Full text


Writ Head

399 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 5 May 1425. [Smyth]

Regarding lands held of ‪Henry IV‬ . Henry died a minor in ‪Henry V‬’s wardship.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Enderby. 20 August 1425. [Lathbury]


Jurors: Hugh Lynfeld ; William Tame ; Peter Lutterworth ; John Haukyn ; John Turney ; John Gelons ; Nicholas Alberd ; Thomas Bruns ; Henry atte Well ; John Raynold ; Walter Bocher ; and William Haydok .


Owing to the death of John, late earl of Somerset , and the minority of Henry his son and heir who died a minor in ‪Henry V‬’s wardship, the manor of Enderby came into the hands of ‪Henry IV, 2/3 of which are still in the hands of the king, but no more because by writ of Henry IV 1/3 manor was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence, widow of the late earl, who survives [CCR 1409–13, p.133].

Enderby. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service of his honour of Leicester. [Annual value not given.]

He died on 25 November 1418. John is his brother and next heir, aged 21 years and more on 25 March last.


Before the king in Chancery by the Leicestershire escheator.
TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Spalding. 20 August 1425. [Taylboys]


Jurors: John Welles ; John Lepper ; Robert Gardyner ; John Horner ; John Witylsey ; Thomas Engelond ; John Warner ; Stephen Grundell ; Richard Longe ; John Cowerd ; Richard Jakson ; and Thomas Anable .


For the same reasons as in 399, a messuage in Spalding came into the hands of ‪Henry IV, 2/3 of which are still in the hands of the king, but no more because 1/3 messuage was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399.

Spalding. The messuage is held of the prior of Spalding , service unknown, annual value 2s.

Date of death and heir, here specified as John Beauford , as in 399.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 10 September 1425. [Hore]


Jurors: Walter Borell ; John Kyng of Wimpole ; John Kyryot ; Henry Gerard ; John Prat ; Richard Deke of Barton ; John Howe ; John Arneys ; Walter Skelman ; John Kylot ; John Robchanns of Coton ; and Thomas Whyte of Trumpington.


For the same reasons as in 399,

the manor of Orwell came into the hands of ‪Henry IV, 2/3 of which are still in the hands of the king, but no more because 1/3 manor was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399. The manor is held of the honour of Gloucester by knight service except for a hide within the manor which is held of Henry Bokesworth in socage. Annual value of the manor, £10.

Date of death and heir as in 399.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Overstone. 20 June 1425. [Knyghtlay]


Jurors: Richard Holwell ; Robert Freuell ; Peter Wattes ; Thomas Bentley ; Richard Groue ; Thomas Harry ; John Freuell ; Thomas Fraunceys ; Adam Taillour ; Adam Lapworth ; Ralph Astey ; and John Payn .


For the same reasons as in 399, the manors of Overstone, Eydon and Maxey and 1/2 manor of ?‘Little’ Brampton came into the hands of ‪Henry IV, 2/3 of which are still in the hands of the king, but no more because 1/3 was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399.

The manor of Overstone is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £10.
The manor of Eydon is held of the king of his honour of Leicester, service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
A moiety of the manor of Maxey called ‘Dalamaresfee’ is held of the abbot of Peterborough , service unknown, and the other moiety called ‘Ardenfee’ is held of the same duchess of Clarence of her manor of Torpel, service unknown. Annual value of the whole manor of Maxey, £40.
The 1/2 manor of ?‘Little’ Brampton is held of the king of his honour of Leicester, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 400.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 20 September 1425. [Michell]


Jurors: Thomas Haccher ; William Ouerton ; Robert Marre ; ? Dedric Ducheman ; John Fissher ; John Knayton ; Robert Goldsmyth ; Thomas Combe ; John Joy ; John Alchon ; William George ; and William Baker .


For the same reasons as in 399,

£500 taken as the petty custom at the port of the city of London by the hands of the collector of the farm or other possessors of the custom, at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions, came into the hands of ‪Henry IV. The £500 was granted to the late earl and the male heirs of his body by ‪Henry IV on 25 October 1409, as is clear more fully in the letters patent shown to the jurors [CPR 1408–13, p.142]. Of the £500, 2/3, namely 500 marks, are now in the hands of the king because 1/3, namely 250 marks, was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399.

Date of death and heir as in 400.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 17 September 1425. [ Scot ]


Jurors: Robert Nyk ; John Clerk ; William Tyrell ; William Robert of Westbourne ; John Smyth ; Thomas Hachet ; Richard Hille ; Richard Jonesson ; Hugh Eggerle ; John Lughteburgh ; Walter Smyth ; William Wylyngham ; and John Blakwell .


For the same reasons as in 399,

£500, part of £1,000 granted to the earl and his male heirs by ‪Henry IV on 12 November 1404 from his Exchequer,
as is contained more fully in ‪Henry IV’s letters patent shown to the jurors [CPR 1401–5, p.477], came into the hands of ‪Henry IV at Westminster. On 25 October 1409 ‪Henry IV granted £500 from the petty custom of the port of the city of London to the late earl and his male heirs, by way of the deduction and satisfaction of the £1,000 according to certain terms as contained more fully in these letters patent detailed in 403. Only 500 marks are in the hands of the king because 1/3 of the £500 residue taken at the Exchequer, namely 250 marks, was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399.

Date of death and heir as in 400.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.11–12

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 17 August 1425. [Wynford]


Jurors: Robert Geffray ; William Sele ; Thomas Wydycombe ; Ralph Manston ; John Upton ; John Mascall ; William Lumbard ; Thomas Blanford ; John Milborn ; John Bron ; Robert Hemerford ; and John Bailly .


For the same reasons as in 399, the following came into the hands of ‪Henry IV.

Curry Rivel, 2/3 manor, held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £24.
Martock, 2/3 manor, held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £40.
Langport Eastover, 2/3 borough, held of the king in socage, annual value 10s.
Langport Westover, 2/3 borough, held of the king in socage, annual value 40s.
Abdick and Bulstone, 2/3 hundreds with their profits, held severally of the king in chief by knight service, annual values of the hundreds, 5 marks and 40s. respectively.
2/3 of £20 annual rent from the issues of the county by the hands of the sheriff.
Of these, 2/3 are still in the hands of ‪Henry VI and no more because 1/3 were assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399. Owing to the death of Elizabeth widow of William Monntagu, late earl of Salisbury , and Henry’s minority, 1/3 manors, boroughs and hundreds came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ and are still in those of ‪Henry VI. Elizabeth held these in dower, with reversion to Henry Beauford , and died in 2 ‪Henry V.

Date of death and heir as in 400.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.13, 15

Writ Head

406 [Writ: see 405 .]

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 17 August 1425. [Wynford]


Jurors: Richard Fauntleroy ; John Dare ; John Lyveden ; Richard Voell ; ? Richard Rochell [ms torn]; William Smyth ; John Kayl ; Robert Dare ; John Dene ; John Neweton ; John Leyceter ; and John Langerygg .


For the same reasons as in 399,

the castle and lordship of Corfe came into the hands of ‪Henry IV, 2/3 of which are still in those of ‪Henry VI, and no more because 1/3 was assigned in dower to Margaret duchess of Clarence as in 399. The castle and lordship are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 400.

TNA reference

C 139/15/18 mm.13–14



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  • John Welles
  • John Lepper
  • Robert Gardyner
  • John Horner
  • John Witylsey
  • Thomas Engelond
  • John Warner
  • Stephen Grundell
  • Richard Longe
  • John Cowerd
  • Richard Jakson
  • Thomas Anable


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