200 a. wood, 300 a. gorse and heath and 6s. rent in Skerraton. Long before Hugh’s death and by his indented charter shown to the jurors, John granted and confirmed these, described as [all] his messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in Skerraton, to Hugh described as Hugh Courtenay of Haccombe, knight , Magister Michael ..., clerk, n457_001 Matthew Donne, clerk , Geoffrey Veale, clerk , Thomas Pay, clerk , and Richard Whytlok , and Hugh’s heirs and assigns, for 80 years following the date of the charter dated at Skerraton, 24 August 1423.n457_002 Hugh, Michael, Matthew, Geoffrey, Thomas and Richard were seised. Afterwards [sic], John Bonvyle in possession of the above, by his deed similarly shown to the jurors and dated at Skerraton, 14 September 1422,n457_003 quitclaimed for himself and his heirs all his right in the tenements to the same Hugh, Michael, Matthew, Geoffrey, Thomas and Richard and the heirs and assigns of Hugh, as is contained more fully in the deed. The king by letters patent [CPR 1422–9, p.292] similarly shown to the jurors, pardoned Hugh, Michael, Matthew, Geoffrey, Thomas and Richard for their transgressions, the tenements being held of the king in chief. Hugh died seised of this estate jointly with Michael, Matthew, Geoffrey, Thomas and Richard who all survive.
Skerraton, 100 a. arable, worth 40s. yearly; 4 a. meadow 10s. yearly; the pasture of the 200 a. wood, worth 20s. yearly; and 300 a. gorse and heath, worth 20s. yearly. They are held of the king in chief by service of 1/6 knight’s fee
He held the following in his demesne as of fee.
Donningstone, 50 a. arable, worth 13s. 4d. yearly, 12 a. meadow, worth 6s. yearly, and 6 a. wood, its pasture worth 8d. yearly, of the abbot of Torre , service unknown.
Totnes, 12 messuages, worth 15s. yearly, and 12 gardens, worth 15s. yearly, of Lord de la... in free burgage.

He died on 5 March last. Edward Courtenay is his son and next heir, and son and next heir of himself and Maud by virtue of the entail, and is aged 8 years and more.

[Foot:] William Whitfeld delivered this inquisition into Chancery.

TNA reference

C 139/17/30 mm.3, 10

Writ Head

458 [Writ: see 457 .]

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition [indented]. Kilkhampton. 5 May 1425. [Beaumont]


Jurors: Robert Pyne ; William Westecote ; John Taster ; John Bassell ; John Baye ; John Baly of Otterham ; William Kayrowe ; Richard atte Berne ; William Smyth ; Robert Dene ; Walter Hatherlegh ; and John Person .


He held the manors of Bejowan and Domellick by curtesy of the inheritance of Philippe his late wife by reason of their children, reversion to Joan and Eleanor and their heirs, as daughters of Hugh and Philippe and next heirs of Philippe, Joan aged 13 years and more, Eleanor 12 years and more.

The manor of Bejowan is held of the prior of Bodmin of his manor of Rialton in socage by fealty, annual value 15s.
The manor of Domellick is held of John Arundell, knight , service unknown, annual value 20s.

Date of death and his heir as in 457.

TNA reference

C 139/17/30 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Richards Castle. 24 November 1425. [Croft]


Jurors: Richard Waties ; Richard Leone ; William Holle ; John Yonge ; William Kent ; Richard Baby ; John Dounewode ; Thomas Pagy ; Thomas Graunt ; Thomas Robyns ; John Garewey ; and John Willy .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service.

He held 1 a. land in Richards Castle by curtesy after the death of Philippe his wife of the inheritance of Joan Courtenay and Eleanor Courtenay , daughters and heirs of Philippe, aged respectively 14 years and more and 13 years and more. The acre was lately a part of the manor of Richards Castle and held of the king in chief by knight service, and worth 4d. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 456.

TNA reference

C 139/17/30 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton. 18 April 1425. [Wyneford]


Jurors: John Peny ; John Gylden ; Thomas Cave ; John Milborne ; Gilbert Glanellesheighe ; John Cave ; Ralph Sargeo... [ms worn]; William Magot ; William Galyot ; William Gale ; Robert Crosse ; and Robert Pytte .

He held the following by curtesy after the death of Elizabeth his wife, of the inheritance of Elizabeth wife of Richard Hankeford, esquire , who survives, as daughter of Fulk Fitzwaryn, son of Elizabeth his late wife.
Wigborough, 2/3 manor, held with the 1/3 of the king in chief by service of being usher of the king’s chamber. In the 2/3 there are 8 messuages, worth nothing yearly; 2 gardens, worth 2s. yearly; 120 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and £4 assize rents from free tenants at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions.
?Over Stratton, a messuage and 40 a. land, held of Giles Daubeney, chevalier , service unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.
Edward Courtenay, late earl of Devon and lord of Okehampton, was lately seised of the following in his demesne as of fee. By his indented charter shown to the jurors and dated at Tiverton, 18 May 1414, Edward granted these together with other lands and tenements in Dorset – described as his manors and advowsons of Hynton and Mudford in Somerset and of Corton in Dorset, with the manors’ homages and services both free and villein, reversions and profits, and all lands and tenements in these manors and in Yeovil, Kingstone, Bishop’s Hull and Chard – to Hugh described as Hugh Courtenay , his brother, and the male heirs of his body, as is contained more fully in the charter. Hugh died seised of this estate.
Hynton, the manor, held of the abbot of St Mary of Graces by the tower of London, service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; a grist-mill, worth 20s. yearly; 3 carucates, each worth 40s. yearly; and 60s. assize rents from tenants at the four principal annual terms as above.
Mudford, the manor, held of Walter Romsy , service unknown. In the manor there are a carucate, worth 40s. yearly, and £8 assize rents as above.
Yeovil, 2 messuages, worth 6s. 8d. yearly,
held of the earl of March’s heirs in socage by fealty.
Kingstone, 2 messuages, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, held similarly.
Bishop’s Hull, a messuage and 40 [also given as 30] a. land, worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held similarly.
Chard, a messuage and 1 a. meadow, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, held similarly.
He held in his demesne as of fee
4 messuages, 80 a. arable and 6 a. meadow in Nightcott in the parish of Brushford, Somerset, of William Bryt , service unknown, annual value 6s. 8d.

Date of death and his heir as in 457. Elizabeth wife of Richard Hankeford, esquire , is aged 21 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/17/30 mm.7, 9

Writ Head

461 [Writ: see 460 .]

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 20 April 1425. [Wynford]


Jurors: William Turbervyle ; Thomas Faryngdon ; Robert Pokeswill ; Robert Trewithosa ; John Estoke ; Brian Jerard ; Nicholas Syfrewaste ; Roland Hynton ; William Tydenham ; John Moigne ; John Jurdan ; and John Skot .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or service. Edward Courtenay, late earl of Devon and lord of Okehampton , was lately seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Corton and advowson of a chantry there. He granted these to Hugh by the charter detailed in 460. Hugh died seised of this estate.

Corton. The manor and advowson are held of the earl of March’s heirs, service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 5 carucates, each worth 40s. yearly; and 66s. 8d. assize rents paid by the hands of tenants at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions.

Date of death and his heir as in 457.

TNA reference

C 139/17/30 mm.7–8

Writ Head

462 Writs de partitione facienda. 28 July 1426. [Wymbyssh]n462_001

Separate writs to the escheator of Essex and of Devon and Cornwall ordering partition of lands held by Hugh Courtenay, chevalier , of the king by curtesy after the death of Philippe his wife, of the inheritance of Joan and Eleanor her daughters and heirs [CFR 1422–30, p.135]. Partition, into two equal parts, to be in the presence of Nicholas Carewe, esquire , who has proved the age of Joan his wife [below, 679], and Joan and the next friends of Eleanor forewarned by the escheator, or her attorneys: one part, with delivery of seisin, to Nicholas and Joan; the other to Eleanor, to be retained in the king’s hands due to her minority. Reference also made to the escheator of Herefordshire having taken fealty of Nicholas.

[Head of Essex writ:] In originalia 4 ‪Henry VI, roll 12.

Inquisition Head

[Partitions not extant.]
TNA reference

E 149/134/14 mm.2-3



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Bejowan, Domellick, Bejowan
Total: -
Bejowan, Domellick, Domellick
Total: -



No holding extent information available.




  • Robert Pyne
  • William Westecote
  • John Taster
  • John Bassell
  • John Baye
  • John Baly of Otterham
  • William Kayrowe
  • Richard atte Berne
  • William Smyth
  • Robert Dene
  • Walter Hatherlegh
  • John Person


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