Full text


Writ Head

952 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to Robert Chicheley, mayor and escheator of the city of London.

Inquisition Head

London. Inquisition. Guildhall. 22 July. [Chicheley].


Jurors: John More ; Simon Robert ; John Middelton ; John Clay ; Adam Elsyn ; Robert Wodeward ; John Arkall ; Richard Lyndesey ; Nicholas Mason ; William Broun ; John Poynton ; and John Sharp .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or by service of the king or another within the liberty of the city and its suburbs. He was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of a town house called `Clifford Ine ' in `Fletestryte' in the suburbs in the parish of St. Dunstan in the West in Farringdon Without, and by a charter shown to the jurors in evidence dated 14 Dec. 1414 granted it to William de Haryngton, knight , Christopher de Morisby , William del Garth , Thomas Romondby, clerk , and Thomas Skirwith . The feoffees remain seised and take the profits. The town house is held of the king in free burgage as the entire city of London is held, annual value nil. He died overseas on 13 March last.

Thomas de Clifford , his son and next heir, was born on 20 Aug. 1414 and is aged 7 years 43 weeks and more.

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 1-2

E 149/126/2 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Details of the heir's birth date have also been added.

Writ Head

953 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Worcestershire. Inquisition [indented]n953_001 . Worcester. 20 June. [Vampage].


Jurors: John Naym ; John Clyffton ; William Abyndon’ ; Thomas Bullerd ; Thomas Barclyue ; Nicholas Wylcher ; Robert Wylcher ; Thomas Somere ; William Morys ; John Barclyue ; John Reuell ; and John Hugyns .n953_002


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or in service of the king or another. He was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Severn Stoke and by a charter shown to the jurors dated 20 May 1414 granted it to the feoffees named in 952, who remain seised and take the profits. The manor is held of Lord Despenser of the manor of Hanley Castle, service unknown, annual value £24.

He died on 13 March last. Thomas de Clifford is his son and next heir, born on 20 Aug. 1414 and aged 7 years 41 weeks and more.

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 3-4

E 149/126/2 m. 6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

954 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Cumberland. Inquisition [indented]. Kirkoswald. 3 July. [Warthecopp].


Jurors: Richard de Musgraue, knight ; John de Lancastre, knight ; Christopher de Moresby, knight ; Thomas de Stirkeland, knight ; Henry de Wherton ; Thomas de Blenkansopp ; John Vaux ; Adam de Denton ; John de Hoton ; John de Salkeld ; Gilbert de Doherton ; and John de Denton .n954_001


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of: 1/3 of 1/3 manor of Skelton and 2/3 of 2/3 of 1/3 of the same manor, annual value of the 1/3 and 2/3 66s. 8d. and no more because the greater part of the manor has been destroyed and wasted by the king's enemies, and the reversion of 1/3 of 2/3 which his mother Elizabeth holds in dower, annual value 18s.; the reversion of lands and tenements called `Lamanbyhall' in the hamlet of Lamonby in Skelton which Elizabeth held by feoffment to her and her husband Thomas de Clyfford , John's father, annual value 33s. 4d.; the 1/3 manor of Skelton and the lands and tenements in Lamonby are held of the king in chief by cornage, rendering 2s. 2 1/2d. at the Exchequer at Carlisle at Easter and Michaelmas; the reversion of the manor of Carleton which Elizabeth held by feoffment to her and her husband Thomas, held of the king in chief by cornage, rendering 18s. 6d. at the Exchequer at Carlisle at the same terms, annual value 20s.; a burgage in Carlisle attached to the manor of Carleton, held of the king in free burgage for 2d. yearly at the same terms, annual value 2s.; the manors and tenements of Alston, ?Ellerton and Garrigill, which were of Nicholas de Veteri Ponte , deceased, held of the king in chief for £6 13s. 4d. paid at the Exchequer at Carlisle at the customary terms, annual value £20.

He died on 13 March last while serving overseas in the king's army. Heir as in 953.

[Foot:.] Robert Crakenthorp delivered this inquisition to the Keeper of the Rolls on behalf of the escheator on 27 July 1422.

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 5-6

E 149/126/2 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The date of the inquisition has also been corrected.

Writ Head

955 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Northumberland. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne. 4 July. [Cerfe].


Jurors: William Lomley, knight ; Thomas Lambert, knight ; William Horslee ; Robert Belyngsham ; John Heet ; William Gower ; John del Hay ; Robert Heert ; John Fulstowe ; Nicholas Randolphe ; John Kerston ; and William Marston .


He was jointly seised with his wife Elizabeth, who survives, of the manor and lordship of Hart and Hartness with all liberties, free customs and franchises belonging to it, by grant of William de Haryngton, knight , Christopher Moresby , William Garght and John Twaytes to hold to them and the heirs of John by an indenture dated 20 Oct. 1414 and shown to the jurors. The manor and lordship are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £37 17s. 8d. By letters patent shown to the jurors, dated at Westminster 1 Nov. 1415 [not found in printed calendars] and enrolled on rot. 9 of the memoranda roll of the lord treasurer's remembrancer among the Recorda of Hilary term 1378 [E 368/150, Recorda Hil. rot. 9, m. 2 and d.] the king pardoned John and Elizabeth all gifts, alienations and acquisitions of land up to 8 Dec. 1414 made by them and their ancestors who held of the kings of England.

He died overseas on 13 March last. Heir as in 953.

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 7-8

E 149/126/2 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

956 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Derbyshire. Inquisition. Chesterfield. 24 June. [Goushill].


Jurors: John Gray of Unstone ; Thomas Maynard of Dronfield ; Thomas Bryghtrychefeld of Brimington ; Robert Owtrem of the parish of Dronfield ; Ranulph Cathehors of Stanley Woodthorpe ; Andrew Norton of Stanley ; Robert Bertrem of Stanley ; John Qwythede of Stanley ; Thomas Lely of Handley ; John Turnour of Handley ; Roger Roger of Handley ; Walcher Glossope of Handley ; John Holand of Handley ; and Richard Tokesford of Handley .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee or by service of the king in chief or another. He was formerly seised of 1/3 manor of Staveley in his demesne as of fee and by a charter shown to the jurors and dated at Staveley on 20 May 1414 granted it to the feoffees named in 952, who were seised and have received the profits until the taking of this inquisition. The 1/3 manor is held of the king in chief, annual value £5.

Date of death as in 955. Heir as in 953.

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 9-10

E 149/126/2 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

957 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Yorkshire. Inquisition [indented]. Skipton. 16 June. [Wyntworth].


Jurors: William de Eltoft ; Hugh Kyghlay ; John Caterall ; Lionel Dautre ; William de Hertlyngton ; John Maude ; Richard Scardeburgh ; Nicholas Scardeburgh ; John Falbergh ; John Yonge ; William Perkynson ; and William Thorbrond .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee tail by grant of ‪ Edward III to his ancestor Robert de Clyfford , i.e. father of Robert brother of Roger father of Thomas father of John named in the writ, of the castle, manor and honor of Skipton except 1/3 of 2/3 which his mother Elizabeth, who survives, holds in dower from her husband Thomas, reversion to Thomas son and heir of John. By his charter shown to the jurors and dated 3 June 1415, the king's licence having been obtained, dated at Westminster 7 May 1415 [CPR 1413-16, p. 320], and also shown to the jurors, he granted them for term of his life to William de Haryngton, knight , Christopher de Moresby, knight , Richard Gascoigne , Hugh Salkeld , John Crakanthorp , William del Garth and Thomas Skirwith . By his letters patent the king granted that if John died and his heir was a minor, the feoffees should have the keeping for 2 years after John's death. Annual value of the buildings of the castle, manor and honor nil because in need of much repair. There are in the castle, manor and honor, except the 1/3 of 2/3 mentioned above, 235 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 17 a. meadow worth yearly 18d. an acre; a market held weekly on Saturdays; 2 fairs held yearly on the feasts of St. James and St. Martin in winter; toll throughout the lordship with the courts of the borough and other perquisites of the castle, manor and borough, annual value £8 18s. 10d.; a water-mill, annual value £4; 66s. 3d. free rent from various burgesses of Skipton, part of the castle, manor and honor, at St. Martin in winter and Whitsun in equal portions; a fulling-mill, annual value 20s.; a park called `le newe park', annual value of the underwood nil, and of the pasture above the upkeep of the beasts of the chase there, 60s.; 64s. 10 1/2d. free rent called `wapentakfynes' from knight's fees of the castle, manor and honor at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions; a three-weekly court, annual value of the pleas and perquisites 46s. 8d.; 20 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 40 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre; 2 tenements called the vaccaries of Elsey, annual value 60s.; a park called `Crokeryssh' with a lodge in it, annual value 47s. 8d.; in Thorlby 24 bovates, annual value 60s. at Whitsun and St. Martin in winter in equal portions; in Silsden, Swartha and the hamlet of Brunthwaite 67 bovates, annual value £12 at the same terms; 140 a. demesne arable held by various tenants and worth yearly 2d. an acre at Michaelmas; 8 cottages and 30 `crescroftes' held by the same tenants, annual value 13s. 4d. at Michaelmas; and a chase called Holden chase in which are 2 tenements called vaccaries, annual value 40s. at Michaelmas. He was also seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Maltby, held of the king of his duchy of Lancaster of the honor of Tickhill for 1 knight's fee. By his charter of 20 May 1414 recited in 953 and 956 he granted it to the feoffees named therein, who have taken the issues and profits ever since, annual value £13.

Date of death presumably as in an earlier inquisition, heir as in 953.

[The bottom left-hand corner of the membrane is galled and illegible.]

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Some previously illegible passages have also been added.

Writ Head

958 Writ ‡ 24 May 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Westmorland. Inquisition [indented]. Appleby. 22 June. [Warthecopp].


Jurors: Richard de Musgraue, knight ; John de Lancastre, knight ; Thomas de Stirkeland, knight ; Robert de Belly… ; … de Wherton ; William de Blenkansop ; Nicholas le Layburn ; John de Manchayle ; Robert de Sandeford ; Nicholas de Falowefeld ; Gilbert de Wherton junior ; and John de Therlkeld .n958_001


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of: the office of sheriff of Westmorland, except for 1/3 which his mother Elizabeth holds in dower, reversion as in 957, annual value 40s. yearly; 11 vaccaries at `Knolhowe', Skirrygill, Calva, Old Park, Swinstone, Mouthlock, Thorny Gale, Borren, Seavy Rigg, Strice Gill and Heggerscale, and a park called `le olde park', annual value £10 10s. 9d. Elizabeth was jointly enfeoffed with her husband Thomas by a deed of his uncle Thomas de Clyfford of the castle and manor of Brough, of which the vaccaries and the park are part, with the following exceptions: the vaccaries and park, the vaccaries of New Hall, Rampson, Borrenthwaite and `Mekylthwayt', 9s. rent from the vaccary of Oxenthwaite at Whitsun and St. Martin in winter and the township of Brough Sowerby, also part of the castle and manor of Brougham. She also held in dower, reversion as in 957, `le old park' of Whinfell, part of the castle and manor of Brougham; the rents and services of the following tenants at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions: Richard de Musgrave, knight , for the manor of Hartley, 12s. 4d., for the manor of Little Musgrave, 11s. 2d., and for the manor of Great Musgrave, 4s. 2d.; the same Richard and Henry de Wherton for the manor of Soulby, 11s. 4d.; Christopher de Moresby, knight , for the manor of Asby Cotsforth, 4s. 4d.; Thomas Dacre, knight , for the manor of Orton, 10s. 2d.; Robert de Sandeford for the manor of Askham, 50s. 9d.; William Wyber for the manor of Clifton, 16s. 4d.; John de Clyburn for the manor of `Clyburn Hervy', 16s. 9d.; Richard de Musgrave for the manor of Crosby Garrett, 10s. 1d. yearly, and the manor of Murton, 6s.; Ralph, earl of Westmorland , for the manor of Warcop, 12d.; various tenants of Castle and Church Brough, 10s.; and the advowsons of the churches of Kirkby Thore and Long Marton, taxed at 100s. and 50s. respectively. He was seised in his demesne as of fee of the castle and manor of Appleby and the castle and manor of Brougham and by his deed of 3 June 1415 recited in 957 granted them to the feoffees named therein. There are in the castle and manor of Appleby 443 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre; 20 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre; 20 a. wood worth yearly 2d. an acre; 1,000 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre; and a water- mill worth yearly 26s. 8d. There are in the following townships of the castle and manor: Langton, 10 messuages, annual value nil, 40 bovates worth yearly 3s. 4d. each, 84 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre, a water-mill, annual value 13s. 4d., a fulling- mill, annual value 6s. 8d., and 480 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre; Winton, 20 messuages, annual value nil, 120 bovates worth yearly 3s. 4d. each, 373 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre, 600 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre, and a water-mill, annual value 13s. 4d.; King's Meaburn, 10 messuages, annual value nil, 21 bovates worth yearly 3s. 4d. each, 40 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre, a water-mill, annual value 10s., and 400 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre; Kirkby Stephen and Mallerstang, 30 messuages, annual value nil, 100 bovates worth yearly 3s. 4d. each, 800 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre, a water-mill, annual value 10s., and 680 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre; the rents and services of the following free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions: Robert Sandeford for the manor of Little Asby held by homage and fealty, 10s. 2d.; Richard Hastynges for the manors of Crosby Ravensworth and Nateby held by homage and fealty, 27s. 2d.; William Crakanthorp for the manor of Smardale held by homage and fealty, 13s. 4d.; Christopher de Curwen and John de Clyburn for the manors of Bampton and Knipe held by homage and fealty, 15s. 9d.; John de Clyburn for the manor of `Bampton Cundale' held by homage and fealty, 15s. 3d.; Robert de Sandeford for the manor of Helton Flecket held by homage and fealty, 16d.; John de Lancastre , his wife Katharine and John Crakanthorp for 2/3 manor of Brougham held in right of Katharine and John Crakanthorp by homage and fealty, 13s. 6d.; Thomas de Rokeby for the manor of Knock held by homage and fealty, 3s. 4d.; Walter Tailboys for the manors of `Clyburn Tailboys' and Kirkber held by homage and fealty, 13s. 4 1/2d.; Thomas de Dacre for the manor of Hoff held by homage and fealty, 9s. 2d.; John de Crakanthorp for the manor of Newbiggin held by homage and fealty, 20d.; John de Kirkeby for the manor of Kirkby Thore held by homage and fealty, 32s. 6d.; John de Maychell for the manor of Crackenthorpe held by homage and fealty, 6s. 10d.; Robert de Louther, knight , for the manor of Lowther held by homage and fealty, 20s. 4d.; John de Scayfe for lands and tenements in Rookby held by homage and fealty, 2s. 7d.; Richard Vernon for the manors of Maulds Meaburn and Whale held by homage and fealty, 33s.; William de Helton for the manor of Burton held by homage and fealty, 13s. 4d.; John de Gray, knight , and his wife Margaret for the manor of Murton held in right of Margaret by homage and fealty, 8s. 6d.; the abbot of Byland for the granges of Asby and Bretherdale, 31s.; the abbot of Holm Cultram for the grange of Hale, 13s. 4d.; Thomas de Werthecop for 5 bovates in Warcop, 1d., and for 2 carucates there, 12d.; William de Louther for 4 bovates in Soulby and 16 a. in Warcop, 6d.; William Fulthorp for the manor of Kaber held by homage and fealty, 17s. 8d.; William de Blenkensop for the manor of Hillbeck held by homage and fealty, ...; William de Louther for 1/2 manor of Waitby held by homage and fealty, 7s. 5d.; John de Graystok, knight , for the manors of Dufton, Bolton, Brampton and Yanwath held by homage and fealty, 25s. 6d.; John de Lancastre for the manor of Milburn held by homage and fealty, 21s. 8d.; Christopher Bardesey and his wife Margaret and Thomas de Warthecop and his wife Katharine [sic] for the manor of Sandford held by homage and fealty in right of Margaret and Katharine, 3s. 4d.; the abbot of Shap and Christopher de Curwen for the manor of Shap held by homage and fealty, 10s. 10d.; Nicholas de Radclif and his wife Elizabeth for the manor of Ormside held by homage and fealty in right of Elizabeth, 13s. 6d.; Ralph, earl of Westmorland , for the manors of Warcop and Waitby held by homage and fealty, 17s. 8d.; Richard Ristwald and John Helton for the manor of Helton Bacon held by homage and fealty, 13s. 8d.; the same Richard for lands and tenements in Appleby called `Ribbyllandes' held by homage and fealty, 2s.; Thomas de Warthecop and his wife Margaret [sic] for the manor of Colby held in right of Margaret, 6s. 10d.; William Fulthorp for a messuage between Moss Gill and ?Beldoo held by homage and fealty, 6s. 8d.; John de Lancastre for lands and tenements in Milburn, £4; Henry de Wherton for the manor of Wharton held by fealty, 6s.; William de Strykland for lands and tenements in Soulby held by fealty, 6d.; Henry de Wherton and Richard Ristwald for lands and tenements in Tebay held by fealty, 5s.; Thomas de Laton for lands and tenements in Rookby held by fealty, 6d.; and William Judde for lands and tenements in Cliburn held by fealty, 1d. There are in the castle and manor of Brougham: 100 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre; 100 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre; in Woodside 5 messuages, annual value nil, 23 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre and 11 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre; 240 a. wood called `le outewod' of Whinfell, worth yearly 2d. an acre; 40 a. pasture called `le Blauncheland', `Coiyneholme' and `Barrykholme', worth yearly 1d. an acre; rents of 20 qr. oats and 30s. from Cliburn, Winderwath and Brougham at Whitsun and St. Martin in winter, which, with the keeping of the office of chief forester of Whinfell, were granted for life to Christopher de Moresby , reversion to Thomas son and heir of John de Clyfford and his heirs; and 22 qr. oats from the manor of Clifton at the same terms. He was also seised in his demesne as of fee of a messuage and 16 a. arable in Clifton, annual value 11s.; a messuage and 16 a. in Temple Sowerby, annual value 6s. and held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England , which he granted for life to Richard Walker , reversion as in 957; and the advowson of the church of Brougham taxed at 5 marks. The castle and manor of Brougham and the other lands are all held of the king in chief for 2 1/2 knight's fees.

Date of death and heir as in 953.

TNA reference

C 138/64/37 mm. 13-14

E 149/126/2 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

n953_001^: Both the Chancery and Exchequer copies are indented. The latter does not appear ever to have had seal tags, however.

n953_002^: Variant spellings in E 149: Bullesdon, Moris, John Barclyff (but Thomas Barclyue).



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John Naym
  • John Clyffton
  • William Abyndon’
  • Thomas Bullerd
  • Thomas Barclyue
  • Nicholas Wylcher
  • Robert Wylcher
  • Thomas Somere
  • William Morys
  • John Barclyue
  • John Reuell
  • John Hugyns


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