Full text


Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Wallingford. 13 July 1425. [Daunevers]


Jurors: William de Pesye ; [? Roger] Radley [ms holed]; William Broom ; Laurence Hanman ; Henry Pant ; Thomas Kyngesmylle ; William Ingram ; John Fuller ; William Fauconer ; John Prentys ; John Stokes ; and Thomas Smyth .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service or for life of the king or another.

She died on 8 July last. John duke of Norfolk is her son and next heir and the son and heir of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , and is aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.1–2

Writ Head

419 [Writ: see 418 .]

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Banbury. 14 August 1425. [Daunevers]


Jurors: Thomas Harryes ; John Persones ; Robert Hulle ; Richard Harper ; John Pleystowe ; Richard Plomer ; John Coupere ; John Lanam ; Reginald Reynwell ; John Duk ; John Rosse ; and John C...welle [ms holed].


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service or for life of the king or another. She held the following in dower by endowment of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , her former husband, of the inheritance of John duke of Norfolk his son and heir, reversion to John duke of Norfolk and his heirs.

Henton, 4 marks rent, taken at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions from a hide of land with an adjacent water-mill, fishpond and stank, and from all lands and tenements that were Amaury de Suleham’s in this vill of Henton. The hide, mill, fishpond and stank are held of the heirs of Roger de Quenci in chief, service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 418, except that here John duke of Norfolk is also described as the next heir of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk .

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.1, 3

Inquisition Head

VILL OF CALAIS. Inquisition. Calais. 3 August 1425. [Orwell]


Jurors: Henry Dyrwynd ; Robert Mosse ; John Ledys ; John Howell ; Henry Bywell ; John Watford ; Thomas Fromond ; Roger Best ; Robert Myte ; Richard London ; John Fekenham ; and Robert Nicholl .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service or for life of the king or another. She held the following in dower as in 419, except that here is specified the inheritance of John duke of Norfolk , brother and heir of Thomas late Earl Marshal and of Nottingham and son and heir of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , and this Elizabeth.

Calais, 1/3 rectangular plot of land in the vill, in St Nicholas’ parish facing St Nicholas ’ church, to the north of the church. Part of the quadrangle is built up with dwelling-houses and part lies vacant. The 1/3 is held of the king by service of 20s. and 1/3 watch yearly for all other services, annual value 4 marks net.

Date of death and heir as in 418, except that here John duke of Norfolk is described only as her son and next heir.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.4–5

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Amesbury. 18 August 1425. [Fauconer]


Jurors: John Carre ; Thomas Saucer ; John Lanneford ; John Morys ; John Gylys ; William Marleborgh ; Richard Boner ; Walter Vouche ; Thomas Babestoke ; William Noble ; Henry Dyble ; and John Madyng .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service or for life of the king or another. She held 1/3 manor of West Hatch in dower as in 420 with reversion to John duke of Norfolk .

West Hatch. The 1/3 with 2/3 manor is not held of the king in chief, but of whom is unknown. Annual value of the third part 40s. as follows: 6s. 8d. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas; 30 a. from the arable lands, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 5 a. from the meadows, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 11 a. wood, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 20 a. enclosed pasture next to this wood, worth 7s. 4d. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 420. [The Hampshire inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]

[Dorse:] [Before] the lord king in his Chancery.
TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.6–7

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 9 August 1425. [Poyntz]


Jurors: John Garold ; Walter Northampton ; John Coppe ; William Trowell ; John Doppyng ; John Hert ; Richard Smyth ; John Child ; Richard de Aure ; William Vyell ; John Puryton ; and Walter Groue .


She held in her demesne as of fee

1/3 of a messuage and of a water-mill in Upton St Leonards, and 20 a. arable belonging to this third part. The messuage, mill and land are held of the king in socage of his manor of King’s Barton, service unknown. The 1/3 messuage and mill is worth 6s. 8d. yearly, each of the 20 a. is worth 4d. yearly.

Date of death as in 418. John duke of Norfolk is her son and next heir, namely the son of Thomas late duke of Norfolk and this Elizabeth, and is aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.8–9

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Lutterworth. 2 August 1425. [Lathbury]


Jurors: Robert Sergeant ; Thomas Sannsom ; Philip Campion ; William Segrave ; Robert Swetcok ; Nicholas Horton ; John Wylly ; Richard Ketull ; Thomas Spyrk ; John ?Danfrom ; William Hornyng ; and Thomas Bryan .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or of another. She held 1/3 manor of Melton Mowbray and 1/3 of 24 messuages and of 16 virgates in Whetstone in dower as in 419, reversion to Henry bishop of Winchester , Thomas bishop of Durham , Simon Felbrygge, chevalier , John Preston , John de Aske , Richard Steresacre and Robert Suthwell and their heirs and assigns, by grant of John duke of Norfolk. In his deed dated London, 9 May 1415, and shown to the jurors, the duke, described as John Earl Marshal and of Nottingham, marshal of England , Lord de Moubray, de Segrave and de Gower, related that though Elizabeth his mother held in dower 1/3 manor, messuages and virgates of his inheritance by endowment of the late duke, with reversion to himself and his heirs, he granted the reversion to bishop Henry, bishop Thomas , Simon, John Preston , John de Aske , Richard and Robert, who survive, and to Thomas, late earl of Arundel , Richard Norton , William Lodyngton , John Rome, clerk , John Lancastre and Thomas Brouneham all now deceased, and their heirs and assigns. Elizabeth attorned to the bishops, Thomas late earl of Arundel , Simon, Richard, William, John Preston , John Rome , John de Aske , John de Lancastre , Richard, Thomas Brouneham and Robert at Epworth , Lincolnshire, by payment of 1d. Royal licence was obtained by letters patent of ‪Henry V‬ dated at Westminster, 8 May 1415, and similarly shown to the jurors, addressed to John, duke of Norfolk described as the king’s dearest kinsman, John Earl Marshal [CPR 1413–16, pp.319–20].

Melton Mowbray. The 1/3 with 2/3 manor is held of the king , service unknown. In 1/3 manor of Melton Mowbray there are a part of the site, being 1/3 site, worth nothing yearly; 60s. assize rents from free tenants; 40s. rent from tenants at will; 40 a. demesne land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 20s. profits from the court and law-court (de proficuo Curie et fori).
Whetstone. The 1/3 of 24 messuages and 16 virgates with the 2/3 of the same is held of the earl of Bougham’ s heirs by service of 1/4 knight’s fee. Annual value of 1/3 of the 24 messuages and 16 virgates, being the rent of the tenants, 66s. net.
She also held the following in dower as in 419, reversion as in 419.
Witherley, the manor, held of the heirs of Hugh Bigod , service unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 60s. assize rents at the feast of St Thomas the apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas; 100 a. demesne land, worth 100s. yearly; a water-mill, worth 40s. yearly; and 12 a. meadow, worth 30s. yearly.
Seagrave, the advowson of the church, annual value 10 marks, of whom held unknown.
Goscote, the hundred, held of the king by service of rendering 100s. yearly at his Exchequer, annual value 40s.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.11, 15

Writ Head

424 [Writ: see 423 .]

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Rugby. 4 August 1425. [Lathbury]


Jurors: William Dorset of Thurlaston; John Tost of Willoughby; Roger Lewlyn ; Roger Cozbrond ; William Bene ; Henry Colyns ; William Kynge ; Thomas Edmond ; John Bachiller ; John Denes ; John Rose ; and John Assheby .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held 1/3 manor of Caludon and 1/3 manor of Weston, by Cherington, in dower as in 419, reversion according to the grant detailed in 423. Attornment by Elizabeth and royal licence as in 423.

Caludon. The 1/3 manor with the 2/3 same manor is held of the Lord de Mohaut , service unknown. In the 1/3 there are a part of the site, worth nothing yearly; 23s. assize rents of free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas; 24s. rents of tenants at will at the same feasts; fishing of the stank (piscaria stangni), worth 5s. yearly; 1/3 profits of the right of hunting beasts of the chase and profits of the underwood within the park and in the woods of ?‘Dedmor’ and ‘Newhewen’, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 1/3 pasture within the park there, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; a pasture called ‘Henleymot’, worth 10s. yearly; another pasture called ‘Colmanfeld’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; a water-mill called ‘Sowemylne’, worth 26s. 8d. yearly; a meadow called ‘Lakemede’, of which 1/3 is worth 6s. yearly; and meadow at ‘Sowebrygge’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly.
Weston. In 1/3 manor there are the site, of which 1/3 is worth nothing yearly; 13s. 4d. assize rents at the feast of St Thomas the apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas equally; £4 rents from the customary tenants at the same feasts; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 18d, yearly; 1/3 dovecot, worth 20d. yearly; and a water-mill, worth 30s. at the same terms equally. The 1/3 manor is held of the earl of Ormonde , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 418.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.11–12

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition. Guildford. 20 July 1425. [Wyntereshull]


Jurors: John Skelton ; Philip Palmer ; John Hale ; William Russell ; Thomas Fraunceys ; John Orped ; Richard Waleys ; Richard Holand ; William Thorle ; John Edyngdon ; Thomas Chamberlayn ; and Thomas Levat .


She held in her demesne as of fee

1/3 of 2/3 of 40s. from the customs duty of Guildford market from the vill bailiffs at Michaelmas. The 1/3 is held of the king in chief by service of 1/30 knight’s fee.

Date of death and heir as in 420.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.13–14

E 149/132/7 m.12

Writ Head

426 [Writ: see 425 .]

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Horsham. 6 August 1425. [Wyntereshull]


Jurors: Richard Clothale ; Roger Woolf ; Richard Bradbrugge ; William Hymkere ; Thomas Prout ; Nicholas Faukoner ; William Longe ; John Wolder ; John Pollard ; William Bochy ; Stephen Payn ; and Nicholas Mychell .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in demesne or in service. She held the following of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, in dower after the death of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , her former husband, reversion to John duke of Norfolk , son and heir of Thomas and Elizabeth, and his heirs.

Findon, the manor, in which there are the site, worth nothing yearly; £6 assize rents from both free and villein tenants at the feast of St Thomas the apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas; 273 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 300 a. several hill-pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; 7 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; customary works, worth 5s. yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly after the keeping and maintenance of the enclosure and beasts of the chase; 18 a. underwood, worth nothing after the maintenance of the enclosure; a windmill, worth nothing yearly; and a market and fair, worth 12d. yearly.
Knepp, the manor, in which there are the site, worth nothing yearly; £6 assize rents from both free and villein tenants at the same feasts above; works and customary services, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 68 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 240 a. wood called ‘Stokepark’, worth nothing yearly, with 60 a. several pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; a wood called ‘le Hokelond’ containing 160 a. worth nothing, with 40 a. several pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 60 a. several pasture called ‘Blakestrode’, each acre worth 3d. yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly after the keeping and maintenance of the enclosure and beasts of the chase; a water-mill, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; and 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly.
West Grinstead, the manor, in which there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 60s. assize rents from both free and villein tenants at the above feasts; 80 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 23 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and works and customary services, worth 5s. yearly.
New Shoreham, the borough, in which there are 100s. assize rents at the above feasts from the men of the borough; and the Cinque Port (portus maris), worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
West Grinstead, the hundred, worth 20s. yearly.
Burbeach, the hundred, worth 20s. yearly.
Fishersgate, the half-hundred, worth 8s. yearly.
Wyndham, the half-hundred, 10s. yearly.
Washington, 20s. assize rents at the above feasts from the manor.
Beeding, 4s. 6d. assize rents as above from the manor.
Bramber, 12d. assize rents as above from the borough.
‘les Castelmersshes’ and ‘les Nyes’, 20 a. meadow called thus, each acre worth 12d. yearly.

Date of death as in 418. John duke of Norfolk is the son of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , and Elizabeth and their next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.10, 13

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Chacombe. 8 August 1425. [Knyghtley]


Jurors: William Chamburleyn ; William Densy ; William Stevenes ; Thomas Baker ; John Est ; Thomas Reve ; John Barry ; John Stone ; Richard Hawten ; Thomas Harryes ; William Knyght ; and Hugh Abbot .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held 1/3 manor of Chacombe in dower as in 419, reversion according to the grant detailed in 423. Attornment by Elizabeth and royal licence as in 423.

Chacombe. The 1/3 manor with the 2/3 of the same manor is held of the bishop of Lincoln for 1/3 knight’s fee. n427_001 In the 1/3 there are a part of the site, worth nothing yearly; a garden, of which 1/3 as pasture is worth 20d. yearly; 1/3 wood called ‘Grenehull’, to the east of this wood, its underwood and pasture worth 20d. yearly; 1/3 meadow called ‘la Astmede’, to the east of this meadow, containing 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly, sum 8s.; 1/3 meadow called ‘Burysouthmede’, as is clear by metes and bounds, containing 3 a. each worth 2s. yearly; 1/3 meadow called ‘les Hammes’, to the south of this meadow, containing 3 a. each worth 2s. yearly; 1/3 meadow called ‘Radclyff Haden’, containing 2 a. each worth 2s. yearly; 1/3 rent [sic] called ‘Fifmen medewe’ containing 3 a. each worth 2s. yearly; a pasture called ‘Ferthyng’, worth 2s. yearly; a pasture called ‘Steneford’, worth 12d. yearly; a pasture called ‘Combeoverende’, worth 2s. yearly; and 80 a. demesne arable sown each year, each acre worth 4d. yearly, sum 26s. 8d.
She held the following in dower by the same endowment and of the same inheritance as above, reversion to John duke of Norfolk and his heirs. The fees and half-fees are worth nothing yearly unless they fall and then each fee is worth 100s. yearly and each half-fee 50s. yearly.
Barton Seagrave, 1/3 castle and manor, held with 2/3 castle and manor of the earl of Stafford of the honour of Gloucester, service unknown. The 1/3 site of the castle and manor is worth nothing yearly and 1/3 garden is worth 6s. 8d. yearly. In the third part there are 2s. 6d. assize rents; £4 6s. 8d. rents from tenants at will of 9 messuages and 9 virgates, on the feast of St Thomas the apostle, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas; 60 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; several pasture, worth 4s. yearly; and 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly.
Crick, a knight’s fee which Thomas de Asteley, chevalier , formerly held.
Welton, Grimscote and Staverton, 4 knights’ fees which Baldwin Wake formerly held.
Welford, Sulby and Cold Ashby, 1 1/2 knights’ fees which William Wynyll formerly held.
Staverton, 1/2 knight’s fee which the same William Wynyll formerly held.
Welton, 1/2 knight’s fee which the same William held.
Grimscote, 1/2 knight’s fee which the same William held.
Bozeat, a knight’s fee which William Latymer formerly held.
Cranford St Andrew or Cranford St John, 1/2 knight’s fee which Walter Houby and Thomas Curson formerly held.
Grimscote and Cold Higham, 1/2 knight’s fee which John Grymescote formerly held.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.16, 18

Writ Head

428 [Writ: see 427 .]

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Uppingham. 10 August 1425. [Knyghtley]


Jurors: John Spencer ; John Spicer ; John Kendale ; William Reynold ; John Thorp ; John Whitewell ; John Besebroke ; Hugh White ; Thomas Bailly ; William Parker ; Richard Irvey ; and John Walsale .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.16–17

Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Derby. 25 July 1425. [Makeworth]


Jurors: William Marchall ; William Lemystir ; Thomas Okethorp ; Reginald Roundell ; Robert Dauber ; Laurence Halon ; William Affewal ; William Warde ; Richard Thomasson ; Thomas Marres ; Nicholas Aunger ; and Thomas Bradshawe .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held the following in dower as in 419, with reversion as in 419.

Bretby, the castle and manor, of the king in chief of his honour of Tutbury by fealty and service of 5s. at Michaelmas. The site of the castle and manor, and its buildings, is worth nothing yearly. In the manor there are 40 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 12 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 12 virgates of arable, each worth 7s. yearly; 13 cottages, each worth 2s. yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly; 1,000 a. wood, worth 12d. yearly; a court baron held twice a year, worth nothing yearly; and a water-mill, similarly worth nothing yearly because derelict for want of tenant.
Rosliston, the manor, of William, Lord le Ferrers of Groby, service unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth 6s. yearly; 2 carucates of arable, each worth 20s. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 12 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; and 12 virgates of arable, each worth 5s. yearly.
Coton in the Elms, the manor, of the king in chief of his honour of Chester by service of 1/40 knight’s fee. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly; 30 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 30 virgates of arable, each worth 4s. yearly; and 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly.
Linton, 1/3 manor, of the king in chief of his honour of Tutbury for 1/30 knight’s fee. In 1/3 manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 4 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 4 virgates of arable, each worth 5s. yearly; and 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly.
Repton, 1/16 manor, of the king in chief of his honour of Chester by service of 1/16 knight’s fee. In the 1/16 manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 12 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each worth 2d. yearly; 6 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; and 6 virgates, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly. As part of this 1/16 manor she also held 1/16 hundred of Repton, worth 5s. yearly; 1/16 water-mill, worth 5s. yearly; and 1/16 fishery in the River Trent in Repton, worth 20d. yearly.
Offcote and Underwood, 6 tofts, each worth 12d. yearly, 400 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly, 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 20d. yearly, and 100 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and
Great Clifton, a messuage, worth 12d. yearly, 40 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly, and 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly,
of the king in chief as of his honour of Tutbury by fealty and service of 20s. at Michaelmas.
Rosliston and Coton in the Elms, £3 assize rents at Michaelmas, St Andrew the apostle, Lady Day and Midsummer in equal portions.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.19, 21

Writ Head

430 [Writ: see 429 .]

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Nottingham. 27 July 1425. [Makeworth]


Jurors: John Clementson ; John Beton ; John Soket ; Laurence Gadde ; Laurence Thomasson ; William Haukyn ; William Aleyn ; John Humberston ; John Legate ; Richard Clyfford ; William Bevyle ; and John Swepur .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.19–20

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Rochester. 23 July 1425. [ Scot ]


Jurors: William Menewar ; Robert Reynold ; John Wybarn ; Peter Lambyn ; William Lambyn ; William atte Hale ; William Hamond ; Henry Claygate ; William Pyrch ; Richard Joskyn ; William Wrenne ; and William Deye .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held 1/3 manor of Ryarsh in dower as in 420, reversion according to the grant detailed in 423, with John duke of Norfolk also described as brother and heir of Thomas late Earl Marshall and of Nottingham and son and heir of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk . Attornment by Elizabeth and royal licence as in 423.

Ryarsh. The 1/3 manor is held of the king of his castle of Rochester by service of 10s. at the feast of St Andrew the apostle, for castle-guard. In 1/3 manor there are 1/3 site, unbuilt and the pasture in it worth 2d. yearly after enclosure; 66s. 8d. assize rents at the four principal annual terms; 47 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 3 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and 16 a. underwood of which none can be felled for the next 10 years because it was felled shortly before her death, each acre worth 6s. 8d. when felled.

Date of death and heir as in 420. [The Middlesex inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.22–3

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln castle. 31 July 1425. [Tailboys]

[The ms is galled and generally soiled.]


Jurors: John H...feld ; John Tournay ; Robert Wasteleyn ; Gerard Sothill ; William Sothill , esquires; William Cuttewolf ; Thomas Beltoft ; Richard Gardiner ; John Beltoft ; Thomas Barner ; Robert Dodythorp ; Robert Jakes ; William Pat ’k; and Robert Waytenyng .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held the following in dower as in 420, reversion according to the grant detailed in 423. Attornment by Elizabeth and royal licence as in 423.

Epworth, 1/3 manor, and £24 rent at Easter, Pentecost, Michaelmas and Martinmas in equal portions. The 1/3 manor extends into Epworth, Owston, Wroot and into Belton with its members of Beltoft, West Butterwick, Kelfield, Woodhouse, Derrythorpe, Althorpe, Keadby, Amcotts and Garthorpe. It is held of the king in chief by service of 1/3 knight’s fee. In the 1/3 manor there are 1/3 site, worth nothing yearly; 1/2 garden called ‘le Vyneyerde’, worth nothing yearly; 127 1/2 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; and 45 a. meadow, each acre worth 4d. yearly. In the vill of Belton, part of this 1/3, there are 13 messuages, each worth 12d. yearly; 6 tofts, worth nothing yearly because devastated and in her hands at the time of her death for want of tenants; 19 bovates, each worth 2s. yearly; and a fair on the Exaltation of the Cross, worth 6d. yearly. In the vill of Epworth there are 4 messuages, each worth 6d. yearly; 4 tofts, each worth 2d. yearly; and 4 bovates, each worth 2s. yearly. In the vill of Owston there are 10 messuages, worth nothing yearly because devastated at the time of her death and decayed for want of tenant; 8 tofts, worth nothing for the same reasons; and 10 bovates belonging to the messuages and tofts, each bovate worth 2s. yearly. There are 1/3 ferry (passagium) from ?East Ferry to both sides of the River Trent with 1/3 fair at the feast of St Laurence in the vill of ?East Ferry, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 2 windmills in Epworth and Belton, each worth 3s. 4d. yearly; a park called ‘Belgraves’ with woods and underwoods within it, the underwood worth nothing yearly because she cut down the underwood within the two years before her death and sold it to various men; view of frankpledge held at Belton after Easter and Michaelmas, worth 3s. 4d. yearly, and a free court held there every three weeks, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 1/3 manor’s free chase worth nothing yearly after the forester’s fee; 5 tofts in the vill of Wroot, each worth 2d. yearly; 2 bovates, each worth 2s. yearly; 20 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; and... parts of the manor’s several waters, worth 3[or 13]s. 4d.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.24–5

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Bridgnorth. 6 September 1425. [Boterell]


Jurors: John Kekenwich ; William Kynnesley ; Nicholas Boulewas ; Thomas Chaumberleyn ; John Ingwardyn ; William Parchey ; Roger Watyes ; John Burnell ; Richard Hore ; William Ronlowe ; William Rogeres ; and William Elyotes of Ludstone.


She held in her demesne as of fee

1/3 of 2/3 of the castles of Dinas Bran
Holt, of
the lands and lordships of Bromfield,
and and of
the manors of ?Sandford
and in the March of Wales. The 1/3 of 2/3 is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 100 marks. She held in her demesne as of fee
1/3 of 2/3 manor of Clungunford in Shropshire, of whom unknown, annual value 20s.
She held in dower as in 419, the manor of Stottesdon, reversion as in 419.
Stottesdon. The manor is held of the king , service unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth 4d. yearly; £10 assize rents at Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas; 80 a. demesne arable, worth 30s. yearly; 6 a. meadow, worth 10s. yearly; and a chase with the park of Kingswood belonging to the manor, worth nothing yearly after the keeping and maintenance of the beasts of the chase and enclosures.

Date of death and heir as in 419.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.26–7

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 7 August 1425. [Stokdale] [The lower right corner of the ms is incomplete.]


Jurors: John Sherewynde , ‘barbour’ ; John Grey ; John Knyght ; Adam Sawyere ; William Cote ; John Chaumbre ; William Sawyere ; William Ronham ; Thomas Punte ; William Selonge ; William Savare ; and John Rowle .


She held 1/3 of 2/3 manors of High Roding, Housham Hall and Little Canfield, and the advowson of 1/3 of 2/3 of High Roding church, in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown.

High Roding, 1/3 of 2/3 manor. In 1/3 [sic] manor of High Roding there are 20s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas equally; 120 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and 8s. perquisites of the court. Annual value of the advowson of 1/3 of 2/3 church 4s. when it falls.
Housham Hall, 1/3 of 2/3 manor. In 1/3 [sic] manor of Housham Hall there are 6s. 8d. assize rents as above; 50 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 5 a, meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and 8 1/2 a. several pasture, each acre worth 12d. yearly.
Little Canfield, 1/3 of 2/3 manor. In 1/3 [sic] manor of Little Canfield there are 5s. 1d. assize rents as above; 40 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 8d. yearly; and 3 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly.
She held the manor of Prittlewell jointly enfeoffed with Thomas late duke of Norfolk , her former husband, by grant of Richard late earl of Arundel , her father, to Thomas and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies. The late duke and then Elizabeth both died seised of this estate. The manor is held of the king of the honour of Rayleigh by knight service. In the manor there are the site, worth 6d. yearly; 40s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas; 200 a. demesne land, worth 100s. yearly; and 12 a. meadow, worth 30s. yearly.
She held the following manors and borough in dower as in 419, reversion as in 419.
Great Chesterford, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service. In the manor are the site, worth nothing yearly; £6 assize rents at St Andrew, Candlemas, Easter and Midsummer; a fulling-mill, worth 20s. yearly; 100s. rent at the same feasts from tenants at will of 10 virgates; 200 a. demesne land, worth £7 yearly; and a park, worth nothing yearly.
Romford, the manor, not of the king in chief by of whom unknown. In the manor there are 40s. assize rents at St Andrew, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas; 160 a. demesne land, worth 60s. yearly; and 8 a. meadow, worth 20s. yearly.
Dovercourt, the manor, of the earl of Oxford by service of a knight’s fee. In the manor there are the site, worth 6d. yearly; 100s. assize rents as at Romford; 200 a. demesne land, worth £10 yearly; and a wood called ‘Herboldeswode’, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Harwich, the borough, of the king in burgage tenure, service unknown. In the borough there are 50s. assize rents at St Andrew , Midsummer and Michaelmas.

Date of death and heir as in 420. [The Hertfordshire inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]

[Foot:] Before the king in his Chancery. [Left margin, stained:] This inquisition null and void, 26 November 1545, because insufficiently indented according to the statute.... Therefore, cancelled... [and] removed on the consideration of the Court of Chancery....

[See also Writ temp.‪ Henry VIII, E 149/132/7 m.4.]

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.28–9

E 149/132/7 m.5

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford. 8 August 1425. [Crofte]

[The right margin is galled.]


Jurors: Malcolm Walweyn ; Roger Erliche ; William Rivedon ; Nicholas Casewall ; William Blewet of Wyston ; Richard Waties of Bidney ; William Attekyns ; Thomas Harlow ; William Kent ; Richard Teylow ; Thomas Pagye ; and John Kevele .


She held the following in dower as in 419.

Swansea, 1/3 castle, and 1/3 lands and lordships of Gower and Kilvey in the March of Wales, namely English Gower (Comitatus Anglishir’), annual value £12 7s. 4 3/4d.
Pennard, the manor, annual value £14 6s. 8d.
Kittlehill, the manor, annual value 33s. 4d.
Loughor, the castle and lordship, annual value £4 6s. 8d.
Llandimore, 1/3 manor, namely the ancient dower which Cecily de Turbervyle , late lady there, held in dower, with 34s. 8d. from 1/3 of Richard ?S...lak’s lands and tenements which escheated to the king, of which John Delamare, chaplain , holds a tenement and pays 10s. yearly; David Baugh holds a tenement and pays 5s. yearly; Juliane Garow holds a tenement and pays 9s. yearly; William Davy holds a tenement and pays 6s. yearly; John Boner holds 1/2 a. meadow and pays 12d. yearly; Jankyn ap David ap Jenna[?n] holds 1a. meadow and pays 3s. yearly; and William Ferour holds a curtilage and pays 8d. yearly. Annual value of 1/3 whole lordship, £13 11s. 9 1/2d.
Kilvey, 1/3 coal mine, worth £6 13s. 4d. yearly.
Clyne, 1/3 forest, worth 8s. 9 1/2d. yearly.
Swansea, 2 corn-mills called ‘Brymmilles’, worth 66s. 8d. yearly; a fulling-mill, worth 25s. 6d. yearly; and a garden called ‘le Orchard’, worth 13s. 4d. yearly.
Swansea, lordship over tenants and tenements, namely rents from burgages in the following: West Street, 9s. 9d. rent from burgages held by Master John Fayrw... with others; St Mary Street, 17s. 7d.; High Street, 17s. 8d.; and Fisher Street, 28s. 5d. Swansea, 1/3 perquisites of the hundred of the vill, worth 53s. 4d. yearly; 1/3 prise of ale, worth 66s. 6[or 7 or 8]d. yearly; 1/3 revenue from market-tolls with burgage rent paid by non-burgesses (chensaria), worth 6s. 8d. yearly; a weir fishery called ‘Stremener’, worth 12d. yearly; 2 parcels of pasture called ‘le ylond’ and ‘R...dem...’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; 12d. from the increased rent from a messuage and 7 a. land with half a burgage which were formerly of Robert ap William ap Madog and Feloc’ Baker; 2s. as rent for a weir fishery called ‘le Hose’; 1/4 burgage, formerly Maurice Smyth’s, which John de Neeth now holds and pays 4s. yearly; a weir fishery which Thomas See... holds, worth 12d. yearly; a cellar next to the bailiwick bridge (iuxta pontem ballie), worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 4 shops above this cellar, worth 4s. yearly; 2 rooms above the shops, worth 6d. yearly; a garden which Nicholas Harold holds, worth 12d. yearly; and 20 a. hill-meadow at ‘Portm’omede’, worth 6s. 8d. yearly. Burgage plots and parcels of burgages with a pool (pola) next to ‘Blakeston’, worth nothing now because wasted; 1/3 of 8 a. land above the river Tawe not extended at any value because they belong as of old to the fees of the steward and receiver of the lordship.
Swansea, liberties beyond the vill, worth nothing yearly, according to the following metes and bounds: the whole way leading from West Street towards ‘le Skette’ and then to ‘le Blakepull’ in the north, the water of ‘Blakepull’ in the west, the sea in the south and the river Tawe to the east.
The 1/3 of Swansea castle and of the lands and lordships of Gower and Kilvey with 2/3 of the same and also the above parcels are held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.

She died on 1 July last. John duke of Norfolk is her son and next heir, aged 26 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.30–1

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York castle. 6 August 1425. [Skargill]


Jurors: William Wynell ; John Schipley ; Thomas de Seton ; Hugh Tankerde ; John Grenewod ; Richard de Dalton ; William Warde ; William Topclif ; William de Barnebye ; Thomas Waryn ; John de Tranholm ; and William Belamy .

She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held the following 1/3 manors and the advowson, held with the 2/3 manors of the king by knight service, in dower by endowment of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , her former husband, reversion according to the grant detailed in 423. Attornment by Elizabeth and royal licence as in 423.
Thirsk, 1/3 manor, in which there are 13s. 4d. assize rents at Martinmas and Pentecost and 100s. rents of tenants at will; 160 a. land as 1/3 demesne land, worth 106s. 8d. yearly; 1/3 water-mill, worth 100s. yearly; 1/3 common oven, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 1/3 wood called ‘Donslande’, its underwood worth 2s. yearly; and 1/3 tolls of the market and fair, worth 10s. yearly.
Hovingham, 1/3 manor, in which there are 20s. assize rents at the same feasts; 100s. from 1/3 rents of tenants at will at the same feasts; 80 a. land as 1/3 demesne land, worth 40s. yearly; 13s. 4d. yearly from 1/3 water-mill; and 1/3 fulling-mill, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Kirkby Malzeard, 1/3 manor, in which there are 13s. 4d. assize rents at the same feasts and 100s. rents of tenants at will; 160 a. land as 1/3 demesne land, worth 106s. 8d. yearly; 1/3 water-mill, worth 20s. yearly; and 1/3 wood called ‘le park’, worth 5s. yearly.
Byland Abbey, the advowson.

Date of death and heir as in 420.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.32–3

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge. 24 July 1425. [Hore]


Jurors: William Pertvyn ; Thomas Pynnes ; Thomas Michell ; Richard Rerehors ; William Archer ; Gilbert Dowe ; John Levot ; Thomas Norman ; John Perkyn ; John Godman ; William Lewen ; and John Prykke .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held the manor of Kennett with Kentford in dower, and with reversion, as in 420.

Kennett with Kentford. The manor is held of the Earl Warenne by service of 1 1/2 knights’ fees. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 60s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas; 200 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly; 10 a. meadow, worth 20s. yearly; 100 a. several pasture, worth 40s. yearly; and a rabbit warren, worth 100s. at Christmas and the feast of Carniprivium... [ms worn].

Date of death and heir as in 420. [The Huntingdonshire inquisition ordered in the writ is not extant.]

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.34–5

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bedford. 13 August 1425. [J Cheyne]


Jurors: Richard Sampson of Stagsden ; William Docher and Robert Clerk , of Stotfold ; John Clerk ; John Widwessen ; William Smyth of Arlesey ; John Hey ; Thomas Frankleyn ; John Blavet ; John Rycher of Haynes ; John Hakes of Henlow ; and Thomas Sandon .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. She held the following in dower, and with reversion, as in 420. The manors are not held of the king but of whom unknown.

Haynes, the manor, except the park of Haynes. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; £6 assize rents of free tenants at the two annual terms, namely Easter and Michaelmas; 80 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 60 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 16 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly.
Stotfold, the manor, except £6 rent from it. In the manor there are the site, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; £4 6s. 8d. assize rents of free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas; £5 13s. 4d. rents at the same feasts from tenants who hold 11 virgates at will; 160 a. demesne arable, each acre worth ?4 1/2d. yearly; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly; and 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. 10 1/2d. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 420.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.36–7

Writ Head

439 [Writ: see 438 .]

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Wing. 16 August 1425. [J Cheyne]


Jurors: Roger Lovet ; William Parker of Eton ; Thomas Caldecote ; Thomas Malyns ; John Horwode of Singleborough ; John Clerk of Great Horwood ; John Broun of Claydon ; William Clerk of Bierton ; Richard Adam ; John Burdon ; Richard Symeon ; and Thomas Welde . She held the manor of Wing in her demesne as of fee tail by gift and grant of Richard earl of Arundel , her father, to Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , her former husband, and herself and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas and Elizabeth were seised; Thomas and then Elizabeth died seised of this estate, and the manor descends to John duke of Norfolk as their son and heir.

Wing. The manor is not held of the king but of whom or by what service is unknown. In the manor there are the site with an adjacent garden, worth 20s. yearly; £11 13s. 4d. assize rents from free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas; £8 12s. rents at the same feasts from tenants at will of 17 virgates; a small enclosed pasture called ‘le littelgardyn’, worth 16d. yearly; 160 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly;n439_001 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; a several pasture called Cottesloe, worth £3 6s. 8d. yearly; another several pasture called ‘le Oxelese’, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; a horse-mill, worth 20s. yearly; 13s. 4d. perquisites of the court after the steward’s fee; and a windmill, worth nothing yearly because derelict.
She held the manor of Penn in dower, and with reversion, as in 420.
Penn. Of whom the manor is held and by what service is unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth 10s. yearly; £4 13s. 4d. assize rents of free tenants at [Easter] and Michaelmas; £3 3s. 4d. rents at the same feasts of tenants at will of 6 virgates; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 5 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; and 40 a. underwood, each acre worth 4d. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 420.

TNA reference

C 139/16/25 mm.36, 38

E 149/132/7 m.2

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Kenninghall. 4 August 1425. [Drury]


Jurors:[not given].


She held in her demesne as of fee

1/3 hundreds of Launditch
and of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value 20s. She held no other lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or others. William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury and lord of Man, by his charter dated at the manor of Canford Magna, 13 March 1378, granted and confirmed by his charter his manor of Kenninghall to William his son and Elizabeth wife of this William his son, and the heirs of William by Elizabeth. William son of William and Elizabeth were seised, and William son of William died seised of this estate without heir by Elizabeth, who then married Thomas, then Earl Marshal and earl of Nottingham By a fine levied at Westminster, Martin quin. and afterwards oct. Hilary 1388 [CP 25/1/168/179 no.186], between Richard then earl of Arundel and Surrey, Pain Typtoft, chevalier, and Thomas Farnynton , quer. and William then earl of Salisbury deforc., the earl of Salisbury granted, with the close warrant of himself and his heirs, the reversion of the manor, held by Thomas and Elizabeth for her life of his inheritance, to the earl of Arundel , Pain and Thomas and the heirs of the earl of Arundel , to hold of the chief lords of that fee by services pertaining to the manor. The earl of Arundel, Pain and Thomas were seised of the reversion of the manor. Richard earl of Arundel , by his deed dated at Estden, 18 January 1395, with the close warrant of himself and his heirs, granted and by this charter confirmed the reversion of the manor together with knights’ fees and advowsons of churches pertaining to the manor to Thomas archbishop of York , William bishop of Winchester , John Charleton, lord of Powys , Thomas Lord de Camoys, William Percy , Thomas Fitznicholl , Robert Berney, chevalier , Robert Pobelewe, clerk , John Cokkyng , John Tauk , John Estephenes and Thomas Harlyng and their heirs, to hold of the chief lords of the fees for services thence owed and customary by right. Thomas and Elizabeth attorned to the archbishop, bishop, John, Thomas, William, Thomas, Robert, Robert, John, John, John and Thomas, who were seised of the reversion. Afterwards all but Thomas Harlyng died. By a fine levied at Westminster, Easter quin. 1423 [CP 25/1/169/186 no.2], between Thomas Angleys, clerk , John Broker, clerk , Thomas Dene, clerk , Robert Dowe, clerk , William Ryman , John Burnell , John Leleye and Maurice Pomerey , quer. and Thomas Harlyng, clerk , deforc., the latter granted the reversion of the manor, which the duchess then held for life of his inheritance, to the quer. and the heirs of William, to hold of the chief lords of the fees by service pertaining to the manor. The quer. were seised of the reversion. By their deed Thomas Angleys , John, Thomas Bene , Robert, John and John remised, released and quitclaimed for themselves and their heirs to William Ryman and Maurice Pomerey and William’s heirs and assigns, all their right, estate, claim and title in the manor and in all lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services of both free and villein tenants, homage, wardship, marriage, relief, pasture, fishponds, roads, paths, chases, parks, warrens, courts and escheat occurring within or pertaining to the manor. Thomas, John, Thomas, Robert, John and John and their heirs and assigns could thus claim no right, estate, title or claim in the manor, and were excluded from all such. By a fine levied at Westminster, East. one month 1425 [CP 25/1/169/186 no.14], between Richard Steresacre , Robert Suthwell , Nicholas Ledewith, esquire , John Ledes, esquire , Nicholas Blaxhale and Hugh Dalby , quer. and William Ryman and Maurice Pomerey , deforc., the latter granted the reversion of the manor, which the duchess then held for life of William’s inheritance, to the quer and the heirs of Robert, to hold of the chief lords of the fees by the services pertaining to the manor. The quer. were seised of the reversion and after her death entered the manor and were seised by virtue of the fine, Robert in his demesne as of fee and the others as of free tenement. They are still seised of this estate.
KenninghallIn the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; £14 assize rents from free tenants of the manor at St Andrew the apostle, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas; rents, services, winter, summer and harvest works and customs, from lands and tenements of the manor held at the will of the lord according to the custom of the manor, worth £16 yearly, paid at Easter and Michaelmas; 364 a. land, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 16 a. meadow, each acre worth 3s. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 18d. yearly; a park, worth nothing yearly after its enclosure and keeping, and the maintenance of the beasts of the chase, but there is underwood and lopping of trees both within and without the park, worth 40s. yearly; a mill, worth 10s. yearly; profits and perquisites of the court, worth 20s. yearly after the expenses of the steward and other officers; and 1/3 hundred of Guiltcross, member and part of the manor, worth 100s. yearly. The manor is not held of the king but of which other lord unknown.
She held the following knights’ fees and advowsons of priories and churches in dower, and with reversion, as in 420. The knights’ fees and advowsons, extended yearly as shown, are held of the king in chief, services unknown.
Watton, 11 fees which William Roos held, £56.
Narborough, 2 fees which John Bardolf held, £10.
Flordon, a fee which William Boteueyllen held, 100s.
Mundford, 1/2 fee which the bishop of Ely held, 50s.
Hethel and [?East] Carleton, 1/4 fee which William Cursonn held, 25s.
Skeuelston, a fee which Peter de Dodnall held, 100s.
?Haddiscoe, a fee which the heir of the son of Robert held, 100s.
Fersfield, 2 1/2 fees which the heir of Osbert de Bosco held, £12 10s.
Blo’ Norton, a fee which John de Sancto Mauro held, 100s.
Hethel, 1/100 fee which John le Warde held, 12d.
Shelton, a fee which Robert de Shelton held, 100s.
Hardwick and Shelton, 1/4 fee which the heirs of Hervey de Shelton held, 25s.
Forncett St Mary or St Peter, 1/4 fee which the heirs of John de Claueryng held, 25s.
?Ovington, a fee which the heir of Peter de Bozon held, 100s.
Fundenhall and North or South Creake, 4 fees and 1/2 fee which the heirs of Robert Crek held, £22 10s.
Burnham (Brunham) and Ellingham, 1/2 fee which the heirs of Baldwin de Bosco held, 50s.
Sallyng, 1/2 fee which Simon de Felbrigge held, 50s.
1/2 fee which the heir of Robert de Neyll held, which amounts to 50s. yearly;
a knight’s fee which Peter de la ?Penne [ms worn] held,100s.
Broomsthorpe and Hethersett, 1/2 fee which the heir of Hugh de Pynkeney held, 50s.
Moulton, 1/2 fee which the heir of Guy le Verdoun held, 50s.
Swainsthorpe, 1/2 fee which the heir of John Cursonn held, 50s.
Roughton and Weston ?Longville, 1/10 fee which Clement de Plympstede held, 10s.
Ketteringham, a fee which the earl of Oxford held, 100s.
Watton, 11 fees which William Roos held, £15.
?North or Town Barningham and Erpingham, 1/2 fee which Robert Broun held, 50s.
Stockton, 1/20 fee which John Bygot held, 5s.
?West Dereham (Westdersham), 1/2 fee which Peter Tamewurche held, 50s.
Bressingham, 8 fees which John Verdon held, £10.
Starston, a fee which John de Herewastok held, 100s.
Edgefield, 1 1/2 fees which the heirs of John de Claueryng held, £7 10s.
Roughton [and] Weston ?Longville, 5 fees which the heirs of Thomas de Merton held, £25.
Starston, a fee which the heirs of William de Bonyle held, 100s.
Seething, a fee and 1/4 fee which William de Calthorp held, £6 5s.
East or West Poringland, 3 parts and... part of 1/4 and 1/4 of 1/4 fee which the heirs of John de Claueryng held, £4 9s. 6d.
Fundenhall and North or South Creake, 4 fees and 1/2 fee which the heirs of Robert de Crek held, £22 [?10s.]
Yaxham, a fee which John Cursonn held, 100s.
Pirnhow, 3 fees and 1/2 fee which the heir of James de Crek held, £17 10s.
Mettingham, 1/5 fee, and
Seething, 1/40 knight’s fee
which Robert Hedyngham held, 22s. 6d.
Roughton and Merton, a knight’s fee which Roger de Hales held, 100s.
?North Barningham or Town Barningham, Smallburgh, Bessingham, Grumeswell, Gryngalond, Ke...gham [ms worn], Burgh St Margaret and Baconsthorpe, 5 fees and 3 parts and 1/8 of a knight’s fee which William Rokele held, £27 5s. 10d.
Barton Bendish or Turf, 1/2 fee which William Lincoln held, 50s.
Oby, Ingham, ?Barnham Broom and Burgh St Margaret, 3 fees which John Caly held, £15.
Mouton, 1/4 fee which Nicholas Scardesete held, 25s.
Colney and Carleton, a fee which Elizabeth de Colney held, 100s.
North or South Creake and Fundenhall, 4 1/2 fees which the heir of Robert Crek held, £22 10s.
Seething, 1/20 fee which William de Bapthorp held, 5s.
Bedingham and Seething, 1/45 fee which Robert de Senges held, 25s. 10d.
Claxthorp, 1/4 fee which the prior of Butley and his parceners hold, which amounts to 25s. yearly.
Bixley, a fee which the prioress of Carrow and John de Norwic hold, 100s.
Fritton, 1/20 fee which Roger Kenet held, 5s.
Shotesham and Tharston, 15 fees which Agnes who was the wife of John Mautrauers held, £76 13s. 4d.
Hethel, 1/4 fee which Richard de Goldyngham held, 25s.
Hockham, Sutton, G[?et]heston and Carbrooke, 7 1/2 fees which the heir of Denis de Monte Caniso held, £37 10s.
Garboldisham, 1/2 and 1/8 fee which the heir of Robert de Bosco held, 62s. 6d.
Suffield, the advowson of the church, £20.
Westwick, the advowson of the church, 8 marks
Ellingham, the advowson of the church, 100s.
Rockland, the advowson of the church, 100s.
Holverston, the advowson of the church, 40s.
Aldborough, the advowson of the church, 12 marks.
Hethel, the advowson of the church, 18 marks.
Starston, the advowson of the church, 24 marks.
North and South Lopham, the advowson of the church, [?20] marks.
Forncett ?St Mary,the advowson of the church, £20.
Long Stratton St Peter, the advowson of the church, 6 marks.
Wacton Parva, the advowson of the church, 40s.
Wacton Magna, the advowson of the church, 6 marks.
Fritton, the advowson of the church, 8 marks.
East Harling, the advowson of the church, 13 marks.
Denton, the advowson of the church, every other presentation, 10 marks.
Weybridge, the advowson of the priory, 40s.

Date of death and heir as in 418.

TNA reference

E 149/132/7 m.9

Writ Head

441 [Writ: see 440 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Framlingham castle. 6 August 1425. [Drury]


Jurors:[not given].


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee or in service of the king or others. She held the following manors, borough, hundred and rent in dower, and with reversion, as in 420.

Walton, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 12d. yearly; £30 assize rents from free tenants of the manor at St Andrew’s, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas equally; rents, services, winter, summer and harvest works and customs from lands and tenements held of the manorial lord at will and according to the customs of the manor, worth 100s. yearly, paid at Easter and Michaelmas equally; 300 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 6d. yearly; a pasture called ‘le Holm’ together with other several pastures, worth 100s. yearly; and perquisites and profits of the court, worth 10s. after the expenses of the steward and other officials.
Earl Soham, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 12d. yearly; £8 10s. assize rents from free tenants at St Andrew’s, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth £6 yearly; 160 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 4 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; a windmill, worth 10s. yearly; a park, worth 10s. after the maintenance of the beasts of the chase; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 13s. 4d. yearly.
Kennett, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 6d. yearly; 26s. 8d. assize rents of free tenants as at Walton; rents, services and customs as above, worth 20s. yearly; 20 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 20s. yearly.
Bungay, the manor and borough. In the manor there are the site, worth 2s. yearly; 50s. assize rents of free tenants within the borough as at Soham equally; £17 assize rents of free tenants at the same terms; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth £9 yearly; 100 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 10d. yearly; a water-mill, worth 60s. yearly; 3s. 4d. yearly from the customs and profits of the market of the borough; and profits and perquisites of the court both of the manor and the borough, worth 40s. yearly.
Earl Stonham, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; £12 assize rents of free tenants as at Soham; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth 100s. yearly; 200 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 3s. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; a windmill, worth 10s. yearly; 2 woods, one called ‘Badgrym’ and the other ‘Howode’, worth 30s. yearly; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 20s. yearly.
Dunningworth, the manor, in which there are the site, worth nothing yearly above its enclosure; 60s. assize rents of free tenants as at Soham; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth 100s. yearly; 200 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 6 a. salt meadow, each acre worth 18d. yearly; 2 salt marshes containing 80 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 400 a. heath for sheep pasture, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; a wood, worth 2s. yearly; a rabbit warren, worth 20s. after its keeping; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly.
Kelsale, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 2s. yearly; £16 assize rents of free tenants as at Walton; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth £10 yearly; 200 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 12 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; a park, worth 40s. yearly; a windmill, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 2 small woods, worth 6s. 8d. yearly; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 40s. yearly.
Peasenhall, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 6d. yearly; £4 assize rents of free tenants at St Andrew’s, Midsummer and Michaelmas; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth 40s. yearly; 100 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 12 a. pasture, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 4 woods called ‘Impehegge’, ‘Husshawe’, ‘Asshenhewt’ and ‘le Oldewode’, worth 13s. 4d. yearly; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 3s. 4d. yearly.
Staverton, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 12d. yearly; £8 assize rents from free tenants as at Walton; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth £8 yearly; 200 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 16 a. meadow, each acre worth 3s. yearly; 20 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 300 a. heath for sheep pasture, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly; a park, worth 20s. yearly; a water-mill, worth 66s. 8d. yearly; a rabbit warren, worth nothing yearly after its keeping; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 20s. yearly.
Hollesley, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 10s. yearly; £14 assize rents of free tenants as at Walton; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth 100s. yearly; 200 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 80 a. salt marsh, each acre worth 14d. yearly; a fulling-mill, worth 20s. yearly; a rabbit warren, worth 20s. yearly; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 40s. yearly.
Hoo, the manor, in which there are the site, worth 4d. yearly; 100s. assize rents of free tenants as at Walton; rents, services, works and customs as above, worth 50s. yearly; 200 a. land of the demesne lands, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 20 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 30 a. pasture, each acre worth 8d. yearly; a wood, worth 20s. yearly; and profits and perquisites of the court, worth 10s. yearly.
Loes, the hundred, its issues worth 40s. yearly.
Cratfield, £6 rent from the manor and from the parks of Stow Park and Berwick, at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.
manors of Walton,
and the
manor and borough of Bungay
and are held of the king in chief, services unknown. The
manors of Kennett,
the rent
are not held of the king , but of whom unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 418.

TNA reference

E 149/132/7 m.10



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Kennett, Kentford
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Kennett, Kentford
Total: -




  • William Pertvyn
  • Thomas Pynnes
  • Thomas Michell
  • Richard Rerehors
  • William Archer
  • Gilbert Dowe
  • John Levot
  • Thomas Norman
  • John Perkyn
  • John Godman
  • William Lewen
  • John Prykke


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