Full text


Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Warwick. 12 May 1425. [Laithebury]


Jurors: William Halford ; Robert Por[?t]er [ms soiled and worn]; John Lamprey ; John Durant ; Robert Crook ; Thomas Barell ; John Warde ; William Fraunceys ; John Prudhomme ; Roger Bardulf ; John ?Knybbe ; and John Furner .


He held the

manor of Kingston,
a cottage and 2 a. land in Chesterton
a messuage and 1/2 virgate in Burton Dassett
, jointly enfeoffed with John Wakeryng, late bishop of Norwich , deceased, and William Fitzwaryn , Thomas Estbury , Thomas Somerton and Thomas Coventre , who survive, by gift and enfeoffment of John Bylon and William Ryley . Described as the manor of Kingston with all their lands and tenements in Kingston, Chesterton, and Burton Dassett, John and William enfeoffed Peter, the bishop described as John Wakeryng, clerk , William Fitzwaryn , Thomas Estbury , Thomas Somerton and Thomas Coventre , and Master Ralph Grenehurst , John Wilcotes , Nicholas Samburn , Walter Burton , John Eburton and Adam Hethensale , all now deceased, their heirs and assigns, as is clear in their charter shown to the jurors and dated at ?Bessels Leigh (Legh) 1 September 1412. The manor, cottage, messuage and land are held of the abbot of Abingdon , service unknown, annual value £10.

He died on 2 March last. Robert Cramford is his next heir as son of Margaret daughter of Alice sister of John father of Katherine mother of this Peter, and is aged 50 years.


William Fitzwauter delivered this to court.

TNA reference

C 139/17/28 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Bridgwater. 6 June 1425. [Wyndford]


Jurors: William Cloutesham ; William Halsewell ; John Maun[?s]ell ; John Orchard ; Richard A... [ms soiled]; Gilbert Claneshey ; William Magot ; William Note ; John Bayly ; John Galampton ; John Broun ; and William Burton .


He held the

and the
advowson of the priory of Barlinch
jointly enfeoffed with the same feoffees detailed in 447 by enfeoffment of John Bylon alias John Belon, chaplain , and Thomas Broun alias Thomas Bron alias Thomas Broune, chaplain . John and Thomas enfeoffed all the feoffees detailed as in 447, and their heirs and assigns, with the manor and advowson described as the manor of King’s Brompton with the provernatus of the priory of Barlinch with wardships, marriages, reliefs, escheats and everything else pertaining to the manor, as is clear more fully in their charter shown to the jurors and dated at Buckland, Berkshire, 1 September 1412. Ralph Grenehurst died and ‪Henry V‬, by letters patent dated at Westminster, 23 November 1413, and similarly shown to the jurors, pardoned the late bishop described as John Wakeryng, clerk , John Wilcotes , Peter Besyles, knight , Nicholas Samburn , William Fitzwaryn , Thomas Estbury , Walter Burton , Thomas Somerton , John Eberton , Adam Hethensale and Thomas Coventre , then seised in this estate of the manor of King’s Brompton with the advowson, for every kind of gift, alienation and purchase made by them jointly of lands and tenements held of ‪Henry V‬ without licence before 15 May 1413.
King’s Brompton. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 100s.

Date of death and heir as in 447.

TNA reference

C 139/17/28 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Burford. 27 April 1425. [Danvers]


Jurors: Thomas Hastynges ; William Coteler ; Nicholas Wrenne ; Richard Fremantell ; Robert Carpenter ; John [?B]untyng [ms torn]; Thomas Vyncent ; John Tryllyng ; John Stretende ; John Abraham ; William Egiard ; and John Faellore .


He held the manor of Radcot jointly enfeoffed according to the enfeoffment of John Bylon and Thomas Broun detailed in 448. The same feoffees seised of this estate in the manor were pardoned according to the same letters patent detailed in 448.

Radcot. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks.
He held the manor of Grafton, a messuage with adjacent croft in Clanfield, a water-mill with fishery in the River Thames, 2 parcels of meadow called ‘Millehamme’ and ‘Tyttesey’, 22 a. meadow called ‘Pennemede’ and 3 a. meadow called ‘Marismede’ in Radcot, a moiety of a messuage, 7 virgates, 15 a. meadow, 23s. rent and a moiety of a messuage in Grafton and Langford, jointly enfeoffed with the same feoffees as in 447 by gift and enfeoffment of John Bylon and William Ryley , chaplains. Described as the manor of Grafton with all their lands and tenements in that vill, the messuage with adjacent croft as all their lands and tenements in Clanfield, the water-mill and Thames fishery, 2 parcels of meadow etc. as above, 22 a. meadow etc. as above, the moiety of the messuage etc. as above, as all their lands and tenements in Grafton and Langford in Oxfordshire and Berkshire, John and William enfeoffed all the feoffees detailed in 448, as is clear in their charter dated 1 September 1412 and shown to the jurors. The manor and all the above lands and tenements are held in chief of the prior of Noyon sur Andelle by service of 40s., annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 447.

TNA reference

C 139/17/28 mm.5–6

Writ Head

450 [Writ: see 449 .]

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Abingdon. 27 September 1425. [Danvers]


Jurors: Richard Hulcote ; Richard Wyghtham ; Roger Bosse ; John Longe ; William Neweman ; Nicholas Longe ; Robert Yorke ; John Wodhull ; Nicholas Frankeleyn ; Henry Samon ; John Felice ; and John Sexteyn .


He held a capital messuage and 21 other messuages, 7 cottages, 34 virgates, 30 a. meadow, 50 a. pasture, 13s. 4d. and 1lb. cumin rent from free tenants in Buckland, a several fishery in the River Thames from Carswell to ‘Sewelleswater’ with 2 weirs, jointly enfeoffed by the enfeoffment of John Bylon and Thomas Broun detailed in 448. The lands in the enfeoffment were described as the manor of Buckland with all other lands and tenements which John Bylon and Thomas Bron had in Buckland. The same feoffees seised of this estate were pardoned according to the same letters patent detailed in 448. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee, annual value 40 marks.
He held a messuage and a carucate called ‘Ingrams’ in Buckland jointly enfeoffed with the same feoffees as in 447 by enfeoffment of William Ryley, clerk , and John Waget . William and John enfeoffed all the feoffees detailed as in 447, their heirs and assigns, with the messuage and carucate, described as all their lands, tenements, rents and services in Buckland which they had lately by enfeoffment of Mary who was the wife of William Moigne, chevalier , and John Stodele of St Ives , as is clear in their charter dated at Buckland, 2 August 1412. The messuage and carucate are held of the abbot of Abingdon , service unknown, annual value 5 marks.
He held the manor of Carswell and 3 a. meadow in Cumnor jointly enfeoffed by the enfeoffment detailed in 448.
Carswell. The manor is held of the dean and chapter of Windsor by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value £10.
Cumnor, the 3 a. meadow are held of the abbot of Abingdon, service unknown, annual value 3s.
He held the manor of Bessels Leigh, 19s. rent from various tenants in Abingdon and 19s. rent in ?Dry Sandford belonging to the manor of Bessels Leigh, and 1/3 of 1/2 manor of Longworth called ‘Hydeplace’ in Longworth, Fyfield and Swerderswyke, jointly enfeoffed with the same feoffees as in 447 by enfeoffment of John Bylon and William Ryley , chaplains. John and William enfeoffed all the feoffees detailed as in 447, their heirs and assigns, with the manor, rents and third part, described as the manor of Bessels Leigh, all their lands and tenements in Abingdon, Eaton, Cumnor, Bessels Leigh, Dry Sandford and the reversion of 1/3 of 1/2 manor of Longworth etc. as above, which William Somerton lately held for life, as is clear in their charter shown to the jurors and dated at Bessels Leigh, 1 September 1412. The manor of Bessels Leigh and 1/3 manor of Longworth with the rents are held of the abbot of Abingdon , service unknown.
Annual value of the manor of Bessels Leigh with the rents, 6 marks, annual value of
1/3 manor of Longworth 40s.

Date of death and heir as in 447.

TNA reference

C 139/17/28 mm.5, 7



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  • Thomas Hastynges
  • William Coteler
  • Nicholas Wrenne
  • Richard Fremantell
  • Robert Carpenter
  • John [?B]untyng
  • Thomas Vyncent
  • John Tryllyng
  • John Stretende
  • John Abraham
  • William Egiard
  • John Faellore


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