Full text


Writ Head

301 Writ. ‡ Durham. 28 March 1424. [Haseley]

Regarding lands held in dower of the inheritance of Thomas son and heir of John de Clyfford, knight .

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 23 September 1424. [Mare]


Jurors: Thomas Phelippus ; Richard Heryng ; Hugh Symondes ; John Holder of Littlehope ; William Hyskocus ; Richard Abbot ; Nicholas Shyre ; Richard Yevans ; John Swynmore ; Richard Frewyn ; Walter Henberewe ; and John Page .


She held no lands or tenements in chief of the king in dower or otherwise for life of the inheritance of Thomas son and heir of John de Clifford, knight , deceased.

She held the manor of Bridge Sollers of Thomas’s inheritance jointly enfeoffed with Thomas her late husband, by enfeoffment of Thomas de Clifford , Thomas’s uncle, to them and their heirs. The manor is held of the bishop of Hereford of his bishopric by 1/4 knight’s fee. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 140 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 2 1/2d. yearly; 16 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; there was a water-mill for corn, now totally waste due to the sluggish water of the Wye; and £4 7s. 4d. free rents from lands and tenements which free tenants hold freely of the manor.

She died on 26 March last. Thomas son and heir of John de Clifford, knight , son of Thomas de Clifford, knight , and Elizabeth, is her next heir, aged 10 years and 8 weeks and more; he is in the king’s wardship.

TNA reference

C 139/11/30 mm.1–2

E 149/131/3 m.2

E 149/131/3 m.4

Writ Head

302 Writ. ‡ . Durham. 28 March 1424. [Haseley]

As 301.

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition. Guildford. 19 June 1424. [Burgh]


Jurors: Henry Snokeshull ; Philip Palmere ; John Hascombe ; John Sherlok ; Thomas Sherlok ; John Tangele ; John Harpour ; John Waltham ; William Belyff ; Robert Chaloner ; John Welyngerssh ; and John Frelond .


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in her demesne as of fee or in service.

She held 1/2 manor of East Shalford with the advowson of Cranleigh church, every other presentation, jointly with Thomas, Lord de Clifford , her late husband and their heirs. In the 1/2 manor there are a grange, worth nothing yearly; 5 a. marshy meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 16 a. arable called ‘Eldelondes’, each acre worth 4 1/2d. yearly; 28 a. pasture in ‘le Westepark’, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 22 a. pasture in ‘le Overparke’ and ‘Lannde’, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 12 a. pasture in ‘le Strangeham’ and ‘Wastilond’, each acre worth 3 1/2d. yearly; 20 a. arable in ‘le Middelpark’, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 9 a. in ‘le Pympecombe’, each acre worth 1 1/2d. yearly; 20 a. pasture in ‘le Nye’ with the common pasture on ‘le Downe’, each acre worth 6d. yearly; a wood called ‘Parkewode’ containing 12 a. wood, worth nothing yearly; 10 a. moor pasture, each acre worth 5 1/2d. yearly; a pasture called ‘Newemede’ at Alfold, belonging to the moiety, worth 3s. yearly; £9 assize rents from free and villein tenants; and 100 a. pasture in a park at Alfold, belonging to the moiety, worth nothing yearly after enclosure [? with] the park pallings and the maintenance of the beasts of the chase. The moiety is held of the earl of Stafford by service of 12d. castle-guard at his castle of Tonbridge in Kent.

She died on the 30 March last. Thomas son of John, late Lord de Clifford , her son, is her next heir and was born on 20 August 1414, and is aged 9 years and 43 weeks and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/30 mm.3–4

E 149/131/3 m.2

E 149/131/3 m.4

Writ Head

303 Writ. ‡ . Durham. 28 March 1424. [Haseley] As 301.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Skipton. 12 July 1424. [Hay]


Jurors: John Paslawe ; John Rilston ; William Eltoft ; Lionel ?Daiccry [ms galled]; John Talbot ; Thomas Radclefe ; Robert Scarburgh ; John Maude ; Gilbert Kighley ; Richard Copley ; Adam Walshawe ; and Henry Preston .


She held the following parts of part of the castle, manor and honour of Skipton, held of the king in chief, as her fair dower of 1/3 of 2 parts of the castle, manor and honour, of the inheritance of Thomas, son and heir of John, late Lord de Clifford , her son, and a minor in the king’s wardship.

A chase called ‘Berdenforest’ in which there are 14 tenements for cow-pasture worth, £10 yearly, and a derelict water-mill for corn, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; 2 parts of the profits of agistment in this chase and in ‘Skireakes’, worth 5s. 6d. yearly;
the vill of Skipton, in which there are 24 bovates formerly enclosed for pasture, worth yearly £4 3s. 4d. after the maintenance of the hedges; and 1/3 of 2 parts of the profits of Skipton courts called ‘Knyghtcourtes’ and ‘Burghcourtes’ held every three weeks, worth 13s. 4d. yearly after the steward’s fee and minor officials’ expenses.
8s. 6d. free rent called ‘Wopentakfynes’ taken annually from knights’ fees assigned to her by way of her dower.
A small enclosed park with stone walls and palisades, called ‘loldpark’, its herbage worth 13s. 4d. after the maintenance of the beasts of the chase, the repair of the walls and palisades and the forester’s fee.
13s. 4d. annually from a meadow there called ‘Walterwra’ and 13s. 4d. from the manor of Holme by way of her dower of 26s. 8d. from that manor.
She held as of her dower and assignment, a wood and lodges (logeas) called ‘Elstowe’ and ‘Crukrye’, worth 40s. yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 302, except that here Thomas is aged 9 years and 47 weeks and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/30 mm.5–6

E 149/131/3 m.4

Writ Head

304 Writ. ‡ Durham. 28 March 1424. [Haseley]

As 301.

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Worcester. 9 September 1424. [Wolashull]


Jurors: William Abyndon ; William Specheley ; William Ferkenham ; John Guderiche ; John Forester ; Hugh Brussy ; John Keyn ; Richard Halftree ; William Doughty ; John Skyll ; William Quynt ; and William Jakeman .


She held no lands or tenements in chief of the king in dower or otherwise for life of the inheritance of Thomas son and heir of the deceased de Clifford, knight . She held the following manors of Thomas’s inheritance jointly with Thomas de Clifford, knight , her late husband, by gift of Thomas de Clifford, senior , uncle of the said Thomas, to hold to them and their heirs.

Tenbury, the manor, held of the heirs of Brian de Cornewalle of the barony of Burford by service of 1/2 knight’s fee. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly because totally wasted; 180 a. demesne land, each acre worth 2d. yearly for pasture; 260 a. arable, each acre worth 1 1/2d. yearly; 30 a. meadow, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 74s. 8d. free rent from free burgesses of burgages in Tenbury; 15s. 4d. annual free rent called ‘Blontront’ from free tenants; 11s. 4d. free annual rent from free tenants in Hope Baggot in Shropshire next to Tenbury; 13s. 4d. annual free rent called ‘Froxmerent’ from lands and tenements in Tenbury, formerly Walter Soundre’s; and a water-mill for corn, worth 38s. this year, in her hands.
Eckington, the manor, held of the abbot of Westminster , paying £8 14s. annually as fee-farm. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; and demesne lands, meadows and pasture, worth 60s. yearly above the £8 14s. paid to the abbot as fee-farm.
She died seised in her demesne as of fee of
a tenement and 24 a. arable in Kyrewood in Tenbury, worth 7s. yearly, and 3 burgages, part of a burgage, and 21 a. land, lately purchased from Hugh Barbour to hold to herself and her heirs and assigns, worth 8s. 8d. yearly above free rent.

Date of death and heir as in 301, except that here Thomas is aged 10 years and 4 weeks and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/30 mm.7–8

E 149/131/3 m.4

Writ Head

305 Writ. ‡ . Durham. 28 March 1424. [Haseley]

As 301.

Inquisition Head

CUMBERLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Penrith. 21 September 1424. [Skelton]


Jurors: Hugh de Louther ; William de Stapilton, junior ; William Beaulieu ; John Brakenthwayt ; John de Salkeld ; John de Denton ; Alexander Forster ; John Bost ; Thomas Grame ; Robert Clynt ; John Robertby ; and William Chapell .


She held in dower by endowment of Thomas de Clyfford , her former husband, 1/3 of 2/3 of 1/3 of the manor of Skelton, reversion to Thomas son and heir of John, late Lord de Clyfford , of the king in chief by payment of 2s. 2 1/2d. cornage paid to his exchequer at Carlisle at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions, annual value 20s.
She died seised of the following, jointly enfeoffed for life with Thomas her former husband.
Lamonby in the vill of Skelton, lands and tenements called Lamonby Hall, reversion to the same Thomas son and heir of John, annual value 20s. and held as before by cornage.
Carleton, the manor, held of the king in chief by service of paying 18s. 6d. to his exchequer at Carlisle at the same terms, annual value 20s. In the manor there are the following free tenants who between them pay 18s. 6d. at the Assumption – Thomas de Carleton who holds 2 messuages and 4 a. arable, paying 6d. at Pentecost and Martinmas in equal portions; William Stapilton who holds 2 messuages and 12 a. arable paying 19 1/2d. similarly; Thomas de Mewebourne who holds a messuage and 1 a. arable paying 21d. similarly; William de Hertelay who holds a messuage and 3 a. arable paying 3d. similarly and 1/8lb. pepper at Christmas; Thomas de Lowedale, clerk , who holds a messuage and 3 a. arable paying 9d. similarly; Robert Garrard who holds a messuage and 1 a. arable paying 1d. similarly; John Scot who holds 2 messuages and 8 a. arable paying 5s. 3d. similarly; William de Garth who holds a messuage and 1 a. arable in the right of Margaret his wife, paying 1d. similarly and 1lb. cumin; Adam Byrde who holds a messuage and 6 a. arable which were William Threlkeld ’s, paying 4s. similarly; Robert Clynt who holds a messuage and 1 a. arable in the right of Ellen his wife, paying 2d. similarly; John de Hoton who holds freely a messuage and 2 a. arable paying 1/4lb. pepper; and Thomas Burgham who holds freely a messuage, wasted, paying 1/8lb. pepper at Christmas.
Robert Crakanthorppe son of John de Crakanthorppe holds lands, purprestures and tenements in Penreth, for life by her grant shown to the jurors, reversion to Thomas son of John de Clyfford , her heir, held of Ralph earl of Westmorland of his manor of Penrith by services presently unknown, annual value 13s. 4d.

Date of death and heir as in 301, except that here Thomas is aged 10 years and 3 weeks and 4 days and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/30 mm.9–10

E 149/131/3 m.4

Writ Head

306 Writ. ‡ Durham. 28 March 1424. [Haseley]

Inquisition Head

WESTMORLAND. Inquisition [indented]. Appleby. 16 September 1424. [Skelton] [The ms is worn and galled and frequently illegible.]


Jurors: Robert de Louthre, chevalier ; Christopher de Moresby ; Henry de Threlkeld, chevalier ; John de Cracanthorpp ; William de Thorneburgh ; John Manch...le ; John de Clibburn ; John de Barton ; Thomas de D... ; Ralph de Kirkeby ; William Beauchamp ; and John de Threlkeld .


She held the castle and manor of Brough, less the following named exceptions, in dower by endowment of Thomas de Clyfford, knight , her former husband, reversion now to Thomas de Clyfford , son and heir of John de Clyfford , and his heirs. The exceptions are, first, the following lands, tenements, vacheries and rents of which John de Clyfford, chevalier , died seised in his demesne as of fee – the vacheries of Strice Gill, Craghous, Knolhawe, Skirrygill, Swynstywath, Seavy Rigg, Mouthlock, Calva, Thorny Gale, the vacheries called ‘lez Borowans’ and ‘la Aldpark’, and the vachery of Heggerscale with an annual rent of 70s. 9 3/4d. from it, a park called ‘le Aldepark’ next to Brough Sowerby, and a tenement in Brough which William Leche formerly held for life by grant of Roger, former Lord de Clyfford . The exceptions are, secondly, the vill of Brough Sowerby, part of the castle and manor, but which she held jointly enfeoffed with Thomas her late husband by Thomas de Clyfford his uncle. The castle is exceedingly derelict [? and therefore requires major expense, reducing the value of its profits]. In the manor there are a close around the castle called ‘Castelparke’, worth 10s. yearly; 200 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 83 a. 3 roods of demesne meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; ?22 bovates, each worth 20d. yearly; 20 cottages, totally wasted for lack of tenants and worth nothing;... [? 9... 11 cottages], each worth 12d. yearly; a water-mill for corn, worth 26s. 8d. yearly; free tenants who between them hold 25 tofts for which they pay 25s. yearly; a rent called ‘Rekesilver’ due annually at Michaelmas from messuages in Church Brough in which ?fuel was leased, namely 2 1/4d. for each messuage, annual value of the rent this year 3s. 4 1/2d. and no more because the messuages are in great part lying waste for lack of tenants; a market every day in June with annual markets and fairs on the feast of St Matthew, the issues worth 20s, yearly; a several pasture called ‘Sourebymore’ containing 10 a., worth 6s. yearly; 2 messuages and 6 bovates, pertaining to the office of constable by grant of the castle lords and confirmation of the king, which John de Crakanthorpp , constable of the castle, holds for life without paying anything; a rent of ?oats, namely ?12... oats price 12s. due annually from the vills of Hillbeck and C...bergh..., amounting to 16s. 8d. yearly, which rent belongs to the office of constable granted to John de Crakanthorpp in the same form; the following free tenants – Thomas de Oxenthwayte who holds a messuage and 8 a. arable, paying 3s. at Pentecost and Martinmas in equal portions; John son and heir of John de Soureby , who holds a messuage and 4 a. arable, paying 14d. similarly; Thomas de ?Tulverdofe who holds 2 messuages and 2 bovates, paying 4s. 3d. similarly; William Spenser who holds a messuage and 2 bovates, paying 2d. similarly; Thomas de Derby who holds a messuage, a cottage and 4 a. arable, paying 8d. similarly; Thomas Smyth and Alice his wife who hold in her right 3 messuages and 24 a. arable, paying 12s. 7d. similarly and a cradle whenever the lady of the manor gives birth; Thomas Bocle who holds a tenement with an adjacent croft and 3 a. arable, paying 2s. 3 1/2d. similarly; Agnes Huchunsondoghter who holds 3 a. arable, paying 15 1/2d. similarly; and Richard Musgrave, chevalier , who pays 12d. similarly for licence to... [? fix the post] of his mill of Musgrave on the manor’s...; closes and the following enclosed vacheries (vaccaria appruamenta) – New Hall worth 6s. 8d. yearly, Bretynhowe worth 6s. yearly, Rampson worth 5s. yearly, Oxenthwaite worth 6s. 8d. yearly, Borrenthwaite worth 6s. 8d. yearly, Ewebank worth 6s. 4d. yearly, Mykylthwayte worth 6s. 2d. yearly, Ukmanhowe worth 2s. yearly, Hazel Bank worth 2s. 3d. yearly, and Garefytestegh worth 13s. 4d. yearly; 4s. 3d. rent owed from a close near Rookby called ‘Redegateclos’; a mine of sea-coal whose profits are customarily worth 13s. 4d. yearly but now nil because no-one occupies it; and 200 a. pasture and 100 a. wood beyond the close and vacheries named above, worth 1d. an acre.
She died seised jointly enfeoffed with Thomas her late husband by enfeoffment of Thomas de Clyfford , Thomas’s uncle, of the vill of Brough Sowerby which is also part of the castle and manor of Brough, reversion to Thomas as before, annual value 66s. 8d. In the vill there is a free tenant, William del Bernes , who holds 2 messuages and 12 a. arable there, paying 7d. at Pentecost and Martinmas in equal portions.
She held in dower as above, the rents and services of the following free tenants who held the following manors etc. in the county.
Hartlay, the manor, extended at 100s. yearly, for which Richard de Musgrave, knight , pays 12s. 3[or 4]d. at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.
Great Musgrave, the manor, extended at 53s. 4d. yearly, for which the same Richard pays 4s. 2d. as above.
Little Musgrave, the manor, extended at 40s. yearly, for which the same Richard pays 11s. 2d. as above.
Soulby, the manor, extended at 100s. yearly, for which the same Richard pays 13s. 8d. as above.
Murton, the manor, extended at 40s. yearly, for which the same Richard pays 6s. as above.
Crosby Garrett, the manor, extended at 100s. yearly, for which the same Richard and the prior of Watton pay 10s. 1d. as above.
Warcop, a carucate in the manor, extended at 20s. yearly, for which Ralph earl of Westmorland pays 12d. as above.
Orton, the manor, extended at 106s. 8d. yearly, for which Thomas de Dacre, knight , and Thomas de Laton pay 10s. 2d. as above.
Great or Little Asby, the manor, extended at 40s. yearly, for which Stephen Cotesfold and his heirs pay 4s. 4d. as above.
Clifton, the manor, extended at 53s. 4d. yearly, for which William Wybergh pays 16s. 4d. as above.
Askham, the manor, extended at £4 yearly, for which Robert de Sandeford pays 50s. 9d. as above.
Cliburn, the manor, extended at 40s. yearly, for which Thomas de Warthecopp of Sandford pays 16s. 9d. as above.
magna Burgh and parva Burgh, bovates and lands, extended at 6s. 8d. yearly, for which free tenants between them pay 10s. as above.
She held in dower
1/3 of 2 parts of all profits of the office of sheriff of Westmorland, worth yearly 13s. 4d. above the fee,
and the following.
Whinfell Forest, a part, as enclosed with stakes and rails, called ‘le Oldeparke’, with a part called ‘le Outeentre’, worth 26s. 8d. yearly.
Clifton, 2 parts of 22 qrs. oats due yearly from the manor.
Kirkby Thore, advowson of the church, valued at 100s. according to a new assessment.
Long Marton, advowson of the church, valued at 50s. similarly.
The castle, manor, rents, services, lands, tenements and advowsons are held of the king in chief by knight service as part of all castles, manors, offices, rents, farms, services, reversions and advowsons of churches which John, late Lord de Clyfford , held of the king in chief of his crown by service of 2 knights’ fees and 1/2 knight’s fee.

Date of death and heir as in 304.

TNA reference

C 139/11/30 mm.11–12

E 149/131/3 m.4



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Bridge Sollers
Total: -



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Bridge Sollers
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  • Thomas Phelippus
  • Richard Heryng
  • Hugh Symondes
  • John Holder of Littlehope
  • William Hyskocus
  • Richard Abbot
  • Nicholas Shyre
  • Richard Yevans
  • John Swynmore
  • Richard Frewyn
  • Walter Henberewe
  • John Page


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