Full text


Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 10 November 1423. [Charyngworth]


Jurors: Thomas Bokelond ; Roger Langele ; Richard Toller ; John Laurence ; John Bryd[?s]ale [ms torn]; John Hoberd ; Walter Troteman ; William Flemyng ; John Postell ; William Knyghton ; Robert Elyot ; and John Aungewynne .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in his demesne or in service. Long before his death he was seised of the manor of Poyle in his demesne as of fee. Described as his

manor of Poyle with meadows, pastures, rents, services and all other rights and profits,
and described as John de la Poyle , brother and heir of Thomas de la Poyle, knight , he granted the manor by charter, dated 3 June 1422 and shown to the jurors, to Robert Warner , Robert Quynaton , Walter Cotton , Robert Jurdan, clerk , John Gaynesford and John Wythill , and their heirs. They were seised in their demesne as of fee and still continue in this estate.
The manor is held of the lord of Undercombe and Miles Wyndesore , services unknown. In the manor there are the site with buildings, and gardens and 2 small granges attached to the manor containing 6 a., worth nothing yearly; 200 a. arable, each acre worth 1d.; 40 a. pasture, each acre worth 1d.; 40 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d.; 3 a. heath, each acre worth 4d.; a water-mill, worth 10s. yearly; and £4 12s. 8 1/2d. assize rents at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions. Pertaining to the manor are an annual rent of a rose from Roger Langele at Midsummer; 4 capons from tenants at a day called ‘Hokke day’; and a court baron every three weeks, worth nothing yearly after the steward’s stipend.

He died on 31 October last. Robert de la Poyle is his kinsman and next heir as son of Henry his son, and is aged 3 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/10/26 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Newbury. 9 November 1423. [Waget]


Jurors: Henry Hylle ; William Norys ; John Gonnter ; Richard Skynner ; John Chadelworth ; John Bye ; Roger Tryngow ; William Brekevyle ; Roger Smyth ; Henry Barbour ; Richard Rust ; and John Gugen .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in his demesne or in service. Long before his death he held

the following in Chilton in his demesne as of fee: 6 messuages and a cottage with adjacent gardens, worth nothing yearly; 104 1/2 a. arable, worth 13s. 3/4d. yearly, each acre 1 1/2d.; 40 a. pasture, worth 5s. yearly, each acre 1 1/2d.; 22s. 8d. assize rents at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions; and a court baron every three weeks, worth 12d. after the steward’s stipend. They are held of the abbot of Abingdon by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Described as all his lands, tenements, rents and services, suit of court, wardship, relief, escheat, right of marriage and all other appurtenances in Chilton, and described as John de la Poyle, esquire , he granted these by charter, shown to the jurors and dated 12 January 1420, to Henry de la Poyle , his son, and his heirs and assigns. Henry was seised in his demesne as of fee. By his charter dated 2 June 1421 and shown to the jurors, Henry, described as Henry de la Poyle , son of John de la Poyle, esquire , granted these, described as before and which he had by enfeoffment of his father, to Robert Warner , Robert Quenerton , Robert Jurdan, clerk , and Henry Aubre , and their heirs and assigns. They were seised in their demesne as of fee and still continue in this estate.

Date of death and heir as in 278.

TNA reference

C 139/10/26 mm.3–4

Writ Head

280 [Writ: see 279 .]

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Bicester. 10 November 1423. [Waget]


Jurors: John Notebeme ; Thomas Hobcroft ; Thomas Saunders ; John Redehede ; John Brakley ; Richard Strannge ; Nicholas Colyn ; John Spere ; John Burcestre ; Thomas Fuller ; John Russell ; and John Ballewe .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in his demesne or in service. Long before his death he was seised in his demesne as of fee of the

manor and advowson of Hampton Poyle .
Described as John de la Poyle , brother and heir of Thomas de la Poyle, knight , and by an indented charter shown to the jurors and dated 26 January 1422, he demised the manor and advowson at farm – described as his manor of Hampton Poyle in the vill of Hampton Poyle and elsewhere in the county together with the advowson and all other appurtenances – to Robert Warner , Robert Quynaton , Walter Cotton , Robert Jurdan, clerk , John Gaynesford and John Wythill , and their executors and assigns, for 20 years from the previous Christmas, paying to John, his heirs and assigns 14 marks sterling at Midsummer and Christmas in equal portions, as is contained in full in the deed. By his deed similarly shown to the jurors and dated 8 June 1422, and described as before, he quitclaimed for himself and his heirs all his right and claim that he had in the manor and advowson to the same, without royal licence. Robert, Robert, Walter, Robert, John and John were seised in their demesne as of fee and still continue in this estate.
The manor and advowson are held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee. Annual value 10 marks, namely the site with buildings and gardens and a small grove attached containing 3 a. land, worth nothing yearly; a dovecot, worth 12d. yearly; 401 a. arable, each acre worth 2d.; 22 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. 6d.; and 7[?0]s. 10d. and a ‘clove’ of ginger rent from free tenants at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions. A court baron every three weeks pertains to the manor and is worth 3s. yearly after the steward’s stipend.

Date of death and heir as in 278.

TNA reference

C 139/10/26 mm.3, 5

Inquisition Head

SURREY. Inquisition [indented]. Guildford. [On or after]n281_001 10 November 1423. [Wymeldon]

[The ms is galled and has two small holes.]


Jurors: Thomas Stoughton ; John atte Lee ; John Crosse ; Philip Webbe ; John Parysse ; John Hunte ; Thomas Chamberlayn’ ; John Skalton ; Richard Huntesford ; John Hale ; Peter Fuller ; and Walter Herman .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in his demesne or in service. Long before his death he was seised in his demesne as of fee of the

manor of Poyle. Described as his manor in Guildford, Stoke, Slyfield Green, Chiddingfold and elsewhere in Surrey and Sussex, together with all lands, tenements, meadows, pastures, rents, reversions, services and all other appurtenances,
and by his indented charter referred to in 280 and shown to the jurors, he demised the manor to the same farmers for 20 years, the farmers paying 12 marks sterling at the same feasts. He quitclaimed all his right and claim as in 280, by his deed similarly shown to the jurors and dated 12 June 1422. The farmers were seised in their demesne as of fee and still continue in this estate.
The manor is held of the king in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, except for 8s. 4d annual rent belonging to the manor from lands and tenements which Richard Asshehurst and Joan his wife hold in Newdigate and Capel, which is held of Beatrice countess of Arundel , service unknown. In the manor there are 2 water-mills in Guildford, worth 50s., each 25s.; a fulling-mill in Guildford, without a loft, which Robert ?Vyict formerly held for life, worth 10s. yearly; 1 a. meadow in Guildford, worth 6d. yearly, and 6 a. meadow in Stoke by Guildford, worth 6s. yearly, each acre 12d.; 16 a. arable in Stoke by Guildford, worth 2s. 8d. yearly, each acre 2d.; 3 1/2 a. arable in Guildford, worth 7d., each acre 2d.; and 108s. 4d. assize rents from tenants in Guildford, Stoke, [Slyfield Green] and Chiddingfold at Christmas, Lady Day, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions. View of frankpledge held at Guildford the Monday after Martinmas, worth 2s. 6d. yearly, and a court baron held there every three weeks, worth 12d. yearly after the steward’s stipend, both pertain to the manor.
He was seised in his demesne as of fee of
the following in Tongham in Farnham hundred: a hall and a grange, worth nothing yearly, a ?granary (?grana) containing..., worth nothing yearly after enclosure, 24 a. arable, worth 12s. yearly, each acre 6d., and 60 a. pasture, worth 15s...., all held of the bishop of Winchester of his manor of Farnham, service unknown; and 12 a. arable, worth 6s. yearly, each acre 6d., held of the abbot of Chertsey of his manor of Ash, service unknown.
Described as his manor called ‘le Poyle’ at Tongham in Farnham hundred, with suit of court, wardship, relief, escheat, right of marriage and all other appurtenances,
and described as John de la Poyle, esquire , he granted these by charter, shown to the jurors and dated 20 July 1411, to Henry de la Poyle , his son, and his heirs and assigns. Henry was seised in his demesne as of fee, and granted these by his charter as described in 279.

Date of death and heir as in 278. [The inquisition for Sussex ordered in the writ is not extant.]

TNA reference

C 139/10/26 mm.6–7



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
advowson, Hampton Poyle
Total: -



No holding extent information available.




  • John Notebeme
  • Thomas Hobcroft
  • Thomas Saunders
  • John Redehede
  • John Brakley
  • Richard Strannge
  • Nicholas Colyn
  • John Spere
  • John Burcestre
  • Thomas Fuller
  • John Russell
  • John Ballewe


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