Full text


Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Barnstaple. 26 June 1424. [Bemound]


Jurors: William Granefild ; Nicholas Specot ; John Bucce ; Thomas Pilland ; John Deviock ; John Stowe ; Edmund Cateworthi ; William Blynche ; John Widbury ; John Vynehawe ; John Aps ; and John Bilhole .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief or another.

He died on 4 December last. John Arundell is his son and next heir, aged 3 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton. 5 January 1424.n292_001 [Coker]


Jurors: Richard Marchaunt ; Robert Crosse ; Robert Stallynch ; William Payne ; Robert Crake ; Thomas Symmes ; John Conker ; Henry Hiptroc ; William Stret ; Richard Bagot ; John Alriche ; and Simon Penwoun


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief or another.

Date of death and heir as in 291.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.3–4

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition. Southwark. 29 July 1424. [Burgh]


Jurors: Walter Martyn ; Nicholas Prior ; Henry Spenser ; William Goldry ; William atte Grene ; John Smyth ; John Ware, junior ; John atte Wode of alicCotynge ; John Hegger ; Peter Wyden ; William Wyts ; and Richard Heywarde .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or in service of the king in chief.

He held the manor of Ravensbury and a parcel of land called ‘Almanneslonde’ in Mitcham, for life by curtesy of the inheritance of Margaret his late wife, by reason of their offspring, reversion to John Arundell , their son and heir. In the manor and parcel there are 672 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 68 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 48s. rent at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal portions. Annual value of the manor and parcel, £17. The manor is held of the heirs of Baldwin Frevyle, chevalier , of his manor of Ashtead in socage by service of 6d. rent or a pair of gilt spurs annually. The parcel is held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, of his manor of Frankeshall’ by service of 6s. rent annually.

Date of death as in 291. John Arundell is the son and next heir of John Arundell and Margaret, aged 3 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Partney. 20 July 1424. [Sutton]


Jurors: William Borell ; William Cotes ; John Rumpayn ; John Halk ; William Warner ; Simon Michell’ ; William Bowyer ; Henry Fosse ; Richard Holand ; John Castell’ ; William Appulby ; and Simon Potrell’ .


He held for life as tenant by curtesy of the inheritance of Margaret his late wife, one of the daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh, knight , by reason of their offspring, 1/2 of 1/3 manor of Skendleby, held of the king in chief by knight service. The moiety contains 4 tofts, each worth 12d. yearly; 30 a. arable and pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 10 a. meadow and pasture, each acre worth 10d. yearly; 60s. rent at Michaelmas only; and 4 1/2 a. wood, worth nothing yearly after its enclosure.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the following in Partney: 1/2 of 1/18 of the profits of a market held on Saturdays; 1/2 of 1/18 of the profits and tolls of the fair held each year on the vigils and feasts of St Mary Magdalene, the Assumption and of the Nativity of St Mary, worth 9d. yearly; and 5s. rents from free tenants at Michaelmas, St Andrew, Easter and St Botulph in equal portions. These are held of Lord de Bello Monte by knight service.

Date of death and heir as in 293.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Wickham ?Market. 30 October 1424. [Groos]


Jurors: Geoffrey Geney ; John Flik ; Thomas Seman ; Thomas Eston ; John Chapman ; John Chike ; John Tubbe ; Nicholas Smyth ; John Pertre ; John Maister ; John Pulham ; and Robert Morwhell .


Thomas Chaucer and Maud his wife and John Arundell and Margaret his wife, in right of Maud and Margaret, daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh, knight , were formerly seised of the manor and advowson of Stratford ?St Andrew, 100 a. arable, 3 a. meadow and 42s. rent in Bourn in Cambridgeshire, 100 a. wood in Ewelme, Swyncombe and Nuffield, and the advowson of Ewelme church, in Oxfordshire, the manor of Hatfield Peverel in Essex and the manor of East Worldham in Hampshire. On 12 November 1417, by a fine levied in ‪Henry V‬’s Court of Common Pleas between Thomas Chaucer and Maud, quer. and John Arundell and Margaret, deforc. [CP 25/1/292/64 no.69], a moiety of the above was granted to Thomas and Maud and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of John and Margaret and Margaret’s heirs, paying them £8 13s. 4d. cash annually, at Lady Day and Michaelmas in equal portions. John and Margaret further granted the remainder of the moiety of the manor of Hatfield Peverel, which Emma widow of John Burgherssh, knight , then held for life of the inheritance of Margaret and her heirs, to Thomas and Maud and their heirs to hold with the other moieties of John and Margaret and her heirs by the same services, reversion of all moieties to John and Margaret and her heirs, quit of all the heirs of Thomas and Maud, as is clear more fully in the part of the fine shown to the jurors. Emma died and then Margaret, after whose death John was seised of the rent both of the moiety of the manor of Stratford ?St Andrew and the other moieties in the other counties as tenant for life, reversion to John Arundell , son of John and Margaret, as Margaret’s heir according to the fine. He died seised of the rent in this estate. He held

the moiety of the manor of Stratford ?St Andrew and the advowson of the church of the prior of the monks of St Mary, Thetford, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee and 20s. annual rent, as mesne tenant between Thomas Chaucer and Maud and the prior

Date of death and heir as in 293.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.9–10

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Maldon. 28 June 1424. [Baynard]


Jurors: Thomas Child ; Edmund Bryd ; John Herde , Fuller ; William Spenser ; John atte Noke ; William Reynold ; John Ultynge ; Thomas Ferynge ; Roger Proudefote ; William Gore ; John Pepir ; and Thomas Glovere .


The findings of 295 are repeated except that here, after Margaret’s death, John was seised of

the rent from both the moiety of the manor of Hatfield Peverel and the other moieties in the other counties as tenant for life, reversion to John Arundell , son of John and Margaret as before. He died seised of the rent in this estate. He held the moiety of the manor of Hatfield Peverel in service of Queen Katherine of the castle and manor of Pleshey, as her fair dower by assignment of ‪Henry V‬, by fealty and 12d. annual rent, as mesne tenant between Thomas Chaucer and Maud and the queen.

Date of death and heir as in 293.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.11–12

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Hartfordbridge. Tuesday 12 November 1424.n297_001 [Mayn]


Jurors: Thomas Palmer ; John Harwell ; Henry Serell ; John Serell ; Richard Vaus ; Robert atte Dene ; Robert Knaptofte ; William atte Nassh ; John Normanton ; John Gover... [ms torn]; Thomas atte Wodd ; and Henry Swoyn .


The findings of 295 are repeated except that here, after Margaret’s death, John was seised of

the rent from both the moiety of the manor of East Worldham and the other moieties in the other counties as tenant for life, reversion to John Arundell , son of John and Margaret as before. He died seised of the rent in this estate. He held 1/2 manor of East Worldham in service of the king in chief by knight service, as mesne tenant between Thomas Chaucer and Maud and the king.

Date of death and heir as in 293.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.13–14

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Wendover. 5 October 1424. [Cheyne]


Jurors: William Broune ; Richard Heyne ; Thomas Brystowe ; John Blacemere ; William Welsch ; John Carter ; Walter Neweman ; William Agare ; Thomas Poygnaunt ; Richard Adekyn ; William Kyngham ; and Robert Kyppyng .


Emma widow of John Burgherssh, knight , now deceased, was formerly seised of

3 tofts, a dovecot, 2 1/2 virgates, 8 a. meadow, 6d. rent in Kingsey and 4s. rent in Towersey at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, and 1/3 of the whole wood and underwood in Kingsey and Towersey,
as her fair dower by endowment of John her former husband, belonging after her death to Margaret late wife of John Arundell , and Maud wife of Thomas Chaucer , daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh . By a fine levied in ‪Henry V‬’s Court of Common Pleas on mor. St Martin 1417 [CP 25/1/292/64 no.68], between John and Margaret, quer. and Thomas and Maud, deforc., the latter granted the reversion of the moieties of these, which Emma then held of Maud’s inheritance, to John Arundell and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of Thomas and Maud and her heirs, as is clear more fully in a part of the fine shown to the jurors. Emma died seised in the tofts, etc. as tenant in dower according to this form, after whose death John and Margaret were seised of one half in right of Margaret’s inheritance as one of John Burgherssh ’s daughters and heirs, and the other half in their demesne as of fee tail according to the fine. John and Margaret had issue John Arundell . Margaret died seised and
John subsequently died seised of one half as tenant for life by curtesy and the other half as of fee tail according to the fine. The tofts, etc. are held of the heir of John Nerunte, chevalier , by knight service. The tofts and dovecot are worth 6s. 8d. yearly; the 2 1/2 virgates contain 40 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; the 8 a. meadow are each worth 12d. yearly; and 1/3 wood and underwood is worth nothing yearly.

Date of death and heir as in 293.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.15–16

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 10 May 1425. [Hore]


Jurors: Alan Coupere of Bourn ; Walter Fuller ; Robert Gray ; Thomas Pekke ; John Chyvyn ; Robert Pekke ; Walter Seman ; John Mold ; John Baylly of Stow ; John Clyve ; Thomas Skynner ; and Geoffrey Norman .


The findings of 295 are repeated except that here, after Margaret’s death, John was seised of

the rent from both the moiety of 100 a. arable, 3 a. meadow and 42s. rent in Bourn and the other moieties in the other counties, as tenant for life, reversion to John Arundell , son of John and Margaret as before. He died seised of the rent in this estate. He did not hold the moiety in Bourn or any part of it, or other lands or tenements, of the king, but of whom the moiety is held or was then held, unknown.

Date of death and heir, here aged 3 years on 29 December last, as in 291.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.17–18

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Woodstock. 23 June 1424. [Bekyngham]


Jurors: Richard Stevenes ; John Swyfte ; Thomas Orleton ; John Skennesby ; John Tymmes ; John Colles ; Robert Hyde ; Richard Warter ; Ives Dercy ; John Bray, junior ; Richard Slatter of Rousham ; and Thomas Skynner of Woodstock.


Emma widow of John Burgherssh, knight , now deceased, was formerly seised of

2 messuages, 2 1/2 virgates of arable and 1 1/2 a. meadow in Tythrop,
in dower as in 298, with reversion as in 298. By the fine detailed in 298, a moiety of these was granted to remain to John Arundell and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies as before.
Tenure of the moiety by Emma, John and Margaret, then John as in 298. The messuage, arable and meadow are held of Gilbert Wace ’s heir and William Saundirdon by knight service, annual value 40s.
The findings of 295 are repeated except that here, after Margaret’s death, John was seised of
the rent from both the moiety of 100 a. wood in Ewelme, Swyncombe and Nuffield, and the moiety of the advowson of Ewelme, and the other moieties in the other counties, as tenant for life, reversion to John Arundell , son of John and Margaret as before.
He died seised of the rent in this estate. He held the moiety of the wood and advowson in service of the king in chief by knight service, as mesne tenant between Thomas Chaucer and Maud and the king.

Date of death as in 291. John Arundell , son of John Arundell the father and Margaret, is the heir of John Arundell the father and both the heir of the bodies of John Arundell and Margaret and the right heir of Margaret, and is aged 3 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/11/29 mm.19–20

E 149/131/7 m.2



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  • William Borell
  • William Cotes
  • John Rumpayn
  • John Halk
  • William Warner
  • Simon Michell’
  • William Bowyer
  • Henry Fosse
  • Richard Holand
  • John Castell’
  • William Appulby
  • Simon Potrell’


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