Full text


Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition [indented]. Guildhall. 5 May 1425. [Michell] [The ms is faint, soiled and holed.]


Jurors: Thomas Whyte ; William Penne ; Richard Leke ; Richard Tredeek ; John Bat... ; Thomas Warewyk ; Simon Frank ; John Sparewe ; Robert Pritwell ; John Parker ; John Thorn ; and John Parys .


He held a town-house and 6 shops with solars above, in his demesne as of fee of the king in free burgage as the whole of the city is held. The town-house, waste and derelict, is in the parish of St Benet Paul’s Wharf in Castle Baynard ward, annual value nil because... derelict. Two of the shops are in the same parish and ward, each is worth 5s. yearly, and 4 shops are in the parish of St Peter Paul’s Wharf in the same ward, each is worth 5s. yearly.

He died on 11 January last. William Fitzhugh, chevalier , is his son and next heir, aged 26 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/16/27 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Warsop. 10 April 1425. [Macworth]


Jurors: Henry Carleton ; Edmund Asshurst ; John Aubreson ; William Dancasture ; Richard Parkar ; Thomas Draper ; John Grene ; William Richardson ; William Hewetson ; John Pybley ; William Wygethorp ; and Thomas Marshall .


He held the following in his demesne as of fee.

Carlton in Lindrick, the manor, in which there are the site with a hall, 10 chambers, a buttery, a pantry, a kitchen, 3 stables and 2 barns, worth nothing yearly after their maintenance and repair; 280 a. demesne arable, worth nothing yearly because uncultivated and untenanted; 80 a. land, waste and unoccupied, worth nothing yearly; 18 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly after the parker’s fee; 300 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; 500 a. moor not demised to farm for want of tenant, worth nothing yearly after the rights of common which various men of the vill have in the moor; a pasture called ‘Walkmylnzerdes’ containing 6 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 9 messuages, each worth 18d, yearly; a water-mill for corn, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 6 bovates, each worth 3s. yearly; 58 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 14 swathes of meadow, each worth 1/2d. yearly; 41s. 11d. free assize rents from lands and tenements of tenants of the manor, at Lady Day and Nativity of Mary in equal portions; and a court whose perquisites are worth nothing after the fees of the steward and clerk of the court. The manor is held of the king, of his honour of Tickhill of his duchy of Lancaster, by knight service and paying to the king at Michaelmas 10s. for ‘Wardfyn’ and 4s. as feudal aid of the sheriff, otherwise called ‘Sheryfstuth’.
Kingston, the manor in which there are a plot of land, worth nothing yearly, vacant and untenanted, containing 3 roods upon which stood the manor’s dwelling-house called ‘le maner place’; a messuage, worth 18d. yearly; a bovate, worth 3s. yearly; and £6 14s. 7 1/4d. free assize rents from lands and tenements of various tenants of the manor, at the same feasts as above in equal portions. The manor is held of the king in socage, paying 6d. at Michaelmas to the king through the sheriff.

Date of death and heir as in 443. [The Derbyshire inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]

[Foot:] This inquisition was delivered into the Chancery by the proper escheator.
TNA reference

C 139/16/27 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Morpeth. 7 April 1425. [Midelton]


Jurors: John Maynesforth ; Nicholas Raymes ; Thomas Midelton ; William Coverdale ; John Trewyk ; John Cotour ; William Swynbourne ; John Chambre ; Gilbert Boyd ; John Dichand ; John Thornton ; and John Baron .


He held the following lands and tenements in his demesne as of fee tail by gift and enfeoffment of John Bulmer and Tiffany his wife to Henry son of Hugh, in frank-marriage with Eve their daughter, and the heirs of their bodies. Right in the lands and tenements descended from Henry and Eve to Henry Fitzhugh as their kinsman and heir as son of Henry son of Henry son of Henry son of Hugh and Eve, according to the form of the gift.

Longhirst, a garden, worth 4d. yearly; 40 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 2 a. meadow, each worth 18d. yearly; 14 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 4 husbandlands, each worth 2s. 4d. yearly; and 4 cottages, each worth 12d. yearly.
Old Moor, a messuage, worth 12d. yearly; 40 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 2 a. meadow, each acre worth 18d. yearly; 2 husbandlands, each worth 2s. 6d. yearly; 1/3 husbandland, worth 12d. yearly; 2 cottages, each worth 12d. yearly; 1/3 cottage, worth 6d. yearly; and 2s. 2 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/2d. free assize rents from John Richardson ’s lands and tenements at Martinmas and Pentecost in equal portions.
Ashington, 13s. 4d. free assize rents from lands and tenements formerly Beatrice de Esshenden’s, at the same feasts in equal portions.
East Chevington or West Chevington, 48 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 2 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 3 roods of pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 3 messuages, each worth 18d. yearly; 3 husbandlands, each worth 3d. yearly; 2 cottages, each worth 12d. yearly; and 6d. free assize rents from a piece of land called ‘Spitelgarth’, at the same feasts in equal portions.
Morwick, 20 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 2 a. demesne meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly; 4 cottages, each worth 12d. yearly; 4 husbandlands, each worth 4s. yearly; 8 a. foreland, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 1/2 a. land, worth 1d. yearly; and 9s. 6d. free assize rents from a water-mill for corn at the same feasts in equal portions.
Reaveley, 20 a. demesne land, 3 messuages, 3 wasted cottages, 3 husbandlands and 1/3 husbandland, worth nothing because they lie waste and unoccupied near the forest of Cheviot.
The lands and tenements in Longhirst, Old Moor and Ashington are held of John Bertram, chevalier , of his barony of Bothal, service unknown. The lands and tenements in East or West Chevington and Morwick are held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , of his barony of Alnwick, service unknown.
The lands and tenements in Reaveley are held of the same earl, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 443.

TNA reference

C 139/16/27 mm.5–6

Writ Head

Writ [unclassified]. ‡ 30 April 1425. [Prestwyk]

Eschaetor ordered, by the king on the advice and assent of the Lords spiritual and temporal and the Commons in parliament, to return previous writ of diem clausit extremum with its corresponding inquisition to the Chancery by the following 7 August, and, on pain of £100, not to neglect to hold any other inquisition ordered by virtue of the king’s writ after that day.

[Foot:] By petition in parliament [Rotuli Parliamentorum, IV, p.288, no.3].

[Dorse:] The writ of diem clausit extremum with its corresponding inquisition before the king in his Chancery at the named day according to form of this writ.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. York castle. 6 July 1425. [Scargyll]

[The Chancery ms is galled or otherwise stained and the calendar is based on the Exchequer version, which omits the jurors.]


Jurors: William Wylson ; Robert Horwod ; Richard Wodde ; John Holden ; Richard Wakynson ; Richard [?Nort]hagh ; ... ... ; ... Botyler ; Thomas S... ; John S... ; William F[?a]wdon ; and Roger Fawdon .


By gift of William de Burneton to Hugh son of Henry and his heirs by Aubrey his wife, he held in his demesne as of fee tail the following manors, advowson, tofts and land, right in which descended from Hugh to Henry Fitzhugh as his kinsman and heir as son of Henry son of Henry son of Henry son of Hugh by Aubrey his wife, according to the form of the gift.

Thringarth, the manor, in which there are the wasted site, worth nothing yearly; and 2 parks – ‘West Park’ worth £4 yearly after the parker’s fee and maintenance of the beasts of the chase, and ‘Thryngarth Park’ worth 60s. after the parker’s fee and maintenance of the beasts of the chase.
Dent, the manor, in which there are the site with a tower partly built, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 46 messuages with 46 crofts and 46 closes belonging to them, worth £18 15s. 8d. yearly, namely each messuage 18d. yearly, each croft 20d. yearly and each close 5s. yearly; a water-mill, worth 40s. yearly; 9s. free assize rents from free tenants at Martinmas and Pentecost in equal portions; 300 harvest boon-works, worth 35s. yearly; a fishery in the water of Dent, worth 12d. yearly; and 2 courts held annually whose profits and perquisites are each worth 10s. yearly.
Sedburgh, the manor, in which there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 60 a. demesne land, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; a water-mill, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 20 cottages with 20 crofts and 20 closes adjacent to the cottages, worth £4 yearly, namely each cottage 12d. yearly, each croft 12d. yearly and each close 2s. yearly; 12 1/4d. free assize rents from free tenants at the same feasts in equal portions; 4 qrs. and 3 bu. of oats from tenants at will at the same feasts, price of each qr. 12d. and of each bu. 1 1/2d.; and 2 courts held annually whose perquisites and profits are each worth in normal years 3s. 4d. yearly after the steward’s fee.
Staveley, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 5 bovates of demesne land, each worth 10s. yearly; 10 built messuages, each worth 20d. yearly; 300 bovates held at will, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 6 built cottages with 6 crofts belonging to them, worth 20s. yearly, namely each cottage 20d. yearly and each croft 20d. yearly; a water-mill, worth 20s. yearly; 6s. 6d. free assize rents from free tenants at the same feasts in equal portions; a pasture and turbary called ‘Staynelaykes’, whose agistment on the sale of turves and bent-grass is worth 10s. yearly; and a court whose perquisites are worth 3s. 4d. yearly after the steward’s fee in normal years.
and the advowsons of the churches,
worth £10
100 marks respectively
Burnsall the advowson of the moiety of the church, worth £10 yearly.
Cold Ingleby, 7 tofts, each worth 12d. yearly, and 7 bovates, each worth 2s. 8d. yearly.
He held the manor of Barwick in his demesne as of fee tail by the gift of William de Burneton to Hugh son of Henry and Aubrey his wife and Henry’s heirs by Aubrey. Right in the manor descended from Hugh and Aubrey to Henry Fitzhugh as detailed above.
Barwick. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 28 bovates, each worth 7s. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 3s. yearly; a fishery in the River Tees, which should pay 100s. yearly but is now worth only 5s. yearly; and a crossing (passagium) over the River Tees, worth nothing yearly for want of a boat there.
He held the manor of Thorpe under Stone in his demesne as of fee tail by grant of Richard de Ravensworth, chaplain , and Alan de Burton to Henry son of Henry son of Henry son of Hugh, and the heirs of his body. Right in the manor descended from this Henry to Henry Fitzhugh as his son and heir according to the form of the gift.
Thorpe under Stone. In the manor there are 2 messuages, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and 60 a. land, each acre worth 5d. yearly.
He held the following manors in his demesne as of fee tail by grant of Richard Page, chaplain , and Alan de Burton to Henry son of Henry son of Henry son of Hugh, and the heirs of his body. Right descended from this Henry to Henry Fitzhugh as his son and heir according to the form of the gift.
Fremington, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 8 messuages, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 140 a. land held at will, each acre worth 8d. yearly; a meadow called ‘le brade enge’ containing 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 8 cottages, each worth 6d. yearly; 8 crofts, each worth 12d. yearly; rents of 15 hens from tenants at will at Christmas only; 52s. 8d. and 1lb. cumin free assize rents from free tenants at the same feasts [Martinmas and Pentecost] in equal portions; and a court whose perquisites and profits are worth 2s. yearly in normal years after the steward’s fee.
West Applegarth, the manor, in which there are a messuage, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 60 a. meadow and 30 a. pasture in a close called ‘le Park’, worth £4 15s, namely each acre of meadow 18d. yearly and each acre of meadow 2d. yearly; and 40 a. substantial timber, worth nothing yearly.
Little Leeming, the manor, in which there are a messuage, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 50 a. land, each acre worth 4 1/2d. yearly; 3 a. meadow, each acre worth 13d. yearly; 4 cottages, wasted, each worth 13d. yearly; 3s. 4d. free assize rents from free tenants there at the same feasts in equal portions; and a court, worth nothing yearly after the steward’s fee.
He held the following in his demesne as of fee, which various tenants hold in equal parts at will and pay their farm at Martinmas and Pentecost in equal portions.
Dent, a messuage with an adjacent croft called ‘Stanhouse’, worth 3s. 4d. yearly, namely the messuage 20d. and the croft 20d.; and 1/2 mill in ?East Tanfield, worth nothing yearly.
Lartington, 2/3 manor, together with the reversion of 1/3 which Adam Tirwhite and Margaret his wife hold in dower in right of Margaret. In the manor there is the site with 2 houses built there and a croft, of which 1/3 is held in dower by Adam and Margaret in her right, the 2/3 houses worth 6s. yearly and 2/3 croft worth 2s. yearly. In the 2/3 manor there are [at least] 10 a...., each acre worth 7d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 22d. yearly; 7 messuages, each worth...; 2 cottages, each worth 2s. yearly; 12 bovates, each worth 5s. yearly; 3 a. arable, each worth 6d. yearly; 80 a. wood, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 600 a. moor, worth nothing yearly; a close called ‘Northgill’, worth 40s. yearly; a close called ‘le Cragge’, worth 26s. 8d. yearly; and a court, its perquisites and profits worth 6s. 8d. after the steward’s fee. In Naby there is a toft and a bovate belonging to the 2 parts of the manor, worth 8s. yearly, namely the toft 2s. and the bovate 6s. In Cotherstone, as parcel of the 2/3 manor, is a close called ‘Wasecogh’, worth 18s. yearly.
East Applegarth, the manor, in which there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 3 houses with 3... adjacent containing 21 a. arable, worth 20 s. yearly, namely each house 2s. yearly and each acre of arable 8d. yearly; 23 a. meadow, each acre worth 18d. yearly; and 2 a. wood, each acre worth 6d. yearly.
Richmond, 4 burgages and 2 bovates.
Ingleton, £10 assize rents at Pentecost and Martinmas in equal portions from the manor, which John Tirwhite and Margaret his wife now hold in right of Margaret.
He held in his demesne as of fee
the ?Proveratus and advowson of the abbey of Jervaulx of the earl of Richmond , service unknown, and 30 a. wood in Carleton called ‘Coterell Wod’, worth nothing yearly, of Robert Roos , service unknown.
The manors of
2/3 manor of Lartington together with the reversion of the 1/3,
4 burgages and 2 bovates in Richmond
and the
advowson of Romaldkirk church
are held of Ralph earl of Westmorland of the castle and honour of Richmond in socage. The manors of and the
£10 assize rents from the manor of Ingelton
and the
messuage with croft called ‘Stanhouse’
are held of the earl of Nottingham and Earl Marshal of his manor of Burton in Lonsdale by knight service.
The manor
advowson of Staveley
are held of Katherine queen of England of the castle of Knaresborough in socage.
The advowson of the moiety of the church of Burnsall is held of Lord Clifford by knight service.
The manor of Barwick
7 tofts and 7 bovates in Ingleby ?Barwick
are held of John Percy of Kildale by knight service. By his charter dated 13 November 1414, shown to the jurors, and described as Henry Fitzhugh, lord of Ravensworth , he gave and confirmed his castle and manor of Ravensworth and all lands, tenements or possessions, easements, profits and rights which he had in Ravensworth, to Thomas bishop of Durham , John de Laton, rector of Romaldkirk church , Thomas Hude, rector of Wath church , and Christopher Boynton , who all survive, and Richard de Norton and John Ayscogh , now deceased, and their heirs and assigns. They were seised and the survivors are still seised.
Ravensworth. The castle and manor etc. are held of Ralph earl of Westmorland of his castle and honour of Richmond by knight service.
By his indented charter dated 10 April 1389, shown to the jurors, and described as Henry Fitzhugh, chevalier, lord of Ravensworth , he granted and confirmed his manor of Airton, in Craven and all lands, tenements, rents and services of free and villein men which he had in the vill, except the advowson of a moiety of the church of Burnsall when taxed, to Thomas Ranyard, rector of Wath church , John de Langwath, late parson of Bell church , Richard de Norton , John de Norton , William de Barton, parson of ?Barningham (Bermyngham) church, John de Burgh , now deceased, and John de Laton, parson of Staveley church , who survives, and their heirs and assigns. They were seised and John de Laton is still seised.
Airton. The manor etc. is held of Lord Clyfford by knight service.
By his indented charter dated 19 July 1387, shown to the jurors, and described as Henry Fitzhugh, knight, lord of Ravensworth , he granted and confirmed his manors of Cleasby, Clow Beck and ?East Tanfield, and all lands, tenements, rents and services of free and villein men which he had in the vills, except 1/2 water-mill, to the same Thomas Ranyard , John de Langwath , Richard de Norton , John de Norton , William de Barton , John de Burgh , and John de Laton , and their heirs and assigns. They were seised and John de Laton is still seised. and ?. The manors etc. are held of the earl of Richmond , service unknown. By his charter dated 12 July 1415, shown to the jurors, and described as Henry Fitzhugh, lord of Ravensworth , he gave and confirmed his manors of Mickleton and Cotherstone in Teesdale and Scorton with all other lands, tenements, rents and services which he had in the vills and territories of Mickleton, Cotherstone and Scorton, to Thomas bishop of Durham , John de Laton, rector of Romaldkirk church , William de Burgh and Christopher Boynton , who survive, and Richard de Norton and John Ayscogh , deceased, and their heirs and assigns. They were seised and the survivors are still seised. and . The manors etc. are held of the earl of Richmond , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 443.

TNA reference

C 139/16/27 mm.7–9

E 152/10/506



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Jervaulx, Carleton
Total: -
Ravensworth, castle
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Clow Beck
Total: -
East Tanfield
Total: -
Total: -
Cotherstone in Teesdale
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Thringarth, Thringarth
Total: -
Dent, Dent
Total: -
Sedburgh, Sedbergh
Total: -
Staveley, manor
Total: -
Staveley, Staveley
Total: -
Romaldkirk, Romaldkirk
Total: -
Burnsall, Burnsall
Total: -
Cold Ingleby, Ingleby ?Barwick
Total: -
Barwick, Barwick
Total: -
Thorpe under Stone, Thorpe Under Stone
Total: -
Fremington, Fremington
Total: -
West Applegarth, West Applegarth
Total: -
Little Leeming, Little Leeming
Total: -
Dent, East Tanfield
Total: -
Lartington, Lartington
Total: -
East Applegarth, East Applegarth
Total: -
Richmond, Richmond
Total: -
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal




  • William Wylson
  • Robert Horwod
  • Richard Wodde
  • John Holden
  • Richard Wakynson
  • Richard [?Nort]hagh
  • ... ...
  • ... Botyler
  • Thomas S...
  • John S...
  • William F[?a]wdon
  • Roger Fawdon


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