Full text


Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Grimsby. 19 July 1422. [Denton]


Jurors: William Walesby of Barnoldby le Beck; Robert Jacob of the same; John Holdernesse of the same; John Warde of Beelsby; Robert Cooke of the same; William Lauranson of Cuxwold; Richard Smyth of East Ravendale; William Maltby of Swinhope; William Daniyot of Marshchapel; John de Asby of Waltham; Richard Barne of the same; and John de Asby of Brigsley.


She held in dower, among other lands and tenements of her late husband Stephen le Scrope, lord of Masham ,

the manor of Barnoldby le Beck, extending into Barnoldby, Waltham, Waithe, Holton le Clay, Brigsley, Ashby, Grimsby, reversion to the right heirs of Stephen [interlineated: issuing of his body], namely their son Henry le Scrop, who was convicted of insurrection against Henry V at Southampton by his own admission. To the manor belong its site, annual value nil, 180 a. arable, of which 90 acres and no more can be sown each year, annual value 6d. per acre in the years when it is sown, 10 a. meadow, annual value 6d. per acre, a watermill, annual value 10s., £16 assize rents payable at Midsummer, Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter by equal portions, and the profits of the court there, annual value nil beyond the steward’s fee and expenses.

She died on 30 May last. [Heir not named.]

TNA reference

E 149/126/10 m.1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXII.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Grantham. 19 December 1422. [Denton]


Jurors: William Mapulbek and John Hayby , of Grantham; Thomas Brandon and Thomas Smyth , of Haugh; Walter Man and John Race , of Carlton Scroop ; Richard Wryght and Richard Herman , of Denton; John Saunderson of Welby; Robert Milner of Marston; John Campion of Hougham; and John Wylde of Ancaster.


Margaret widow of Stephen le Scrope, late Lord le Scrope of Masham, held in dower 1/3 manor of Carlton Scroop, among others from his lands and tenements, reversion to the right heirs of Stephen, namely Henry le Scrope, their son, who rose in armed rebellion against ‪Henry V‬ .

Carlton Scroop. To the 1/3 manor belongs 1/3 site, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 5 marks assize rents at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions.

She died on 30 May last.

[There follow details regarding an outlaw.]

TNA reference

E 149/126/10 m.5

Writ Head

113 Writ. ‡ 20 February 1423. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding lands held of ‪Henry V‬ .

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln castle. 12 April 1423. [Denton]


Jurors: Robert Jacob n113_001 and John Holdernesse , of Barnoldby le Beck; John Warde and Richard Smyth , of Carlton Scroop ; William Malteby of Barnoldby le Beck ; Warin Asby ; Richard Darne ; John Cosyne of Carlton Scroop ; William Mapelbek of Maplebeck ; Walter Man ; John Raas ; and William Smyth of Carlton Scroop .


John Alburgh granted the following by his charter to the lord Geoffrey le Scrope, knight , and the heirs of his body. Geoffrey died seised of this estate. The manors etc. descended according to the gift, from him to Henry le Scrope, knight , his son and heir, and after Henry’s death to Stephen le Scrope, knight , Henry’s son and heir. Thus seised, Stephen married Margaret, named in the writ, and died. After Stephen’s death, the manors etc. descended according to the gift, to Henry le Scrope, knight , his son and heir; and the manor of Barnoldby le Beck and 1/3 manor of Carlton Scroop and the messuages, burgages, lands and rents were assigned to Margaret his widow in dower from his free tenement, reversion to Henry son of Stephen and his heirs according to the gift. Afterwards, Henry wronged ‪Henry V‬ and died without issue. The right and reversion descended from him according to the gift, successively to Geoffrey le Scrope, knight , his brother and heir, who also died without issue; Stephen le Scrope, clerk , brother and heir of Geoffrey, who died without issue; and John le Scrope, chevalier , brother and heir of Stephen, clerk .

Carlton Scroop, the manor and the advowson of the church. In the 1/3 manor there are 1/3 site, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; and 66s. 8d. assize rents at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions. The manor is held of the duke of York in socage.
Barnoldby le Beck, the manor, with appurtenances in Barnoldby le Beck, Waltham and Waithe. In the manor there are the derelict site, worth nothing yearly; 180 a. arable, of which 90 a. are sown each year and then worth 4d. an acre, the remainder nothing because fallow; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; a water-mill, worth 9s. yearly; and £15 8s. 8d. assize rents at Easter, Midsummer and Christmas in equal portions.
Grimsby, 5 burgages and 4s. rent.
Waithe, 2 messuages and 2 bovates.
Holton le Clay, a messuage and a bovate.
Brigsley, a messuage and 2 bovates.
Each of the burgages is worth 20d. yearly, each messuage 12d. yearly and each bovate 3s. yearly. The manor of Barnoldby le Beck and these burgages, messuages, lands and rent are held of ‪the king by fealty.

She died on 29 May last.n113_002 John le Scrope, chevalier , is her son and next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/4/34 mm.1–2

Writ Head

114 Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 23 November 1423. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding the estate Geoffrey le Scrope, knight, had in the manor of Barnoldby le Beck and in lands etc. in Grimsby, Waithe, Holton le Clay and Brigsley, according to the grant detailed in 113.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Lincoln castle. 9 December 1423. [Sutton]


Jurors: John Abbot and John Barowe , of Hatcliffe; John Williamson of Gunnerby; William Adamson ; Thomas Bernarde ; Walter Bully ; Robert Hunter ; Geoffrey Smyth ; John Lamme ; John Fyscher ; Thomas Towers ; and Thomas Gryme .


Details of the grant, descent of rights and assignment of dower regarding the manor of Barnoldby le Beck and tenements, lands, rents and possessions in Grimsby, Waithe, Holton le Clay and Brigsley as in 113.

John le Scrope, knight , is 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 139/4/34 mm.3–4

Writ Head

115 Writ. ‡ 20 February 1423. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding lands held of ‪Henry V‬ .

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 1 May 1423. [Kirkeby]


Jurors: John Elde ; Alan Bussh’ ; Richard Oskern ; Stephen Penyfader ; Stephen Parker ; Geoffrey Hook ; William Kyng ; William atte Churche ; John Petyt ; John Greneway ; Thomas Whithed ; and John Rukke .

John de Gunwardeby granted to Lord Henry le Scrope, knight , son and heir of the lord Geoffrey le Scrope, knight , and the heirs of his body, the manor of Fyfield, to which the advowson of the church is appended. Henry died seised of this estate. The manor descended as in 113 and was assigned in dower to Margaret with reversion as in 113.
FyfieldIn the manor there are the site, built upon, worth nothing yearly; 4 granges, worth nothing yearly; 2 gardens containing 2 a. land, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 240 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 3 a. arable called ‘Bryghtestenement’ [now Bruits], each acre worth 3d. yearly; 16 a. arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 18 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 80 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 15 a. meadow fit to mow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 12 a. substantial timber, worth nothing yearly because there is no underwood; 20 a. coppice-wood, of which 1 a. can be felled yearly and is then worth 6s. 8d.; 2 windmills, each worth 2s. yearly; and £18 assize rents at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions. It is held of ‪the king in chief of his honour of Boulogne by service of a knight’s fee, except for ‘Bryghtestenement’ held of the prior of Leighs by service of 6d. at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.

Date of death and heir as in 113.

The following annuities are derived from the manor: Margaret le Scrope , younger daughter of Stephen the father, 40s.; John Cook , hermit, 40s.; and Geoffrey Sange 13s. 4d.

TNA reference

C 139/4/34 mm.5–6

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Eltham. 20 April 1423. [Charyngworth]


Jurors: William de Bury ; William Petlee ; John de Bury ; John Petlee ; William Wykhercst ; Robert Eton of Eltham; John Breche ; John Maior of the same; Richard Maior ; Richard Forester ; John Brome ; and John Haume of Eltham.

John de Gunwardeby granted the manor of St Paul’s Cray to Lord Henry le Scrope, knight , as in 115. The manor descended as in 113 and was assigned in dower to Margaret with reversion as in 113.
St Paul’s Cray. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 100 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly; 30 a. land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly; 80 a. wood, worth nothing yearly because substantial timber and not usually felled; and 65s. 10d. assize rents at Pentecost and Martinmas in equal portions. It is held of ‪the king by service of a knight’s fee

Date of death and heir as in 113.

TNA reference

C 139/4/34 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York castle. 29 March 1423. [Wenteworth]


Jurors: John Ingelond ; William Routhe ; Thomas Crauen ; William Ardren ; Thomas Water ; John Hyll ; John Bolton ; John Skyrne ; Thomas Thornour ; William Marnam ; Richard Garton ; and William Heweson .

Richard II by letters patent [CPR 1391–6, p.66, 28 February 1392] granted to Lord Henry le Scrope, knight , son and heir of the lord Geoffrey le Scrope, knight , and his heirs, the
manor of Faxfleet, 10 marks rent in North Dalton, and £20 yearly from the burgesses of the vill of Kingston upon Hull from the fee-farm by the hands of the bailiffs
. Described as Henry le Scrope, Lord of Masham , he afterwards granted the above by his charter to Peter de Garston, parson of the church of Scruton, and his heirs. Peter regranted the above by his charter to Henry and the heirs of his body, and Henry was seised.
John de Gunwardeby granted the
manor of Driffield
, among others, to Henry le Scrope, knight , as in 115. The manors of and
Faxfleet, and the rent and £20 descended as in 113 and were assigned to Margaret with reversion as in 113.
The manor of Faxfleet with the 10 marks rent and £20 is held of ‪the king by fealty. In the manor there are the site, built upon, worth nothing yearly; 2 gardens within the site containing 2 a. land, worth 20d. yearly; 800 a. demesne land, worth nothing yearly because of the flooding from ‘la Fene’ called Wallingfen; 56 a. demesne meadow, each acre worth 6d. yearly; £9 17s. 10 1/2d. rent of free tenants at Michaelmas, Martinmas and Pentecost, and £12 8s. 9 1/2d. rent of tenants at will at Martinmas and Pentecost in equal portions; and a water-mill, worth 3s. 4d. yearly, and a windmill, worth 4s. yearly. Annual value of the manor, the rent and £20, no more than £10 because of the flooding, the digging of 5 sewers issuing from Wallingfen to the Humber, which then flooded, the maintenance and repair of the heads of these sewers and surrounding banks of the Humber, and the maintenance of the manor.
The manor of Driffield is held of ‪the king by fealty. In the manor are the site, its herbage and apples worth 5s. yearly; 28 bovates, each worth 6s. 8d. yearly; £11 rent from free tenants of lands and tenements in Great Driffield, Little Driffield, Kelleythorpe, Beswick, Brigham and Kilham at Michaelmas, Martinmas, St Andrew, Christmas, Palm Sunday and Midsummer; rent of 2lb. pepper at Christmas, worth 2s. 4d.; lands and tenements in Great Driffield, Little Driffield, Kilham and Brigham, in the hands of tenants at will, worth 40s. at Martinmas and Pentecost; 2 water-mills, worth £4 yearly at Martinmas and Pentecost; a toll, 2 fairs and a market in Little Driffield, worth 20s. yearly; and perquisites of the court, worth nothing yearly after the steward’s fee.

Date of death and heir as in 113.

TNA reference

C 139/4/34 mm.9–10



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Faxfleet, North Dalton, Kingston upon Hull, Driffield, Faxfleet, Humber
Total: -
Driffield, Driffield
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal




  • John Ingelond
  • William Routhe
  • Thomas Crauen
  • William Ardren
  • Thomas Water
  • John Hyll
  • John Bolton
  • John Skyrne
  • Thomas Thornour
  • William Marnam
  • Richard Garton
  • William Heweson


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