Full text


Writ Head

42 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 12 April 1423. [Wymbyssh]

Regarding inheritance as one of the daughters of Michael de la Pole , son and heir of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk , and as one of the kinswomen of Katherine wife of the earl; and lands held of ‪Henry V‬ .

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Nottingham. 24 July 1423. [Goushull]


Jurors: John Crumwell, senior ; William Scrymshire ; John Lysurs ; William Waryn ; John Fereman of South or North Muskham; William Parker of Kneesall; John Margret ; Robert Barbour of Southwell; Thomas Donyll ; William Rogerson ; Ellis Jonore ; and Robert Jakson .


No lands or tenements came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ or are in those of ‪ Henry VI owing to the death of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk , or the minority of Michael his son, who died a minor in the wardship of ‪Henry V‬ . The manor of Grassthorpe with appurtenances in Grassthorpe, Sutton on Trent, Normanton on Trent and North Clifton came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ and are still in those of ‪ Henry VI owing to the death of Katherine late wife of the earl, and the minorities of Elizabeth, Katherine and Isabel, daughters and heirs of Michael the son, Elizabeth dying a minor in the wardship of ‪Henry V‬ .

The manor of Grassthorpe is held of the king of his castle of Tickhill, service unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 10 bovates of arable in the hands of various tenants, each worth 8s. yearly; 70 a. demesne arable, each acre worth 4d. yearly; 6 a. meadow, each acre worth 2s. yearly; 16 a. pasture, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 10 a. underwood and thorn, each acre worth 3d. yearly; a derelict water-mill, worth nothing yearly above its repair; and £4 6s. 8d. assize rents from lands and tenements, payable by tenants at Easter and Michaelmas, in equal portions. Thus annual value of the manor £10 8s. 6d.

Elizabeth died on 26 December 1421. Katherine and Isabel her sisters were her next heirs, Katherine was aged 12 years on 6 May 1422 and Isabel was 6 years on 4 June 1421.

TNA reference

C 139/2/26 mm.2, 5

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Spital in the Street. 15 July 1423. [Denton]


Jurors: Robert Wauter ; John Pryst ; John Bailly of Blyborough; John Carleton ; William Smyth of Bishop Norton; John Muller of Glentham; John Derby ; John Ovene ; Walter Spynk ; John Frankys ; John Croft ; and John Warde .


as in 42, no lands or tenements came into the kings’ hands owing to the death of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk , or the minority of Michael his son. The manor of Blyborough remains in the king’s hands owing to the death of Katherine late wife of the earl and the minorities, as detailed in 42.

Blyborough. The manor is held of Lord Mowbray , service unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 10 bovates, each worth 5s. yearly; 80 a. demesne land, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 8 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly; 24 a. pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 16 a. wood, each acre worth 6d. yearly; and 16s. assize rents from lands and tenements, payable by tenants at Easter and Michaelmas, in equal portions. Thus annual value of the manor 103s. 4d.

Date of death and heirs as in 42.
TNA reference

C 139/2/26 mm.7–8

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 12 July 1423. [Compworth]


Jurors: John Walker of Flore; Richard Short ; William Pertenhale ; John Sewale ; Thomas [Ma]yn; William Vessey ; William Lee ; John Basyn ; John Twyford ; Robert Sewale ; Robert Bere ; and William Burneby .


The advowsons of the churches of Grafton Regis and Bugbrooke came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ and are still in those of ‪ Henry VI owing the death of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk , and the minorities of Michael his son and Elizabeth, Katherine and Isabel daughters of Michael the son, Michael and Elizabeth dying in the wardship of Henry V.

Grafton Regis and Bugbrooke.The advowsons are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual values 20 marks and £20 respectively.

Date of death and heirs as in 42.
TNA reference

C 139/2/26 mm.13–14

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Sculcoates. 12 July 1423. [Wentworth]


Jurors: John Tutbury ; John Waleys ; Robert Holme ; Thomas Davy ; Robert Frekilton ; Thomas Medley ; Seman Burton ; Simon Bulfyn ; John Owgryme ; John Denne ; John Chalker ; and William Roseson .


The advowson of the priory or house of the Carthusian order in Myton came into the kings’ hands for the same reasons as in 44. n45_001 It is held of Lord Mowbray in socage by fealty only, annual value 20 marks.
An annual rent or annuity of £50 from the fee-farm of the vill of Kingston upon Hull, payable through the hands of the bailiffs, came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ and remains in those of ‪ Henry VI owing to the death of Katherine wife of the late earl and the minorities of Katherine, Elizabeth and Isabel, daughters of Michael the son. It is held of the king in chief by knight service.

Date of death and heirs as in 42.
TNA reference

C 139/2/26 mm.19–20

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Weybread. 14 July 1423. [Wynter]


Jurors: Richard Doket ; Robert Mendham ; Reginald Folcrede ; Thomas Fraunceys ; John Puntyng ; Simon Sterve ; Robert Harry ; John Bery ; John Tumbek ; John Chaloner ; John Godyng ; and John Maggisson .


as in 42, no lands or tenements came into the kings’ hands owing to the death of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk , or the minority of Michael his son. However,

69 a. land called ‘Frumbaldisfee’ in Wingfield remains in the king’s hands owing to the death of Katherine wife of the late earl and the minorities, as detailed in 42. The land is held of the king in socage by 2 white doves or 2d. yearly at Michaelmas, annual value 12s.

Date of death and heirs as in 42.

TNA reference

C 139/2/26 mm.25 –6

Writ Head

47 [Writ: see 46 .]

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Harleston. 15 July 1423. [Wynter]


Jurors: Richard Wode ; William Grys ; John Ovy ; Thomas Totyld ; William Knyght ; William Bacon ; John Bernard ; Richard Sheldrake ; Robert Skut ; John Daldry ; Thomas Baron ; and William Corbyn .


No lands or tenements came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ or remain in those of ‪ Henry VI owing to the death of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk or of Katherine his wife, or the minority of Michael their son, who died in the wardship of ‪ Henry V. Isabel widow of William Ufford , sometime earl of Suffolk , held at her death the manor of Costessey in dower by endowment of William Ufford her husband and by assignment of ‪ Richard II in Chancery, reversion to Elizabeth, Katherine and Isabel then surviving and in the wardship of ‪Henry V‬ . n47_001 By letters patent dated at Westminster, 3 August 1384, and shown to the jurors [CPR 1381–5, p.450], Richard II granted that the reversion of the manor due to him and his heirs after Isabel’s death, remain to Michael de la Pole, former earl of Suffolk , great-grandfather of Katherine, Elizabeth and Isabel, and his heirs. The reversion descended from Michael the great-grandfather successively to Michael, late earl , as his son and heir, to Michael son of Michael son of Michael the great-grandfather, and to Katherine, Elizabeth and Isabel as the daughters and heirs of Michael son of Michael son of Michael the great-grandfather. The manor came into the hands of ‪Henry V‬ through the death of Isabel widow of William, and by reason of the minorities of Katherine, Elizabeth and Isabel.

Costessey. The manor is held of the king in chief, service unknown. In the manor there are the site, worth nothing yearly; 500 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly; 10 a. meadow, each acre worth 16d. yearly; 300 a. pasture and heath for sheep pasture, each acre worth 2d. yearly; 18 a. underwood, each acre worth 6d. yearly; agistment in the park, worth nothing yearly after repair of the park and the parker’s wages; 3 water-mills, each worth 50s. yearly; a rent called common tallage (Commune talliagium) payable by the whole homage at Christmas only, worth £13 6s. 8d. yearly; a rent called ‘Bosagium’ at Christmas only, worth 42s. 6d. yearly in normal years; current profits of faldage on the lands of the lord and his tenants there, worth 45s. 8d. yearly; profits from the 13 courts with leet and tourn held in normal years, worth £13 6s. 8d. yearly above the steward’s expenses and fee; and £13 4s. assize rents from lands and tenements payable by tenants at Easter and Michaelmas, in equal portions. Annual value of these items as assessed above, without the deduction of rents, pensions and other charges, £48 22d. William de la Pole, now earl of Suffolk , has and holds to himself and his heirs in fee an annual rent of £21 8s. 5d. from the manor, after the death of Katherine late wife of the former earl and death of Isabel late wife of William, which rent is charged to him by reason of delivery from ‪Henry V‬’s Chancery. Annual value of the manor above the annual rent of £21 8s. 5d. and all other charges and reprises, 40 marks.
Date of death and heirs as in 42.
TNA reference

C 139/2/26 mm.25, 32



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Grafton Regis, Bugbrooke
Total: -



No holding extent information available.




  • John Walker of Flore
  • Richard Short
  • William Pertenhale
  • John Sewale
  • Thomas [Ma]yn
  • William Vessey
  • William Lee
  • John Basyn
  • John Twyford
  • Robert Sewale
  • Robert Bere
  • William Burneby


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