Full text


Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 8 February 1425. [Hore]


Jurors: Alan Coupere ; Walter Fuller ; Robert Grey ; Thomas Pekke ; Robert Pekke ; John Clyvyn, senior ; Walter Seman ; John Molt ; John Bailly ; John Clyue ; Thomas Skynner of Royston ; and Geoffrey Norman .


She held no lands or tenements of the king or another in her demesne as of fee or in her demesne as of free tenement or in reversion or other manner.

She died on 13 December last. Elizabeth her daughter, who survives, is her next heir, aged 14 years and more on 11 June last.

TNA reference

C 139/15/19 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Colchester. 28 March 1425. [Stokdale]


Jurors: Walter Wenlok ; Walter Telenham ; John Clerk of Maldon ; John Marchaunt ; Henry Toys ; John Saman ; Thomas Fygenot ; John Roger[?...] [ms holed]; Peter Herde ; Thomas Cook of Oakley ; John Fraunceys ; and John Bakere of Woodham .


She held no lands, tenements, rents or services in her demesne as of fee or in her demesne as of free tenement or in reversion or other manner of the king or another. She was formerly seised of the following in her demesne as of fee.

Little Oakley, the manor and advowson of the church, and the advowson of Foulton chapel, held of Walter, Lord Fitzwater , services unknown, annual value of the manor 40 marks, the church 100s. and the chapel 66s. 8d.
Maldon and Woodham Mortimer, 8 messuages, 7 shops, a toft, 7 stalls, 160 a. land, 4 a. wood and 40s. rent, held of the bishop of London , service unknown, annual value 100s.
Purleigh, Mundon and Hazeleigh, 3 messuages, 200 a. land, 10 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture, 8 a. wood and 18s. rent, held of the abbot of St John’s church, Colchester, service unknown, annual value £7.
Woodham Ferrers, a messuage, 60 a. land, 4 a. meadow and 12 a. wood, held of Lord de Ferarijs , service unknown, annual value 26s. 8d.
Long before she married Thomas Erpyngham , she enfeoffed John Goldyngham , Thomas Cays , John Verguys , John Wodehous and John Florens , all now deceased, and Peter rector of Attleborough church and John Swan , who survive, with the messuages, shops, toft, stalls, land, meadow, pasture, wood and rent, holding to themselves, their heirs and assigns. John Goldyngham , Peter, Thomas Cays , John Swan , John Verguys , John Wodhous and John Florens were and are still seised [sic]. Afterwards, Joan seised in this form, married Thomas Erpyngham and together they enfeoffed Thomas de Morley, knight , Edmund Thorp, knight , Robert Corbet, knight , and John Marketstede, clerk , all deceased, and Simon Felbrygge, knight , Hugh Luterell, knight , Ralph Chamberlayn , John Tyrell , John Drew, clerk , Thomas Derham and William Paston , who survive, with
the manor and advowsons
, holding to themselves and the heirs of John Marketstede . By virtue of this enfeoffment, the feoffees were and are still seised [sic]. By fine levied at Westminster in the court of ‪Henry V‬, quin. St Martin 1414 [CP 25/1/70/266 no.14], one part of which was shown to the jurors, between Thomas de Morley , Simon Felbrygge , Hugh Luterell , Edmund Thorp , Robert Corbet , Ralph Chamberlayn , John Tyrell , John Drew , Thomas Derham , William Paston and John Marketstede , quer. and Thomas Erpyngham and Joan, deforc., the manor and advowsons were demised and quitclaimed by the deforc. to the quer. and the heirs of John Marketstede . By his deed dated 10 December 1414 and shown to the jurors, John Marketstede remised, relaxed and quitclaimed all his right and claim in the manor and advowsons to his co-feoffees, their heirs and assigns.

Date of death and heir as in 407.

TNA reference

C 139/15/19 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Cattawade. 8 March 1425. [Drury]


Jurors: Andrew Quarham ; John Bysshop ; Robert Floret ; William Peverell ; William Sparwe ; Thomas Cosyn ; John Gerard ; Nicholas Clerk ; Thomas Drake ; Thomas Cheyne ; William Smyth of Burstall; and Thomas Gravener .


She held no lands or tenements of the king or another in her demesne as of fee or in her demesne as of free tenement or in reversion or other manner. She was formerly seised of the following in her demesne as of fee.

East Bergholt, a messuage, 13 1/2 a. meadow, 80 a. pasture, 15s. 4 1/2d. rent and rent of 4 cocks and 5 hens, held of the king in chief in socage by fealty and the service of paying 20s. to the king through the hands of the sheriff. The messuage is worth nothing yearly; each acre of 13 a. meadow is worth 3s. 4d. yearly and the 1/2 a. is worth 20d. yearly; each acre of pasture is worth 10d. yearly; and by common valuation each cock is worth 1 1/2d. and each hen 2d. yearly for selling.
East Bergholt, the manor of ‘Oldhalle’, held of the earl of Warwick by fealty and service of paying him a pair of gilt spurs price 4d., or 4d. for the spurs, annual value £6 13s. 4d.
Stratford St Mary, the manor of ‘Overhalle’, held of the heir of Gilbert Debenham by fealty and service of paying the heir 3d. yearly, annual value 60s.
Long before her death, by her charter shown to the jurors and dated 8 November 1410, and described as Joan widow of John Howard, knight , son of Lord John Howard, knight , she enfeoffed John Alderford , John Swan and Peter, parson of Attleborough church, who survive, and John Goldyngham , John Verguys and John Florens , all now deceased, with the above, described as her manors with all their messuages, lands and tenements, a water-mill called Flatford with wardships, marriages, rents, services, common fisheries and all other appurtenances in East Bergholt and Stratford St Mary, holding to themselves and their heirs. John Goldyngham , John Alderford , John Swan , John Verguys , Peter and John Florens were seised and after this Joan never had anything in the above or in any parcel therein.

Date of death and heir as in 407.

TNA reference

C 139/15/19 mm.5, 7

Writ Head

410 [Writ: see 409 .]

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Gayton. 15 March 1425. [Drury]


Jurors: Robert Geyton ; Adam Snoryng ; Thomas Congham ; Bartholomew Spark ; John Man ; Thomas Sutton ; William Neugate ; John Knought ; Richard Fermery ; Thomas Sparwe ; Peter Merssh ; and Alan Richeman .


She held the following in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and her heirs by John Howard son of John Howard, knight , and her former husband, by gift of the same John Howard, knight , to his son John and Joan described as John Howard son of John Howard, knight , and Joan his wife, by indented charter dated Thursday 4 March 1406, one part of which, sealed with the seal of John Howard, knight , was shown to the jurors.

Wiggenhall, the manor, held of the prior of Lewes in socage by fealty and service of paying 13s. 4d. yearly to the prior and his successors. In the manor there are the built-upon site, worth nothing yearly; 166 a. land, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 170 a. pasture, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and £4 assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions from lands and tenements part of the manor which various men hold in bondage and villeinage at the will of the lords of the manor.
‘South’ Clenchwarton, the manor, held of Ralph earl of Westmorland of his honour of Richmond in socage by fealty and service of paying him 10s. yearly. In the manor there are 4 pieces of marsh, called ‘Lelysmerssh’, ‘Herdewykesmerssh’, ‘Reynonnsmerssh’ and ‘Wesenannsmerssh’, and an additional 30 a. marsh, all worth 10 marks yearly; and 40s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions from lands and tenements part of the manor which various men hold in bondage and villeinage at the will of the lords of the manor.

Date of death as in 407. Elizabeth daughter of Joan and John son of John, is her next heir, who survives, aged 14 years and more last on 11 June last.

TNA reference

C 139/15/19 mm.5–6



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Maldon, Woodham Mortimer
Total: -
Purleigh, Mundon, Hazeleigh
Total: -
Woodham Ferrers
Total: -



No holding extent information available.




  • Walter Wenlok
  • Walter Telenham
  • John Clerk of Maldon
  • John Marchaunt
  • Henry Toys
  • John Saman
  • Thomas Fygenot
  • John Roger[?...]
  • Peter Herde
  • Thomas Cook of Oakley
  • John Fraunceys
  • John Bakere of Woodham


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