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Inquisition Head

VILL OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Inquisition. 12 June 1423 . [Walle]


Jurors: William Midelton ; William Stowe ; John Cornay ; John Litster ; Thomas Lange ; Thomas Chamber ; Henry Barbour ; Robert Fletcher ; Thomas Erle ; Thomas Hautwysell ; Henry Smyth , draper ; and John Barker , chapman.


He held the following in the vill in his demesne as of fee:

4 adjacent tenements on ‘le Denebrigg’, now worth nothing yearly because derelict, of ‪the king in burgage tenure;
a messuage, lying on the west of the church of St Nicholas next to ‘Dentonchare’, which Thomas Lincoln last inhabited, now worth nothing yearly because derelict, of ‪the king as before;
2 adjacent tenements in ‘le Ouerfleshnerrawe’, held separately at farm by William Flex and Robert Flesshuer , worth 5s. yearly, of ‪the king as before;
16s. fee-farm at Martinmas and Pentecost in equal portions from the messuage in ‘le Melemerketgate’ which Alan Frost now inhabits but over which Robert Penreth has rights, the messuage held of ‪the king as before; and
20s. fee-farm at Martinmas and Pentecost in equal portions, the first term of payment being next Martinmas, from a tenement opposite the church of St Nicholas on the west, which Henry Jonson , ‘Barbour’, and Joan his wife now inhabit, the tenement held of ‪the king as before

He died on 7 March 1422. John de Mitford , his son, is his next heir, aged 21 years on 8 April last because born on 8 April 1402.

TNA reference

C 139/5/40 mm.1–2

E 152/10/504

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 10 June 1423. [Cerf]


Jurors: John de Wedryngton, chevalier ; Thomas Gray, chevalier ; William de Vrde ; Laurence de Acton ; Robert de Swynburne of Newcastle upon Tyne; Adam de Killingworth ; John de Herle ; Roger Fenwyk ; William de Benet ; Robert Langwath of Newburn; William de Yong ; and Robert de Hawelay of Bradford.


He died seised in his demesne as of fee tail to himself and the male heirs of his body, of the manor of Molesdon by enfeoffment by David de Strabolgi, late earl of Atholl .

MolesdonThe manor contains the capital messuage called ‘Molesdon place’, worth nothing yearly; 20 a. arable pertaining to the messuage, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 6 other messuages, each worth 8d. yearly, and 200 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 7 gardens, each worth 2d. yearly; and 100 a. pasture called ‘le comon more’, worth 40d. yearly.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee of the following.
Mitford, a close called ‘Isehagh’ containing 16 a. land, each acre worth 1d. yearly; and 30 a. land called ‘le Castelland’, each acre worth 1d. yearly. The manor, close and land are held of ‪the king in chief by service of 1/40 knight’s fee and 6d. yearly to Henry Percy, lord of Mitford .
Mitford, the capital messuage, worth nothing yearly because derelict; 28 other messuages including one called ‘Crystian Clok place’, and of these 21 lie waste and are worth nothing yearly and 7 are each worth 12d. yearly; and 178 1/2 a. land and 13 a. meadow, worth 13s. yearly after the rents and services due to the chief lord. All these are held of Henry Percy, lord of Mitford , in socage.
Newton Park or Underwood, a waste messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 4 a. land and 2 a. meadow, worth nothing yearly because unoccupied, held of the same Henry Percy in socage.
Ellole, a waste vill called ‘Ellole’, containing 2 husbandlands and held of the heirs of John son of Simon in socage, worth only 6s. 8d. yearly because it lies waste and uncultivated.
Espley, the manor, containing the capital messuage and 2 cottages, all waste, and 3 husbandlands, worth 6s. 8d. yearly, held of the same Henry Percy in socage.
Benridge, a messuage, 10 a. land and 1/2 a. meadow, held of the same Henry Percy in socage, worth nothing yearly because waste.
Corbridge, 4 burgages, of which 2 lie waste and worth nothing yearly, and 2 are each worth 9d. yearly, held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , in burgage tenure as part of that vill.
Ethewyk, 2 waste messuages, worth nothing yearly, and 2 husbandlands, each worth 20d. yearly, held of Ralph de Nevile, earl of Westmorland , in socage.
Cowpen, the waste capital messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 130 a. land, worth 5s. yearly, held of the heirs of William de Whefyngton, chevalier , by knight service; and a waste messuage, worth nothing yearly, and 140 a. land, worth 5s. yearly, held of Robert Raymes and Robert Swynburn in socage.
Bockenfield, 3 messuages, 80 a. land and 1 a. meadow, worth nothing yearly because waste, held of Nicholas Heron, lord of Bockenfield , in socage.
Newbiggin by the Sea, 2 burgages, worth nothing yearly because waste, held of John Wydryngton, chevalier , in burgage tenure.
Tranwell, 2 a. land, waste and worth nothing yearly, held of John Barone of Grayston in socage.
Ponteland, a messuage, 6 1/2 a. land and 1 1/2 a. meadow, worth 12d. yearly, held of Henry Percy of his lordship of Mitford in socage.
‘Little’ Eland, a messuage, 7 a. land and 1 a. meadow, worth 12d. yearly, held as above.
He died seised in his demesne as of fee tail of
2 messuages and 2 husbandlands in Mason and 2 messuages and 2 husbandlands in High Callerton,
jointly enfeoffed with Margery his wife, daughter of Robert de Lisle, chevalier , who survives, by grant of John de Mitford of Northumberland. By his indented charter, with close warrant, dated at Mitford, 11 March 1398, one part of which was shown to the jurors, John granted the above, described as all his lands, tenements, rents and services in those vills, to William and Margaret described as William de Mitford , his son, and Margaret daughter of Robert de Lisle, chevalier , and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of the chief lords of those fees for the due services.
The messuages and lands, worth 30s. yearly, are held of Henry Percy, lord of Mitford in socage of his lordship of Mitford.

He died on 7 March last. Heir as in 130.

TNA reference

C 139/5/40 mm.3–4

E 152/10/504

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Gainsborough. 18 June 1423. [Denton]


Jurors: John Hamson , William Quyxley , Thomas Bromflet and John Walker , of Gainsborough; Thomas Skydgate ; William Dounthetoun ; John Draper of the same; John Asseby ; John Godus ; John Kelsay ; Robert Hertelpell ; and Thomas Rasyn .


He held no lands or tenements of ‪the king in demesne or in service. He held jointly with Margery his wife, who survives, in his demesne as of fee tail to himself and the heirs of their bodies,

6 messuages and 5 bovates 10 a. 4 selions of arable, by the enfeoffment described in 131, with the messuages etc. described as all John’s lands and tenements, rents and services in Gainsborough. These are worth 24s. 8d. yearly, held of Henry Percy of Atholl of his manor of Gainsborough in socage.

He died on 7 March 1423. John Mitford is the son and next heir of William and Margery, aged 21 years on 8 April last.

TNA reference

C 139/5/40 mm.5–6

E 152/10/504



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  • John Hamson
  • William Quyxley
  • Thomas Bromflet
  • John Walker
  • Thomas Skydgate
  • William Dounthetoun
  • John Draper of the same
  • John Asseby
  • John Godus
  • John Kelsay
  • Robert Hertelpell
  • Thomas Rasyn


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