Full text


Writ Head

159 Writs de dote assignanda. 16 May 1423. [Wymbyssh]

Separate writs to the escheator of Yorkshire and the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk . Next friends of the heir of Thomas Inglesthorp to be forewarned [CCR 1422–9, p.33]. [Yorkshire assignment not extant.]

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK. Assignment of dower [indented]. [No place or date.] [[Wynter]


Indenture in presence of Edward Wotton , John Crane and Richard Foster , next friends of the heir of Thomas Ingaldesthorp , named in the writ. [The ms is worn and stained.] The following was assigned to Margaret.

... ?10 a. land and... and 1/3 of the same from 40 a. land at East Raynham, on the north, in accordance with the boundaries placed there, with free entry and exit to the same; the northern 2 a. of 6 a. at ‘P...stysbrigge’; the northern 10 a. of 30 a. land at ‘Reyswang’; 9 a. in ‘le Northfeld’ at ‘Stonhill’; 20 a. in the tenure of Thomas Person in full recompense for... part of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same; the western 4 a. of 7 a. in Reyngham Murteyn lying at ‘meteles’; the western 10 a. lying at ‘Ryswong’ of 30 a.; 5 a. lying at ‘H...ngyn...wong’, in the north end; 2 a. land and 1 1/3 roods of 7 a. at ‘Kyptonbusk’; 1 a. at ‘Skale...’ lying next to Hugh Skeyp ’s land; 1 a. land lying at ‘Bernardeshed’ next to John atte Touneshend ’s land and 1 rood lying next to the same John’s land; ?’...oundhill’ next to Richard Herbertt ’s land and 1/2 a. 1/2 rood of land lying [in] 5 a. next to Sibyl Trendill ’s land and 1 1/2 roods lying there next to Lord de Skales’ land , in full recompense for 1/3 of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same; 10 a. in the tenure of John Greve ; the eastern 3 a. of 9 a. land and meadow lying in the close in Reyngham Murteyn; 1/3 manorial close lying in East Raynham, with the adjacent close; 1 rood of meadow lying in Reyngham Murteyn next to Thomas Bewpey ’s meadow; 3 roods of meadow called ‘Seggesled...’ next to the Lord de Skales ’ meadow; 1 a. of 2 a. at ‘Hattdole’ and 1 a. at ‘Dycham’ next to John atte Touneshend ’s meadow, and 1/2 a. meadow lying next to Peter Barfot ’s meadow, in full recompense for 1/3 of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same. From Henry Lese 3s. 7 1/2 d., 4 hens, 2 cocks and 8 boon-works; from John Walays and Thomas Cok 4s., 7 capons and 10 boon-works; from John S... 2d.; from Thomas Passe 4d.; from John Webbester 1d.; from the tenement lately Edmund Thorp’s in ?‘Gaile’ 4s.; from John Stapylton's 2s. 6d.; from the tenement lately ‘Gelys’ 12d.; from Lord de Skales 12d.; from the tenement lately Isabel Chapman’s 8d.; from the tenement lately Alice Hert’s 6s. 9 1/2d.; from Ralph Chaunt 3s. 3d.; from Hugh Crysp 2s. 5d.; from the tenement lately William Bond’s 2 1/2d. Lands held at fee-farm – 12 a. land and meadow, by John Greve, senior ; 8 a. 2 1/2 roods, by John Barker ; the tenement lately ‘Westlond’ containing 5 a.; 9 a. 1/2 rood, by Robert Smyth ; 3 1/2 roods, by William Low ; 5 1/2 roods, by John Greve, junior – and 1/3 court baron every three weeks, with fines, amercements, heriots, waif and stray and all other profits, in full recompense for 1/3 all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same.
The following was assigned to Margaret
from the manor of Ingoldisthorpe in Snettisham in Norfolk. Another tiled room in full recompense for 1/3 all houses, with free entry and exit to the same; the northern 6 a. 2 1/2 roods lying in ‘Beakeyerd’; 1 piece land containing 8 a. lying at the east headland of ‘Thomswong’; at the same east headland 8 a. land on the west of ‘Langtrundel’ between the meadow and ‘Sharnnburngate’; 1 a. lying to the north of ‘Redwelle’ pond; the northern 7 a. of 8 a. pasture below the manor on the east; and 4 a. meadow fit to mow, in full recompense of 1/3 all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same. In ‘Bewest dounne’ 5 1/2 a. lying in the north and west of ‘Dounne’; in Shernborne 3 1/2 a. to the north of the strip (cultura) of ‘Blakesyke’; 2 1/2 a. on the north of Shernborne mill; 1 a. 3 roods on the west of ‘Sharnburngate’; in Horswell at ‘Potekynnes Crofteshend’, 1 1/2 roods lying beyond ‘Hechamgate’; 1 a. lying in ‘Eulwerescroft’; 5 a. at ‘Gadenacre’; 2 a. 1 rood at ‘Wyndmulle Hedlond’; 1 a. 3 roods at ‘Hoddeslowhedlond’; 3 1/2 roods at ‘Graneacre’; 1 a. at ‘Collynylond’; 3 1/2 roods lying above ‘Calkpyt’; 3 1/2 roods in the same strip; 2 1/2 roods in ‘Northmosdele’ next to the land formerly Thomas de Burgh’s; 3 1/2 roods at ‘Calkpyt’; 3 roods in the same strip between the land formerly William Gosselyn’s [and] the king’s highway, in full recompense of 1/3 of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same. In ‘Southhoredegong’ 1 a. 3 roods of firm land lying at ‘Larketathe’; 3 1/2 roods lying there in ‘le longfurlongdele’; 2 a. 1 rood lying at ‘Brechamgate’ between William Gosselyn ’s land and the king’s highway; 1 a. 1 rood lying at ‘Harehilcote’; 3 1/2 roods next to Peter de Wymundham ’s land; 2 1/2 roods in the same strip, in full recompense for 1/3 of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same. In ‘Midelherdegong’ 1 a. 3 roods of land lying in the strip of ‘Harhill’; 3 roods at ‘Brakenest’ there; 2 1/2 roods lying next to ‘Puttokhow’ there; 1 a. 1/2 rood at ‘Stotfoldgate’; 1 1/2 roods in the same strip, in full recompense of 1/3 of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same. In ‘Northendegong’ 2 roods lying in the strip of Sedgeford; 1 a. 1 rood lying there and abutting ‘Maydensty’ to the east; 3 1/2 roods at the east headland of ‘Ingaldesmere’; 1 a. 1 rood at ‘Hennestrendole’; the eastern 3 1/2 roods at ‘Mikilwong’; 3 1/2 roods in the strip of ‘Fayrmerwong’; 1 a. 3 roods lying in the same strip; in Fring, 2 a. 2 roods lying in the strip of ‘Skulwellyll’ next to the prior of Colesford ’s land; 18 a. lying below ‘Smethedon’; 4 1/2 a. at ‘Howgate’ there; in ‘le Lyng’ in the east field, the northern 3 1/2 roods in the strip of ‘Cotecroft’ next to the duchy of Lancaster’s land; 24 a. at ‘Middilwong’ between the prior of Wymondham’ s land and ‘le Lyng’; at ‘Sharnhep’, the northern 3 1/2 roods next to the land formerly... Edmund; 3 1/2 roods in the same strip next to William Gosselyn ’s land; in ‘Middilfurlong’, 2 a. 1 rood next to the land of Richard Gosselyn and Adam Frankeleyn ; in Ingoldisthorpe, the western 4 a. lying in ‘Ingaldesthorpwong’; in ‘Suttonhill’, 1 a. 1 rood next to ‘Cobbe’ messuage on the north and abutting the king’s highway to the west; 1 1/2 a. in 3 pieces near Henry Notyngham ’s water-mill; 2 1/2 roods in ‘Southgate’, next to the duchy of Lancaster’s villein land and abutting the king’s highway to the south; 3 1/2 roods at ‘Hellebolnestrossus’ next to the land formerly Adam Pebul’s; 1 a. at ‘Calkhilgor’, next to John Bryston ’s land on the west and abutting the king’s highway to the north. From Cicil’ Sperw 3d.; Roger Tabeye 4d.; John Bryston 20s.; John Roo, junior , 1 1/2d.; Robert Smyth of Sedgeford 4d.; Richard Sygyn 5 1/2d.; Nicholas Walter, vicar of Snettisham , 10d.; John Quyk 5d.; John atte Dam 1d.; Alice Andrewe 10d.; and the tenants of Felicity Bolle ’s land 3d. From John Qwyk for the land of John Brod, chaplain, 13d.; John Galle 5d.; William Hen...lee 4 3/4d.; tenants of Nicholas Lene of Shernborne’s land 6d.; Nicholas Knyght 1 1/2d.; tenants of Shernborne manor 4s. 1 1/2d.; John Fethiler for Margaret Hert ’s land 10 1/2d.; John Dauy Shipman 1 1/2d.; and John Perty for Heprose land 3d. From Michael Potekyn 18d.; John Seggeford 16 1/4d.; Richard Reyner, clerk , 2d.; David Schenkwyn 11d.; Robert Smyth for villein land 4s. 5 1/2d.; and William Dene 3s. 4 1/2d. From Michael, vicar of Heacham , 4 1/2d. and John atte Nook 12d.
From tenants of the manor of ‘Hakeford’ in Fring 6d.; the tenements of Robert de Conlney 4 1/2d.; Ralph Baron 4 1/2d.; and William Skepper 4d. From Gilbert Molle 6d. and John Hacke 5 1/2d. 1/3 court baron every three weeks, with fines, amercements, heriots, waif and stray and all other profits belonging to it in full recompense for 1/3 of all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same.
The following was assigned to Margaret
from the manor of ‘Ingaldesthorp’ in Somerton in Suffolk, in the presence of Edward Wotton , Gilbert Pulham and Richard Foster , next friends etc. 1/3 grange within the site, as divided by metes, to the north of the house, with free entry and exit to the same; 1/3 cow-shed there as divided by metes, also to the north of the house, with free entry and exit to the same; 1/3 shepherd’s house there as divided by metes, to the east of the house, with free entry and exit to the same; 1 a. land of the site, on the east as divided by metes and bounds, which acre and those below are measured by the rood of 18 feet according to the custom of the manor of ancient use; 1 a. underwood in a little grove opposite the site, on the east; 26 a. 3 roods of land in a field called ‘Morefeld’, on the east and extending lengthwise from... of site up to the field called ‘Frevilefeld’; 10 a. land in a field called ‘Litildonne’, lying below the site on the east; 6 1/2 roods of land in a piece called ‘Mekildonne’, on the south of this field; 3 a. in the same field in a piece lying between John Rysyng ’s land on the south and John Groom ’s land on the north; 2 a. land in the same field lying between the land of the rector of the church of Somerton and John Rysyng ’s land; 1/2 a. 1/2 rood of land [in] a piece lying in the same field at ‘Frostechacche’; 6 a. 1/2 rood of land on the west of 1/2 piece of land lying in the field called ‘le Heyefeld’ whose south headland abuts the king’s highway leading to Sudbury; 1 a. 1 rood of land on the north of a piece in the field called ‘Heyfeld’ and lying between the land... of Somerton on the north and Thomas Prynte ’s land on the south; 4 a. land in ‘Frevilefeld’ in one piece, lying between Margaret Haukes ’s land on the north and the rector of Hawkedon ’s land on the south; 6 a. land in a piece called ‘le Blakelond’, lying between the... of Somerton on the south and John Groom ’s land on the north and abutting the land of ‘Thurstonhalle’; 4 a. land in a piece at ‘Frevilefeld’ on the north of a way called ‘le grenewey’ and the land of the rector of the church of Somerton on the north and abutting ‘le longstrete’ to the east; 6 1/2 a. 1/2 rood on the south of a piece in the field called ‘Haukedenfeld’ whose west headland abuts William Coggeshale ’s land; the eastern 2 a. meadow of 5 a. in a piece called ‘Remedewe’; the eastern 1 a. of 3 a. in a piece called ‘Helmesdew’; the eastern 1 1/2 a. of 4 1/2 a. meadow called ‘Lokenmedowe’; the eastern 1 1/3 rood of 1 a. meadow called ‘Went medewe’; the eastern 6 a. pasture of a piece of 18 a. lying at ‘Westeye’; the eastern 6 a. of a wood [also given as underwood] called ‘Westeywode’; 25s. 3d. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas from the following free tenants – Richard Coppyng 2s. 9d.; John Hebull 22d. and also 5s.; Thomas Nicholl 2s.; William Coggeshale 6d. and 1/3 goose; John Rysyng 2s. 7 1/4d.; John Gleymefford 5s.; John Groome 3s. 6d.; and William Hor for the messuage formerly William Foster’s, 2s. 1d.; and 1/3 court baron every three weeks, with fines, amercements, heriots, waif and stray and all other profits belonging to it in full recompense of 1/3 all lands [? and houses] with free entry and exit to the same.

[Fragment of seal attached to foot.]
TNA reference

C 139/6/46 m.5

E 149/126/4 mm.2–3



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
East Raynham (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Ingoldisthorpe, Horswell, Sedgeford, Fring, Lancaster, Ingoldisthorpe, Lancaster, Shernborne (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Hakeford (Assigned Holding)
Total: -
Ingaldesthorp, Somerton, Somerton (Assigned Holding)
Total: -



No holding extent information available.





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