Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Brentwood. 7 November 1424. [Baynard]


Jurors: John atte Parke ; John Goolde ; Richard Frensshe ; John Keteryng ; John Maykyn ; John H...den [ms torn]; Richard Pete ; John Smyth of Heydon; John Sudbury ; John Swalwe ; Thomas Hunte of Manningtree; and John Barkere .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service. Long before his death he was seised in his demesne as of fee of the whole manor of Kelvedon, which he granted on 10 November 1419, by charter of this date, to John Wodehous , John Leventhorpe , Richard Baynard , John Hawe , Roger Racham , John Marlere , John Phylpot and William Northamme , their heirs and assigns. The feoffees, thus seised, and by their charter dated 16 November 1419, regranted the manor to John Loudham and Alice his wife and their assigns, in survivorship. Alice survives.

The manor of Kelvedon, except for 40 a. arable with a park called ‘Bunnysleigh’ in Messing, is held of the prior of the convent of St Botulph, Colchester, in right of the church, service unknown. The 40 a. arable with the park is held of Richard Baynard and Grace his wife of the manor of Easthorpe, service unknown. Annual value of the manor, £10.

He died on 28 April last. Joan wife of Thomas Hevyngham is his daughter and next heir, aged 14 years and more on 28 April last.

TNA reference

C 139/10/24 mm.1–2

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Diss. 10 September 1424. [Groos]


Jurors: William Alrede ; John Halle ; John Wedowe ; Walter Thebald ; Thomas Cook ; John Brisbon ; Thomas Cobalde ; Thomas Halle ; Henry Lowdale ; Thomas Peron ; Thomas Spynk ; and Walter Taillour .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service. Long before his death he was seised in his demesne as of fee of the

manor and advowson of Frenze,
1/2 manor called ‘Boylondesfe’ together with 1/2 this manor in Suffolk
. These were granted and regranted by the charters detailed in 274, and shown to the jurors, without the king’s licence in either case. Alice his wife survives.
The manor and advowson of Frenze are held of Lord Fitzwauter of his manor of Diss by service of 6d. yearly, annual value of the manor 16 marks.
The 1/2 manor called ‘Boylondesfe’ in Norfolk is held of the king in chief by 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value 52s. 5 3/4d.

Date of death and heir as in 274.

TNA reference

C 139/10/24 mm.3–4

Writ Head

276 [Writ: see 275 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Eye. 18 September 1424. [Groos]


Jurors: Thomas Assheman ; Richard Sturmyn ; John Balle ; William Garneys ; Robert Hosier ; William Toke ; William Kendale ; John Farman ; Richard Broun ; Thomas Cok ; John Wrighte ; and John Whitlok .


He held jointly with Alice his wife, who survives, the manor of Loudham in their demesne as of fee tail by enfeoffment of William Burgate, chevalier , and others now deceased, by their charter dated 18 June 1408 and shown to the jurors. The whole manor is held of Henry Inglose and Anne his wife of their manor of Horsford by service of 4d. yearly, annual value £10 6s. 8d. A £6 annual rent is derived from the manor by William Loudham , his brother, granted to him for life by William Burgate , now deceased, by an annual rent deed before the date of the charter. Similarly, 20s. was granted in the same form to John Staverton for life. William Loudham and John Staverton survive.
Long before his death he was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Tuddenham St Martin. By his charter dated 10 March 1422, shown to the jurors, he granted this to Richard Elsewyk , John Hawe and John Marlere , their heirs and assigns, who are still seised. It is held of the prior of Ely of his manor of Melton by service of 1d., annual value 7 marks.
The 1/2 manor called ‘Boylondesfe’ in Suffolk was granted and regranted with the other moiety in Norfolk as in 275. The 1/2 manor in Suffolk is held of the king in chief by 1/4 knight’s fee, annual value 52s. 4d.

Date of death and heir as in 274.

TNA reference

C 139/10/24 mm.3, 5



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Tuddenham St Martin
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  • Thomas Assheman
  • Richard Sturmyn
  • John Balle
  • William Garneys
  • Robert Hosier
  • William Toke
  • William Kendale
  • John Farman
  • Richard Broun
  • Thomas Cok
  • John Wrighte
  • John Whitlok


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