Full text


Writ Head

163 Writ mandamus. ‡ 20 October 1422. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding lands held of ‪Henry V‬ .

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Launceston. 12 December 1422. [Copleston]


Jurors: John Trelauny, knight ; Stephen Trenewyth ; Peter Aggecomb ; William Trelauny ; John Croudecote ; Richard Penfoun ; John Josep ; John Pengelly ; Nicholas Tregodok ; Thomas Carwyn ; Richard Palmer ; and Stephen Tredydyn .

John de Dancomb and Peter Syluerlok were seised in their demesne as of fee of the manor of Trevisquite and the advowson of St Mabyn there, belonging to this manor. By their indented charter shown to the jurors and dated 23 December 1381, they granted the manor and advowson to Joan, described as Joan widow of Thomas de Courtenay , for life with successive remainders to John, Thomas’s son and heir, and the heirs of his body; Edmund brother of John and the heirs of his body; Thomas brother of John and Edmund, and the heirs of his body; Clemence sister of John, Edmund and Thomas, and the heirs of her body; Robert Stobehulle and the heirs of his body; and Peter de Courtenay, knight , his heirs and assigns. Joan was seised in her demesne as of free tenement. The brothers John, Edmund and Thomas and Clemence their sister died without heirs of their bodies. Robert Stobehulle had issue Isabel, Joan, Elizabeth and Isabel, and died. Joan his daughter married William Holebeme , and they had issue John Holebeme . Joan died and William survives. Joan named in the writ, died seised of this estate.
Trevisquite and St Mabyn. She held the manor and advowson of ‪Henry V‬ of his duchy of Cornwall by a knight’s fee. n163_001 In the manor there are £16 assize rents from free tenements, by the hands of free tenants at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas in equal portions; a grist-mill, worth 10s. yearly; 4 a. English moor, worth 3s. 4d. yearly; and 1 a. wood, its pasture worth 4d. yearly. Annual value of the advowson nil.

She died on 23 December 1421. Maud wife of Ralph Durburgh is her sister and next heir, aged 60 years and more. Isabel senior , Elizabeth, Isabel junior , and John son of William Holebeme and Joan his wife, are the next heirs of Robert Stobehulle . Isabel senior , now the wife of Nicholas Speccote is aged 34 years and more, Elizabeth 20 years and more, Isabel junior 18 years and more, and John 14 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/6/50 mm.1–2

E 149/128/6 m.1

n163-001^: Exchequer copy has a knight’s fee Mortain.



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  • John Trelauny, knight
  • Stephen Trenewyth
  • Peter Aggecomb
  • William Trelauny
  • John Croudecote
  • Richard Penfoun
  • John Josep
  • John Pengelly
  • Nicholas Tregodok
  • Thomas Carwyn
  • Richard Palmer
  • Stephen Tredydyn


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