Full text


Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. St Giles in the Fields. 2 June 1424. [Drylond]


Jurors: Richard Mordon ; William Snap ; John Thakworthray ; Richard Cornyssh ; William Smyth ; John Bron ; Walter Smyth ; Peter Ryngwode ; Thomas Hakker ; John Hopkyn ; Philip Coupere ; and William Strecche .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief. He held in his demesne as of fee

4 1/2 a. land in the parish of St Andrew Holborn, of the dean and chapter of St Paul’s cathedral church, London, service unknown, each acre worth 21d. yearly.

He died on 12 December last. Richard Hankeford is his kinsman and next heir as the son of Richard his son, and is aged 27 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 18 March 1424. [Mayn]


Jurors: Thomas Horn ; John Palmer ; Thomas Benet ; John Appilman ; Nicholas Chancy ; William Bayly ; Robert Crist ; William Moreys ; Richard Stevenys ; John Badley ; John Stevenys ; and Robert Forde . He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service. He held the following in his demesne as of fee. Haxton, 1/3 of the following – a messuage, 3 cottages, 2 carucates, 6 a. meadow and 200 a. pasture – of Eleanor, Lady de Sancto Amando , service unknown. The 1/3 messuage is worth nothing yearly, 1/3 cottages 3s. yearly, 1/3 carucates 40s. yearly, 1/3 meadow 4s. yearly and 1/3 pasture 20s. yearly.

Netheravon, 7 messuages and 7 virgates, of David Ceryngton , service unknown, the messuages worth nothing yearly, the virgates 70s. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton. 24 May 1424. [Coker]


Jurors: Richard Marchaunt ; Thomas Osseborne ; John Hockombe ; Simon Penvon ; Roger Grey ; John Alryche ; John Mayvyel ; Richard Bagot ; William Derby ; Robert Mason ; Robert Crooke ; and John Baker .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service. He held the manor of East Cranmore in his demesne as of fee jointly enfeoffed with Robert Veel by gift of William Dyber, parson of Kingston Russell church to William, Robert and Humphrey Stafford, knight, William Ekerdon, clerk and William Coventre and their heirs. By their deed dated 13 April 1411, Humphrey, William Ekerdon and William Coventre remised, relaxed and quitclaimed for themselves and their heirs all right and claim that they had in the manor to William Hankeford , Robert Veel and William’s heirs. He died seised in this joint estate with Robert Veel who survives.

The manor of East Cranmore is held of Thomas earl of Warwick , service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 120 a. arable, worth 30s. yearly; 60 a. meadow, worth 60s. yearly; 80a. wood, its pasture worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 100 a. pasture, worth 8s. 4d. yearly; and 102s. assize rents at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas, in equal portions.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

CITY OF LONDON. Inquisition. Guildhall. 3 June 1424. [Crowemere]


Jurors: Hugh atte Fery ; John Grymesby ; Richard Borneward ; John Brunne ; William Baker ; John Snell ; Thomas atte Wode ; William Marschall ; William Clerk ; John Burford ; John Repon ; and William Stone .


Richard Gabriell, canon of the cathedral church of St Peter’s, Exeter, John Hals and John Osbarn were formerly seised in their demesne as of fee of a messuage, 4 shops and a garden adjacent to the messuage, in Holborn in the suburbs of London. By their indented charter shown to the jurors, they demised and granted these – described as a recently built messuage, shops and a garden adjacent to the messuage in Holborn in the suburbs of London – to William Hankeford , John Hankeford , William Wonard and John Dabernonn , and William Hankeford ’s male heirs of his body, remainder to the heirs of his body, as is contained more fully in the charter. William Hankeford , John Hankeford , William Wonard and John Dabernoun were seised. By his subsequent deed dated 18 November 1418, William Wonard remised, relaxed and quitclaimed all his right and claim in the above to William Hankeford and his heirs, as is contained more fully in the deed shown to the jurors. John Hankeford died, after whose death William Hankeford continued in his estate jointly with John Dabernonn , who survives, and died seised of this estate. The messuage, shops and garden are held of the king in free burgage as the whole of the city is held, annual value £4.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Penkridge. 23 March 1424. [Cootes]


Jurors: John Wynnesbury ; John More of Penkridge ; John Palmer ; John de Egynton ; John de Betheme ; Thomas Meryman ; William Yons ; Hugh Hawthorne ; John Hawthorne ; William Smyth of Penkridge ; Thomas de Elton ; and Thomas Glover .


By a fine levied at Westminster oct. Trin. 1403 and afterwards oct. Mich. 1403 between William Hankeford, knight , William Cheyne son of William Cheyne of Sussex, Edmund Dauntesey , William Wonard and John Dabernonn , quer. and Walter Dauntesey son of John Dauntesey, knight , deforc., the reversion of

1/2 manor of Penkridge
which Amice widow of Robert Bardolf, knight , then held for life of the inheritance of Walter, was granted to remain in full to the quer. Amice died. By another fine levied at Westminster, East. one month 1404 and afterwards oct. Trin. 1404, between William Hankeford, knight , William Cheyne , Edmund Dauntesey , William Wonard and John Dabernonn , quer. and Walter Dauntesey, knight , deforc., Walter surrendered
a Thursday market and an annual fair of five days, the vigil and feast of St Michael and three following days, at the manor of Penkridge
1/2 manor of Rodbaston
to the quer. and William Hankeford ’s heirs. Afterwards, the king by letters patent pardoned William Hankeford , William Cheyne , Edmund, William Wonard and John Dabernoun for the trespass in acquiring the 1/2 manors from Walter Dauntesey son of John Dauntesey, chevalier , held of the king in chief by knight service, to themselves and William Hankeford ’s heirs. He died seised of this estate in the moieties of the market and fair, jointly with William Cheyne , Edmund, William Wonard and John Dabernonn , who survive.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

[Dorse:] William Perkyns delivered [this] to court.
TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Oxford. 1 April 1424. [Bekyngham]


Jurors: William Kyngesmyll ; Richard Hone ; Roger Merlowe ; John Balewe ; John Hille ; William Kyng ; William Adderbury ; Thomas Smyth of Bucknell ; Walter Hardell ; William Ardell ; Thomas Bocher of Bucknell ; and William Joye .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service. He held 1/2 manor of Bucknell jointly enfeoffed with William Cheyne son of William Cheyne of Sussex, Edmund Daunteseye , William Wonard and John Dabernonn , who survive, by gift of Walter Daunteseye son of John Daunteseye, knight , to them and the heirs of William Hankeford . Similarly, he held the other 1/2 manor, described as 1/2 manor of Bucknell formerly Robert Langford’s, jointly enfeoffed with the same feoffees by gift of Walter Daunteseye described as Walter Daunteseye, knight , to them and the heirs of Walter Hankeford . The moieties of

the manor of Bucknellare held of John Lenneis , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.11–12

Writ Head

319 [Writ: see 318 .]

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Wantage. 27 April 1424. [Bekyngham]


Jurors: Thomas Frankleyn ; Robert Beche ; Thomas Borewell ; John Otour ; John Reynacres ; William Hardyng ; Robert Bocher ; John Mortymer, junior ; Richard Skynner ; John Lane ; William Helare ; and John Hopton .


By fine levied at Westminster oct. St John Baptist and afterwards oct. Mich. 1408 [CP 25/1/12/80 no.4], between Thomas Berkeley, Lord de Berkeley, knight , Walter Hungerford, knight , William Hankeford, knight , William Wilcotes , William Stourton , Thomas Calston , William Coventre , William Wonard and John Dabernoun , quer. and Ralph Archer and Elizabeth his wife, deforc., the deforc. remised and quitclaimed the

manor of Eastbury, 7 messuages, 7 tofts, 5 carucates, 90 a. arable, 20 a. meadow, 300 a. pasture, 100 a. wood, 100s. rent and pasture for a cow and 25 sheep, in Eastbury, Bockhampton, Lambourn, Hayward, Leverton and Hadley, and the advowson of the chapel or chantry of St Mary, Lambourn
, to the quer. and the heirs of William Coventre . Ralph and Elizabeth further granted, for themselves and Ralph’s heirs,
the remainder in full of the following holdings from the above tenement, then held of the inheritance of Ralph, to the quer. and William Coventre ’s heirs, holding of the chief lords of these [fees] for services pertaining to that tenement – 3 messuages, a toft, 40 a. arable and pasture for a cow in Eastbury, which John Cooke alias John Colas held for life; a messuage, a toft and 40 a. arable in Eastbury, Hayward and Leverton, which Walter Colas held for life; a toft and 3 a. arable in Eastbury, which John Cokke held for life; and 7 a. arable in Eastbury, which John Frenshe held for life.
Afterwards, the king by letters patent [CPR 1405–8, p.471] pardoned the quer. for their trespass in thus acquiring 6 messuages, a toft, 7 virgates, 53s. 4d. rent in Eastbury and Bockhampton from this tenement, which are held of the king in chief. He further granted by these letters patent and royal licence that any seven or eight of the quer. could release their right in these messuages, toft, land and rent to one or two of the same quer., the one or two persons having these of the king and his heirs by the services thence owed and accustomed. William Coventre , by his deed dated 12 March 1413 and shown to the jurors, remised, released and quitclaimed for himself and his heirs all right and claim in the manor, tenement, rent and pasture and advowson, described as
the manor of Eastbury, and in all messuages, toft, dovecots, lands, tenements, woods, rents, services and reversions in Eastbury, Bockhampton and Lambourn which were John de Estbury senior ’s, and also in the advowson of the chapel or chantry of St Mary, Lambourn
, to William Hankeford , William Stourton , William Wonard , John Dabernoun and the heirs of William Hankeford . Thomas Berkeley , William Wilcotes , William Stourton and Thomas Calston died. William Hankeford died seised of this estate jointly with Walter Hungerford , William Wonard and John Dabernoun who survive.
The 6 messuages, toft, 7 virgates and 53s. 4d. rent in Eastbury and Bockhampton are held of the king in chief by knight service. The messuages and toft are worth nothing yearly, the virgates 28s. yearly, and the rent is from free tenants at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal portions.
The manor, messuage, 6 tofts, 5 carucates, 90 a. arable, 20 a. meadow, 300 a. pasture, 100 a. wood, pasture for a cow and 25 sheep and 46s. 8d. rent from these tenements, are held of John Wantyng , service unknown. The manor is worth 100s. yearly, the messuage, tofts, carucates, meadow, pasture, wood and pasture, 100s. yearly. The advowson of the chantry is worth nothing yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

[Dorse:] William Perkyns delivered this to court.
TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.11, 13

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Kilkhampton. 4 May 1424. [Beaumond]


Jurors: William Greynevyll ; John Butte ; Walter Forde ; John Gogh ; Robert Shorte ; John Mayov ; John Thorndon ; William Estecote ; John Bronyng ; John Brewere ; William Bormesdon ; and Roger Bronyng .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service.

He held the manor of Kelynack in his demesne as of fee of Alexander Champernon , service unknown. In the manor there are 6 a. Cornish arable, worth £6 yearly, and £6 8s. assize rents at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas, in equal portions.

Date of death and heir as in 313.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.14–15

Writ Head

321 [Writ: see 320 .]

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Barnstaple. 19 May 1424. [Beaumount]


Jurors: William Graunt ; John Yeo ; Thomas Pillond ; Thomas Perrot ; William Hurtescote ; John Goldsmyth ; Walter Milemede ; Henry Bale ; John Mulys of Barn’ ; Simon Michill ; Richard Gisbourne ; and Richard Bayon .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or in service. He was seised in his demesne as of fee of the following.

Great Torrington, 3 burgages, worth 6s. yearly, and 1 1/2 a. meadow, worth 3s. yearly, held of Robert Chalons, knight , in free burgage.
Annery (Anry), a messuage, worth nothing yearly, a carucate, worth 40s. yearly, 8 a. meadow, worth 8s. yearly, and 10 a. wood, worth 6d. yearly, held of John Gay of Goldworthy , service unknown.
Yarnscombe, the manor, containing 100s. assize rents at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas, in equal portions, held of the same Robert Chalons , service unknown.
Annery (Upanry), 2 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 2 ferlings, worth 12s. yearly, held of William Boteler in free socage.
Whiddon, 40 a. arable, worth 10s. yearly, held of John Cokeworthy , service unknown.
Shestrygge, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a carucate, worth 20s. yearly, held of John Cadia , service unknown.
Clifford Barton, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, a carucate, worth 24s. yearly, and 30s. rent, held of Robert Lytelton , service unknown.
Bewsley, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling, worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held of John Spenser , service unknown.
Poughill, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, 3 ferlings, worth 12s. yearly, and 8s. rent, held of Robert Ackelane , service unknown.
Braundsworthy, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling, worth 10s. yearly, held of William Danyll , service unknown.
Stadson, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling, worth 10s. yearly, held of Nicholas Wamford , service unknown.
Monkleigh and Ashridge, 6s. rent at Michaelmas from 20 a. arable.
Hankford and Haytown, 2 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and a carucate and a ferling, worth 30s. yearly, held of William Esturmy, chevalier , service unknown.
Thorne, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling, worth 10s. yearly, held of Walter Pollard , service unknown.
Eastacott, Muckworthy, ?Bower and Bibbear, 3 messuages and 2 tofts, together worth nothing yearly, 5 ferlings, worth 53s. 4d. yearly, and 8 a. wood, its pasture worth 4d. yearly, held of the prior of Frithelstock , service unknown.
Newland, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 2 ferlings, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, held of John Hankeford , service unknown.
Patchacott, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 3 ferlings, worth 30s. yearly, held of William Hydon , service unknown.
Bulkworthy, 8 a. arable called ‘Furslond’, held of the abbot of Torre , by service of 3s. rent yearly.
Langtree, 8s. rent at Michaelmas from 2 messuages and a carucate.
Rashleigh Barton, 10 marks rent at Michaelmas from 17 messuages, 7 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 60 a. wood and 60 a. gorse and heath.
He held the following in his demesne as of fee jointly enfeoffed with John Dabernonn , who survives, by... of Oliver son of William de Cernyngton to William and John and to Christine late wife of William, Henry Foleford , John Hankeford , all now deceased, their heirs and assigns.
Upcott, Halse and Bideford, 2 messuages, worth nothing yearly, a carucate, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, and 20s. rent from free tenants at the four annual terms as at Yarnscombe above, of William Greynevyll , service unknown.
West Heanton, 3 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 3 ferlings, worth 20s. yearly, of the abbot of Tavistock , service unknown.
Peters Marland, 2 messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 2 ferlings, worth 20s. yearly, of Nicholas Spectote , service unknown.
He held the following by curtesy of the inheritance of Richard Hankeford , kinsman and heir of Christine his late wife, as son of Richard her son.
?North or South Molton, a toft and 4 ferlings, of Robert Corun , service unknown, annual value 30s.
Virworthy and Lutson, 6 messuages, worth nothing yearly, 9 ferlings, worth 60s. yearly, and 8s. rent at the four principal annual terms in equal portions, of William Palton, chevalier , service unknown.
Holsworthy, 2s. rent at Michaelmas from 2 messuages.
He held the following jointly enfeoffed with William Clerke , who survives, by gift of Robert Kirkham to them and Richard Hankeford and Henry Foleford , both now deceased, and their heirs.
Ashcombe, the manor, of Edward de la Pomeray , service unknown. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 80 a. arable, worth 45s. yearly; and £6 assize rents at the four principal annual terms in equal portions.
Ringmore, the manor, of William le Goche, a minor in the king’s wardship. In the manor there are the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly; 200 a. arable, worth 100s. yearly; and 58s. assize rents as above in equal portions.
Rixdale, a messuage, worth nothing yearly, and a ferling, worth 13s. 4d. yearly, of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown.
White Cross and Peamore, 30s. rent at Michaelmas from 4 messuages and 4 ferlings.
He held in his demesne as of fee 1/2 knight’s fee in Mullacott of Walter Pollard , annual value when it falls 50s.

Date of death as in 313. Richard Hankeford is his kinsman and next heir as the son of Richard his son, and kinsman and heir of Christine, his late wife, as son of Richard her son, and is aged 27 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/12/32 mm.14, 16



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East Cranmore
Total: -



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East Cranmore
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  • Richard Marchaunt
  • Thomas Osseborne
  • John Hockombe
  • Simon Penvon
  • Roger Grey
  • John Alryche
  • John Mayvyel
  • Richard Bagot
  • William Derby
  • Robert Mason
  • Robert Crooke
  • John Baker


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